1424 Guess

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Important Essays

Narrative Essays
1. My aim in life
2. A road accident
3. Distance Education

Argumentative Essays
1. An educated woman educates entire society
2. Democracy in Pakistan
3. Rising Prices
4. Wars always end in disasters
5. Co-education

Classification Essays
1. Types of Computers
2. Pollution and its Types
3. Types of Teachers
4. Province of Pakistan
5. The importance of media in world

Comparison and Contrast Essays

1. Aero planes and Helicopters
2. The Autumn season and Spring season
3. Village life and City life
4. The Private schools and Public schools
5. Formal education and Distance education
6. House wife and Working woman
Unit 2: Sequence Marker
Sequence Markers Words:-
1. First 2. Second 3. In ther beginning 4. Firstly
5. In the end 6. At last 7. Meanwhile 8. Soon after
9. Afterwards 10. After that 11. Then 12. Later
13. Lastly or finally

Question No 1: Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Notice that this
paragraph illustrates the sequence writing technique.
Face, rest watch, hair, eat, home, play, breakfast, bed, brush, study, homework, clothes,
morning, school
Answer: First, I get up early at 6 o'clock in the morning. Next, I brush my teeth and wash
my face. Then, I put on my clothes and comb my hair. After that, I eat breakfast. Next I go
to school. At school we study different subjects. I also play with my friends at school. After
school, I go home. At home, I take rest in my room and do my homework. Later, I eat dinner
with my family. After dinner, I watch TV. Finally, I go to bad.
Question No 2: Connect the following sentences to complete the paragraph outlining
how a person becomes the prime minister. Use connectors/ sequence markers /
transition words such as: first, secondly, before, after, finally, at last.
Answer: Before becoming the prime minister, first of all you need to become the leader
of a political party. Secondly your party must also have a majority of seats and before it you
must also win majority of national assembly seats. Finally winning the national assembly
seats and enjoying a majority, you must make sure you can at last call yourself the prime
Question No 3: Write a 'sequence' or chronological order paragraph by adding
appropriate sequence markers such as: first, after that, next, lastly, finally.......
Answer: The Mughul Empire started its long reign in 1526 which lasted until 1857.
Babur was a descendant of Genghis Khan and Taimur. In 1526, Babur defeated the Sultan of
Delhi, Ibrahim Lodhi at Pain- pat. In 1530 Babur died and his son Humayun become new
ruler of Mughul Empire. After that in 1540 Afghan leader Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun
and occupied the empire. But Humayun was not discouraged; he regained his power and
reacquired Delhi in 155. Humayun met with his death in 1556. His son Akbar was too young
at the time but he was crowned as next emperor with no choice. He successfully ruled at
the state till 1605. Then his son Jahangir was the new king after his death. In 1617 revolt
broke out in the southern states of the empire. Jahangir sent his son Khurram to pacify
them. Khurram succeeded in his mission and got the title of Shah Jahan. Jahangir died in
1627 and Shah Jahan became new king. In 1631 his beloved queen Mamtaz Mahal died
during child birth and he commissioned the most beautiful tomb of love for his wife. In
1658 Shah Jahan's son Aurangzeb occupied the throne executed his brothers and
imprisoned his father. At last Shah Jahan died in 1666. Aurangzeb ruled on empire till his
death in 1707. Finally in 1857 weak Mughul empire came to its end, the mutiny resulted in
massacre of people of Delhi and India became a British colony. In 1862 the last Mughul
emperor Bahadur Shah (Zafar) died. A glorious empire of Mughul came to a tragic end.
Question No 4: Write similar compositions describing:
1 A typical day in the life of a car mechanic.
We are going to consider a day in the life of car mechanic named Yasir. Yasir is a famous
motor mechanic. His day starts somehow late from common. He departs from his home to
his workshop almost 10.am in his old car. He reaches his workshop at 11.am, if his car fully
cooperates him. His boys complete the process of cleaning and arranging till his arrival. He
gets reports of everyone's day routine and distributes work between them. As a new
customer enters in the shop, he personally deals him and gives his car to relevant expert.
Then a lady comes to his shop and tells that her car stopped almost a mile away from the
shop. He sends a boy to pick the car and repair it. Then lunch time starts. He and his boys
go to nearest local restaurant (dhapa type) for lunch. Then he sends two of the boys to
deliver the repaired cars and one to collect the bills. He examines his accounts at evening
tea with his cashier. He works almost till mid night.
2 A typical day in the life of a road side barber.
Hazoor Buksh is a road side barber. Let us cast a view on his daily routine. Hazoor Buksh
gets ready for his work at 9 o'clock in the morning. He rides on his bicycle and reaches on
his "adda" on famous litten road. There his total asset of job is saved in an old wooden box.
First of all he unchains his table and chair from a shady tree and keeps them on proper
place. He cleans them and opens the wooden box and brings out all things one by one
cleans them and sets them on the table in end of cleaning process he sets the mirror wit
support of tree. Now he is ready for his customer's services, he waits for them. The local
labours are his routine customers. After one hour a customer comes for shaving. He starts
his work and talks on same time after ten minutes; he completes his work and demands
twenty five rupees. The customer bargains, with him and pays twenty rupees at last. After
some time a child comes to him along his father for hair cut. He does his job almost in half
an hour. The day grows hotter; he provides shade with an old cloth to his chair and table.
He takes his meal at 3 o'clock, which is homemade and simple. He gets only eight to ten
customers per day. He counts his amount in the evening and locks his equipments and goes
back to home.
Question No 5: Here are pictures of different people. Create a story or a step by step
description of at least 3/4 sentences about each person shown in the pictures.

