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Training Tutorial

Stope Optimizer

Release Date: October 2013

Document Version: 4.0
Module ID: 4.06

Deswik Mining Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN: 28 130 036 832 T: +61 3292 2700 F: +61 7 3831 3312

W: E: A: Ground Floor, 428 Upper Edward St, Spring Hill, QLD 4000 Australia
Copyright over this document and any accompanying models or data is reserved by Deswik Mining Consultants
(Australia) Pty Ltd (“Deswik”). This document is only to be used by the Client under the terms outlined herein. It
may not be distributed, reproduced or circulated in any way. It may not be edited or amended in any way, unless
expressly agreed to by Deswik. Products and registered logos referred to in this document are trademarks of their
respective owners and these trademarks are hereby acknowledged.

This tutorial is subject to Deswik Standard Terms and Conditions which detail the confidentiality obligations of
both Deswik and the Client. The Client should treat this tutorial and any accompanying documents, models or
data as confidential at all times.

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1. Training Module Instructions 6

1.1. Module Symbols 6

2. Introduction 7

3. Learning Objectives 8

4. Set Up 9

5. Getting Started 10

5.1. Loading Deswik.SO 10

5.1.1 Starting Deswik.SO Manually 10

5.1.2 Starting Deswik.SO Automatically 10

6. Importing Data 12

7. Block Model Information 15

7.1. Chapter Review 16

8. Deswik.SO Layout 17

9. Model Data Tab Set Up 21

9.1. Model Data Set Up 21

9.2. Additional Reporting Fields Set Up 24

9.3. Stope Shape Framework 25

9.4. Chapter Review 28

10. Output Data Tab Set Up 29

10.1. Stope Naming Set Up 31

10.2. Output Verification Shapes Set Up 35

10.3. Reports Set Up 38

10.4. Mined-Out Model Set Up 39

10.5. Chapter Review 41

11. Shape Framework Tab Set Up 42

11.1. Stope Orientation Set Up 42

11.2. Discretion and Model Discretion Plane Set Up 45

11.3. Framework Extensions Set Up 46

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11.4. String Controls Function 48

11.4.1 Gradient Control 48

11.4.2 Ore Development 50

11.4.3 Gradient and Ore Development Control 51

11.5. Structure Wireframe Control 51

11.6. Framework Optimization 52

11.7. Chapter Review 54

12. Layouts Tab Set Up 56

12.1. Output Shape Selection 56

12.2. Sub Shapes Set Up 56

12.3. Dilution Offset Set Up 63

12.4. Shape Control Set Up 65

12.5. Wall Dip Angle Set Up 68

12.6. Maximum Waste Percentage Set Up 70

12.7. Chapter Review 71

13. Cutoffs Tab Set Up 72

13.1. Optional Cut Off Settings 73

13.2. Chapter Review 74

14. Set Up General Parameters Tab 75

14.1. Filter Expressions 76

14.2. Mining Zone Definition 76

14.3. Rename Stope Reporting Mass Field 76

14.4. Output Subeconomic Stopes 77

14.5. Optional Processing Parameters 78

15. Stope Smoothing 80

15.1. Stope Splitting Set Up 80

15.2. Chapter Review 84

16. Exercise 1: Stope Framework Rotation 85

16.1. Example: Rotation on X Axis 91

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16.2. Example: Rotation on Y Axis 91

16.3. Chapter Review 92

17. Exercise 2: Stope Gradient and Level Spacing Control 94

17.1. Chapter Review 102

18. Exercise 3: Ore Development Control 103

18.1. Chapter Review 105

19. Exercise 4: Structure Wireframe Control 106

19.1. Chapter Review 110

20. Support 111

20.1. Help Files 111

20.2. Client Portal 111

20.2.1 Client Portal Access 111

20.3. Support Contacts 112

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You can complete this training module in a self-paced environment or as a guided training course. You will use a
variety of tools and functions within Deswik.SO to complete the course.

This tutorial is a dual-purpose training module containing a mix of reading theory and practical exercises.


Throughout the module, various symbols indicate what to do and account for at that stage of the training. The
table below explains the purpose and requirements for the various symbols.

Symbol Description Detail

 Exercise The Exercise symbol represents the steps to follow to complete the training project.

 Critical The Critical Information symbol represents details to remember and account for
Information when performing this process in the future.

 General The General Information symbol provides further information on the fields or
Information functionality used at this step of the training.

 Hints and The Hints and Tips symbol represents information to help navigate to a section of the
Tips tutorial or to a similar outside process.

 Important The Important Note symbol provides reminders, pointers or exceptions to account
Note for at that point of the tutorial.

 Quality The Quality Check symbol indicates that you need to check the project results. If not
Check checked, further action or practice might be the result.

 Optional The Optional Practice symbol provides ideas and an opportunity to do further
Practice practice. Although the practice is not compulsory, it might help to embed the learning

 Chapter The Chapter Review symbol lists the topics covered in the previous chapter. We
Review recommend that you understand all topics before proceeding to the next chapter.

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Deswik.SO (Stope Optimizer) is a strategic mine planning tool that automates the design of stope shapes for a
range of stoping methods for underground mines. The goal is to maximize the value of an orebody given the
constraints using a certain mining method and design parameters. The outputs (stope wireframes, section strings
and reports) are suitable for use in strategic and tactical planning.

A key feature of Deswik.SO is its ability to quickly analyze different stoping methods or stoping parameters to
assist engineers to develop a strategic mine plan based on different approaches to mine an orebody. The Deswik
multi-threaded scenario management tool allows multiple mining options to be considered and compared quickly.

As a prerequisite for this training, you must first complete the online module, Getting Started with
Deswik.CAD, and have a comprehensive knowledge of underground stope design.

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This tutorial has been developed to introduce the Deswik.SO tool and processes. At the conclusion of this tutorial,
you should be able to:

l Create a Deswik.SO scenario for vertical stope shapes.

l Use various functions in Deswik.SO such as:
o Framework rotation
o Sub-shapes
o String control
o Framework extension
o Stope splitting.

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This document should be accompanied by the training data set folder 4.06 Stope Optimizer Data Sets v4.0.
The steps will guide you to set up stope designs for a steeply dipping and narrow orebody.

 The documents and files required to complete this tutorial are:

File Name File Type

4.06 Stope Optimizer Tutorial v4.0 Printed tutorial

4.06 Stope Optimizer Data Sets v4.0 Electronic Folder

4.06 SO Block Model .dm Datamine Block Model

l LODE 2 – OP Upper Central Datamine wireframe and point file

l LODE 3 – UG Lower Central Datamine wireframe and point file

l LODE 4 – OP Upper West Datamine wireframe and point file

l LODE 5 – UG Lower East Datamine wireframe and point file

l LODE 6 – UG Lower West Datamine wireframe and point file

4.06 Development Strings Datamine wireframe and point file

4.06 Structure Wireframe Datamine wireframe and point file

4.06 Stope Optimizer Starting Project v4.0 Deswik.CAD file

4.06 Stope Optimizer Completed Project v4.0 Deswik.CAD file

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Deswik.SO runs as a plugin to Deswik.CAD. It can be started from the main menus each time required, or
alternatively started each time Deswik.CAD is opened.

The following steps will guide the loading of a Deswik.CAD project and some basic navigation tips to get started.

 Please complete the following exercise:

You can open a new Deswik document. Either:

1. Select Deswik.CAD from the Windows Start menu (Start | All Programs | Deswik.4.0. | Deswik.CAD 4.0)


Double-click the Deswik.CAD icon on the desktop.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. On the File menu in Deswik.CAD, click Open.

2. Browse to the training data set folder and select 4.06 Stope Optimizer Starting Projectv4.0.vdcl.

3. On the File menu, click Save As to save the file with a new name.

 We recommended that you create a specific folder to save the files that will be created during this tutorial.


You can load Deswik.SO either via manual start up or automatically on Deswik.CAD startup.


The Deswik.SO plugin can be launched manually after Deswik.CAD loads.

 On the Tools menu, click Underground | Stope Optimizer.


The Deswik.SO plugin can be set from the PLUGIN MANAGER to restart each time Deswik.CAD loads.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. On the Tools menu, click Plugin Manager.

 If the plugin has been loaded previously through the Main menu, it will be listed in the PLUGIN MANAGER,
simply click Load.

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2. From the PLUGIN MANAGER dialog box, click and navigate to C:\Program
Files\Deswik.SuiteX.X\Deswik.SO.dll (where X.X relates to your version of the Deswik Suite), and then
click Open.

