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Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold.

1 The.. ... of his wallet 19 Beth is not a bad public speaker, but
when he was on holiday caused him Amelia is even. GOOD
a lot of trouble. LOSE 20 You can usually test drive a car without
2 My sister is in the play, so we got free being under any
tickets to the
. ******** . PERFORM to buy it. OBLIGE
3 Ihad a number of questions because 21 There was some...****°*****

the original instructions were about the day of the meeting;

CLEAR few people showed up. CONFUSE
4 Since the o f the 22 A ladder is a . ********
class got low marks, we will be to have around the house. USE
allowed to take the exam again. MAJOR 23 Your violin playing has improvedd
5 Linda is looking for a doctor with *****
y o u must have

a good.. . . . of allergies. KNOW been practising! ENORMOUS

6 Some parts of the Amazon still remain 24 She is an enthusiastic reader who
EXPLORE enjoys a. .... of different
.even today. ******

7 Population ***** a novels. VARY

threat to global food security. GROW 25 I had to .. *********°*'***°
. the topic of
8 The. of the fishing . . . .
my essay because I could find no

village were very p0or. INHABIT information. BROAD

9 Trevor is.. . for the 26 Sarah won't go skydiving with
position because he has no experience. SUIT you; she's not that
10 Some people feel ....

about travelling by aeroplane. NERVE 27 I believe the natural environment

.. is a bigger problem is our most.
11 ****

in the countryside than it is in the city. EMPLOY resource. VALUE

12 A good night's sleep is an 28 Lena has poor *****

remedy for when it comes to recognising

exhaustion. EFFECT people's true character. JUDGE
13 Though Mike had had every 29 Don't hesitate to contact me if you
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * .
of going to the require any further
party, he caught the flu. *********** e******

Parents sometimes disagree about 30 I like all kinds of music, but

how much . * * * * * * . .
. . LO glIve . i k e hip hop. SPECIAL
their children. FREE 31 There is no easy **********°°**'°""****"°

to the problem of noisy neighbours. SOLVE

15 That fridge won't fit in our car; we

will have to pay for 32 Amy would have quit karate if it

* * * * * ° ° * * * * * * * * * * * * * ° ° * * * ° ' '
DELIVER wasn't for her brother's
16 Due to the..
*******' **********°'

storm clouds, we stopped climbing the 33 The researcher made careful

mountain. APPEAR ... of the group
17 Would you wear . . of chimpanzees. OBSERVE
shoes simply in order to be stylish? COMFORT 34 Their angry reaction to his polite
18 Bob has a ... . to gain request was completely
weight so he is careful about what
he eats. TEND
was in
h he beach 53 If
*****"****. round, perfectly you had told me the
smooth, black stones. . . right away,
Not to travel wouldn't have been
It i *********
54 They became.. angry. TRUE
n theroads during severe weather. ADVICE
The * of new animal . suddenly when they won the lottery. WEALTH
55 We
species still happens regularly. DISCOVER can't travel that, '*'*'*''*'''''*'
... have a tonight; let's try to find a hotel.
56 If they
reputation for being in a mood most put those shoes in the
of the time. . then I will
TEENS buy them.
Josh is. . about . SELL
57 Mark has
football; it's all he ever talks never learned to cook; he is
completely. ... In the

It is important to take
kitchen. HELP
58 Most people don't believe in the
. . from doing a
. Of aliens. EXIST
job well.
Julie seems to have a natural clearly put a great deal of
into the design of
****** .

. to draw well. ABLE her new cafe. THINK
2Shefelt . when she 60 It is dangerous to expressS
moved away and left her friends
and aggression
behind. LONE when you drive. ANGRY
Working asa. . can 61 The. ******************** of
be dangerous in some countries. JOURNAL supermarket chains is putting small
Iceland may have been an unusual shops out of business. EXPAND
holiday . but we 62 Maria will only eat..
had a great time! CHOOSE produced meat. ORGANIC
We came to an 63 The theatre was in a beautiful
quickly, so the meeting was not ... building. HISTORY
too long. AGREE 64 Lately ... I S Increasingg
Smokingis. to about the benefits of recycling. AWARE
people's health. HARM 65 Tara says she was.
Monday is a quiet day at the shop; punished because she did not cheat
there are few . . *******
CUSTOM on the test. FAIR
Don't rush to make your 66 The pop singer's strange clothing
take some time gained her a lot of . . .
to think about it. DECIDE 67 I'm not generally fond of Maths,
During the strike, the rubbish in the but I find statistics
streets was . .. and *******'****°"''*'''"''****
smelly. DISGUST 68 In .. regions, it
****** ..., they arrived just is typically hot and humid. EQUATOR
after their bus had left the station. LUCK 69 At the...
Tim is proud of his running speed; he summer, it can be extremely hot. HIGH
keeps making ... 70 An increasing number of plants
to the medal he won. REFER and animals are becoming
How do you get a DANGER
to work as a QUALIFY
to Switzerland
71 While we were in the Highlands
89 Vicky travels
. to ski.
we took many photographs of ANNUAL
the. SCENE 90 My parents won't give me

to go to the
72 The. ... Of the sun

rapidly melted the ice. WARM festival. PERMIT

91 She has gained a
73 Can't you take the bus? It's very
... for me to
amount of weight; I hardly
cONVENIENT recognised her. SIGNIFY
pick you up.
74 James is. i f he 92 When Rob was given the
says he will do something, he . role in the play
does it. RELY he was thrilled. LEAD
75 Using weight machines at a gym 93 Every .should
is an easy way to increase your receive an information pack
STRONG the week before the race. CONTEST
76 The. are 94 He grew up in a small town,
conducting experiments in with only the television for
their laboratory. SCIENCE
77 Anna only suffered a . .
95 Louise is the....
ankle in the terrible car crash. BREAK spokesperson for the charity. OFFICE
78 The travel documentary
inspired 96 The electric car is a very useful
Tina's .. .... about the
because it is
world arond her. CURIOUS better for the environment
79 The. . Of computer than a normal car. INVENT
games is increasing. POPULAR 97 Daniel doesn't have many
80 It was Elizabeth's. ''***''''**'''

he can fit
dream to visit Italy. CHILD
81 They live in a lovely
everything he owns into three
suitcases. POSSESS
village by the sea. COAST 98 Alison served a
82 This game becomes ...

baked vegetable dish DELIGHT

difficult as you progress yesterday.
99 I buy the . .
through the levels. INCREASE
83 Regular ... newspaper on my way to work
required for this course. each morning. DAY
ATTEND 100 The tickets to
84 Watching Rome
English films without were an
he Can heiP g i f t and Julia was
you learn the language.
very surprised to receive them. EXPECT
85 The success of the 101 I asked
picnic is totally many questions to
On the hat I had
weather. understood correctly. SURE
86 The Northern DEPEND 102 I felt
are Lights a really ..

beautiful when my best friend

87 Colin is SEE got a
going to run the smartphone for her birthday. ENVY
marathon O 103 The hurricane caused
the fact that he is considerable
from a broken recovering i n the seaside town. DESTROY
leg. 104 Skiing
BB N1s REGARD ***** are
in restaurants in the UK.
to Smoke
particularly common in winter. INJURE

142 LEGAL They were lucky to

ne *sn
escape injury
Carthquake. DEVASTAI

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