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Investigate about the atomic models and after your read about it make
a comparison between them. In word in 2 pages, you have to write the title of the topic an

Niels Bohr postulates the atomic model which states that electrons move in
specific circular orbits around the nucleus with quantised kinetic and potential
energies. Ernest Rutherford said that atom consists of the whole mass that is
concentrated into the centre.

Definition of Bohr Theory

This theory was postulated by a Danish physicist named Neil Bohr in 1922 and

has got its name as Bohr atomic model. As this model is the modification of the
Rutherford atomic model and so sometimes known as ‘Rutherford-Bohr Model’.

Bohr model of the atom is rooted in quantum mechanics. Though it also has
some pros and cons but considered as essential as this theory explained many
points regarding atomic theory without any high-level maths. It also explained
the spectral emission lines of atomic hydrogen known as Rydberg formula.

The Bohr Model is the planetary model which states that electrons move in a
specified path known as an orbital shell. He also explained that this orbital shell
has a fixed energy level. Bohr theory is the one step ahead of Rutherford’s
model, where it described electrons and different energy level. The Bohr model
consists of small negatively-charged electrons, which orbits or revolve around
the positively charged nucleus.
Postulates of the Bohr Atomic Model

Electrons move around the nucleus in orbits or shells or energy level; it is the
fixed circular path.

The orbits are said as the “stationary orbits”.

Each orbit has a certain amount of energy and size.

The energy of the orbit corresponds to its size.

The smallest orbit will have the lowest energy.

Radiation is emitted or absorbed when electrons move from one to another


Drawbacks of the Bohr Model

It does not follow the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

This model provides the incorrect value of the orbital angular momentum.

It does not properly describe the spectra of larger atoms.

It failed in explaining the Zeeman Effect.

Definition of Rutherford Theory

In 1897, J.J Thomson’s students put up ‘Plum Pudding model‘ incorrect and

found atom consist of the subatomic particles called as electrons and protons.
Though he did not make it clear about the arrangement of such particles within
the atom. Later on, in 1911, Ernest Rutherford, with his coworkers tested
Thomson’s hypothesis by doing the ‘gold foil experiment’.

Rutherford took objection against the ‘plum pudding model’ and describe the
planetary model. He described the planetary model, where the positively
charged carried by an atom and its mass is present at its centre or nucleus.

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