3. Highlight Deswik.SO in the Plugins panel.

4. Select the Load on Application Startup check box to have the plugin open when you start Deswik.CAD.

5. Select the Restore Plugin Dock Position check box and click Load.

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 We recommend that you pay particular attention to the setup of the LAYER CONTROL so that data can easily and
effectively be located and managed.

 The initial LAYER CONTROL in the opened Deswik.CAD data set will already have the current setup:

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Click the 2.0 LODES layer to make the layer selected.

2. Refer to the file 4.06 Stope Optimizer Data Sets folder and select the files.

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3. Drag the selected files into the Deswik.CAD Model Space.

 The resulting layers should match the following:

 If the imported data does not appear in the Model Space, select View | Zoom | All or alternatively click the
zoom to the extents of visible data button.

 By the end of this step, your Model Space should look similar to the screenshot below, from top view:

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The orebody used in this training tutorial is a steeply dipping vein type of deposit, and the stopes will be created in

 The block model prototype information is listed in the following table. The block model has been resized and
regularized to reduce the processing time for this training tutorial, and no sub-cells were included in the block model.


Model Origin 4550 3650 -430

Parent Cell Size 10 10 10

Number of Cells 53 85 47

Model Extents 530 850 470

 The description for each block model attribute is listed in the following table:

Field Name Description

OXIDE Rock type, for 0 = Air, 1 = Oxide, and 2 = Sulphide

AU Gold content in parts per million (ppm)

DENSITY Density in t/m3


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Field Name Description

WHIT Combination of rock type and lode number:

l AIR = Air blocks

l WSTO = Oxide waste
l WSTS = Sulphide waste
l WSTC = Clay waste
l OX20 = Oxide ore in lode 2
l OX30 = Oxide ore in lode 3
l OX40 = Oxide ore in lode 4
l OX50 = Oxide ore in lode 5
l OX60 = Oxide ore in lode 6
l FR20 = Sulphide ore in lode 2
l FR30 = Sulphide ore in lode 3
l FR40 = Sulphide ore in lode 4
l FR50 = Sulphide ore in lode 5
l FR60 = Sulphide ore in lode 6

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Import the Datamine project data Importing Data on page 12

Set up the Deswik.SO project Importing Data on page 12

Load the Deswik.SO tool Loading Deswik.SO on page 10

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

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 Please complete the following exercise:

1. On the Tools menu, click Underground | Stope Optimizer to load the Deswik.SO plugin.

2. In the STOPE OPTIMIZER dialog box, click to create a new scenario.

3. Name the new scenario 3g cut-off, and then click OK.

4. Confirm the orientation of the scenario is set to Slice Vertical.

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5. Click to change the reporting directory to C:\4.06 Stope Optimizer\Reporting.

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6. Click to edit the selected scenario (the selected scenario is highlighted in blue).

 The description for each field or function in the STOPE OPTIMIZER dialog box is listed in the following table:

Field Name Description

Use Only scenarios with this check box enabled will be processed.

Name Name of the stope optimization scenario.

Orientation Orientation of the stopes:

l Slice vertical: Used for vertical or steeply dipping orebodies.

l Slice horizontal: Used for flat or gently dipping orebodies.
l Transverse: Special type of vertical orientation for sublevels position optimization.
l Prism: This method allows a combination of stope shapes to be selected from a user-
defined library of shapes.

 The slice method first generates thin slices, which are then aggregated into stope seed
shapes that satisfy stope and pillar width constraints, and an orientation that is defined by a
stope control surface, dynamic anisotropy fields in the input model, or as a last resort the
default dip and strike angle. The slice method then anneals the seed shapes to the final
stope shape satisfying stope and pillar width and other geometry constraints. Stopes can
have the full dimension of the long section axes (full stopes), or partial dimension (substopes).

The prism method uses a selected stope shape library with optimization on the combination
of the shapes to fill shapes in regular slice stope generation. The transverse method is able to
optimize the sublevels position within the framework extent

Description Description of the scenario for identification purposes.

Export Export one of multiple scenario settings as an importable external XML file.

Import Import an external XML scenario setting file.

 The imported scenarios will overwrite the existing scenarios in Deswik.CAD.

Validate Validate Deswik.SO scenario settings.

Show Show stope optimization details while running.


Process Process multiple Deswik.SO scenarios at the same time using (parallel computing).

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Field Name Description

Save Save the project file when all scenarios are processed.

Reporting Reporting directory where the stopes shapes and log file are stored.

Move selected scenario up in the list.

Move selected scenario down in the list.

Edit the selected scenario.

Create a new scenario. When a new scenario is created, it will automatically have the
parameters of the selected scenario if this is not the first scenario.

Delete the selected scenario.

Process Process Deswik.SO scenarios that have the Use check box enabled.

Log file Open the optimization log file.

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The Model Data tab controls the basic input options and reporting data of the scenario.


 Please complete the following exercise:

1. In the SCENARIO dialog box, click to specify the input model file, and then select the 4.06 SO Block file from the training data sets folder provided.

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2. Specify ‘AU’ in the gold content field of the block model as the optimization field and set up the default value
as ‘0’.

3. Specify ‘DENSITY’ in the density field of the block model as the density field and then set the default density
value as ‘2.8’ (t/m3).

 The default density or optimization value will only be used for blocks without density or gold content values
or where no blocks are available in model.

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4. Set up LODE = 5 and LODE = 6 as the exclusion zone as shown below to ensure no stopes are created in
these zones. For example, zero percentage will completely exclude specified material type in stope generation
where 20 % will allow a stope to have up to 20 % of the excluded material to be generated.

 The screenshot below shows the location of each lode and the existing open-pit pit shell. In the tutorial, you
will create stopes in LODE 3 only and avoiding LODE 6 and 5.

 The description for each field in the Reporting Field section on Model Data tab is listed in the following

Field Description

Optimization Attribute field in the block model to be used for stope optimization or cut-off. For
Field example, gold grade, net smelter return value field. The default value is only used for cells
without a value or with invalid optimization attributes. For example, alphabet or where no
cells are found.

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Field Description

Density Field Density field of the block model in t/m3 unit format, default density value is only used for
cells without or with invalid density attribute.

Exclusion 1 Option to set up an exclusion limit of a block model code value in a stope shape. For
example, zero for completely exclude the material in a shape, 20 % will allow 20 % of the
material code to be include in stope shape.

Exclusion 2 Second exclusion field.

Include Option to set up a lower inclusion limit of the proportion of a material allowed in a stope
Material shape. For example, a 20 % inclusion limit will define stopes created must contain 20 % of
the block mode code specified.

Exclude from Exclude the reporting of a block model attribute. For example, mined out material.

Exclude To set up an exclusion limit of a block model code value in a stope shape and stopes
Material By cannot be created within the specified minimum distance from the excluded cells in
Distance transverse direction. For example, paste filled stopes, existing open pit operating.

Zone Mixing To prevent occurrence of multiple block model codes with in a stope. For example,
proportion of both oxide and sulphide ore.

Zone Defines the ore zones that are spatially separated. It is used with the Framework
Iteration Optimization setting on the Shape Framework tab to optimize each zone identified in
a list of zones.


The Additional Reporting Fields function allows additional block model fields to be reported and also the report
of dominant or ranked material types within a stope.

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 Please complete the following exercise:

1. In the Reporting Fields section, click Additional Reporting Fields to open the OTHER REPORTING FIELD dialog

2. Use the following settings:

 The description for each field in OTHER REPORTING FIELD dialog box is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Field Name Name of the block model field to report.

Default Value Default block model field value if any values are missing.

Accumulation l WeightByMass: Weight model field on mass. For example, gold grade.
Type l WeightByVolume: Weight model field on volume. For example, density type of field.
l Sum: Sum specified numeric model field, or count for alphanumeric field

Category l Dominant: Report the dominant block model field code within a stope. For example,
Reporting rock type – oxide. Only one block model field can be reported dominant.
l Ranked: Report the four most prominent block model field codes within a stope, and
the percentages.

Scaling Additional reporting field scale factor can be used for unit conversion or correction
Multiplier purposes.


Deswik.SO offers four stope orientations:

l XZ, YZ for vertical stopes

l XY, YX for horizontal stopes

The first letter is the strike (U) direction, the second is the vertical (V) direction, and the missing axis letter is the
transverse (W) direction. The UVW is the local grid naming convention.