This is Moin Sahib; he starts the day by drinking a cup of hot tea and later
on he spends some time to read newspaper. After he takes shower and
gets dress up for his office. He takes light breakfast and goes to office. In
office he checks his routine files and eats lunch after that. Then he
attends his business meetings. Finally he comes back at home till 7.00. He
eats dinner and watches TV for some time; at last he goes to bed at 10.
This is Zahid Sahib; he begins his day by brushing his teeth and after that
he washes his face and gets dress up for office. After that he just takes a
glass of juice and goes for office. In office first of all he reads newspaper
and his daily routine starts exactly at 9.30. He is busy till six-o-clock but in
meanwhile he takes lunch and evening tea. He goes to see his friends
after office in some park or restaurant. He comes back home at 11 and
goes to bed finally.
This is Muhammad Shabir, he reads the newspaper first thing in the
morning and then he goes to nearby park for morning walk. After that he
comes back to home and takes a simple breakfast. Then he drops his
grand children to their school. After that he comes back to home and
takes some rest in his room. Meanwhile he eats his lunch. At afternoon he
goes to his garden and takes care of his plants. Afterwards he spends
some time with his family at evening tea. Then he watches news at TV
and eats his dinner in the end. And early goes to bed.
This is Ali; his daily routine is going to school, after that he reads different
subjects in his class. Then break time comes and he plays with his friends
and has some snacks. After school he is back to home. Then he changes
his uniform and eats lunch. After lunch he takes rest in his room. Then he
does his home work. Meanwhile he reminds question for test. In the
evening he spends some time with his computer then he eats dinner with
his family. They watch TV together after dinner. At last he goes to his bed
at 9.
Question No 6: How do we cough? Write down the steps of cough.

Step 1 The small flap covering our windpipe.

Step 2 The diaphragm pushes up.
Step 3 Air sacs squeeze down.
Step 4 Pressure builds in chest cavity.
Step 5 Lungs under a burst of pressure.
Step 6 The flap opens.
Step 7 Air escapes from lungs.
Step 8 We cough.

Question No 7: Write down the steps of water cycle.


Liquid water, or rain, falls to the earth from

Step 1
Water from rain soaks into the soil, flow on the
Step 2
surface into rivers and lakes.
Water flows into the oceans, rivers, ponds, or
Step 3
Water evaporates into the air from the ground
Step 4 surface, from rivers, lakes, and oceans, and from
the leaves of plants.
Step 5 Water gas in the air helps to form new clouds.
Step 6 Clouds rise.
Step 7 Become cool.
Step 8 The water gas condenses to become liquid water.

Question No 8: Explaining the process of donating blood.

Step 1 The donor fills in a questionnaire.

Step 2 The nurse conducts a physical examination.
The nurse pricks the finger and collects a drop of
Step 3
Step 4 The donor lies down.
The nurse cleanses an area of the arm with spirit and
Step 5
inserts the needle.
Step 6 The blood flows into a bottle.
Step 7 The donor opens and closes the hand.
Step 8 The nurse withdraws the needle.
Step 9 The nurse puts a dressing.
Step 10 The blood is labeled and refrigerated.
Question No 9: The following sentences make up a brief account of the life of Benazir
Bhutto. They however, are not in the correct order or sequence. First rearrange them in
the correct order and then write the account of Benazir's life using appropriate sequence
markers wherever necessary.

