MM435 CDP-1 6 Kinetics 1

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MM435_Corrosion, Degradation and Protection



Ramzan Abdul Karim



Corrosion Kinetics
Upcoming Topics…
➢ Electrical Double Layer

➢ Exchange Current Density

➢ Corrosion Rate Calculations (Faradays Laws of Electrolysis)

➢ Polarization (Evans Diagrams)

➢ Kinetics of Passivity

➢ Corrosion Testing

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Electrical Double Layer
Distribution of anions and cations at a metal – solution interface (Double Layer):

A compact layer (Helmholtz)

closest to metal surface in which
charge distribution and hence

Metal Surface
potential varies linearly with

A more diffuse inter layer (G. C.

layer) where potential changes
Electrolyte Solution

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Electrical Double Layer

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Electrical Double Layer

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Energy-Distance Profile
These are plots of free energy (ΔG) v/s the distance representing the progress of reaction
through the double layer.

➢ The metal atoms are located in energy wells

associated with lattice structure.

➢ A metal atom cannot be detached from

the lattice and pass into the solution until it
crosses an energy barrier, called activation

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Reversible and Irreversible Processes

where K1 is the constant depending on

temperature, time and activity.

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Reversible and Irreversible Processes

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Exchange Current Density:
it implies rates of dissolution and deposition reactions are equal when metal
in solution is at equilibrium (Reversible Process)

Exchange current density of Hydrogen (H2) Evolution on various surfaces..??

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Exchange Current Density:
Exchange current density (io) is dependent on:

a) Nature of the redox reaction

b) Electrode composition / surface
c) Concentration ratio of oxidized and reduced species
d) Temperature.

For example,
➢ io for H+ / H2 reaction on platinum
is about 10 A/cm2 and
➢ io for H+ / H2 reaction on mercury
-13 2
is about 10 A/cm ,
➢ This means it is easier to reduce
hydrogen ions from acidic
electrolyte on a platinum
electrode unlike on mercury,
which possesses a high
Hydrogen-overvoltage. MM-435_Corrosion Degradation and Protection 10
Faraday’s Laws and corrosion rate calculation:
1st Law
The mass of primary products formed at an electrode by electrolysis is directly proportional to the
quantity of electricity passed
I = current in amperes
t = time in seconds
m = mass of the primary product in grams
Z = constant of proportionality (electrochemical equivalent). It is the mass of a substance liberated by 1 ampere-second of a current (1
2 Law
The masses of different primary products formed by equal amounts of electricity are
proportional to the ratio of molar mass to the number of electrons involved with a
particular reaction:

m1, m2 = masses of primary product in grams

M1, M2 = molar masses (g.mol−1)
n1, n2 = number of electrons
Z1, Z2 = electrochemical equivalents.

Combining the first and second laws,

Substituting for Z from 2nd law OR

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:
Determination of Penetration depth:

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:

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A sample of zinc corrodes uniformly with a current density of 4.2 ×10−6 A/cm2
in an aqueous solution.

(a) What is the corrosion rate of zinc in mdd (mg/dm2/day)?

(b) What is the corrosion rate of zinc in mm/year?
[MZn = 65.38 g/mol, ρ(Zn) = 7.1 g/cm3, F =96 500 Coulombs/mol ]

(a) What is the corrosion
rate of zinc in mdd (mg/dm2/day)?

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(b) What is the corrosion rate of
zinc in mm/year?

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:
Current density Penetration rates Mass/Weight loss

Current density


Mass/Weight loss

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Applications of Faraday’s Laws:
Corrosion rate determination of an alloy..??

(in mpy)

Composition Atomic Weight Density, ρ

(%) (g/mol) (g/cm2)
Cr 18 52.01 7.10
Ni 10 58.68 8.9
Mo 03 95.95 10.2
Fe 67 55.85 7.86
Mn 02 54.94 7.45

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Corrosion rate determination by Weight Loss Method…!

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Kinetics of Corrosion
Corrosion Evaluation/Calculation Strategies

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination


I. To determine the best material for a typical requirement

II. To predict the portable service life of a metal component or
III. To evaluate the new alloy and processes for commercial
IV. To develop materials with improved corrosion resistance
V. To control the quality and allow acceptance after meeting the
VI. To evaluate and regulate environmental variations at controls
(inhibitors etc.)
VII. To study the corrosion mechanism
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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Types of Corrosion Tests:

Corrosion tests can be classified into two categories:

1) Laboratory Tests: Produce conditions close to plant or service conditions

They may be sub-divided into:

❑ Simulated Services Tests or Long Term Tests
❑ Accelerated Tests or Short Term Tests

2) In- service TestsCarried out in actual process streams or natural environments

These may be sub-divided into:
❑ Plant Tests
❑ Field Tests

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Standards and Codes

➢ASTM Standards
most commonly used
➢NACE Standards
➢API Standards
➢British Standards

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests:

Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

➢ Weight loss method

➢ Immersion Test
➢ Atmospheric Corrosion Test
➢ Salt Spray/Fog Test Qualitative

Modern methods (Electrochemical):

➢ Tafel Extrapolation/Potentiodynamic Polarization

➢ Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) methods
➢ Open Circuit Potential (OCP) Method Qualitative
➢ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

➢ Weight loss method

➢ Immersion Test
➢ Atmospheric Corrosion Test
➢ Salt Spray/Fog Test Qualitative

Weight loss calculation

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Weight loss method

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Weight loss method

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Weight loss method

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Immersion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Immersion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Immersion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Immersion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Immersion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Atmospheric Corrosion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Atmospheric Corrosion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Atmospheric Corrosion Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Salt Spray/Fog Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Salt Spray/Fog Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Salt Spray/Fog Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Salt Spray/Fog Test

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Experimental Methods for Corrosion Testing/Monitoring/Determination

Laboratory Tests: Conventional methods of corrosion rate determinations:

Salt Spray/Fog Test

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Kinetics of Corrosion

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When electrode reactions take place, the potential will no longer be at equilibrium due to
current flow through an electrochemical cell-causing a change in the electrode reversible
potential. This electrochemical phenomenon is termed as POLARIZATION.
Corroding systems are not in equilibrium → deviation from
The Deviation of the potential from its reversible value is
referred to as POLARIZATION.

It is given by:

η = E − Erev
η is the Polarization or deviation of the potential,
E is applied/measured potential and
Erev is the reversible potential.

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The Deviation of the potential from its reversible value is referred to as POLARIZATION.

Types of Polarization:

Polarization of anode – anodic polarization Types of polarization

Polarization of cathode – cathodic polarization w.r.t type of electrodes

Sub Types:
1. Activation Polarization (Over Potential)
2. Concentration Polarization

Total Polarization:

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