2 Atnco Easing The 1eogm - of Air - Gap

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NGme Rushilkesh Dadaso Umape

PollVo 24
Subr lt:FEA FE MM
ba: OF/12/ 2o2

Answe S
b DecdeaSe, Tncdease

2 aTnco easing The 1eogm_of air.gap

3 b low
7C: They ade perpen diculG tD The paTs of

eddy Cubrent and pada1le1 fo Thi fluu

b. DiffredHy e0m poun cle c.

a . absolu

o hmm eH and &esisanu bidges

7 d f of The above

Ol_ of me above.
Nam Rushikesh DadaSo UmapPe-
Rol N O 2
Subjct4:FtA ffMM
D a e : 6t/12(202

Pa B
cCallbde H oo o Vol met bg Poten honch
fns A) h e pot'onql diVidea netwon mI UH

2 One fo CoG1e and o e - foa hoe

Con tdl of calbratH9 Voltq9e
3 The voQge ac àos h e vo1hmettd is
SHPped down to a alye
Suitabki foa
hePuttnt OmetA 1Tn The bep o The

tuo Value
measute Th
0 The
5 ACalibranon Cuwe
Lwi h e hetp of Tha mag be el daLSn
The Volme t a
Poni o mettz a nd
o eadl1 ng

Cclib&ahOo of
Ammeta by Pon0n(A
A A Sa
d Caatd desistoa S of
Cc bylng high (uaà cnt
cIT h
pa ci ty is Pla ud în seJie
gmm cHa
2 Cuasent ,lc Vs/s s h e Vo H
acos S Th SGn dadd e cldop
s csil
3 Compasc *ecdin9 The CmmeH
L The Cud ent fo4nd by Cgleen
Nome_Rughi4erh DcdoSoVmapL
RolIN. 2
Subict fEMM
Da ot/e12/2024

heyeo oot math, ePorinve o

nLGanue e 2aDLai be Tndu Cerl
s A(Gl'baaion Cuve mqy be oldtwa
betwgen h e ammcHO ieading 0ncd The
ue VGlue Of Tne 1luaent gSTndica tret
Dy Thapottn i Omet àeadLog.

Cahbagnon af wattmeHa by pothiomet.

hi Calrbrohan PoeSL, he cuent
Coll ofE %e e attmeA sSuppliecl
Hom VSuPP ly and pottnblal Coll tao
De abdma Supply m&ough Potnha
dvdca_phanton oadling a aangemant.
2 The v o4g9 VacDSS Da potn hej
lo cof h e u a t m e t a Uade
Calibraton i s mAiu tCd clisecAIy
by The pofn h0 m e t
S h tue PoLla 1S he V, Lhet Visme
VOIOge CCdD he Potobc| Col Ond
i e ce aaPnt haoughbe Cuent
Col o f The va tHneta
The Pa}mCH _beccling múy be
Com Paecd L D Thi Valuc, Gnd a
Colioaahon cu ve mqy be d w.
Name Rush KeJh Oq l qso Umape
Roll o 21
S u b cct ffnm
p a t o/1212o 21

Ans D ConsHruch0o
manly onsirh o fhAcd Coll,moing
Col dCumplngeLemen Pbin GndSLGl
2 Th basil aarangement Flecho
dnamome LOaHm CHa.
movg Co

fid Coiti.

mov.ng (oll:-
he movnG. (o1) S m Oumtta Ona
PiVoted cmbdra d _ b y The Atcd
Cu20en+ (ol I t i s Ci& Coded
2. Thc Spmn9 Co mo u r e d fo
h mOvem ent OH (olL
h Volta 9e duhng o Tha aHM
mede mie cto ahou+ 6ooV by
The Po tota e Thd
Vo ltGqL_Co lu1tSine mat of TR poL
1S GbS b bed Py The csis*gnu in
Seshe uilh The movn9 Coi

Nam uçhke/h Dqdafo UmaP

RoI N: 21
Da o/12/202

hen Tns tmmerb / o o N e l t d jn.

The cidt at optaahng (u 30Cnt ho
ThdoyGn mi coll Pue t mi,
mechanilal foae eaira be thytin
movng- o l move Dae ponHd Ovea hc
SLale To 2asH p010H Comel hodr
aaPosihoocohe clefiechg toyye
isegual do ne lon follinqtod qye
hlacfo such 1S umcA Lon be
Csecdfoa bOh d anda.c

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