1. Benazir Bhutto was born in Karachi on 21 June, 1953.

As a child, she attended the lady Jennings Nursery School and then the Convent of
Jesus and Mary in Karachi.
Later on she had two years of schooling at the Rawalpindi Presentation Convent, and
then she was sent to the Jesus and Mary Convent at Murree.
4. She then went on to complete her A-Levels at the Karachi Grammar School.
After early education in Pakistan, she attended the Radcliffe College at Harvard
University, USA from 1969 to 1973 obtaining a BA in comparative Government.
6. The next phase of her education took place in the United Kingdom.
7. On December 18, 1987, she married Asif Ali Zardari in Karachi.
Benazir Bhutto was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the first time in
1988 at the age of 35.
Two years later, Benazir Bhutto's government was dismissed in 1990 under charges of
Elections were once again held in October of 1993 and after winning the majority she
returned to office.
11. Again in 1996, because of corruption scandals, Bhutto was dismissed.
12. In October of 2007, despite numerous threats, Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan.
On December 27,2007 just weeks before the elections in Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto was
assassinated on December 27, 2007, after departing from a rally in Rawalpindi.

Question No 10: What is Sarah's routine? Read the above description 'A Day in the Life
of a Nurse' and then write the events that take place in a proper sequence. Follow the
Sarah arrives at the nurses' room at 7 a.m.
1 She reports to her particular staff nurse or doctor before beginning her shift.
2 She receives instructions and updates about patients.
3 She examines her patients one by one.
4 She organizes and rearranges their medical history for doctor.
5 She takes her lunch after that.
6 The she again takes a round of ward.
7 She examines almost twenty patients during her 10 hours shift.
Question No 11: Steps to plant a tree.
1 Choose at least a four to five foot tree. Select a site with enough room for roots and
branches to reach full size.
2 Prepare a planting area as deep as the root ball.
3 Dig a hole in the middle of the area.
4 Plant the root.
5 Use water to settle soil and remove air pockets in planting area.
6 Spread a two to three inch layer of mulch on entire area, but not within six inches of
tree trunk.
7 Water at least once a week in the absence of rain, more often during the heat of the
Question No 12: Write down the steps of paper making?
1 Trees are cut down.
2 Logs are debarked.
3 Send to the chipper.
4 Logs broken into pieces.
5 Cook with chemicals.
6 Separate the fiber.
7 Wood pulp is cleaned.
8 Run through series of beaters.
9 Additives mix in it.
10 Slush is pumped onto a screen where it becomes paper.
Unit 4: Cause and Effect
Question No 1: What will happen or what will be the Effects if......?
1 If the college bus is late......The student cannot attend the class on time.
2 If I forget my briefcase at office....... I cannot complete my work at home.
3 If I study my Physics chapters well...... I can attempt papers properly.
4 If I follow university rules....... I can be a good student.
Question No 2: This is a simple exercise that will help you recognize Causes and
Effects. Decide which statement is a Cause and which is an Effect.
1 Cause The roads were icy.
2 Effect There were many accidents.
3 Effect Jaleel stopped smoking cigarettes.
4 Cause The price of cigarettes went up.
5 Effect The experiment succeeded.
6 Cause The experiment was conducted carefully.
7 Effect Laeeq is happy.
8 Cause Laeeq won the lottery.
9 Cause There was severe storm last night.
10 Effect Many buildings were damaged.
11 Cause The plants were not watered for a month.
12 Effect The plants died.
Question No 3: Each sentence given below has a Cause and also an Effect. Underline
the Cause, or reason in red. After you have found the cause, underline the effect or result
of the cause in blue.
1 The funny jokes that Saeed told made us laugh out loud.
2 The roads flooded because of the sudden rain storm.
3 The bright sunlight made it possible for us to keep warm in such a freezing weather.
4 My alarm didn't ring, so I was late for office.
5 The slippery road made the car slide.
6 You will get an A, if you study well for your English exam.
7 If you get on the lift, it will take you to the fifth floor.
8 You will not be cold, if you wear a warm jacket.
Question No 4: Separate Cause and Effects and write them in their respective columns.

