Final Proposal Assignment - Sulistiana Ulpa

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TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND..........................................................................................1
B. PROBLEM STATEMENT...........................................................................4
C. OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH.............................................................4
D. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE.....................................................................5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................6
A. PERTINENT IDEAS....................................................................................6
I. DEFINITION OF PRONUNCIATION....................................................6
II. THE GOAL OF ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION........................................7
III. THE IMPORTANCE OF PRONUNCIATION.........................................7
V. AUDIO LINGUAL METHOD (ALM).......................................................9
VI. PRONUNCIATION RELATIONSHIP WITH ALM................................9
B. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK.................................................................9
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................11
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................11
A. RESEARCH DESIGN................................................................................11
B. RESEARCH VARIABLES........................................................................11
C. POPULATION AND SAMPLE................................................................12
D. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT.....................................................................12
E. TECHNIQUE OF COLLECTION DATA.................................................13
F. TECHNIQUE OF DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................13



A. Background

English language becomes the most important language to learn for

communication. In Indonesia, English language has been taught as one of the
compulsory subjects for students from the Junior High School up to the Senior
High School and it may be the necessary to pass an examination in English to
enter a university. Besides, in the universal education setting, where English has
turned out to be a language taught in the classroom, teaching and learning
pronunciation is necessary and it has become a remarkable issue these days. Kelly
(2000:11) stated that pronunciation is the key to speaking, meanwhile, Basuki
(2016:42) argued that "… through the pronunciation mastery, one's speaking
will be fluent, other people will be easy to understand it, or in the other word,
people will not understand when the speaker pronounces incorrectly.

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is

spoken. Pronunciation includes features of language (vocabulary and grammar) and
skills (speaking and listening). As a current situation that is happening today, some
students understand the meaning of words in English. This is due to several things,
including giving wrong examples from the teacher, lack of practice in word
pronunciation, motivation and the absence of supporting methods used. Basically, in
senior high school there is no learning material specifically for studying
pronunciation, so that its application can be included in all existing English learning
materials, to facilitate students in learning.

Another factor of students' difficulties in pronuncing word is because they are

accustomed to using their mother tongue as the everyday language used in
communicating, so they will have difficulty pronuncing unfamiliar foreign languages.
In addition, other influencing factors are lack of motivation and confidence in
students, most of them feel insecure when they have to speak in English. From all of

the main problems facing by the students, choosing the right method is important.
Teaching and learning process without the audiolingual method is simply a failure to
deal with. That’s why this research focuses on the use of audiolingual method through
repetition drill in teaching English.

Audio Lingual Method is a method used to encourage or train continuously

orally. By practicing orally, it can help students to improve their pronunciation. One
of the techniques used is the technique of repetition or repetition drill. Basically
audiolingual is an old method in learning English, this method is core in practice,
drill, memorizing vocabulary, dialogue, reading text. Audio Lingual Method is a style
of teaching used in teaching foreign language. It was derived from Skinner’s
Behaviorist Psychology. It is one of the methods in English teaching-learning process.

Audio Lingual Method trains students in order to reach conversational

proficiency in a variety of foreign language, and puts the emphasis on behavior.
Audio Lingual Method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. In
Audio Lingual Method, the teacher wants their students to be able to use the target
language communicatively. Audio Lingual Method uses repetition, replacement, and
question answer to drill speaking skill especially student’s pronuncing vocabulary.
After that, the teacher can know the memorization of the students’ pronunciation of

Meanwhile Brown (2007) states that there are some types of classroom
speaking performance, namely : Imitative (drills), Intensive, Responsive,
Transactional (dialogue), Interpersonal (dialogue) and Extensive (monologue).
Even, Brown explained more that drill is a part of the communicative language
classroom. There are some opportunities when the teacher uses drill, namely :
giving a change to repeat certain strings of language, giving practices through
repetition, help to establish certain psychomotor pattern and to associate selected
grammatical forms. Larsen and Freeman (2000) provide some drills technique, one
of which is repetition drill.

Drilling technique is a technique for teaching language through dialogues

which emphasize on the students’ habit formation by repetition, memorizing

grammatical structures, and tense transformation, using the target language and the
culture where the language is spoken (Setiyadi, 2006, p.54). In addition, drill is part of
audio-lingual method (ALM). Repetition drill is part of the teaching technique used in
the audiolingual method. In teaching pronunciation, the teacher should be able to
make students become active within the classroom. The teacher needs techniques to
teaching pronunciation. Therefore, in this study, teaching with the audiolingual
method through repetiton drill was used to improve students' English pronunciation.

