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Christopher C. Boutin

want independent validation and assurance?

ask for a SAS-70
If your organization is preparing to enlist (or currently uses) a third-
party service provider to initiate a process or record transactions on its
behalf, you should request a SAS-70 audit report.
The terraSAS-Yo is a shorthand reference to two types of service audit reports
descnbed in Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70, Service Organizations, an
auditing standard developed and issued hy the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), originally for use hy CPAs. Inhasic
AT A GLANCE terms, a SAS-70 is produced as a result of an audit performed hy a CPA to
report on the processing of transactions hy a service organization.
on Auditing Standards
No. 70, Service Org-
Traditionally, these reports were intended for use hy CPAs only. But following
anizations addresses the enactment of the Sarhanes-OxleyAct of ?oo?, their use shifted, and SAS-
C P A audits of service 70s are now commonly shared hetween service providers and their clients.
providers conducted to
verify that a provider Today, hospitals and health systems most frequently request SAS-70S from
has adequate controls
computer service providers. Often, computer service providers will present
over its operations.
these reports to hospitals with which they desire to do husiness as an indica-
> Hospitals should
tion that their controls have heen audited, usually in the area of information
request a SAS-70, the
services. The focus is most often on information services simply hecause
report produced by
hospitals are most likely to purchase these types of services from these types
such an audit, from all
of their third-party
of providers.
service providers.
> SAS-70s can be issued The practice of having CPAs audit computer service providers for potential
for a specific date or for hospital clients did not hegin with SAS-70S. In the past, a computer service
a six-month period, and provider might, on its ovm volition, hire a CPAfirm to review its operations
they typically consist of and verify for a hospital client that it had adequate controls over its data
three sections: a C P A
processes. More recently, however, the requirements of Section 4,04 of the
opinion, a description
Sarhanes-OxleyAct led to interest in the hroader use of SAS-70S for this
of controls, and infor-
mation about the
design of the controls.
When Should You Request a SAS-70?
Hospitals tend not to use third-party service providers to process routine
transactions. However, like companies suhject to regulation hy the
Securities and Exchange Commission, hospitals today use third-party serv-
ice providers for many other purposes—as pension record keepers, payroll
providers, transfer agents, claims administrators, and custodial hanks, for

76 AUGUST 2008 healthcare financial management

example. Specific third-party service providers significance to the hospital, the hospital's CFO
from which a hospital should request a SAS-70 should assess the situation to determine whether
include henefit administrators, market research to proceed with the relationship. Under SOX, the
firms, Internet service providers, group purchas- lack of a SAS-70 could he a reportable significant
ing associations, investment advisers, application deficiency in internal control. For this reason,
service providers, data centers, and investment the hospital should negotiate a SAS-70 as part of
fund administrators. a contract with a third-party service provider. A
work-around solution should not he an option.
In short, determining whether to request a SAS-
70 starts with a simple question: "Where are we Report Types
sending data (either manual or electronic)?" There are two types of SAS-70S, hoth of which
consist of at least three sections: a CPA opinion, a
SAS-70 Benefits description of controls, and information related
Given aU of the regulatory and compliance chal- to the design of the controls.
lenges that hospitals face, it is critical for them to
he aware of the internal controls in place at their Atype I report is issued for a specific date.
third-party service providers. With such aware- Specifically, the CPAfirm examines a third-party
ness, a hospital can he sure the service provider service provider's controls on a given day, and
meets the hospital's needs and does not expose the reports on the processing of transactions and
hospital to needless risks. The primary henefit of a these controls for that day. This report is limited
SAS-70 to a hospital is that it eliminates the need to an inquiry into and ohservation of the controls.
for the hospital to perform its own audit of each of
its third-party service
provider's internal
controls—a potentially
cumbersome process, In short, determining whether to request a
in which the hospital's
CPA might need to SAS-70 starts with a simple question: "Where are
make numerous visits
to and pursue multiple
we sending data (either manual or electronic)?"
inquiries with each
service provider.
Atype II report is issued for at least a six-month
With a SAS-70 from a third-party service test period and is focused on the operating effec-
provider, a hospital's CFO has a reliahle CPA's tiveness of controls. Unlike a type I report, a type
validation of the third-party service provider's II report includes the results of the CPA firm's
internal controls, and the SAS-70 in many testing of the controls over the test period. The
instances gives the financial leader more SAS-70 descrihes the method that the third-party
information than the hospital could ohtain service provider uses to handle security, hard-
if it performed an audit itself. ware, software, employees, data, procedures, and
policies. There is no standard format for a type II
Meanwhile, a SAS-70 allows the third-party report; the format and the control ohjectives can
service provider to have one audit and share vary with each report.
the results with all of its hospital clients.
On receiving a SAS-70, regardless of which type,
But what if the third-party service provider is the hospital's CFO should thoroughly read the
unwillingto provide a SAS-70? If the provider's entire report, and not just peruse the summary, if
services are potentially of great financial one is provided. Having a full understanding of