Cause Effects
The comedy drama Atiqa O was not The producer decided not to make a sequel.
Due to a very low enrollment. Dr. Hafeez's course will be offered only once
a year.
Freddy's Café at Lahore received glowing Consequently, more people wanted to try its
reviews. recipes.
The tourists misplaced their passports As a result, they had to cancel their trip to
Hunza and Skardu.
The plane was delayed As a result, I had to wait for five hours.
Because the soup was very hot I burned my tongue.
Due to a misunderstanding My job application was turned down.
Since she's very popular singer She is recognized by everyone in her city.
Because of heavy traffic Ubaid was late for work.
There is shortage of water in the Country So the people are advised to use water
Question No 5: Complete the following sentences by writing suitable Effects. Follow
the example:
1 I don't have any money; as a result, I would not be able to visit my parents in Karachi.
2 Because of a lack of rain in Pakistan, the crops are not good this season.
3 The canteen is sometimes very crowded; consequently, the quality of food is good.
4 During the long Eid holidays, many people leave Islamabad to go to their Native village or
cities, therefore, Islamabad felt empty during these days.
5 Mrs. Siddiqui does a lot of housework every weekend, for this reason, she does not
attend any weekend party.
Question No 6: We are giving you only one Effect, write two Causes for each Effect.
Use appropriate connecting words or transitions.
1 (Effect) He feels tired today. Why? (Reasons)
Cause 1: He has worked too hard.
Cause 2: He hasn't slept well last night.
2 (Effect) My car will not start. Why?
Cause 1: It has no fuel.
Cause 2: Its power wire is not working.
3 (Effect) The lawyers are on strike. Why?
Cause 1: They are raising the voice against government system.
Cause 2: They are fighting for their rights.
4 (Effect) The children did not go to school. Why?
Cause 1: It was raining heavily.
Cause 2: They couldn't find rickshaw for school.
5 (Effect) My mother is angry at me. Why?
Cause 1: I never eat properly.
Cause 2: I come back late to home at night.
6 (Effect) The 'D Watson Pharmacy' is a very successful business operation. Why?
Cause 1: It has big margin of profit.
Cause 2: Medicines have their expiry dates.
7 (Effect) The majority of students failed the history test which Professor Siraj gave
yesterday. Why?
Cause 1: They did not attend the classes regularly.
Cause 2: The questions were strict for the students.
8 (Effect) Flight PK 306 was postponed for six hours. Why?
Cause 1: The weather was not suitable for fly.
Cause 2: Some technical problems are found in aero plane.
9 (Effect) My best grades are in science courses. Why?
Cause 1: I have keen interest in science subjects.
Cause 2: I attend the classes regularly.
10 (Effect) More and more forest plant life is being destroyed. Why?
Cause 1: The environment becomes so polluted.
Cause 2: The land is mostly using for residential purpose.
Question No 7: We are giving you only one Cause, write two Effects for each Cause.
1 (Cause) Nitrogen oxide from car exhaust causes problems.
Effect 1: One effect is that air pollution will.
Effect 2: People will suffer from various diseases.
2 (Cause) My son is not eating a balanced diet.
Effect 1: He is too weak.
Effect 2: He is mostly tired.
3 (Cause) The main gate was left open.
Effect 1: The thieves found it easier to enter.
Effect 2: The rain water entered the house.
4 (Cause) I planted some seeds.
Effect 1: There were fresh vegetables in the garden.
Effect 2: The whole garden was full of fresh flowers.
5 (Cause) The boy did not listen to the teacher.
Effect 1: He was punished.
Effect 2: His parents were called to school.
Question No 8: write the causes of Salman's poor health.
1 He does'nt eat properly.
2 He prefers fatty foods.
3 He never does exercise.
4 He always trales by car.
5 He doesn't take rest properly.
6 He smokes.
Question No 9: Explain the reasons or Causes of Bilal's good health.
Bilal is lucky to have good health and there are reasons for his being healthy. First of all,
Bilal is very careful about his diet and eats a well balanced diet therefore he has a lot of
energy, is in great shape, and is neither too fat nor too thin. Then he also takes regular
exercise, he walks and goes to the gym as a result he enjoys best of health and has great
stamina. Bilal is fond of playing games such as cricket, football and tennis consequently he
has strong muscles and feels hungry after playing such tough sports. Bilal also follows a set
routine he normally goes to sleep early at around 10:30 and wakes up as early as 5:30
accordingly he is more alert and ready for work in time.
Unit 8: Denotation and Connotation
Question No 1: Fill in each blank with a word that has a positive connotation.
i. It was a bright/ beautiful/ pleasant day.
ii. I enjoy visiting my friendly/ hospitable/ educated neighbours.
iii. My brother through the movie was wonderful/ entertaining/ great.
iv. Last week school, a superb/ exciting/ melodious music band performed.
v. The pretty/ beautiful/ charming model cat walked on the stage with ease.
Question No 2: Fill in each blank with a word that has a negative connotation.
i. My brother always gets his way because he is stubborn.
ii. After he won the provincial championship, Talha became really proud/ vain/ rude .
iii. Although my sister cares about me, but she buys me wonderful / entertaining/ great
Eid and birthday gifts.
iv. My new neighbours are too noisy/ impolite/ dangerous, therefore people have
complained about them.
v. Sometimes teacher can be very strict/ no cooperative/ aggressive and so students
don't like to attend their classes.
Question No 3: Read the following sets of words. Now use some of these words in the
following incomplete sentences. Be careful that the word you choose has an appropriate
1. My best friend needs to grow up. He acts childish and I don't like it.
2. Although he's 82, he has a young spirit. He's active and loves life.
3. I wouldn't say I ran off, I'm just careful I describe myself as prudent.
4. Stop being so cowardly! It's only a roller-coaster. You won't fall from it!
5. Its good to have a confident attitude when you take a test or go for an interview.
6. I don't take exercise and I hate anything that demands hard work. I'm actually lazy.
Question No 4: Read the following sets of words. Now use some of these words in the
following incomplete sentences. Be careful that the word you choose has an appropriate
a. We saw wild animals in the zoo. (Neutral connotation)
b. We saw beautiful animals in the zoo. (Positive connotation)
c. We saw dangerous animals in the zoo. (Negative connotation)
a. We had a good time at our cousin's wedding. (Neutral connotation)
b. We had a excellent time at our cousin's wedding. (Positive connotation)
c. We had a boring time at our cousin's wedding. (Negative connotation)
a. We bought proper gifts from the shop. (Neutral connotation)
b. We bought inexpensive gifts from the shop. (Positive connotation)
c. We bought cheap gifts from the shop. (Negative connotation)
a. I ate a good sandwich. (Neutral connotation)
b. I ate a delicious sandwich. (Positive connotation)
c. I ate a bad sandwich. (Negative connotation)
Question No 5: Can you write the correct denotation or dictionary meaning of each
word and its correct connotation?
1 She walked into the room.
2 She rushed into the room.
3 She hurried into the room.
4 She bounced into the room.
5 She strolled into the room.
6 She strutted into the room.
7 She slipped into the room.
8 She pranced into the room.
9 She marched into the room.
Denotation Connotation
Walked routine walk
Rushed walk hastily
Hurried walk quickly
Bounced walk noisily
Stroll Leisurely walk
Strut Stiff way of walking
Slipped walk silently
Pranced more about gaily
March walk like soldier

