Kien THLFC Can Nho': World Population

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Chu de:
Dan so the gi6'i
Ngfi' am:
Cac t�p hqp am: /kl/, / gl/, /kr/, / gr/, va /kw/
Ngfi' phap va cau true:
- 6n t�p cau dieu ki�n (lo�i 1, Io�i 2 va Io�i 3)
- Cau dieu ki�n trong cau gian tiep:
"If I were you, I didn't buy-that coat," she said.
� She said (that) if she were me, she didn't buy that coat.
Tir Vl;l'ng:
so tu
- Tu Vl!ng ve dan so va thgc tr�ng dan so the gim

I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the rest.
1.!!de B.Cf!!St!!b D.d!!msy
2. A. gr�ve�de�ze�nce
3. A.clown C.crowd�ing
4. A.quick B.quit C.quite D.quiz
5. A.clean B.gleam C.create D.greasy

"II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.
1. If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Cuba.
A_. would spend B.would have spent C.had spent D.will spend
2. It would have been a much more serious accident --- fast at the time.
A.had he been driving B.was he driving
C.he had driven D.he drove


3. If energy inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the· world

would be different.
A. is B. will be C. were D. would be
4. interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it
A. Were I B. Should I C. I was D. If I am
5. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like _this, - the
incident again.
A. I will never mention B. I never mention
C. will I ever mention D. I don't mention
6. , Unless you all of my questions, I can't do anything to hel� you. ·
A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answeting
7. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I ___ it.
A. hadn't believed B. don't believe
C. would never have believed
D. can't believe
8. The world a better place if we had known a hundred years ago
. what we know today about the earth's environment.
A. will be B. was C. should be D. might be
9. Tom said that if he me, he some rest before the game the
next day.
A. is - will get B. was - would get
C. had been - would have got D. were - might have got
10. Mary said if John late, she ___ without him.
A. is - will go B. will be - goes
C. was - would go D. would be - went

Ill. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

I. It is .expensive to call across the ocean. However, if transoceanic
telephone calls (be) cheap, I (call) my family every day
and (talk) for hours.
2. How old human beings (like) to be if all diseases in the world
(be) completely eradicated?
3. Hundreds of people became ill from eating contaminated meat during the
last two weeks. If the government (respond) more quickly to the
crisis, fewer people (suffer) food poisoning.
4. People (be) able to fly if they (have) feathers instead of hair?

5. If television (invent)___ in the eighteenth century, George Washington

(interview) regularly on the evening news.
6. If Tom (not take) his library books back tomorrow, he (have)
___ to pay a fine.
7. My brother said that if there (be)___ no oxygen on earth, life as we
know it (not exist)---
8. She said, that if Jack (refuse) __�, we (have)___ to manage
without him.

IV. Some of the sentences below are not correct. Tick ('V) the right ones, and
correct the wrong ones.
1. If you smoked in a non-smoking compartment, the other
passengers will object. 1/___
2. If he doesn't smoke so much, he might get rid of his cough. 2/___
3. I didn't throw those newspapers away if I had known you
were still reading them. 3/___
4. If a driver brakes suddenly on a wet road, he'd skid. 4/---
5. He would still be alive today if he didn't take that drug. 5/___
6. He said that if he' were ten years younger, he would learn
to drive. 6/___
7. · Should Tom help us, the job would only take half an hour. 7 /___
8. Had the chairman not told us, we wouldn't know about
the meeting: 8/___
9. She said that she wiB go to the university that October if she
· passed the exam. 9/___
10. If you told me we had run out of bread I'd have bought them. 10/___

V. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences.
1. We must limit population because our resources
are limited. GROW
2. Many people are not aware of population ___ EXPLODE
3. There is a ___ of hospital in our area. SHORT
· 4. They still that having many children means happiness. BELIEF
5. We must raise an of the problems of overpopulation. AW ARE
6. Hong Kong is one of the most areas in the world. POPULA1E


7. Although her visit was ---� we made her welcome just

the same. EXPECT
8. It's a good little car, but it has its ___ LIMIT
9. We were relieved to reach dry land and ----'-- SAFE
10. You should give proof to support your ideas. SCIENCE

VI. Complete each of the foltowing sentences with a suitable word or phrase.
1. If it hadn't .........................., ......................... gone out for a walk.
2. If you ................................................., then I'd like it back please.
. ..
3. ,I ............................................ 1'f Tom d'd . the competition.'
1 n't ·wm
4. But for Sally, Jim .......... .- ....................................... ; ..drowned.
5. If you hadn't really wanted to come, you ............... a fow hours early.
6. .................................the phone bill today, the phone will be cut off.
7. If I ...........................your tools, I wouldn't have been able to fi� the car.
8. If you'd told me you were coming, I .........................something to eat.
9. If you've finished ................................................
, � ...... � ... home.
10. If Mary had known her sister wasn't coming, she....................... to
such trouble.