The stope dip and strike angles specified are relative to stope shape framework. Rather than the true dip and
strike, the strike defines approximate orientation of the stope, but not necessarily the orebody strike. The angles
are measured in local coordinate system for rotated stope framework.

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In this case, the strike direction of the stopes is set to be on the Y axis. In an un-rotated YZ stope orientation, the
dip angle is measured from the Z plane along the X axis. The strike angle is measured clockwise from the on Y axis
as shown below.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. In the SCENARIO dialog box, enter ‘60’ (degrees) as Default Shape Dip and ‘27’ (degrees) as the Default
Shape Strike angle. The shape dip angle can also be read from a surface dynamic anisotropy field in the
block model or a surface (preferred).

 In an un-rotated XZ case, the strike direction of the stopes is set to be on the X axis. In an XZ stope
orientation, the dip is measured from the Z plane along the X axis. The strike angle is measured clockwise from
the X axis.

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2. Select the Dip and Strike check box. Next select the From Surface option and specify 2.0 LODES\LODE 3 -
UG LOWER CENTRAL as the layer for strike and dip additional lookup layer.

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3. If any warning messages appear, click Validate on the Model Data tab to validate the parameters entered
and check the settings.

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up a Deswik.SO scenario Deswik.SO Layout on page 17

Map the block model and reporting fields Model Data Set Up on page 21

Nominate additional reporting fields Additional Reporting Fields Set Up on page 24

Set up stope seed information Stope Shape Framework on page 25

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

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The Output Data tab controls the color of the stope shapes, verification shape setting, report options, and
mined-out model output.

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 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Click the Output Data tab.

2. The default outputs from Deswik.SO are the stope outlines strings and the stope solids. The default output
location is under SHAPE OPTIMISER | *Scenario name layer. Click to specify a different layer to store
the output entities.

3. Click Colors to change the color of different objects. In the SHAPE COLORS dialog box, change the color of
Cross Section Slices to yellow.

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4. Click OK to save the changed settings.

 The figure below shows the default color of the entities generated from Deswik.SO:

 The description for each field in the SHAPE COLORS dialog box is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Shapes Color Color of stope wireframe.

Subeconomic Color of subeconomic shapes. The output subeconomic stopes option is located on the
Shapes Color General Parameter tab.

The subeconomic shapes are the stopes shapes with economical stope seed but
annealing cannot generate economic stopes.

Section Color of the stope side wall section polyline.


Plan Color of the stope floor polyline.


Cross Color of the stope cross-section slice polylines.


Cross Number of intermediate cross-section strings generated between the front and the back
Section of a stope outline. For example, a cross section intermediate slice of '1' will create one
Intermediate cross section polyline in the middle of each stope and a slice at the front and back (three
Slices in total).


Deswik.SO automatically generates stope identifiers in the sequence they are generated in by default. In addition,
the Stope Naming function is able to include spatial and field information such as level, location, ore type, model
field, and stope numbering.

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 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Enable the Stope Naming check box, and then click Stope Naming.

2. In the STOPE NAMING CONVENTION dialog box, click to add a new description.

3. Double-click the default name Line01 and rename the description as ‘Level’. Use the following settings for
the remaining fields:

 This will make the first part of the stope name will be set as the minimum elevation of each stope.

4. Click to add a second part to the stope naming convention. Rename the description ‘Number’. Next,

select Number in the list and then click to edit it.

5. Change Number of Characters to ‘3’ and set Number of Decimal Places to ‘0’.

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6. Click the Field tab and select STOPENUM from the Field Name list.

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7. Click OK to save the stope naming settings.

 The description for each field in the STOPE NAMING CONVENTION dialog box is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Number of Maximum number of characters to display.


Number of Number of decimal places to keep.


Auto Select stope name from internal defined values such as:

l Stope number
l Stope orientation
l Stope type
l Stope coordinates.

List Define parts of stope name based on filter expression and value matching. For example, a
stope naming convention based on grade concentration within a stope:

Field Specify parts of the stope name based on block model field code within the stope.

Fixed Specify a fixed string as a part of the stope name. For example, “North_”.

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Field Description

Position Generate stope name based on the position of the stope subject to stope shape framework:

l Axis: The axis of stope shape framework to be used for counting. For example, for a XZ
stope orientation, U direction is the X axis, V direction is the Z axis, and W is the X axis. For
an YZ stope orientation, U direction is the Y axis, V direction is the Z axis, and W is the X
l Progression: Ascending direction of the counter.
l Letter Count: The starting string of the letter counter. For example, with a start string of
AA, the next steps of stope naming will be AB, AC, AD, etc. At the end of the specified
range such as ZZ will be moved to AA in the next count.
l Number Count: The value to increase from every step along the selected axis.

 The following image is an example of naming stopes based on their sequential position
on the strike direction. The position naming convention applies in the local stope framework.


The Output Verification Shapes function can output stope seed, slice, undiluted stope, wall dilutions as well as
failed stope seeds as wireframes in Deswik.CAD. This function can be utilized as a useful diagnostic tool if no
stopes are generated.

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 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select the Output Verification Shapes check box to enable verification shapes output.

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2. Click Colors to open the VERIFICATION SHAPE COLORS dialog box. Use the following settings:

 A near wall is defined as the wall of a stope that is closer to the model origin, vice versa for the far wall.

We suggest that you check verification wireframes after processing stope optimization scenarios. For example,
on Failed Seed verification wireframes, the reason why the seed failed will be written as a FAILMESS attribute:

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Deswik.SO can output a detailed report in *.csv format.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select All in the Categories Reported field, and then specify the location of the report and summary report
in the training data set folder provided under Reporting:

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 The description for each report type is listed below:

l Summary – a report with ore, waste and total tonnage.

l Total – a one line stope summary.
l All – generates a break down report of near or far, hanging wall or footwall, internal, total waste, void,
ore, total.


The Mined-out Model function outputs the stope cells as discretized model cells in a Datamine block model

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 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select the Mined-out Model check box to enable the function and then click Mined Out Model to open the
MINED OUT MODEL dialog box.

2. Specify the output Model File location in the training folder provided. Next enter ‘MINED’ as the Mined
Field Name in the block model and ‘0’ as the Field Default.

3. Select the Only Shows Mined Blocks check box to only generate mined blocks in the stope shapes in the
output block model. Clearing the check box will output all cells including both mined and unmined.

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4. Click OK to return to the SCENARIO dialog box.

 This feature is primarily used as a diagnostic tool and should only be applied by specifying smaller area in
the stope shape framework, or to a set of selected stopes for the run.

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up the Output Data tab Output Data Tab Set Up on page 29

Configure the stope naming settings Stope Naming Set Up on page 31

Output shapes configuration Output Verification Shapes Set Up on page 35

Map the reporting directories Reports Set Up on page 38

Set up the mined out model options Mined-Out Model Set Up on page 39

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

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The Shape Framework tab defines the orientation of the stope shapes, framework rotation, string control for
irregular stopes shapes, and so on.


 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Click the Shape Framework tab.

2. Select YZ as the Stope Orientation.

 The first letter of the Stope Orientation defines the axis aligned to the strike direction of the stope
framework as shown below:

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3. Enter ‘4600’, ‘3680’, and ‘-420’ for Origin X, Origin Y, and Origin Z to define the starting point of stope
optimization. Deswik.SO will only consider cells with XYZ values greater than what is specified in model origin.
You should limit the number of waste blocks within the specified model range to speed up the process.

4. Specify the Increment on the X axis as ‘600’. In a YZ stope orientation case, the increment on X axis must
cover the extents of the orebody in a transverse direction. The actual stope width on transverse direction will
be defined in the layout tab.

5. Enter ‘25’ (m) as the Increment and ‘31’ as the Number of the Y axis. This parameter defines the fixed
stopes length in strike direction. Only the range specified on Y axis will be considered by Deswik.SO. In this
case it is from the model origin Y=3680 to Y=25(m) x 31(stopes) +3680 = 4455.

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6. Enter ‘30’ (m) as the Increment and ‘16’ as the number of stope levels to create on Z direction. The
increment of Z axis defines the height of the stope shape, and the range is from origin Z = -420 to Z = 16 x 30
+ (-420) = 60.

 The following image shows the original model extents and the model range used in stope optimization.

Default to Model Limits will read all cells in the block model to determine model origin and parent cell size, the
increment will also automatically be defined to the dimension of the cell size on each axis. This process is slow for
large block models as all cells in the block model will need to be read to determine each parameter. Default to

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Prototype will read the model origin; parents cell size, and so on, from the prototype which is faster than using the
Default to Model Limits method. However, it should be used with caution on cropped block models as some
cropped model limits may differ from its prototype.

