Module 2 - Techniques For Summarizing Data

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Unless an array of data is organized, summarized, and presented in tables or figures not much meaning
(interpretation) can be derived from it. This module provides an activity that will reintroduce you to
some techniques of organizing a data set to make it comprehensible.

I. Objectives: Reading the content of Module 2 and doing the exercises will enable you to:
1. Determine your mastery of the scales of measurement introduced in Module 1.
2. Portray data tabularly and graphically
3. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts introduced by correctly answering the questions

II. Advance Organizer:

Read the information in BOX A and answer questions 1-4 . You should be able to answer the questions
correctly because I assume that you’ve done some extra reading about stuff you did not understand in
Module 1.

1. List the 7 variables of interest and opposite each identify the scale of measurement
Variable Scale of Measurement
1) __________________ _________________________
2) __________________ _________________________
3) __________________ _________________________
4) __________________ _________________________
5) __________________ _________________________
6) __________________ _________________________
7) __________________ _________________________

2. a. Give at least two questions phrased in such a way as to be able to collect accurate data?
1) ______________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________

b. Give at least two questions phrased in such a way as to be able to collect precise data?
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________

3. In measurement, what is the difference between accuracy and precision? We need these two
characteristics in data collection and analysis when doing research.

4. Why is it necessary to give a very clear instruction when you prepare a survey questionnaire?
For instance, in the variable AGE, why do you have to specifically ask “What was your age in
your last birthday? Why not just ask “How old are you?”

Box A contains a hypothetical survey instrument. Try to answer the questionnaire items to give you a
feel of data collection.

Survey Questionnaire

I. Demographic Information

Name (Optional) :____________

Gender: [ ] Woman [ ] Man [ ] LGBTQ
Age: How old were you in your last birthday? ____
Educational attainment: From Kindergarten up to the present, how many years have you
spent in school? ____
What is your height in meters (expressed up to the hundredths decimal place? ________
What is your weight in kilograms (expressed up to the hundredths decimal place? ______
Do you take alcoholic drinks? [ ] Yes [ ] Sometimes [ ] No

II. Graduate Students’ Reason(s) for not drinking alcoholic drinks*

Directions: Please read all choices before selecting ONE reason.

On those occasions when you DO NOT DRINK (or drink very little), what is the MAIN
reason you make this decision?

1. RELIGIOUS/MORAL : Example: A good Christian does not drink; My Church forbids

CONCERNS drinking; Drinking is a bad thing to do; Drinking is illegal for me.
2. TASTE CONCERNS : Example: I don’t like the taste of alcohol.
3. HEALTH CONCERNS : Example: Drinking will make me sick; Drinking is not good for me .
4. SAFETY CONCERNS : Example: I don’t drink when I have to drive a vehicle or operate
5. CONTROL CONCERNS : Example: I don’t drink when I have to be in control of my thinking,
e.g. not make mistakes.

6. ALERTNESS CONCERNS : Example: I don’t drink when I need to be alert the next morning, or

when I don’t want to fall fall asleep or pass out drunk

7. SOCIAL IMAGE : Example: I don’t drink when I don’t want others to smell alcohol on

CONCERNS my breath or see me intoxicated.

8. PEER/ FAMILY : Example: I feel peer pressure NOT to drink since my friends don’t

CONCERNS drink; No one in my family drinks, so I’ve never been exposed to

9. ECONOMIC : Example: I don’t drink when I can’t afford to buy the alcohol

10. AVAILABILITY : Example: Since I’m underage, I can’s usually get alcohol to drink.



*Borrowed from the study “University Students’ Reasons for Not Drinking: Relationship to Alcohol Consumption Level by
Ellen K. Slicker in Andrea K. Milinki [Ed.] (2000). A Cross Section of Psychological Research. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak


III. Activity

If these were normal times, you would have been collecting real data from a group of people (in the
community, in your workplace, etc.) But since you cannot do this, please do the Exercise in BOX B.

Kunwari, you had been able to collect 50 completed questionnaires and you are in the process of
organizing and summarizing the data in tabular or graphical format.


Task 1: Provide a hypothetical set of data for 50 respondents indicating measures (sets of data) for

the seven variables in BOX A.

Task 2: Make tabular and graphic portrayals of the hypothetical data you have provided. You can do

it manually using graphing paper or use your computer. Use any one of the following:

a. Frequency distribution
b. Histograms
c. Frequency polygon
[Recall what you have learned in high school or college about graphing data.]

Task 3: Write an interpretation of the data you have portrayed integrating the seven

variables in one paragraph.

IV. Assignment

Read about measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, & weighted mean) in any
book in statistics.

prajenkin - Week 2 –August 27, 2021

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