Case Study: Renting Cars: Exercice 2

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Use cases Diagrams

Exercice 2. Case Study: Renting Cars

ABC is a company for renting cars, wishes to realize a website allowing clients to book cars. Initial
requirements for a reservation navigation system state that all menus be easy to tap. Any user (who doesn’t
have an account) can use the website to search for a car.

A business unit requires that all pages on a website load in less than 2 seconds for 99% of customers
considering their location, bandwidth and latency.

To book a car, the user must have an account. After having an account, the user becomes a client. He must
search for a car before booking it. When he chooses a car, he must enter his visa card information in order to
put a deposit. The visa card information must be verified by the information system of the bank. Note that
a user with no training and no understanding of English shall be able to use the website.

An employee can book and rent a car for a client. If the client has a reservation, he gives the employee the
reservation number. Otherwise, he informs the employee of his request, and the employee searches for a car
corresponding to the client rental needs.

When the client returns a car, the employee verifies it by entering the necessary information on the system.
The system calculates and displays the total rental amount, and the employee informs the client of this
amount. The client pays the rental amount, and if he wants an invoice, the employee prints one for him.

The director of the site can add and remove cars. Employees shall not be allowed to update the rate of the
cars, and any such attempt shall be reported to the director of the site. Client, employee, and director must
be logged in before using the system.

Q1). From the description of the system, extract three non-functional requirements, each belong
to a different requirement type; indicate the type of each requirement.

1. Usability:
 Initial requirements for a reservation navigation system state that all menus be easy to
 A user with no training and no understanding of English shall be able to use the
2. Speed:
 A business unit requires that all pages on a website load in less than 2 seconds for 99%
of customers considering their location, bandwidth and latency.
3. Access Security:
 Employees shall not be allowed to update the rate of the cars, and any such attempt shall
be reported to the director of the site.

Diagramme de cas d’utilisation 2/17 2020 – 2021

Use cases Diagrams

Q2). Draw the use case diagram specifying all actors, use cases and relationships.

To be continued …

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Use cases Diagrams

Q3). Describe a nominal scenario of the use case “Book a Car” by means of a use case text or
sequence diagram.

Client Renting System Banking IS

Client requests the index page

The system generate and send

its index page

Client clicks on Login

The system generates the login

page and send it to the client

The client enters his username

and password and then clicks
on Login button

The system will check if the

password corresponds to the
username.  valid

The system display the home


The user enters his criteria:

price, rental date and return
date and then clicks on Search

System searches for available

cars according the criteria of
the client and displays the list
of available cars

The client will select a car

System will calculates and

displays the total amount and
asks about the visa card
information of the client

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Use cases Diagrams

Client enters his visa card


System asks the Banking IS

about the visa card

Checks if the visa card

information are valid  valid

Inform the Renting system

that the information are valid

Book a car: add a record the


Display: your car has been


Display the reservation


The client takes the

reservation number and he
closes the web page.

Q4). Describe a nominal scenario of the use case “Return a Car” by means of a use case text or
sequence diagram.

Q5). Describe an exceptional scenario of the use case “Book a Car” by means of a use case text
or sequence diagram.

Client Renting System Banking IS

Client requests the index page

The system generate and send

its index page

Client clicks on Login

The system generates the login

page and send it to the client

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Use cases Diagrams

The client enters his username

and password and then clicks
on Login button

The system will check if the

password corresponds to the
username.  valid

The system display the home


The user enters his criteria:

price, rental date and return
date and then clicks on Search

System searches for available

cars according the criteria of
the client  No available cars

The client closes the web page.

Another Exceptional Scenario

Client Renting System Banking IS

Client requests the index page

The system generate and send

its index page

Client clicks on Login

The system generates the login

page and send it to the client

The client enters his username

and password and then clicks
on Login button

The system will check if the

password corresponds to the
username.  valid

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Use cases Diagrams

The system display the home


The user enters his criteria:

price, rental date and return
date and then clicks on Search

System searches for available

cars according the criteria of
the client and displays the list
of available cars

The client will select a car

System will calculates and

displays the total amount and
asks about the visa card
information of the client

Client enters his visa card


System asks the Banking IS

about the visa card

Checks if the visa card

information are valid 

Inform the Renting system

that the information are

Display that the Visa card

information are invalid. Please
try again.

The client closes the web page.

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