Click View Graphically on the Shape Framework tab to check the stope shape framework against a block model
slice or orebody wireframe in the Model Space.


The Discretization settings subdivide the original block model cells into smaller sub-cells for the purposes of the
stope shape annealing algorithm used in the Fast Evaluation method defined on the General Parameters tab)
and maintain an accurate volumetric estimate of mined out material. The stope annealing process interactively
adjusts the corners of the stopes to improve the value of a stope progressively.

 For the Fast Evaluation method, the discretized model cells should be less than half the size of the smallest
stoping unit, or stoping sub-unit on the stope strike axis.

For the Precise Evaluation method, a strike interval of '1' can be used but only for the case where full stoping units
only are selected. A useful guide is to make the discretization cell size about a quarter of the stope height and the
stope strike length.

For example, if the smallest stope unit has a dimension of 10 (m) in strike direction and 10 (m), the discretized model
cells need to be smaller or equal to 5 (m). If the parent cell size in the block model used is 10 (m) x 10 (m) x 10 (m), the
discretization number will need to be at least two to have a discretized cell size of 5 (m).

l Full stope size, 25 (m) on strike and 30 (m) on vertical.

l Smallest sub-stope, 6.25 (m) on strike and 30 (m) on vertical.
l Block model cell size: 10 (m) on each axis.

Therefore, to ensure the correct function of Deswik.SO, the discretization number will need to be at least two but
higher or equal than:

 A higher discretization will increase the accuracy of stope optimization but will increase the processing time. We
recommend that you use a low discretization number to run the Fast Evaluation method first, and then the Precise
Evaluation method can be ran when you are happy with the results from using the Fast Evaluation method.

45 | Page
 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Enter ‘8’ as the Strike Interval, and ‘8’ as the Vertical Interval.

2. Enable the Model Discretization Plane check box and select YZ.

 The model discretization plane is the plane where model cells and sub-cells are discretized for the stope shape
annealing process. The model discretization plane should always set to correspond to the stope orientation plane. In
cases where the model plane or framework are rotated, a different model discretization plane of the framework
might be selected.


Framework extensions can be used to define different section or level spacing. If framework extensions are being
used, the number Z increment value will need to be sufficient to cover the distance covered in the framework
extensions, otherwise Deswik.SO will not create any stopes.

46 | Page
 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select the Framework Extensions check box and click Framework Extensions on the Shape Framework

2. Select the Levels option and then click to add a new stope section to the grid. Enter ‘-420’ in the
Coordinate column and ‘25’ (m) in the Size column.

3. Click to add another line to the grid, and then enter ‘-395’ in the Coordinate column and ‘25’ (m) in the
Size column.

 These settings will create a stope height of 25 m on level -420 and level -395.

4. Click Auto Fill to use the Auto Fill function to fill the rest of the stope shape framework with 30m stope

5. Enter ‘-370’ level in the Start Coordinate field, ‘30’ (m) in the Increment field, and ‘14’ in the Number field,
and then click OK.

6. Click OK to return to the SCENARIOS dialog box.

47 | Page

String control is a function that uses polylines to guide the stope shape framework geometry. It is very useful for
creating irregular stope shapes and stope gradient control. There are three types of string control: Gradient, Ore
Development and a combination of both – Gradient & Ore Development.


Gradient: The Gradient String Control function uses polylines on the stope orientation plane, for example, YZ
plane or XZ plane, to guide the stope shape framework geometry. The supplied strings will be used to define the
roof and the floor of each stope on each level as shown below:

 The strings vertices will only be read on the stope orientation plane. For example, YZ plane, if you defined
strings are in 3D space rather than the stope orientation plane; the polylines will be automatically projected to the

48 | Page
stope orientation plane to guide the gradient of the stopes. String control should not be used at the same time with
the Framework Extension function to avoid conflict in defining stope height.

 An example of stope shapes created using gradient string control is shown below. This section will be covered in
more detail later on in the tutorial.

 Make sure that String Control is disabled in this training tutorial as Framework Extension if being used.

49 | Page

Ore Development: The supplied string will be treated as extraction level drive strings and only stopes that can
intersect with the string will be created. The figure below shows some stopes generation without using any string
control functions.

When an Ore Development string is used, only stopes that intersect with the string will be created as shown

50 | Page
 This section will be covered in more detail later on in the tutorial.


Gradient Control and Ore Development: Using this function, the supplied strings will be used to define the
sublevel position of the stopes and also control the gradient of the stope. However, this function is restricted to
cases where only a single stope in transverse direction is created as gradient control does not support multiple
gradients in the transverse direction.


You can use the Structure Wireframe function where stopes would break to some adjacent weak structural
surface such as a fault surface. The stope corner that fell into the search radius will be automatically snapped to
the surface to take the over break effect into account.

51 | Page
 See Exercise 4: Structure Wireframe Control on page 106 for further detail on this section.


The Framework Optimization function in Deswik.SO can consider the choice of stope dimensions and the origin
for the stope shape framework.

52 | Page
For example, if you want to find the best stope height to use between 25 (m), 30 (m), and 35 (m) as well as the
best starting point of stope optimization, the framework optimization function is able to compare all scenarios
associated with the input parameters:

H = 25(m) H = 30(m) H = 35 (m)

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z) Case: 1 Case: 2 Case: 3

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z + 5) Case: 4 Case: 5 Case: 6

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z + 10) Case: 7 Case: 8 Case: 9

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z + 15) Case: 10 Case: 11 Case: 12

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z + 20) Case: 13 Case: 14 Case: 15

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z + 25) for H = 30 only Case: 16 Case: 17 Case: 18

Framework origin = framework origin (x, y, z + 30) for H = 35 only Case: 19 Case: 20 Case: 21

 The description for each field or function in Framework Optimization is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Axis The step size for the origin shift along X axis, the number should be a sub-multiple of the stope
Increments size on X axis if you want to optimize stope dimensions on X axis.

Axis The step size for the origin shift along Y axis, the number should be a sub-multiple of the stope
Increments size on Y axis if you want to optimize stope dimensions on X axis.

Axis The step size for the origin shift along Z axis, the number should be a sub-multiple of the stope
Increments size on Z axis if you want to optimize stope dimensions on X axis.

Output All Output all available cases.


Output Only output the most economical case.

Best Case

Optimize Optimize the location and sublevel interval allowing different combinations of sublevel intervals
Sublevel to be identified. Can only be used where the stope size on the Z axis equals the framework
Intervals origin increment on the Z axis.

53 | Page
Field Description

Stope l Minimum X: Minimum stope size on X axis.

Shape l Maximum X: Maximum stope size on X axis.
l Axis Step X: Axis step distance on X axis. The increment should be a sub-multiple of the
stope dimension on X axis. For example, 20-35 in increments of 5.
l Minimum Y: Minimum stope size on Y axis.
l Maximum Y: Maximum stope size on Y axis.
l Axis Step Y: Axis step distance on Y axis. The increment should be a sub-multiple of the
stope dimension on Y axis. For example, 20-35 in increments of 5.
l Minimum Z: Minimum stope size on Z axis.
l Maximum Z: Maximum stope size on Z axis.
l Axis Step Z: Axis step distance on Z axis. The increment should be a sub-multiple of the
stope dimension on Z axis. For example, 20-35 in increments of 5.

Stope Specify stope shape dimensions using a list of stope dimensions. An example is shown below
Shape Sizes that optimize the stope height using 30 (m), 35 (m), and 40 (m) cases.

Zone Option to use block model iteration field to optimize each zone identified. This function can be
Iteration useful when there are a significant number of “pods” to be evaluated.

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

54 | Page
Subject Reference

Map the stope orientation settings Stope Orientation Set Up on page 42

Model discretion plane set up Discretion and Model Discretion Plane Set Up on page 45

Framework extension options Framework Extensions Set Up on page 46

Gradient and ore control set ups String Controls Function on page 48

Set up framework optimization options Framework Optimization on page 52

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

55 | Page

The Layout tab controls planned dilution, stope width, strike and dip angle, as well as sub-shapes.


In Deswik.SO, there are three types of stope shapes that can be created:

l Full Shapes
l Sub-shapes
l Development shapes, with a height and width for development.

Deswik.SO will process full shapes first, and then optimize sub-shapes for the use of the remaining orebody. It will
then create development shapes in the orebody that are not taken by either full shapes or sub-shapes.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Click the Layout tab.

