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NAME:Prince Axel Odin Y.


Summative Assessment 1: Tell Me Why

Read the text below or listen to the recorded material in our Google Classroom. Further, try to
read the content of Formative Assessment 3 to have a clearer picture of the expected answers.
Then, answer the following questions in three sentences. Take note of the scoring guide below
to obtain maximum points. Use the spaces provided after every item. (5 items, 3 points each, 15

Credit Indicators
3 Answer is clear; claim, choice or opinion is backed up by lines from the
material read or heard.
2 Answer is clear; claim, choice or opinion is explained.
1 Answer is unclear; no explanation.
0 No answer.

1. What is the conflict/problem in the story? Explain.

The conflict in the story is between Delia and Eddie. Delia, Eddie's older sister, has been
treating Eddi horribly. She is very mean and cruel to Eddie. She would do things that will
hurt Eddi and has a habit of killing all of Eddie’s pets and animals.

2. Are Delia’s actions justifiable? Explain.

Delia's behavior is in no way justifiable. Sure, siblings fight and can be mean to each
other at times but that doesn’t give her the right to hurt nor kill her younger brother's pets
for shallow reasons such as attracting ants, stinking, or whatever reason she may have.
Animal abuse is a serious thing and she can get sued for her behavior.
3. Is Eddie’s action (throwing of the centipede) justifiable? Explain.
Even though he did this to get revenge on his older sister for all of the horrible things she
did to him, throwing a dead centipede on her lap was unjustifiable; it scared Delia
causing her to collapse. There are a ton of ways on how Eddi could’ve settled the
situation and getting his revenge that way is just immature.
4. What piece of advice can you share with Eddie?
The best piece of advice I can give to Eddie is to talk things out with her sister Delia. He
should apologize to her for acting the way he did, likewise, Delia should also apologize
for treating Eddie horribly. Whatever it is that Eddie might have done in the past doesn’t
give Delia the right to harm all of Eddie’s pets. Communication helps solve any existing
conflict and problems.

5. What lessons can we cull out of the literary piece?

The moral or lesson of the literary piece I watched is that we shouldn’t argue or fight with
our siblings, instead, we should learn how to value and love each other. Arguing and
fighting between siblings (brothers and sisters) is very normal, however, we have to keep
in mind that fighting and arguing shouldn't be that extreme and must learn to apologize.

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