For many years, drilling is a technique that has been used in foreign
language classrooms. A technique that is constructed fundamentally or just in
light of language drills is probably not going to discover numerous disciples
today. Nonetheless, drilling remains a helpful method in the classroom in the event
that it is utilized suitably. Kelly (2000:16-18) stated one of the fundamental manners
by which pronunciation is practiced in the classroom is through drilling. Drilling is
also fundamental to the teaching of word stress, sentence stress and intonation.

By using drill technique, the students are expected to have repetition

from what the teacher said before. So there is a language control from the
teacher to the student’s drill activity. In line with this idea, Thornbury (2005)
states that drilling is imitating and repeating words, phrases and even whole
utterances. The process of repeating is the focus of drilling. Harmer (2007)
states that repetition has some beneficial effects. They are each new encounter
with a word or phrase helps to fix it in the student’s memory and it allows
students to improve on what they did before. Drill leads to certain fluency and
confidence in the learner. In this research, the researchers use audiolingual
method through repetition drill technique on this research.

A research by Siti Rohmah, Muhimatul Ifadah (2018) about Utilization of the

Audiolingual Method through Repetition Drill for Improving Pronunciation of Class
XI MIPA 6 Students at SMAN 9 Semarang, shown that from several dialogues that
have been presented by the teacher, there are 23 words that are still often
mispronounced by students, and the results of interviews with teachers and students
show that the Audio Lingual Method with repetition drill can improve students'
pronunciation skills at closing. diphthong /aɪ/ and closing diphthong /eɪ/.

The previous researches method and findings will be the guidance on how to
do this research. This research will focus on the applying the audiolingual method
through repetition drill technique, students are expected to be able to remember how
to pronounce a word or sentence with the correct spelling because when teaching
something repeatedly, the lesson will be stored in students' memory and not easily

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of problems that have been mentioned, several

problems in this study are caused by several factors they are: students’ motivation and
interest, learning style, material and technique used by the teacher. Therefore, it needs
to do the limitation of problem in order to do the research well. Based on the
problem statement above, she formulated the following research questions,
namely as follows:

1. What the students difficulties in pronouncing words in English by students

at SMAN 14 Sinjai?
2. Can the audiolingual method (ALM) through drilling technique increase
the skill & motivation by students of SMAN 14 Sinjai in learning English,
especially in pronuncing words?

C. Objectives of The Research

Dealing with the research question proposed above, the objectives of this
research :
1. To find out the students difficulties in pronouncing words in English by students
of SMAN 14 Sinjai.
2. To find out whether the audiolingual method (ALM) through drilling techniques
can increase the skill & motivation of by students of SMAN 14 Sinjai in learning
English, especially in pronouncing words.

D. Research Significance

This result of this research are expected to be beneficial both theoritically and
practically. The explanation is as follow :

1. Theoritically
This research are expected to support theories dealing with Audiolingual
method through repetition drill. This research is also useful for other researchers who
are expected to be used as guidelines and contributions in conducting the same
research of teaching English using the audiolingual method. Some of the information
and theories provided in this study can be taken to enrich the available references. The
researcher also hopes that readers can take the advantages and add to the

2. Practically
Beside the theoretical significance, the researcher hopes this research is able to
give practical significance to the students, the teachers as well as the readers.
a) For students: Students will be more interested in learning English and this
research will contribute to students how to pronounce good English in a fun
way and by using the audiolingual method through repetition drill.
b) For teachers: The results of this study are expected to be useful for English
teachers who may use the audiolingual through repetition drill method.
c) For readers: The results of this study will inform readers about the significant
differences in students' abilities pronouncing word through the application of
the audiolingual through repetition drill method.



This chapter portrays the ideas that the researcher refers to strengthen the
research. It discusses some important points namely pertinent ideas, and conceptual

A. Pertinent Ideas

In this part, the researcher describes the definition of pronunciation, the goal
of English pronunciation, the important of English pronunciation, the teachers’ role
in English pronunciation, audio lingual method, pronunciation’s relationship with
audio lingual method (ALM).

1. Definition of Pronunciation
Pronunciation is the act or way of saying words verbally. Pronunciation is one
among important elements in English . In speaking, pronunciation determines the
intended meaning. It is vital for language users to assign going to what's heard. Clear
pronunciation makes the students easy to know and produce intelligible sound. The
study of pronunciation has become an important aspect in teaching English as a
foreign Language. Goodwin (2001: 117) says, In teaching pronunciation, the goal
of instructions threefold: to enable our learners to understand and be understood, to
build their confidence in entering communicative situations, and to enable them to
monitor their speech based on input from the environment.

The objective of teaching English for senior high school School consistent
with curriculum 2013 is to develop students’ potential to possess communicative
competence in personal, transactional, and functional texts employing a sort of
spoken and written English text. Based on the curriculum 2013, the target of teaching
pronunciation in senior high school is to develop the potential of scholars to possess
communicative competence in spelling, words stress and intonation. 

