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Introduction to Well Logging

1.1 Oil and Gas Exploration 1
1.2 Well Logging Methods 2
1.2.1 Basic resistivity logging methods 2
1.2.2 Basic induction logging tool 4
1.2.3 Basic propagation logging method 5
1.2.4 Basic laterolog 6
1.3 Nuclear Logging 6
1.3.1 Gamma ray log 7
1.3.2 Neutron log 7
1.3.3 Density log 8
1.4 Sonic Logging 8
1.5 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging 9
1.6 Dielectric Logging 11
1.7 Wireline Logging and Logging While Drilling 12
1.8 Geosteering 13
1.9 Summary of Electromagnetic Logging Tools 15
References 15


Oil and gas has been discovered and used in our ordinary life for thousands of years.
The word “petra” means “stone/rock” in Latin, and “-oleum” means “oil” (http://
Early Chinese scientist Shen, Kuo (103195) once recorded early discovery of oil in
his Dream Pool Essays. As a summary in his writing, he predicted that “. . .this thing
will have a great future.” According to Wikipedia (
History_of_petroleum), “The earliest known oil wells were drilled in China in 347
AD or earlier. They had depths of up to about 800 feet (240 m) and were drilled using
bits attached to bamboo poles. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt.
By the 10th century, extensive bamboo pipelines connected oil wells with salt springs.
. . .. In his book Dream Pool Essays written in 1088, the polymathic scientist and
statesman Shen Kuo of the Song Dynasty coined the word 石油 (Shı´yóu, literally “rock
oil”) for petroleum, which remains the term used in contemporary Chinese.”

Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging r 2017 Elsevier Inc.

DOI: All rights reserved. 1
2 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging

Modern oil and gas explorations are more sophisticated. In general, the oil and gas
exploration can be divided into three steps. The first step is to find an oil/gas bearing
reservoir. To do so, geology and geophysical methods such as seismic imaging are
used. The scale of seismic image is in the range of kilometers with a resolution of
hundreds of meters. Once the oil reservoir is located, pilot drilling will be done and
the geophysical properties of the earth formations will be carefully studied based on
drilling samples and logging data. Logging is a closer look of the physical properties of
the formation using various indirect measurements. Logging can be done while
drilling, or after drilling. When the measurement equipment is directly attached to a
drilling bit, the measurement is performed during the drilling. This direct measure-
ment method is called logging while drilling (LWD) or measuring while drilling
(MWD). When the logging is performed after drilling activity in a borehole, the log-
ging tools used are wireline tools. The name wireline comes from the cables that send
power to the logging device and carry logging signals to the surface. The logging data
gives a more detailed geophysical description of the formation surrounding the well
drilled. For most logging tools, the depth of investigation is in the range of a few
centimeters to about 30 ft. The resolution can be as high as millimeter to about a few
feet. The results of the logging process will give petrophysicists a quantitative measure
of the formation parameters so that the production rate, formation quality, depth of
production zone, and productivity can be evaluated.


1.2.1 Basic resistivity logging methods
Resistivity of the formation indicates the capability of the materials contained in the
formation to resist the flow of electric current. Generally speaking, dry rocks, oil and
gas are good insulators and cannot conduct electricity, but the mineralized water con-
tained in the pores of the rocks makes it feasible to measure finite resistivities for dif-
ferent formations. Since oil and gas are much more resistive than most formation
waters, the resistivity logs can greatly help in determining the fluid content of the res-
ervoir. The unit of resistivity used in well logging is ohm-meter or ohm-m. The
reverse of the resistivity, named conductivity, describes the ability of a matter to con-
duct electric current flow.
Electrical logging, or electrical survey, is considered as the earliest resistivity log-
ging method. The tool was invented by the Schlumberger brothers in 1927 [1], and
was eventually replaced by induction logging and laterolog after 1960s [2].
The principle of electrical logging is simply based on Ohm’s Law. As we know, if
a point current source is surrounded by an infinite, homogeneous, and isotropic
medium, the equipotential surfaces will be perfect spheres. Assume if such conditions
could be simulated by placing an emitting electrode in the borehole, the formation
Introduction to Well Logging 3