2. Select the Full Shape check box.


Sub-shapes can be defined either using fixed dimensions by specifying the number of sub shapes in the strike (U)
or vertical (V) direction of the stope framework, or alternatively by specifying a list of user-defined shapes.

A number of automatic configurations of sub-shapes can also be supplied where the interval dimension is given
on the strike or the vertical axis (but not both), and where sub-shapes adjoin the framework cell boundary, and
the largest sub-shape is chosen first.

56 | Page
 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select the Sub Shapes check box to enable the Sub Shapes function.

2. Select the Variable Sub Shape Control check box to enable variable sub shape control.

57 | Page
3. Click Variable Sub Shape Control to open the OPTIMIZE SUB SHAPES dialog box.

4. Click to add three new rows to add three sub shape settings to the grid.

5. Enter the following sub stope parameters in the grid:

 The parameters entered above define the dimension of the sub-shapes in fractions of the full shape. The
settings above will create sub-shapes that are 0.75, 0.5, or 0.25 of a full shape’s length.

 By default, sub-shapes are processed in the order supplied, and the stope will be created in the first
economic sub-shape. In the case where there are multiple lenses and potentially multiple stopes transversely
across strike, if one lens is successful with a full stope, but not the others, the others still be considered for sub-
stopes. If the Optimize Substopes check box is selected then an optimal choice of sub-shapes is made to
maximize the value of a stope.

58 | Page
6. Click OK to save the settings and exit the optimize sub stopes window.

 The description for each field or setting in the sub-shapes section is listed in the following table. You should
note that the strike direction is the first letter in the defined stope orientation. For example, YZ has a stope strike
direction on Y axis.

Field Description

Horizontal Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the strike direction when producing regular
Number stoping sub-units. Horizontal number can be used at the same time with vertical number.

59 | Page
Field Description

Vertical Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the vertical axis when producing regular sub-
Number units. Vertical number can be used at the same time with horizontal number.

Edge – Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the strike direction when producing sub-unit
Horizontal shapes that must adjoin the ends of the stoping unit and cannot be used with other sub
shape controls.

60 | Page
Field Description

Edge – Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the vertical direction when producing sub-unit
Vertical shapes that must adjoin the ends of the stoping unit and cannot be used with other sub
shape controls.

Back – Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the strike when producing sub-unit shapes that
Horizontal must adjoin the upper end of the stoping unit and cannot be used with other sub shape

61 | Page
Field Description

Forward – Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the strike direction when producing sub-unit
Horizontal shapes that must adjoin the lower end of the stoping unit and cannot be used with other
sub shape controls.

Up – Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the vertical axis when producing sub-unit shapes
Vertical that must adjoin the upper end of the stoping unit and cannot be used with other sub shape

62 | Page
Field Description

Down – Number of divisions of a stoping unit along the vertical axis when producing sub-unit shapes
Vertical that must adjoin the lower end of the stoping unit and cannot be used with other sub shape

Optimize By default, sub-shapes are processed in the order supplied, and the stope will be created in
Sub- the first economic sub-shape. In the case where there are multiple lenses and potentially
stopes multiple stopes transversely across strike, if one lens is successful with a full stope, but not
the others, the others still be considered for sub-stopes. If the option to optimize sub-stopes
is selected then an optimal choice of sub-shapes is made to maximize the value of a stope.

Variable Variable sub shape control allows variable sub shape dimension to be specified as a fraction
Sub Shape of the dimension of the full shape in either horizontal or vertical direction.


Dilution offset defines the planned dilution width on both sides of the stope (footwall or hanging for geometric
(local) wall angle method and near or far for geological (global) wall angle method). For a stope width of 20 m, a
1 m dilution on both sides of the stope will make the output stope width to 22 m. Below is an example of stopes
generated with no dilution offset to 6 m offset of both sides of the stope.

63 | Page
 Please complete the following exercise:

Select the Near and Far option and then enter ‘1’ (m) as the dilution distance on each side as shown below.

 A near wall can be easily identified as the wall with the lower value coordinate on the transverse (U) axis, vice
verse for the far wall.

64 | Page

The Shapes Control section defines the width range of stopes, stope pillar width, strike angle and side ratios.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Enter Minimum Width, Maximum Width, and Minimum Waste Pillar Width as ‘10’ (m), ‘200’ (m), and
‘0.01’ (m).

 The stope width will vary between 10 m to 200 m depending on the local geology and cut-off. The stope will
be split in transverse direction later in the tutorial.

 There are two ways to split stopes in transverse direction. The first is to define the stope as the required
stope width in the Shapes Control section if the grade distribution and orebody shape is irregular. The second
method is to define large range of stope width in Shapes Control, and the split the stope using the Transverse
Splitting function on the Post Processing tab. This method can be used for regular orebodies with uniform
grade distribution.

 The waste pillar width is set to be ‘0.1’ which will eventually leave 0.1 m gap between each stope in the
transverse direction so that waste pillars are ignored.

65 | Page
2. Enter Minimum Strike Angle, Maximum Strike Angle, and Maximum Strike Change as ‘0’ (°), ‘60’ (°),
and ‘30’ (°).

 This will limit the stope side wall strike angle between 0 to 60 degrees with a maximum change of strike
angle within a stope of 30 degrees.

 The minimum and maximum strike angle defines the range for the strike angles on the roof and the floor
and the stopes with a maximum change of strike angle specified.

66 | Page
3. Enter ‘1’ for both Maximum Side Ratio (T-B) and Maximum Side Ratio (F-B), and then use a Shape Slice
Interval of ‘5’ (m).

 The description for Maximum Side Ratio (T-B) and Maximum Side Ratio (F-B) is shown in the figure

 The shape slice interval is a key parameter for the successful stope optimization. Deswik.SO requires at
least 3-5 slices in a minimum stope width. A small slice interval will improve the results but it will slow down the
process. The shape slice interval should ideally be a number that is an exact divisor of the stope width, dilution
width on both sides and at least half the minimum pillar width. For example:

l Stope width: 25 (m)

l Dilution width: 1.5 (m)
l Minimum pillar width: 1 (m)
l Slice interval = 0.5 (m)

67 | Page
These rules of slice interval are critical if the pillar width is close to the minimum pillar. If ore lenses (and the
stopes generated) are widely spaced (relative to the minimum pillar width then the rule can be relayed) . In this
case something between 2 and 5 m should be appropriate.

The stope slice interval should ideally be a sub-multiple of the minimum stope width, the dilution widths on both
sides of the stope (near or far, or hanging wall or footwall) and half the minimum pillar width.


Deswik.SO offers geometric (local) and geological (global) wall naming conventions (hanging or footwall, or near or
far) and the dip angle range for wall type can be individually defined for both walls or the same angle ranged can
be applied to both walls.

68 | Page
 Please complete the following exercise:

1. On the Layout tab, in the Near and Far Dip Angles section, select the Near and Far option.

2. Enter Minimum Dip as ‘45’ (°) and Maximum Dip as ‘90’ (°) with a Maximum Dip Angle Change of ‘30’
(°). This is the maximum angle change between front and back sections.

 Using the hanging wall or footwall wall naming convention, the stope orientation can change from
hanging wall to footwall and back over the vertical height of the orebody. In a near and far case the orientation
is fixed over the vertical height of the orebody.

You should note that the orientation of the stope for geometric (hanging wall, footwall) is defined by the seed
orientations. The annealing process could still produce symmetrical stops shapes depending on inputs.

 The description of each field in the Near and Far Dip Angles section is listed in the following table:

69 | Page
Field Description

Hangingwall and Specify the maximum and minimum dip angle using local wall angle.

Near and Far Specify the maximum and minimum dip angle using a global wall angle method. A
near wall of a stope is defined as the wall with the shortest distance to the model
origin, and a far wall of a stope is defined as the wall with the furthest distance to the
model origin.

Separate Separate maximum and minimum wall angle constraints to hanging wall and footwall
Hangingwall/Footwall (when using footwall or hanging wall naming convention):

Separate Near and Separate maximum and minimum wall angle constraints to near and far constraints
Far Constraints (when using near or far wall naming convention):


Maximum waste percentage defines the maximum waste proportion allowed within a stope. For example, 50 %
defines the maximum percentage of below cut-off grade material allowed in a stope is 50 % of the stope tonnage.
We suggest that you start with a high waste percentage and work down from there.

l  Please complete the following exercise:

1. Enter ‘75’ (%) as the Maximum Waste Percentage. This will allow a stope with a maximum of 75 % waste
to be created but still satisfy the cut-off grade or value.