As a basis in oral communication, pronunciation is required not just for
speaking but also for listening. Both of those skills are the keys to be succesful in
communicating orally. Those skills affect each other. Imagine when we speak with
anyone without intelligible articulation, the hearers get difficulties to interpret our
utterance. Gilbert (2008) insists that the skill of listening is integrated, and good
pronunciation helps anyone in speaking.

2. The Goal of Pronunciation

According to James (2010), acceptable pronunciation are often understood
supported the subsequent basic levels.
 In level 1, what the speaker is saying is not understandable to people. The
speaker uses the incorrect sounds when producing English words or uses the
incorrect prosody features when producing English sentences. Consistent with
Hinofotis and Bailey (1980, as cited in Celce-Murcia & Goodwin, 1991),
there is a beginning level for pronunciation. If the pronunciation of a speaker
falls below this level, he/she are going to be not be ready to communicate
without listening to his/her knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.
 In level 2, what the speaker is saying are often understandable to people ,
but the speaker’s pronunciation is not acceptable to concentrate to because
he/she features a strange and heavy accent. Morley (1994) said that when a
speaker’s pronunciation is heavily accented it can affect the speaker’s
 In level 3, people understand the speaker and therefore the speaker’s English
is suitable to concentrate to. Scovel (1988) called it comfortable
intelligibility and it should be the aim of English pronunciation.

3. The Importance of English Pronunciation

According to Harmer (2001), a lot of teachers do not pay enough attention to
English pronunciation. There are different reasons for this negligence. Many learners
state that they are doing not got to learn pronunciation and learning pronunciation
may be a waste of your time . They state that just communication in English is
enough and once they are understood, nothing else is vital .

Communication means to understand and be understood. Many learners think
that because they can talk to their teachers and other students in order that they can
easily communicate in English. But they create an enormous mistake. According to
Harmer (2001) emphasized that the main aim of teaching and learning in any
language is to enable students to speak in the target language and if this is the case,
communication is an important term to explain.
Many teachers are not apprehensive of the significance of
pronunciation.Teachers pay enough attention to grammar and vocabulary in learning
a foreign language and they help learners come skillful in harkening and reading.
Secondly, the majority of teachers suppose that pronunciation study is too delicate
and monotonous for learners (Harmer, 2001). According to Harmer (2001), the lack
of high quality, suitable tutoring and literacy accoutrements, and the lack of time to
exercise pronunciation are the major reasons that beget teachers not to pay enough
attention to English pronunciation.
According to Butler-Pascoe and Wiburg (2003), the pretensions of develop
pronunciation are to develop English that is easy to understand and not confusing to
the listener, develop English that meets persons’ need s and that results in
communicative capability, help learners feel more comfortable in using English,
develop a positive tone- mindfulness asnon-native speakers in oral communication,
develop speech knowledge, particular speech monitoring chops and speech
adaptation strategies that help learners develop in and out of the class.

4. The Teachers’ Role in English Pronunciation

Morley (1991) expressed that teachers do not teach but facilitate learners’
learning pronunciation. The role of teachers is like a coach, a speech coach, and a
pronunciation coach. The pronunciation coach has the critical role of checking and
guiding modifications of spoken English at two levels (a) speech production,
and (b) speech performance.
At the senior high school level, the teacher does not focus on teaching
explanations and theories of phonology and phonetic theories such as vowels, nasals,
palates and so on, but teachers are expected to teach the correct pronunciation of a
word or vocabulary and correct any pronunciation errors spoken by students. .

5. Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
Audio lingual method (ALM) is an oral-based approach to drills students in
the use of grammatical sentence patterns. In audio lingual method, actions, pictures
or realia are used to give meaning otherwise, emphasize spoken language is a ‘habit’
that needs a lot of practice.
The goal of teacher are able to use the target language communicatively, learn
to use language automatically without stopping to think using this method, and
students are supposed to form new habits in target language. Characteristics of
learning process :
1) Dialogs
2) Learning through imitation
3) Learning through repetition

6. Pronunciation’s relationship with Audio Lingual Method (ALM).

Audio Lingual Method is a method used to encourage or train continuously

orally. By practicing orally, it can help students to improve their pronunciation. One
of the techniques used is the technique of repetition or repetition drill, based on
research that has been carried out in classes that apply this method, it can be seen that
there is an increase in the sound they produce after going through routine repetition.
As is known, the pronunciation, composition and other aspects between
foreign languages and mother tongues are very different. Therefore, in learning
foreign languages, in this case English, students are required to say and or read
repeatedly word for word given by the teacher so as not to be influenced by the
mother tongue. The repetitions that are done over time will become a habit. Likewise,
in terms of pronouncing English foreign words, if it has become a habit, students will
automatically and reflexively be able to do it. So that in its implementation, so that
these efforts can run smoothly, it is necessary to require seriousness from both
teachers and students.