resistivity would be ready to obtain if the potential difference between any two equi-
potential spheres is given. Consequently, electrical survey can be taken only in
uncased wells and with conductive muds, such as water-based mud and oil-emulsion
mud, otherwise the measurement would be greatly influenced by the mud resistivity.
Practical resistivity logging devices utilize multiple electrodes of various configura-
tions and dimensions to serve different needs. The normal device and the lateral
device are two frequently used electrode arrangements.
The principle of the normal device is shown in Fig. 1.1. A point electrode, A, is
connected to a current source with an intensity of I. Two other electrodes, M and N,
are also placed in the hole. M is near A, while N is far away enough to be approxi-
mately seen as infinite distance. Assume the formation is uniform, its resistivity R can
thus be expressed by
where ΔV is the potential difference between M and N. K is a coefficient that
depends on the distances between the electrodes.
The lateral device is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. The principle is quite similar; only the
source is connected with two electrodes, A and B, and both of them are placed in the


Figure 1.1 The normal electrode device.

Figure 1.2 The lateral device.
4 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging

hole. Sometimes the roles of AB and MN are interchanged, with M as the emit-
ting electrode, and the potential difference between A and B being measured.
The resistivity calculated by the equation above is called apparent resistivity, Ra. In
practice, it reflects the average resistivity of the formation, and is affected by the bore-
hole. The apparent resistivity is the actual resistivity of the formation assuming the
formation is isotropic, homogeneous, and no borehole. Resistivity inversion models
and digital processing are further needed to obtain the true resistivity Rt if the above
conditions are not satisfied, which is often the case. Therefore the apparent resistivity
obtained from any resistivity tool is not actual formation resistivity without data
In general, the properties of a device depend on the relative positions of electro-
des. Different electrode distributions may affect the performance of defining bed
boundaries, estimation of fluid content, or showing thinner/thicker layers.
Therefore a combination of two or more different devices is often used to provide
sufficient information.

1.2.2 Basic induction logging tool

Induction logging measures the formation conductivity instead of its reciprocal, resis-
tivity. It is best used in highly resistive drilling fluids, e.g., oil-based mud, air, etc., and
makes more accurate measurements than conventional resistivity logging tools.
Therefore after its introduction in 1940s, induction logging soon became widespread
and dominated the entire resistivity survey market [3].
A basic induction logging tool using two coils is shown in Fig. 1.3. Both coils are
mounted coaxially on an insulating mandrel. The transmitter coil is fed by an alternat-
ing current source, and induces eddy current loops by generating magnetic field in
the formations. These current loops in turn induce currents in the receiver coil in the
same way, and the induced voltage is directly proportional to the formation conduc-
tivity, which can be expressed by
V 5 Kσa ð1:1Þ


Figure 1.3 Induction logging tool.
Introduction to Well Logging 5

where K is a calibration factor that relates to the tool geometry and transmitting cur-
rent, and σa is the apparent conductivity. Here the voltage V is complex, since a phase
shift exists between V and the transmitter current IT. As a result, σa is also complex.
Assume the formation surrounded the tool is infinite and homogeneous, σa can be
seen as an integration over the whole space, given by
ð 1N ð 1N
σa 5σR 1 jσX 5 gðρ; z; σÞ 3 σðρ; zÞdρdz ð1:2Þ
2N 0

where gðρ; z; σÞ represents the contribution of each specific eddy current loop to the
total conductivity, or the sensitivity of the tool at (ρ; z).
Based on the two-coil tool, multiple-coil tools are developed to focus the measur-
ing signal, reduce the borehole influence, and improve the vertical resolution. Such
tools include dual induction tool and array induction tool. After 1990s the Triaxial
tool has been introduced to the market, in which the transmitter and receiver coils are
mounted orthogonally to obtain measurements in all three directions. The operation
frequency of induction tool is usually at tens of kilohertz.

1.2.3 Basic propagation logging method

This resistivity logging method taking advantage of electromagnetic (EM) wave prop-
agation properties was proposed in 1986 [4]. This type of tools also adopts coils as
transmitter(s) and receivers, but instead of generating low-frequency fields in the for-
mations as in induction logging, it uses high frequency (typically around 2 MHz),
propagating EM wave to measure the resistivity.
The basic configuration of a propagation logging tool is shown in Fig. 1.4. The
tool contains a single transmitter, T1, and two receivers, R1 and R2, located at dis-
tances z1 and z2 from the transmitting coil, respectively. By computing the amplitude
ratio and phase difference between the signals received by R1 and R2, the information

Figure 1.4 Propagation logging tool.

