Application For Report Card

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Date :01/12/2021

The principal

Apple tree international school. Pallabi, mirpur ,Dhaka

Subject: Application for providing annual report card.

Dear sir,

With due respect I would like to inform you that my daughter (Mashiyat Anwar Promee,Grade-
5,Section- Michelangelo) and son (Md. Mashroor Anwar Samee, Grade 1, Section- still life ) have been
studying your reputed school i.e. Apple tree international school. My son Samee has been studying from
nursery Grade. It may be mentioned here that, during receiving report card of Samee’s nursery grade, I
asked for his report card from Administration Madam showing his admit card and payment receipt of
tuition fees of that year, scraped book etc. But administration madam received the scraped book and
informed me that somebody already received the report card of the same name. I astonished to hear
that and asked to give my son’s report card informing that how it can be possible another person
received my son’s report card, on failure , to return the crapped book. But administration madam
refused to return the scrapped book and confirmed me to give a report card. She also advised to send a
mail ,then she will try to manage it. I send a mail on apple tree central, support center and also in
schoology(that time). It has been long time elapsed but

No report card has been sent to me till date. We also pursue the issue as we were mentally distressed
due to covid-19 situation. As such I am now finally requesting you to take nessesery steps for giving my
son’s report card of nursery Grade (year 2019) section: fog ,class teacher : Tanzila Akter ). -For this act of
kindness I shall remain ever grateful to you.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

Engr. Amina Begum

Adv.Anwar Hussian

(Parents of Md mashrur Anwar Samee )

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