B. Conceptual Framework
The teacher and student perception related to how they perceive about. The
conceptual framework underlying this research shown as the following diagram.

Pre Test

Tenth Grade Students


(Applying Audio Lingual Method Through

Repetition Drilll)

Experimental Group Control Group

Post Test


Pre-test is an initial test before experiments are carried out on research

samples and is the first step in knowing what students have difficulty in pronouncing
words in English, namely by preparing content or material and instructing students to
read the material. After that, the researchers gave treatment using the audio lingual
method through repetition drill in order to improve the students' pronunciation skills
of English words or sentences by prepares the dialogue and students are expected to
follow the instruction from the researcher and by dividing the experimental group and
control group. Then the post-test. Post-test was used for the final test of the
experiment with the aim of getting the sample value in the group after being given
treatment and the last one is the output.



This chapter deals with the description of research design, research variables,
research instrumen, population and sample, technique of data collection and technique
of data analysis.

A. Research Design
To conducting the research, the researcher was used experimental
quantitative research to completed in this research. According to Creswell (2002),
quantitative research is the process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and writing
the results of a study.
Experimental research is the most comprehensive approach to quantitative
research, in the sense that it fulfills all the requirements for testing causal
relationships. Experimental research can also be defined as an objective, systematic
and controlled study to predict or control phenomena. Therefore, the purpose of this
study is to examine the causal relationship. Characteristics of experimental research:
(1) manipulated independent variables, (2) other variables that may have an effect are
controlled to remain constant, (3) the effect or influence of manipulation of the
independent variable and dependent variable is observed directly by the researcher.
Furthermore, the sources of data or the population were the students of
Senior High School (SMP N 14 Sinjai ). In this research, researcher took two
classes for sample and consisting of about 70 students. They were class X IPS 1
and X IPS 2 . Class X IPS 1 as experimental used the audiolingual method through
repetition drill while the class X IPS 2 used the book as control class.

B. Research Variables
Theoretically research variable can be defined as an attribute of an object or a
person has a variation from one object with another object or one person.
Researcher variables are anything that is defined by the researcher to study in
order to obtain information about it then drawn the conclusions. In this research,

was used independent and dependent variables. Teaching with audio lingual method is
independent variables and student English pronunciation is dependent variables.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population
Population is the large group to which a researcher wants to generalize the
sample result (Johnson and Christensen (2008)). Therefore, the population in
this research are the students from social department SMAN 14 Sinjai.

2. Sample
Class X IPS 1 & IPS 2 is choosen as the sample of the research. According to
Sugiono (2019:118) explained that sample is part of number and characteristic
those set in the population). Thus, the sampling method that researcher was
used is purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling is a non-probability
sampling technique where the researcher relies on their discretion to choose
variables for the sample population. Here, the entire sampling process depends on
the researcher's judgment and knowledge of the context.
Purposive sampling is a data collection technique that is asserted to be a
sample because of the consideration of certain characteristics or traits. The reason
for using purposive sampling technique is because the subject used by the
researcher has criteria that are in accordance with the problem in this

D. Research Instrument
The instrument that the researcher was used to obtain the data for this
research is Checklist and Interview.
1. Checklist
Checklist is a research instrument that contains a list of questions in the form
of a table and then has a checklist column (tick) next to it. Similar to
questionnaires, checklist instruments can also be used to collect large amounts of
data from respondents. This instrument can be used in almost all types of research
topics and data collection methods. The advantage of this instrument is that it
tends to be easy to make by researchers and easy to use by respondents.

Researchers used a checklist as a pre-test about what difficulties students
experienced in pronouncing words in English.

2. Interview
The interview is a question and answer process conducted by the researcher
and the participant to collect data or information. Interview in this research is used
in data collection to gain information about whether the audiolingual method
(ALM) through drilling techniques can increase the skill & motivation of students
in pronouncing words.

E. Technique of Data Collection

Technique of collection the data in this researcher are checklist and
1. Checklist
To test what difficulties students experience in pronouncing words in English, a
checklist is distributed for an initial test before being given treatment. The
researcher asked students’ permission to take their extra time to fill in the checklist
that researcher had prepared.

2. The interview conducted in order to get the information about students’

improvement and motivation after being treatment . The students will be
interviewed to get the research data.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research techniques of analyzing the data is quantitative data. The
quantitative data taken from the students pre test and post test in order to know
the improvement of the students’ pronunciation by applying Audio Lingual Method
(ALM) through repetition drill by determining the total score and mean score. Then
the results of the interview are presented based on the recordings during the interview


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