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Cantos, Shannon John G.

NSTP Orientation Day Reaction Paper
As amended by our law, NSTP or the National Service Training Program is one of the few
general education programs required to take by all tertiary students in the Philippines. The
youth will be the hope of our tomorrow so they should be equipped with all necessary
knowledge and awareness in order to fulfill their part for the common good of the society. And
with that in mind, I am ready to move forward as my university will provide me the opportunity
to learn more about this program with the help of my instructor, my fellow students and

The whole orientation video covers the overview of NSTP course, Civil Welfare Training
Service specifically, which is one of the subfields of that program that is offered in CvSU.
CWTS program equips the youth with knowledge of enhancement in civic awareness as well as
optimum development of whole-being and endeavors to service for our community. It will guide
and help us students to understand and how to handle such responsibility as youth in contributing
to community development. As what the speaker highlighted, we are informed regarding the
program outcomes expected after taking the course, online rules as we attend classes, and our
grading system. Cyberbullying was also deliberated throughout the orientation. It was discussed
how it is rampant especially amidst the digital age, cut-edged by technology. Positive effects are
highlighted due to technological innovations; however, behind the bush is its negative effects.
One of these is cyberbullying. With that, the speaker advocated us to use our voice and fulfill our
role in lending a hand on the oppressed and abused victims, and stop cyberbullying within
ourselves. Afterwards, the history of NSTP was then discussed. It started with the amendment of
Commonwealth Act No.1 and then in the year 2002, the Republic Act No. 1963 was signed into
law. NSTP’s components were divided by ROTC or the Reserved Officers’ Training Corps, LTS
or the Literacy Training Service, and CWTS or the Civil Welfare Training Service.
Subsequently, we are introduced to our designated instructors that will guide and teach us on the
said program.

To sum up all, I learned that this course is a must for us. I am indeed excited and motivated in
studying the said program. We’re hoping that all of the things that I will learn in this would help
everyone in our community effectively to the extent of demonstration of self-improvement,
involvement in our community and also the development of our social, mental, and physical

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