VII� Read the passage below and choose one correct answ�r for each question.
The human population has grown dramatically this century. In 1900 there
were 1.6 billion people on earth. By 1950 this figure, had grown to 2.7 billion.
By the end of the 20th century, th� earth's population was about 6.6 billion:
For thousand of years, man lived· in a very primitive way. Before the
recent developments in agriculture, medicine and industry, life was difficult.
It was hard to make a living from the soil without modern farming methods,
and a few years of bad crops could mean famine and therefore de,ath -:- as it
still does today in some parts of the world. Illnesses as mild and as common
as influenza could kill a Stone-Age man weakened by hunger; appendicitis
was always fatal before the days of modern surgery. Even childbirth. was a
hazardous process. Under these conditions, the human race needed to
reproduce at a high rate just to keep in existence. But the size of the
population did not change very rapidly, for without modern medicine, many
babies and young children <lied. So for a long time, the populati,on grew very
slowly. And this is still the case today in some parts of the world where the
people live without the aids of modern technology.


It was only about two centuries ago - which is less than one-thousandth of
man's existence - that the population growth pattern changed. New discoveries
in medical science had a dramatic effect on the death-rate. Fewer children died in
infancy, and adults lived longer. Consequently, the population began to expand
rapidly. And in the 2D1h century, this acceleration of population growth has begun
to cause severe social economic problems in many developing countries.

I. The world population in 1950 was ____

A. 1.6 billion B. 1.9 billion C. 2.7 billion D. 6.6 billion
2. The word "primitive" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____
A. ancient B. modern C. negative D. 'difficult
3. Some years of bad crops could lead to ____
A. agriculture B. modern far�ing methods
C. famine D. illnesses
4. In the Stone Age, the population grew very slowly because ____
A. the human race needed to reprodu�e at a high rate
B. many children died in infancy
C. people lived without the aids of modern technology
D. both B and C
5. Which of the.following sentences is not TRUE?
A. People also suffer from famine in some parts of the world today.
B. Surgery is the best way to treat people who suffer from appendicitis.
C. People in primitive societies developed new method of farming.
D. People in the 20th century lived longer than before.

VIII. Fill in each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.
Since man has discovered ways of treating illnesses and diseases, and has
thus reduced the death-rate, the only way to control populati.on (I) is
by lowering the birth-rate. In fact, as people in modern industrial societies
began to move in (2) to work in the towns and factories, they found
that a smaller family was easier to (3) . So in Western Europe after the
Industrial Revolution, the birth-rate did slow down as parents chose to have
(4) children. More importantly, modern birth· control measures have
made it possible (5) parents to decide how many children to have.


But reducing the birth-rate is not as easy as that. There (6)____ many
religious, social economic reasons (7) some parents do not want to
control the (8) of children they have. For example,- in some of the less
developed parts of the world, many children are needed· to help work the land,
or (9) wages that supplement the family income. To halt the population
growth in such areas, it will first be necessary to raise the (10) of
living, so that parents do not need a large family.

IX. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one,
beginning with the given words or phrases.
1. We didn't know you were in hospital, so we didn't visit you�
If we .............................................................................................................
2. He's very thin; Perhaps that's why he feels the cold so much�
If he ...........................................................................................................
3. '.'If he pays me tonight, I'll have enough money for the tic�ets," she said.
She said that ...................................................................... , ........................
4. She didn't speak to him possibJy because she was'so shy. .� -
She would .................................................................................;......... �........
· 5. He can't buy the car unless he saves from now.
If he ................................................................................
· � ..........................
6. People drive very fast. That's why there are so many accidents.
If people .................................................................................... �...............
7. "If a stranger gave you a lift on the way home would you accept it?" she
asked me.
She asked me ....................................................................... � .....................
8. I didn't see the_ signal, so I didn't stop.·
Had ................................................................................... : ........................
9. My friend advised me to sell the car.
"If I.............................................................................................................
10. I feel tired now because I stayed up too late last night.
I wouldn't ........................................................................................ � ..........

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