Mm AUGUST 2008 77

the SAS-70 is important in the very least hecause Elements of Internal Control
the report may include details relating to the hos- Most SAS-70S provide information for under-
pital's responsihilities regarding the husiness standing the service provider's internal control
relationship with the third-party service provider. structure in accordance with the COSO compo-
nents. The report examines five internal control
The SAS-70 Audit Process elements:
When examining a third-party service provider's > Control environment—the foundation of the
ABOUT THE AICPA internal controls for a type I report, the CPA internal control system, as defined hy funda-
STATEMENT might study the general and application controls mental discipline and structure
within the provider's computer system. Once this > Risk assessment—the service provider manage-
Statement on Auditing evaluation is completed, the CPA lists opportuni- ment's ability to identify and analyze relevant
Standards No. 70
ties for improvement with proposed remediation risks in achieving predetermined ohjectives
(SAS-70), Service
and documents all audit-related information and > Control activities—the provider's policies, proce-
Organizations, is an
activities. dures, and practices that ensure management
auditing standard devel-
oped and issued by the ohjectives are achieved and risk mitigation
American Institute of If control remediation is necessary, the CPA can strategies are implemented
Certified Public Accoun- give the third-party service provider time to cor- > Information and communication—the means hy
tants (AICPA) for use by rect or strengthen the various internal controls. which employees are informed of their respon-
CPAs. Assisting the The CPA concludes the field work for the type I sihilities and provided sufficient time and
AICPA in developing the audit hy conducting a final walk-through and resources to perform their duties, and—as such—
content for a SAS-70
examination of all internal controls, and then the support for all other control components
"service report" were the
issues the report. > Monitonng—the external oversight of internal
Committee of Sponsor-
controls hy management or other parties out-
ing Organizations of the
Treadv/ay Commission If the engagement progresses into the control side of a process, and the application of inde-
(COSO), Information design and testing phase, then the third-party pendent methodologies, such as customized
Systems Audit and Con- service provider has requested a type II audit, procedures or standard checklists, hy employ-
trol Association which calls for at least a six-month design review ees within a process
(ISACA), and members and testing of the general and application controls
of the IS017799 stan- within the computer system. In this instance, the SDLC Approach
dards committee. Origi- CPA works with third-party service provider In the past, software development consisted of a
nally, SAS-70 service
employees to review controls, test their effective- programmer writing code to solve a prohlem or
reports were created by
ness, and correct those that require remediation. automate a procedure. Today, systems are so hig
auditors for auditors as a
Results are enumerated in the type II report. and multifaceted that teams of programmers,
means to assess the pro-
cessing of transactions by analysts, testers, and users work together to
a service organization. The hospital recipient of either type of SAS-70 can create the programming code to make computer
The reports are now used expect to find within the report assessments of the systems work. To manage this process, a com-
more broadly by service third-party service provider's elements of inter- puter service provider uses an SDLC approach
providers as a means to nal control. Depending on the SAS-70 scope, the to prohlem solving.
provide service inde- hospital CFO might also find information on the
pendent validation
system development life cycle (SDLC) approach, The controls under an SDLC approach deal with
assurances to potential
general computer controls, and application com- the sequence of events in the development of an
puter controls. Most important to the CFO is the information system (or application). The CPA
section entitled "Client Control Considerations." looks to see whether the computer service
This section defines the controls for which the provider's SDLC process is ongoing, so that the
hospital organization is responsible. The client cycle will repeat as a hospital undergoes changes
control considerations are complementary to the in its husiness and information requirements.
controls in the SAS-70 report for which the serv- The CPA also seeks to verify that the SDLC
ice provider is responsihle. process includes effective controls over system

