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Name: Pearl Irene Joy G. Nilo
Grade/Section: STEM-1
Lesson 12: Research for ICT Projects, Audience profiling, Demographics and Psychographic)
Activity # 2.2:
1. What are the factors of success for ICT project? (5 sentences for 10 pts)

Success factors are components of the project that must be put in place to ensure the completion of
the project. In simple terms, they create an enabling environment for the project to exist in the first
place. The factors of success for ICT Projects are: the first one that comes into my head is
COLLABORATION, collaboration with other people may come up with different outcomes and
ideas to be shared with each other. Shared ideas will result a wider and smarter combination of
techniques to be used with an ICT project. Second is TIME MANAGEMENT, time management
balances the step-by-step production of an ICT Project, from planning, implementation up to
application. Third is PROPER PLANNING, with the proper planning of your ICT Project, you will be
able to identify the possible strengths and weaknesses throughout your project by assuming what
will may be the result if you perform that particular step of creating project.

2. What are the factors of failure for ICT project? (5 sentences for 10 pts)

“It’s hard to fail, but it’s worse to never have tried to succeed.” Managing an ICT project from A to Z
is often a real challenge that requires a lot of work, rigor, and involvement. It’s a worthwhile
investment when the project ends in success, however, despite the team’s best efforts, many
projects can fail every year. The factors of failure for ICT Project are: first one is the WRONG
SELECTION OF ICT PROJECT PARTNERS, working with the wrong people may affect your
project. Once there is a misunderstanding on both parties, decisions will be disordered and
procedures will be disorganized. And the biggest factor; LACK OF PLANNING may cause failure to
your ICT project. Before starting your project, you have to identify what is it’s purpose, what tools
are you going to use, why you are going to implement it, who are the beneficiaries of your project,
where will it be available, and when are you going to pursue your project. Without proper planning of
your project, it may lead to misinformation and confusions of what your project will truly be.

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