6 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging

of formation conductivity can be obtained. In addition, the depths of investigation of

the two measurements are different, which is useful in detecting invasion.
Some tools incorporate a second transmitter above the receiver pair symmetrically
[5,6]. Two transmitters send signal alternately, and an average is taken to improve the
Propagation logging can be conducted in all types of muds, and exhibits better
vertical resolution than induction tool.

1.2.4 Basic laterolog

Laterolog was designed to act complementarily to induction logging, which has severe
borehole effect in wells with highly conductive mud. Also, laterolog makes more
accurate definition of the bed boundaries despite of the bed thickness.
Two basic laterolog tool configurations are illustrated in Fig. 1.5. In addition to
the measuring current sent from central electrode A0, there are also auxiliary currents
0 0
fed through A1, A2, A1 , and A2 . These currents are adjusted so that a zero potential
difference can be maintained at the planes shown by the dash lines. Therefore the mea-
suring current is focused as a sheet between the “guarded” planes and forced horizon-
tally into the formation. This leads to a much higher depth of investigation than the
unguarded electrode tools, and improves the measurement of the invaded zones.
The Guard electrode tool shares the same design as the Point electrode tool, only
the point electrodes are replaced by elongated bar electrodes. Some Dual laterolog
tools combine the two arrangements together by adding bar electrodes above and
below the point electrodes. In this way, the current can be further focused so as to
obtain more accurate measurements.


Nuclear logging, or radiation logging, is in use to determine the formation properties
by detecting the radioactivity. Such radioactivity may be either naturally emitted by
the formation substances, or reflected from the formation induced by a Gamma or

(A) z (B) A′1

Focused A0 Focused A′0
current M2 current
sheet sheet

Figure 1.5 Two configurations of laterolog: (A) Point electrode; (B) Guard electrode.
Introduction to Well Logging 7

neutron source. These two cases lead to Gamma Ray logging and Neutron logging,
respectively. Nuclear logging can be conducted in open or cased holes, and can be
used with any type of borehole liquid.

1.3.1 Gamma ray log

Gamma rays are basically short bursts of high-frequency EM waves emitted by the
atomic nuclei. Such emission may happen when a nucleus is collided by another par-
ticle, or naturally unstable. Some elements contained in the earth spontaneously emit
gamma rays: potassium-40, thorium, uranium, and the radioactive families of the last
two. These elements mainly exist in shales, which are thus more radioactive than any
other formations. Therefore the formation radioactivity is detected by the Gamma
Ray logging tool, and used for bed definition and correlation.
Two types of gamma ray detectors are used in the logging tools: the
GeigerMueller (G-M) counter and the Scintillation counter. The G-M counter
consists of a gas chamber and a power-fed electrode, and detects the voltage pulses
caused by the gas ionization when a gamma ray enters. The scintillation counter uses
a sodium iodide crystal, which gives off a tiny flash of light whenever penetrated by a
gamma ray. Such flashes are then converted into electrical pulses by a photomultiplier
tube. Generally, the Scintillation counter has a superior sensitivity, and often preferred
in modern logging tools. However, it is usually more expensively made, and cannot
stand very high temperature as well as the G-M counter.
In addition to the total gamma rays, the tools today can also record the gamma ray
spectrum emitted by different minerals, and quantitatively analyze the contributions of
each element. This method can be used in clay type identification, or evaluating the
source rock potential.