2. You have completed the settings on the Layout tab.

70 | Page
 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Specify output shape options Output Shape Selection on page 56

Set up sub-shape options Sub Shapes Set Up on page 56

Dilution offset configurations Dilution Offset Set Up on page 63

Set up shape and wall dip inputs Shape Control Set Up on page 65

Specify waste percentages Maximum Waste Percentage Set Up on page 70

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

71 | Page

To create optimized stope shapes, a cut-off grade is needed to define what grade or value is considered as ore and
what is to be considered as waste. In addition to a cut-off grade, a head grade can optionally be supplied. The cut-
off grade or value can be defined as:

l A fixed grade or value. For example, gold content, net smelter return.
l Cut-off supplied in the block model, for example where cut-off should vary with depth or material type.
l Cut-off applied dynamically based on stope dimensions, or mass.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Click the Cutoffs tab.

2. Select the Grade option.

3. Select the Fixed Cutoff option and enter ‘3’ (g/t) as the Cutoff Value.

 The description for Grade, Value and Calculated Value optimization types are listed in the following table:

Field Description

Grade Use a grade cut-off as the optimization method. For example, g/t, oz/t.

72 | Page
Value Use a value cut-off as the optimization method.

Calculated Use a calculated value cut-off for the optimization method, the formula used is shown below:

Price Price of commodity per unit, the unit depends on the grade unit of the optimization field. For
example, an optimization field of gold has the unit grams per tonne, thus the price of gold should
also be in $/gram.

Royalty Royalty in fraction. For example, 0.03 for 3 % of royalty.

Mining Mining recovery in fraction For example, 0.95 for 95 % of mining recovery.

Mining Mining cost per tonne.


Processing Processing recovery in fraction. For example, 0.95 for a processing recovery rate of 95 %.

Processing Processing cost per tonne of ore mined.



In addition to a cut-off grade, a head grade can optionally be supplied. The average grade of the stope must not
only satisfy the cut-off grade, but also a head grade. The cut-off grade can be supplied without the head grade,
but a head grade cannot be supplied without a cut-off grade.

 The description for each optional cut-off value function is listed in the following table:

73 | Page
Field Description

Fixed Cutoff Fixed cut-off grade or value.

Block Model Use a supplied cut-off value from the block model. For example, a net smelter return cut-off
Cutoff value of $50. The default value is used if the NSR value is absent or undefined.

Geometric Geometric cut-off is useful when you want to optimize the value of a stope using a mining
Cutoff (cutoff) cost curve. For example, stope shape versus mining cost curve.

l Thick type: Optimize using stope width for XZ|YZ stope orientation, and stope height
for XY|YX orientation and cut-off value curve.
l Area type: Optimize using a stope area in strike and transverse dimension and cut-off
value curve.
l Height: Optimize using the stope height (vertical dimension) and cut-off value curve.
l Mass: Optimize using stope mass and cut-off curve.

Fixed Use a head grade cut-off.


Block Model Use a supplied head grade cut-off value from the block model.

Geometric Work the same way as the geometric cut-off value using conventional geometric cut-off but
Cutoff using head grade.

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up optimization grade cutoffs Cutoffs Tab Set Up on page 72

Optional cutoff grade inputs Optional Cut Off Settings on page 73

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

74 | Page

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select the Fast option in the Evaluation Method section.

 The following table provides an explanation for each evaluation method:

Field Description

Fast The Fast method uses the interval of the centerline of discretized model cells within the stope
wireframe as the evaluation method for stope generation. This method needs sufficient cells or
subcells so that the centerlines sample the stope shape sufficiently for the annealing algorithm to
work properly. The discretization numbers on Shape Framework page controls the subdivides of the
original block model cells into smaller sub-cells for the purposes of the stope shape annealing
algorithm and maintain an accurate volumetric estimate of mined out material.

 We suggest that you use the Fast method and only use a small model space to run stope
optimization first. You can then switch to full model space when you are happy with the stopes
produced using a smaller model space.

Precise The Precise method is slower. The method precisely evaluates the stope wireframes against the
block model parent cells and sub-cells. The run time is typically increased by a factor of 5-10 for using
this method, and also has a negative impact in that the model is only a cell approximation to the
original geological wireframe used, and the 'wireframe-cell' method includes additional waste, and
excludes some ore, and can have a reduction of 5-15 % compared to the 'cell-centerline' method
depending on the cell or subcell geometry.

 If you want to model full stope shapes (no sub shapes), the discretization number could be set to
‘1’. Multiple passes are required for modeling full shapes and sub-shapes, the discretization number
used should be same as the number required by fast method.

Fast The Fast Run, Precise Report method is a hybrid evaluation method that uses the Fast method
Run, for stope evaluation and the Precise method for reporting. If there is a significant different between
Precise the results produced by two evaluation methods, the difference is reported in the log file.
 Marginal stopes may sometimes become sub-economic under the precise evaluation technique.

75 | Page

Filter expressions can be used to apply complex criteria for stope optimization in addition to the cut-off grade or
value that you specify. The function can be used to combine different block model fields for multi-optimization
fields modeling. For example, a criteria that limits stopes generated by cut-off grades and rock quality.

The following image is an example of filtering stope generation based on rock-quality designation (RQD):


The Mining Zone Definition function is used to form stopes with material from a single ore zone to prevent the
mixing of different materials. For example, sulphide ore and oxide ore in one stope.


The Rename Stope Reporting Mass Field function provides options to define the name (maximum of eight
characters) to be used for the output mass field, the default is Tonnes, and the mass field multiplier. This can be
used for unit conversion. Below is an example of converting tons to short tons in the report:

76 | Page

The Output Subeconomic Stopes function is able to output sub-economic stopes. This defaults to report sub-
economic stopes in the log file but not to include these shapes in the wireframe, string and results files. When you
enable the Output Subeconomic Stopes function, the sub-economic stopes will be created on both the SHAPE
and POLYLINES layers as wireframes and slice polylines which can be used to verify the economical stopes

77 | Page

 The description for each optional processing parameter is listed in the following table. Select the Optional
Parameters check box, and then click Optional Parameters to access the OPTIONAL PARAMETERS dialog box.

Field Description

Do Not Option to not maintain the pillar width between stoping units and stoping sub-units. The
Force default is to assume these are to be mined separately. If adjacent stoping units and stoping
Stope/Sub- sub-units can be mined together then use this option.
stope Pillar

Do not force Option to not maintain the pillar width around the boundary of split stopes.
stope split

No seed cut- Option to disable seed cut-off reduction, which is a technique to disable a reduction of cut-off
off in 20 % decrements if the standard cut-off fails to find a seed shape.

No seed cut- Option to disable seed cut-off increase, which is a technique to disable an increase of cut-off in
off increase 20 % decrements if the standard cut-off fails to find a seed shape.

No control Option to disable control surface averaging, which is a technique to smooth the stope control
surface surface in cases where it is highly variable and remove the likelihood of getting spurious dip
averaging and strike directions from localized triangulation surface irregularities.

No seed Option to disable seed corner optimization, which is a technique to resolve stope and pillar
corner locations at the corners rather than rely on an approximation at the stope center with an
optimization average dip and strike for the stope orientation.

Seek corner Option to disable seed corner volume optimization, which is a technique to apply a volume
volume smoothing to resolve stope and pillar locations.

78 | Page
Field Description

Optimize by Option to optimize the total value (or metal) instead of deducting the cut-off value (or grade).
total metal The latter is the normal method as below cut-off material will only be added if the stope width
above cut- is less than the minimum, or else the added increment to the boundary of the stope.

Stope Optimization evaluates all the sub-stopes, and finds the best combination of non-overlapping
sequence sub-stopes. The overhead should not be any higher than evaluating the list of sub-stopes. If
subset you evaluate a list of overlapping stopes on parallel lenses (without optimization) you might
optimization get overlapping stope shapes from one lens to the next and also potentially get a higher value.
If you optimize, you are selecting a set of non-overlapping sub-stopes, and these are the only
shapes that will be used on each lens. If you do not use optimization, then each shape in the
list is run in turn, and any lens that can form stopes from that shape will do so at the first
opportunity. In the optimize case it is looking for the best overall solution with a subset of the
shapes, whereas in the non-optimize case it is like a greedy algorithm that will apply a sub-
stope at the first available opportunity, and consequently the sub-stopes from one lens might
overlap the sub-stopes from another adjacent lens (which cannot occur by definition in the
optimize case).