Question No 6: Write a more appropriate word or synonym with a proper connotation.

1. The President introduced his mother to the guests.
2. The Lady delicately drank/sipped her soup.
3. The Minister threw down his napkin and left.
4. Karim is a very dear friend of mine.
5. Your teacup is filled to the iron.
6. The storm damaged several areas in city.
7. The orchestra commander pointed/requested for silence.
8. High Education Commission should have the courage/spirit to widen the education
Question No 7: Can you write the association or connotation of the following
1. Hajj: It is a religious obligation.
2. Aqeeqa: It is also an religious obligation and it is sunnah-Ibrahimi.
3. Soyem: It is a custom of death.
4. Ashura : It is a religious event in month of moharram.
5. Quran Khwani: It is religious get together.
6. Dholki: It is a marriage custom.
7. Eid-Milad-Un-Nabi: It is a birthday of Holy Prophet (SAE).
8. Mehndi: It is marriage custom.
Question No 8: What colour of roses will you choose to give on the following
1. To a young child who has recently recovered from a fever.
Ans. White rose
2. To a colleague who has helped you in your office work.
Ans. Orange or Peach Colour.
3. To your wife or husband.
Ans. The red Rose.
4. To your neighbour who has taken care of your plants in your absence.
Ans. Orange or Peach
5. To a friend who has some misunderstanding with you and now you are friends again.
Ans. Yellow Rose
Question No 9: Write what each word refers to and what kind of meaning or
connotation each word creates.
I am a learned scholar. Positive
You are an educated instructor. Neutral
He is a didactic teacher. Negative
My smoking is a vice. Positive
Your smoking is a wrongdoing. Neutral
His smoking is a sin. Negative
My story was fascinating. Positive
Your story was interesting. Neutral
His story was strange. Negative
I am a scholar. Positive
You are a student. Neutral
He is a pupil. Negative
I am frugal. Positive
You're cheap. Neutral
He's tight fisted. Negative

Guess the Meaning Technique (Read Unit 6 Academic Reading)

Implied Meanings / Making Inferences (Read Unit 7)
Reading Newspapers (Read Unit 9)

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