1.3.2 Neutron log

Neutron logging is also based on the detection of radiation. However, such radiation
is not naturally produced by the substances in formation, but results from the bom-
bardment of a neutron source.
The neutron logging tool consists of a source of fast neutrons and a proper radia-
tion detector. The neutrons emitted from the source will gradually slow down in the
formation because of the collisions with hydrogen atoms, until they are finally cap-
tured while emitting secondary gamma rays. This process can be evaluated in two dif-
ferent ways: by detecting the capture gamma rays; or by counting the slowed
neutrons. If the surrounding formation contains a large concentration of hydrogen,
most neutrons will be frequently collided and soon captured near the source, leading
to a low counting rate at the detector. On the contrary, if the concentration of
8 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging

hydrogen decreases, the neutrons will go further without collision, and more likely to
be detected by the receiver.
In unshaly zones, hydrogen primarily exists in water, oil, and gas, which are con-
tained in the pores of formations. Therefore the counting rate, which shows the con-
centration of hydrogen, closely relates to the rock porosity. Shaly formations can also
cause high counting rate because of the water bounded in the pores, but since shale is
practically impervious, it does not contribute to the effective porosity. Consequently,
the Neutron log needs to be compared with other logs (e.g., gamma ray) to determine
the real porous zones.

1.3.3 Density log

The density log, or photoelectric (Pe) log, measures the formation density around the
borehole. It is also used to derive a value for the overall porosity.
The tool includes a gamma ray source and two or more detectors. Medium-
energy gamma rays are emitted through the formation, and lose energy from time to
time due to the Compton scattering effect (a formation electron may be ejected out
of its orbit when collided by a gamma ray). By detecting the remained low-energy
gamma rays, one can estimate the number of Compton scattering collisions, which
directly relates to the electron density of the formation.
If the type of the formation rock and that of the fluid it contains are known, the
porosity is given by
ρma 2 ρb
[5 ð1:3Þ
ρma 2 ρf
where ρma and ρf represent the densities of the rock matrix and the contained fluid,
respectively. The average bulk density of the formation ρb can be derived from the
measured electron density.


Sonic log, or acoustic log, determines the fluid content or porosity of the formations
by measuring the speed of sound waves that travel through the earth. Generally, sonic
wave travels much slower in liquids than in solid materials. In oil and water, the aver-
age speed of sound is around 43005300 ft/s; while in rock materials, it ranges from
6000 ft/s (shales) to 26,500 ft/s (dolomites). Therefore a continuous record of sonic
velocity with respect to depth forms a porosity indication, as well as a reliable refer-
ence of lithology variation.
In practice, the sonic velocity is indirectly obtained by recording the traveling time
of a sound wave through a constant distance through formations. As shown in
Introduction to Well Logging 9

T1 Formation


R2 t

Figure 1.6 Sonic logging.

Fig. 1.6, a sonic pulse emitted by the transmitter T1 passes through the mud and
enters the formations, where it propagates in all directions. A small fraction of it may
“bend” back, penetrate the mud again and reach the receivers. The time difference
between the pulse arriving at two receivers, Δt, is recorded, so that the round-trip
time through the mud can be eliminated. Note that the logging tool body must be
made from low-velocity materials (e.g., rubber), in order to minimize the energy loss.
One problem of the tool design in Fig. 1.6 is that if the tool is not parallel to the
borehole, or the borehole size changes fast, and Δt is too vague to determine,
the dual-receiver system will not give satisfying results [7]. This can be solved by the
Borehole Compensating tool, which incorporates two transmitters and four receivers,
aligning symmetrically on the tool. The two transmitters emit sound pulses alternately
from both ends of the tool, and the signals captured at the central receivers are aver-
aged to compensate for the tool misalignment.


The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) effect was first successfully measured in
1946. After that, it rapidly became a very powerful tool in multiple disciplines, such as
biology, physics, chemistry, and medicine, assisting in various analyses at a molecular
level. For the oil and gas industry, NMR logging is also considered as a big break-
through in recent history. The early measurement attempts were performed since the
1960s, but it took several decades till the first modern logging tool was brought to the
market in 1991. NMR responds only to fluids, so the logs usually give more accurate
indications to the fluid quantity, fluid properties, and formation porosity than any
other logging methods [810].
The NMR measurement is based on the intrinsic magnetic moment of protons
and neutrons. Some atoms, such as 1H, 13C, and 23Na, have an odd number of pro-
tons and/or neutrons, the spinning of which forms a net magnetic moment that can
contribute to the macroscopic magnetization signal detected by the NMR logging
10 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging

tool. Most of the existing NMR logging tools are designed for hydrogen detection,
since hydrogen produces a strong signal, and is naturally abundant in water and hydro-
carbons. When no external magnetic field exists, the hydrogen atoms (protons) are
randomly aligned in the formations.
When a magnetic nucleus is placed in a static magnetic field B0, a perpendicular
torque is applied to its spinning axis, making it process around the direction of B0
with a frequency v. For hydrogen, the nucleus can align either with or against B0, as
shown in Fig. 1.7. Since the alignment with B0 is in the low-energy state, this direc-
tion is preferred by most nuclei, so the macroscopic magnetization M is parallel to B0.
This alignment process is called polarization. However, if an oscillating magnetic field
B1 is applied perpendicular to B0, and the frequency of B1 is exactly equal to v, the
low-energy state nuclei may absorb energy and jump to the high-energy state.
Consequently, the direction of M is gradually tipped while B1 lasts.
In NMR logging, the static field B0 is generated by a permanent magnet, and the
oscillating field B1 is transmitted from an antenna around the magnet. Such radiofre-
quency (RF) energy is in the form of precisely timed bursts: First, a 90-degree pulse
is applied to the polarized protons to change the precessional direction to the trans-
verse plane, generating the first resonance signal on the plane; then a series of 180-
degree pulses follows, reproducing the resonances, or spin echoes, by reversing the
magnetization vectors on the transverse plane. As a result, a decaying signal pulse
series is detected by the antenna on the tool, and this is the raw data measured by the
NMR tool, containing most of the logging information. The pulse train causing spin
echoes is called a CPMG sequence, which is illustrated in Fig. 1.8.



Figure 1.7 Polarization.

90° 180° 180° 180°

Figure 1.8 CPMG sequence and spin-echo trains.
Introduction to Well Logging 11

Since the detected magnetic intensity M is proportional to the density of hydro-

gen atoms in formations, and the quantity of hydrogen contained in water is certain,
the NMR measurements can be converted to an apparent water-filled porosity.
Moreover, additional information can be extracted from the variation of the forma-
tion magnetization with respect to time. For example, the exponentially decreasing
envelope of the spin echoes shown in Fig. 1.8 has a time constant T2, called trans-
verse relaxation time, which plays an important role in the determination of fluid
types and properties. Also, based on the different behaviors of NMR tools in bulk
fluids and fluids contained in pores, the pore size of formations can be calculated in
the further place.
Because of its unique capability of accurate fluid logging, NMR data are indepen-
dent of rock matrix, and do not need to be calibrated to lithology. This fundamentally
distinguishes NMR from other logging tools. In addition, the abundant information
contained in NMR measurements makes it possible to analyze the formation fluid
properties in detail. For example, light oil, medium-viscosity oil, and heavy oil can be
distinguished from each other. Conventional logging tools are not able to provide
such measurements.


Dielectric logging is developed to solve the problems met by resistivity tools in
flooded zones, where the difference between the resistivities of oil-bearing zone and
the fresh water-bearing zone is difficult to detect. While conventional resistivity tools
are greatly affected in such formations, the contrast between relative dielectric con-
stants of hydrocarbons and water is quite high, as listed in Table 1.1. Also, the permit-
tivity of water is less sensitive to the salinity variation than resistivity is. This makes
the dielectric logs particularly useful when the water salinities are unknown [11].
The principle of dielectric logging is based on the propagation characteristics of
electromagnetic waves traveling in the formations. The complex wave number k can
be expressed by
k  β 1 jα 5 ω μεc

Table 1.1 Relative dielectric constant εr of subsurface fluids [12]

Gas 1
Oil 2
20 ohm-m water 79
1 ohm-m water 77
0.1 ohm-m water 59
12 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging



Slot antenna

Figure 1.9 Pad-type dielectric logging tool.

