Adjective For Student

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)_kata sifat A Handout for LC/2017_18/Ltg

ADJECTIVES (adj.)_kata sifat

: Adjectives can also be formed from Verb
Some –ing forms (present participle/V-ing) and –ed forms (past participle/V3) of Verbs can be used as
Ex: I am tired. The play was boring.
PastP->Adj. PreP->Adj.

Here are some adjectives that use –ing and –ed

bored boring satisfied satisfying confused confusing exhausted exhausting
interested interesting depressed depressing annoyed annoying excited exciting
tired tiring amused amusing disgusted disgusting surprised surprising
embarrassed embarrassin astonished astonishing disappointed disappointing amazed amazing

The formula :
Somebody feels – ed if something (or somebody else) is – ing.
- We are bored because the show is boring.
- The show is boring, so we are bored.
- You are boring because you always talk the same thing.

- is used after a Linking Verb (LV) to describe the Subject.

Linking Verbs are:

1. Be (am, is, are, were, was, has been, are being, etc.)
- Michael is a football fan.
- The dogs are barking angrily at the cat.

2. Some Verbs

to describe process of seeming
- become - appear
- come - look NOTE: Linking Verb (LV) can also
be followed by Noun Phrase (NP).
- end up - seem Ex: It sounds a nice place
- grow - sound S LV NP
- turn - feel
- go - taste
- get

ADJECTIVES (adj.)_kata sifat A Handout for LC/2017_18/Ltg

- prove

Ex: The tax seems high. I got suspicious when he entered my room.
S LV Adj. S LV Adj.

- to describe Nouns
Ex: I bought an expensive watch last night.
Adj. N

NOTE: We can use more than one Adjective to describe NOUN :

Adjective Quality WORDS ORDER

a/a Opinion Size Age Shape Color Pattern Origin Materia Purpose Noun
n l
THE good big old round brown spotted Chinese wooden dining table

- is used after BE to describe the Subject

Ex: They are smart.
S BE Adj.


These adjectives cannot be used with the Nouns

afraid alone awake
alike ashamed aware
alive asleep

Ex: an alone man (WRONG!)

Adj N

 The man is alone at home. (CORRECT!)

N Adj.

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