If a full stope shape is included in the sub-shape list then optimization can assess whether a
sub-stope captures more value than a full stope that is otherwise forced to mine more
included waste.

79 | Page

The stope smoothing function will attempt to snap the adjacent shape corner along the U axis. For XZ orientation
the U direction is X as the direction in which stope smoothing is to be applied.

 The description for each field in stope smoothing option is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Match The maximum gap between adjacent stoping unit (and stoping sub-unit) corners that will be
Tolerance considered for stope smoothing. The unit used should match with the unit used in the input block

Iteration The number of additional passes to progressively improve the performance of shape smoothing.
Limit Often the initial pass will produce excellent results.

Time Time limit in minutes for additional smoothing passes


Type Type of smoothing method:

l Gap: Minimizes the gap between the corners of adjacent stopes.

l Ratio: Less efficient method used to minimize the ratio of the edges.

 Following is an example of stope smoothing:

 We recommend that you test stope smoothing on small portions of stope framework first to ensure it is
functioning on your stope design first, and then apply to the full extents of the shape framework as it is a very time
consuming process running the full extents (5 – 10 times the unsmoothed scenario).


The stope splitting function can subdivide wide stopes in the transverse direction, or in the strike direction into
smaller stopes.

80 | Page
 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Select the Splitting option in the Stope Splitting and Merging section.

2. Select the Transverse Stope Splitting option.

3. Select the From Near Side option.

4. Enter a Target stope width of ‘25’ (m), a Minimum acceptable stope width of ‘10’ (m), and a Maximum
stope width of ‘40’ (m).

81 | Page
5. Click Validate to validate the scenario created. Any will be reported.

 The description for each field in the Transverse Stope Splitting section is listed in the following table:

Merge Description

Transverse l On Grid and Anneal: Split stopes on a regular grid in the transverse direction with a re-
Stope annealing of stope shapes within the limits of the grid to further eliminate sub-economic
Splitting material.
l On Grid: Split stopes in the transverse direction on a regular grid.
l Equal: Split stopes in transverse direction at equal intervals within each economic
stoping width.
l From Footwall Side: Split stopes in the transverse direction at regular intervals starting
from the footwall side of each economic stoping width.
l From Hangingwall Side: Split stopes in the transverse direction at regular intervals
starting from the hanging wall side of each economic stoping width.
l From Centre: Split in the transverse direction on regular intervals starting from the
center of each economic stoping width.
l From Near Side: Split stopes in the transverse direction on regular intervals starting
from the near side of each economic stoping width.
l From Far Side: Split stopes in the transverse direction on regular intervals starting from
the far side of each economic stoping width.
l Target: The target stope width after stopes being split.
l Minimum: Minimum acceptable stope width after splitting.
l Maximum: Maximum acceptable stope width after splitting.
l Transverse Offset: The transverse grid offset to be used from one section to the next
for regular grids.
l Vertical Wall: Option to enable vertical stope walls to be used for transverse stope
splitting, rather than the default wall angles interpolated between hanging wall and
footwall (near and far) wall angles.

The Longitudinal Stope Splitting method is constrained to be on a grid.

 The description for each field in Longitudinal Stope Splitting is listed in the following table:

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Merge Option Description

Strike Splits Number of stope splits along the strike axis of the stope framework.

Vertical Splits Number of stope splits along the vertical axis of the stope framework.

Use the Merge Options to merge a stope to a grid or merge a stope along strike by specifying a merge
interval and the minimum and maximum lengths of a stope.

 The description for each field in merge options is listed in the following table:

Merge Description

Merge to Option to merge stopes in the longitudinal direction on a regular grid spacing applied in
grid common to all sublevels.

Merge Option to merge stopes in the longitudinal direction to a defined interval taking into account
Along the start and end of sequences of stopes.

Grid The grid interval for stopes in the longitudinal direction (a multiple of the stoping unit
Interval dimension) for the regular grid method.

Strike The target length for stopes in the longitudinal direction.


Minimum The minimum length for stopes in the longitudinal direction or the minimum length for
stopes in the longitudinal direction for the regular grid method.

Maximum The maximum length for stopes in the longitudinal direction or the maximum length for
stopes in the longitudinal direction for the regular grid method.

 The smooth, split and merge operation can be combined in the following ways:

l Smooth
l Split
l Smooth + Split
l Smooth + Merge.

6. Click OK to return to the SCENARIO dialog box and then save the project before clicking Process to start the
stope optimization process. The process should take about two minutes to complete.

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 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Choose the evaluation method Set Up General Parameters Tab on page 75

Other available set up options Optional Processing Parameters on page 78

Post processing options Stope Smoothing on page 80

Post processing stope smoothing and splitting options Stope Smoothing on page 80

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

84 | Page

Rotation is very useful for orebodies that are dipping or plunging. As the strike of stopes matches with the strike
of the orebody, there can be some improvement in the grade and tonnage evaluation.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Isolate the LODE 3 – UG LOWER CENTRAL layer.

2. Select the LODE in the model space and change its color to Yellow (PenColor #1).

3. In Deswik.SO, create a new Slice Vertical scenario named ‘Stope Framework Rotation’ and then open the
SCENARIO dialog box.

1. Click the Shape Framework tab, and then select the Rotation checkbox to enable the stope framework
rotation function.

2. Enter the rotation origin as X = ‘4600’, Y = ‘3680’, and Z = ‘-420’.

85 | Page
3. Set up the axis rotation sequence as ‘3’ (Z axis), ‘1’ (X axis), and ‘2’ (Y axis) as shown below.

 The order of rotation is defined from left to right. For example, an order of 3, 1, 2 will rotate the model
around Z axis (axis number = 3) first, and then rotate around x axis (axis number = 1), and then finally rotate
around Y axis (axis number = 2).

Axis Number Description

Axis = 1 Rotation around the X axis or YZ plane.

Axis = 2 Rotation around the Y axis or XZ plane.

Axis = 3 Rotation around the Z axis or XY plane.

4. Set up the rotation Angle 1 to ‘27’ degrees, and ‘0’ degrees on other angles.

86 | Page
5. Click View Graphically to view the rotated stope framework in graphics.

 Note that the rotated framework does not cover the entire orebody, so the rotation origin and XYZ
increment will need to be adjusted to accommodate the change in rotation.

87 | Page
6. Change the Increment on the X axis to ‘400’ to reduce the number of waste blocks contained in the space
and increase the Number on the Y axis to ‘35’ to increase the framework length on the Y axis, and then click
View Graphically to view the new framework extents.

7. Change the Rotation Origin on the X access to ‘4450’, on the Y axis to ‘3750’, and on the Z access to ‘-420’,
and then click View Graphically to display the stope framework in model space. Rotate around the box to
make sure it completely covers the orebody.

8. To adjust the size of the framework, refer to the XYZ Limits section and adjust the Y axis to ‘36’ then click
View Graphically.

 The repositioned framework should resemble the following:

88 | Page
Plan View

89 | Page
Section View

 The description for each field in the stope rotation section is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Origin The rotation origin reference point.

Axis Axis to rotate and the order of rotation from left to right. For example, an order of 3, 1, 2 will rotate
the model around the Z axis (axis number = 3) first, and then rotate around the X axis (axis number =
1), and will finally rotate around the Y axis (axis number = 2).

Angle Rotation angle for each rotation. As shown below, the rotation starts rotating around the Z axis for 27
degrees clockwise, and then will next rotate around the X axis for 10 degrees anticlockwise, with no
rotation around the Y axis.

Offset A translation offset along each axis from the world origin.

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The rotation on the X axis can also be also seen as rotation on the YZ plane. The following images show rotating
the stope framework on the X axis by dipping 20 degrees.

The resulting rotated stope framework is shown below:


The rotation on the Y axis can also be seen as rotation on the XZ plane. The following images show rotating the
stope framework on the Y axis by 20 degrees.

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The resulting rotated stope framework is shown below:

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up and run a framework rotation scenario Exercise 1: Stope Framework Rotation on page 85

Modify the framework extents Exercise 1: Stope Framework Rotation on page 85

92 | Page
 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

93 | Page

Scenario: A mine site would like to design stopes on a 1:50 gradient from the center of LODE 3 to each end in the
strike direction to accommodate potential water issues.

This exercise below will show you how to draw some basic stope control strings in Deswik.CAD and use then to
create stope shapes in Deswik.SO.