where β and α are called phase constant and attenuation constant, respectively, shown
by the phase shift and attenuation ratio of the transmitting waves, which are directly
measured by the logging tool.
εc is the complex permittivity, given by
εc 5 ε 2 j 1 ε00
where the real part ε 5 ε0 εr , and the imaginary part involves the effects of both con-
ductivity σ and the dielectric loss ε00 . When the frequency is low, the imaginary part
is dominated by σ, and is much greater than the real part. To obtain relatively accurate
calculation of ε , the operation frequency must be chosen so high ( .15 MHz) that
the real and imaginary parts of εc are comparable.
Two types of dielectric logging tools are used in practice: coil-type and pad-type.
The coil-type tool uses coils as antennas, similar with the propagation tool shown in
Fig. 1.4, only the operating frequency is higher (3050 MHz). The pad-type tool has
a conductive pad with slot antennas acting as a current sheet in a cavity, as illustrated
in Fig. 1.9. During the measurement, the pad is pushed against the borehole by a
mechanical control system. Pad-type tools operate at hundreds to thousands of
Quantitatively, there is a relationship between the dielectric constant, porosity, and
water saturation. Therefore the last two can also be calculated from the dielectric
measurements. Moreover, the measurement of permittivity also assists in other forma-
tion evaluation methods (e.g., crosswell radar investigation), which may be greatly
affected by the variation of permittivity.


Early logs were run with the logging tools connected by a multiple-conductor wire-
line. After a well is drilled, the tools are lowered to the open borehole, and perform
measurements while being pulled upward. The tension and speed of the wireline is
Introduction to Well Logging 13

monitored so that any stuck can be detected immediately. The logging data are either
stored in the memory of the tools and retrieved on the surface, or directly transmitted
up through the wireline. However, when the borehole is highly deviated or horizon-
tal, it becomes difficult for the tools to enter by gravity. Sometimes the tools must be
pumped into the wellbore to obtain measurements, which makes the logging proce-
dure extremely time-consuming.
LWD offers an alternative way to solve this problem. Instead of logging after dril-
ling, the LWD tools are integrated to the drill pipe as part of the Bore Hole
Assembly, and conduct continuous measurements while the drilling proceeds.
Downhole power is supplied by specially designed batteries or mud turbines, which
leverages the flow energy of the drilling fluid. Data are still recorded to the memory
for download afterwards, or the tools can send part of the information to a telemetry
system, which communicates with the surface in real time.
Several types of telemetry methods are used in practice. The most widespread one
is the mud pulse system, invented in the 1960s [13], which utilizes a valve to adjust
the mud pressure so that it can represent different digital bits. Some companies pro-
vide EM telemetry or acoustic telemetry system, using low-frequency electric source
or sonic source as downhole wireless transmitters. In the past decade, a wired pipe sys-
tem enters the market, offers a new possibility for the telemetry approaches. All of
these methods have advantages and drawbacks in different environments, and the
practice selection depends on the well depth, formation properties, cost, and so on.
The advent of LWD not only decreases the down time, it also helps in optimizing
the drilling operation. With the real-time logging information, the operator can
respond quickly to improve the efficiency and productivity, as well as avoid potential
accidents and tool loss. Also, with the logging tools installed near the bit, the logs are
obtained as the hole is freshly drilled. As a result, the measurements are less affected
by the mud invasion, and hence more accurate. Nowadays, wireline logging is gradu-
ally replaced by LWD, and mostly used for benchmark purposes.

Geosteering is developed for the purpose of directional drilling. With a mud motor
and a bent subconnected, the orientation and inclination of the well can be changed
without pulling out the drill pipe.
Before drilling a well, the well paths are planned in order to meet specific require-
ments, such as maximizing the productivity, or reducing the expense. To follow this
trajectory accurately, MWD techniques must be applied. Based on the real-time infor-
mation gathered by MWD tools, the borehole position and bit conditions are contin-
uously updated. The information includes inclination, azimuth, weight-on-bit, tool
Table 1.2 Summary of electrical and electromagnetic logging tools
Tool name Major applications Characteristics Major specifications Operating Preferred Maximum Minimum
frequency borehole mud DOI vertical