78 AUGUST 2008 healthcare financial management


design, authorization, programming, implemen- computer, and they therefore define the permis-
tation (especially training), and acceptance hy the sions that the hospital and other groups will
hospital clients. require to access data. The CPA looks for a
defined process for matching hospital user
The SDLC approach should result in a high-qual- accounts to authorized users, detecting unautho-
ity system that meets or exceeds the hospital's rized access, and policing access hy the computer
expectations. This systematic approach com- service provider's employees.
prises several segments, each containing many
steps and controls pertainingto the design cycle, Program change management controls. These con-
development cycle, and testing cycle. trols ensure that the computer service provider
effectively monitors its computer system for
The CPA pays attention to the controls in each of changes to ensure that all changes are recorded,
these cycles. The SAS-70 should address con- explained, documented, authorized, and success-
cerns such as: ful. The CPA should seek to verify that the con-
> Whether the service provider has controls (e.g., trols include testing and emergency change
documentation) in place over operations to procedures.
ensure the quality of the service features, such
as effective, user-friendly screen layouts and Data center physical security controls. A consider-
the use of husiness rules, including the need to ahle part of the SAS-70 process should he
meet regulatory requirements devoted to examining data center physical secu-
> Whether the service provider has controls rity controls. It is important for the computer
in place to check for errors, hugs, and service provider to show that policies are in place
interoperahility and are heing followed effectively. To assess these
> Whether the service provider has a quality controls, the CPA asks questions such as:
assurance process > How do people get access to the huilding? (For
example, how are ID cards issued and security
General Computer Controls guards vetted?)
General computer controls apply to the system > Where is the computer equipment (hardware)
components, processes, and data that the com- kept and how is it secured from theft, fire, and
puter service provider uses for the hospital. flood?
These controls ensure the proper development > What are the policies dictating physical security?
and implementation of applications, as well as > Who is alerted when intrusions are detected,
the integrity of program, data files, and computer and what is the policy for handling intrusions?
operations, and they therefore are extremely
important in a SAS-70. System and data backup and recovery controls. At
the heart of these controls is the issue of disas-
With respect to general computer controls, most ter recovery. The CPA must verify that the com-
SAS-70S cover five areas: puter service provider can restore information
> Access controls availahility should all or part of the computer
> Program change management controls assets he destroyed or damaged. Risks to the
> Data center physical security controls data center include natural disasters, inten-
> System and data hackup and recovery controls tional and unintentional damage, theft, and
> Computer operation controls SDLC controls, hardware and software malfunction. Controls
discussed separately previously, could also he include a written disaster recovery plan; peri-
regarded as falling into this category. odic hack-up of the operating system, programs,
and data; file-retention schedules; and a com-
/Access controls. These controls deal with the plete, written, and up-to-date computer asset
management of permissions for logging on a inventory maintained off-site.

Mm AUGUST 2008 79

When assessing recovery controls, the CPA seeks The importance of gaining a thorough under-
to determine whether the computer service standing of this section should not he under-
provider has sufficiently analyzed threats, stated: Although reviewing the controls explained
explored all alternatives for an effective recovery in the SAS-70 can seem tedious, the CFO needs
plan, developed a plan with appropriate support- to understand how the service provider is pro-
ing documentation, and instituted appropriate cessing the hospital's data.
periodic testing of the plan.
The CFO also should he aware of how much test-
Computer operation controls. The CPA also must ing was performed hy the CPA for the report, and
verify that the computer service provider has con- understand the results. In a well-prepared type II
trols designed to ensure the ongoing, uninter- report, the CPA testing includes large sample
rupted operation of the computer system; to sizes. The CFO should review the SAS-70s with
provide reasonable assurance that the computer the hospital's CPA firm to ensure adequacy and
system is used for authorized purposes only; and to reliability. The SAS-70 should encompass the full
ensure that errors are detected and fixed promptly. extent of the service provider's services that the
hospital will use. For example, if the service
Application Controls provider is processing employee health henefit
The purpose of application controls, which may he claims, the SAS-70 should state user controls.
manual or programmed, is to ensure the totality
and correctness of the hospital computer records. Ask for a SAS-But Don't Get Sassy!
In a type II engagement, the CPA detaus in the SAS- Traditionally, SAS-70S were intended for CPAs'
70 the testing and operating effectiveness of these eyes only. Now, as services providers have hegun
controls. In hoth types of SAS-70, the computer to make SAS-70S availahle to their prospective
service provider may include information such as clients, hospitals have gained a valuahle means to
network diagrams or other supporting materials. assess the quality of a potential husiness partner.

Client Control Considerations Nonetheless, hospital CFOs should not allow a

The most important part of a SAS-70 to hospital SAS-70 to goad them into overconfidence: The
CFOs is the section titled "Client Control report is not a guarantee, and it cannot reliahly
Considerations. " This section descrihes how the estahlish that the service provider is employing
service provider and the hospital should work "hest practice," meeting compliance require-
together to ensure effective controls. The hospital ments under the Health Insurance Portahility and
CFO also hears a responsihility to have rigorous Accountahility Act, or reducing the risk of fraud.
internal controls and policies within the hospital
to assist the service provider to do its joh. But it can give CFOs some peace of mind, m

This section of the SAS-70 descrihes those con-

trol responsihilities that the service provider About the author
helieves should he present at the hospital, partic- Christopher C. Boutin, FHFMA,
ularly covering communication hetween the hos- CPA, CUP,
pital and the service provider. The hospital's CFO ¡s director, audit services, Baystate
should review the details of this section thor- Health, Inc., Springfield, Mass.,
and a member of HFMA's
oughly and design and implement hospital-hased
Massachusetts-Rhode Island Chapter
controls to ensure the hospital fulfills all of its (
control responsihilities.

80 AUGUST 2008 healthcare tinanciai management

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