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OJT Daily report

Dept : TC                                            Date : October 13th, 2017

Mr. Amin, Mr.

October 13th, 2017
Drafter Favian Date/time Mentor Jeong, and
/ 09.00 – 16.30
Mr. Budi.

Secondary Visitation and 5S Management System Briefing.
- Secondary observation and visitation.
- 5S Management System Briefing at Quality Assurance
- Offshore trading explanation.
- After we observe and visit secondary sector, there are two method
which they use for cigarette production, traditional and modern method.
In traditional method, our company use semi-manual method and use
human resources as main perpetrators of prodcution. In the other hand,
modern method use production machine as main perpetrators of
production. However, they also use field production staff to control the
production machine.
- In the other agenda, we got an explanation by Quality Assurance
Department about 5S management system in our working activity.
There are 5 aspects that we must concern, which are sort, set, shine, and
standardise that culminate to sustain working activity. If we apply that
kind of working characters, our job will flow easier than before and we
can be comfortable while we’re working.
- Our TC Department director explain how important offshore tobacco
trading. There are 3 kind of tobacco trading payment method that our
Director explained, there are Delivered At Place (DAP), Cost,
Insurance, and Freight (CIF), and Free On Board (FOB).

In secondary sectors, we’ve heard that new management will replace the
traditional method of production with modern method. However in our
country, we have so many potensial labour, because we have high amount of
population. In case of that condition, i think we have to pick a win-win
solution. Our factories can use the tehcnology to produce, but we have to use
labour intensive method to produce cigarette, such as machine controller.
About 5S management system and Incoterms knowledge, we have to
improve more about that and apply that by learning. So we can understand it

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