1 Induction/Array Wireline resistivity for Accurate for low resistivity Resistivity range 10k100 kHz Higher resistivity 90v 12v
induction formation evaluation formations 0.1500 ohm-m mud
2 Triaxial induction Wireline resistivity for Azimuth resistivity, bed Resistivity range 10k100 kHz Higher resistivity 90v 12v
formation evaluation boundary determination, 0.1500 ohm-m mud
true dip, cross bedding,
unconventional oil and gas
3 Laterolog (Dual Wireline resistivity for High resistivity Resistivity range 10400 Hz Low resistivity 50v 12v
laterolog, Array formation evaluation measurements 0.210k ohm-m mud
4 LWD propagation LWD geosteering, Measuring while drilling, Resistivity range 100k2 MHz High resistivity 78v 6v
resistivity resistivity for formation EM propagation, phase 0.2500 ohm-m mud
evaluation and amplitude resistivity (phase resistivity);
0.2300 ohm-m
(amplitude resistivity)
5 LWD directional Geosteering, boundary Measuring while drilling, Resistivity range 100k2 MHz High resistivity 78v 6v
propagation distance and direction EM propagation, phase 0.2500 ohm-m mud
resistivity detection and distance and amplitude resistivity, (phase resistivity);
to boundary azimuth resistivity and 0.2300 ohm-m
measurement, cross component (amplitude resistivity)
resistivity for formation measurement
6 Electromagnetic Wireless downhole and Measuring while drilling, Transmission distance: 150 Hz Medium NA NA
telemetry for surface data low frequency 3000 m, bit rate is resistivity
LWD data communication 110 bps
7 Dielectric constant Water saturation and Wireline tool, high Both dielectric constant 20 MHz1 GHz High resistivity 14v 1v
tool unconventional frequency and conductivity
8 Far boundary Extremely far boundary LWD tool, very low Boundary detection 100 Hz5 kHz
detection tool detection frequency, azimuth distance can reach 100 ft
9 Resistivity imaging High resolution and Both LWD and wireline Near borehole resistivity 10 Hz10 kHz Both oil- and 4v 1v
tools shallow DOI imaging water-based
Resistivity range: mud
0.22000 ohm-m
10 Through casing Resistivity measurement Wireline 0.1200 ohm-m 15 Hz NA
resistivity tool through metal casing
Introduction to Well Logging 15

Laterologs, focused logs,

through casing resistivity

micrologs, imagers, etc.

far boundary detection,

LWD propagation logs

Induction 10–120 kHz

25 MHz–1.1 GHz
100 kHz–2 MHz

Dielectric logs
EM telemetry,

50–1500 Hz
1 Hz–1 kHz

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Figure 1.10 Spectrum of electrical and electromagnetic logging tools.

face, torque, etc. Correspondingly, the drilling operation can be instantaneously

adjusted if necessary.
LWD also plays an important role in geosteering. Resistivity, neutron, and density
logs are often referred to as a basic indication of the lithology, in case the well is not
being drilled toward or within the anticipated zone.


The EM logging tools are widely used in the formation evaluation and geosteering
activities. In this book, we will discuss mostly used EM logging tools including induc-
tion, propagation resistivity, dielectric, boundary detection tools, laterolog tools, and
variations of these tools. Due to the differences in operation principles, applications of
these tools are different. Table 1.2 summarizes the characteristics of these tools.
Fig. 1.10 shows a spectrum of frequencies used in the EM logging tools.

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Corp, 1958.
[2] W.C. Lyons, G.J. Plisga, Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Elsevier,
New York, 2005.
[3] B. Anderson, Modeling and inversion methods for the interpretation of resistivity logging tool
response, DUP Science Publication, Delft, 2001.
[4] P.F. Rodney, M.M. Wisler, Electromagnetic wave resistivity MWD Tool, SPE Drill. Eng. 1 (5)
(1986) 33701/01/1986.
[5] P.D. Fredericks, et al., Formation evaluation while drilling with a dual propagation resistivity tool,
in: Presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 1989.
16 Theory of Electromagnetic Well Logging

[6] B. Clark, et al., Electromagnetic propagation logging while drilling: theory and experiment, SPE
Form. Eval. 5 (3) (1990) pp 263271, 01/01/1990.
[7] P. Glover, The sonic or acoustic log. Available: ,
[8] G.R. Coates, et al., NMR Logging: Principles and Applications, Haliburton Energy Services, 1999.
[9] M. Appel, Nuclear magnetic resonance and formation porosity, PetroPhysics 45 (2004)
[10] B.L. Hou, G.R. Coates, Nuclear magnetic resonance logging methods for fluid typing, in:
Presented at the SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, Beijing,
China, 1998.
[11] R.A. Meador, P.T. Cox, Dielectric constant logging, a salinity independent estimation of formation
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