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Create a new layer named 3.0 ADDITIONAL DESIGN DATA. Add a child layer to this layer named ‘Gradient
Control String’, and make the layer active.

2. Make the LODE 3 orebody wireframe layer visible, and then change the view to top view. Next, set the
working plane to the view using the View | Working Plane | To View function.

3. Change the elevation of the working plane to RL = ‘-400’ from View | Working Plane | Properties. In the
next window, change the Z value in the Target Point section to ‘-400’, and then close the dialog box.

4. Enable clipping and set the clipping as Use Near and Far Clipping distance both to ‘15’.

5. Set the distance of moving working plane to ‘30’ (m) which is the default level spacing in this case.

94 | Page
6. Select the orebody wireframe and make it 75 % transparency using the toolbar shortcut:

7. Draw a polyline in the middle of the orebody from the bottom left corner to the top right corner as shown in
the following image. The gradient of this polyline will be adjusted later to control the gradient of the stopes
on this level.

 Make sure that all of your snapping options are disabled so the polyline will be drawn on the targeted

8. Lift the elevation of the plane up 30 (m) using the Move Working Plane Up button.

95 | Page
9. Draw another polyline in the middle of the orebody from the bottom left corner to the top right corner to
representation the strike on this elevation.

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10. Move the elevation up another 30 (m), and then draw another polyline to represent the strike of the orebody
on the working elevation.

97 | Page
11. Move the elevation up another 30 (m) and draw another polyline on the new working level to represent the
strike of the orebody. Repeat this until you reach the top of the orebody.

 When you finished the drawing of the polylines on each level, your model space should look similar to the
following screenshot from side view:

12. Isolate the GRADIENT CONTROL STRING layer and disable the Clipping function.

98 | Page
13. Select all the polylines and adjust the gradient of the polylines to 1:50 using Modify | Polylines | Gradient
| Adjust. Set up the unit of the gradient to 1:n and select From Start as the gradient adjusting direction.
Click OK to adjust the gradient of the polylines.

 The resulting polylines should look similar to the polylines shown in the following screenshot from side

99 | Page
14. Open the Deswik.SO plugin, click to create a new scenario and name the new scenario ‘Stope Gradient

15. Select the new scenario and then click to open the SCENARIO dialog box.

16. On the Shape Framework tab, select the String Controls checkbox and then select the Gradient option.

17. Click to specify the layer that contains the stope gradient control polylines: 3.0 ADDITIONAL DESIGN

18. On the Shape Framework tab, clear the Framework Extensions check box.

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19. Click OK save the setting, and then run the scenario individually.

 The result should look similar to the following screenshot:

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 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up and run a gradient and level spacing Exercise 2: Stope Gradient and Level Spacing Control on
scenario page 94

Design and modify level spacing control strings Exercise 2: Stope Gradient and Level Spacing Control on
page 94

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

102 | Page

 Please complete the following exercise:

1. Create a new layer named 3.0 ADDITIONAL DESIGN DATA\ORE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL and make it

2. Make the newly created layer and the 2.0 LODES\LODE 3 – UG LOWER CENTRAL.TR layers the only visible

3. Select the ORE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL layer. Next, import the proposed development strings from File
| Import | Datamine | Datamine Strings and select the Development file in the training
data sets folder.

4. Select the LODE 3 orebody solid and make it transparent so that the development strings can be visible
within the orebody.

 Rotate the model space around the orebody to view the area covered by the development strings and the
orebody not covered by the development design.

103 | Page
5. Load the Deswik.SO plugin. Select the Stope Gradient Control scenario and then create a new scenario

named ‘Ore Development Control’. Click to open the SCENARIO dialog box to edit the newly created

6. In the SCENARIO dialog box, go to the Shape Framework tab and change the String Control type to Ore

7. Point the control polylines layer to 3.0 ADDITIONAL DESIGN DATA\ORE DEVELOPMENT

8. Load the Deswik.SO plugin. Select the Stope Gradient Control scenario and then create a new scenario

named ‘Ore Development Control’. Click to open the SCENARIO dialog box to edit the newly created

9. In the SCENARIO dialog box, go to the Shape Framework tab and change the String Control type to Ore

10. Point the control polylines layer to 3.0 ADDITIONAL DESIGN DATA\ORE DEVELOPMENT

104 | Page
11. Click OK to save the settings and then process the scenario.

 The results should resemble the following:

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up and run a ore development controlled scenario Exercise 3: Ore Development Control on page 103

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

105 | Page

 Please complete the following exercise:

make it active.

2. Select the STRUCTURE WIREFRAME layer. Next, import the over break control wireframe from File |
Import | Datamine | Datamine Wireframe and select the 4.06 Structure files.

 View the imported structure control wireframe surface against the orebody wireframe using view rotation

3. Load the Deswik.SO plugin and create a new scenario named ‘Structure Wireframe Control’. Select the new

scenario and click to edit it.

4. On the Shape Framework tab and then clear the String Control check box, and then select the Structure
Wireframe check box.

106 | Page
CONTROL\STRUCTURE WIREFRAME where the over-break surface control is located.

 As the over-break control surface defines the weak point in the orebody, the near walls within 3 meters will
be adjusted to the control surface to take the over-break effect into account.

6. Enter ‘0’ (m) for the Min Hangingwall Distance and ‘1’ (m) for the Max Hangingwall Distance because
the surface is located on the near side of the orebody. Next, enter ‘0.5’ (m) for the Min Footwall Distance
and ‘3’ (m) for Max Footwall Distance.

 The above parameters will search if any corner is within 1 m then search others, up to 3 m.

7. Click OK to save the settings.

8. Create another scenario named Without Using Structure.

107 | Page
9. In the Without Structure Control scenario, ensure the Structure Wireframe check box is cleared on the
Shape Framework tab.

10. Make sure only the Structure Wireframe Control and Without Structure Wireframe Control check
boxes are enabled, and then click Process to run the scenarios.

11. When the scenarios are complete, turn on the stope wireframe layers for both scenarios as well as the surface
control layer.

12. Use View | Plane by 2 Points (keyboard shortcut: 2) with the Snap to Points function enabled.
Cut a cross section of the stopes on the transverse direction as shown in the screenshot below:

108 | Page
13. Use the Move Working Plane at an increment of ‘25’ (m) which is the stope length, and view the difference
the control makes:

109 | Page
 The description for each field or function in structure control is listed in the following table:

Field Description

Hangingwall/Footwall Wall type selection: Hanging wall or Footwall for local wall method and Near or
Limits Far for global wall angle method.

Minimum Far The minimum distance of a far wall stope corner to the structure wireframe to
Distance trigger overbreak (global wall angle method).

Maximum Far The maximum distance of a far wall stope corner to the structure wireframe to
Distance trigger overbreak (global wall angle method).

Minimum Near The minimum distance of a near wall stope corner to the structure wireframe to
Distance trigger overbreak (global wall angle method).

Maximum Near The maximum distance of a near wall stope corner to the structure wireframe to
Distance trigger overbreak (global wall angle method).

Minimum Footwall The minimum distance of a footwall wall stope corner to the structure
Distance wireframe to trigger overbreak (local wall angle method.

Maximum Footwall The maximum distance of a footwall wall stope corner to the structure
Distance wireframe to trigger overbreak (local wall angle method).

Minimum Hanging The minimum distance of a hanging wall stope corner to the structure
Wall Distance wireframe to trigger overbreak (local wall angle method).

Maximum Hanging The maximum distance of a hanging wall stope corner to the structure
Wall Distance wireframe to trigger over-break (local wall angle method).

 The Structure Wireframe Control function will only operate if the distance between the stope shapes
and the control surface is in the minimum-maximum range.

 Chapter Review

Before proceeding to the next chapter, review the list of subjects from the chapter. The acquired skills and
knowledge should include the ability to:

Subject Reference

Set up and run a structure wireframe limited scenario Exercise 4: Structure Wireframe Control on page 106

 Apply the theories covered in these topics to similar processes.

110 | Page

If you need any further support and assistance, the following options are available.


The Help files contain concise and user-friendly support documents on the majority of Deswik Suite tools and

 To successfully navigate the Help files, base your search criteria around keywords.

For example, for information on adjusting a filter to a certain view, search the Help files for the keywords "filters" or


If you know the menu location of the command you need help with, search the Help files via the Contents tab, which
is set out in the same structure as the menus and ribbons.


The Deswik Client Portal provides access to a variety of support and information channels that include:

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111 | Page

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