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Artist Statement Prompts

Your artist statement must be between 500 and 1000 words. Use the prompts below to help guide
your writing. You do not need to address every question on the list, but I encourage you to read
all of the prompts and pick ones that you want to talk about. You can also talk about something
that isn’t on the list as long as it relates to the project and you are thoughtful in your writing. I
want you to reflect on your process, your final piece, and the project as a whole. Use this artist
statement as a way to communicate any of your thoughts or feelings about your piece and the
project that you think I should know while viewing and assessing your work. Please also include
any of your thoughts or feelings about how I did as your teacher during this project. If you have
any questions about this artist statement and what is expected of you, please ask me.

1. What song(s) did you pick and why?

2. Did you already have an idea of the meaning behind your song(s)? If so, did it change
after you worked though interpreting and analyzing it?

3. How did you choose which ideas, messages, and feelings of your song(s) you wanted to
represent and how you wanted to portray them in your piece?

4. Did you take inspiration from any other visual art forms related to either your song(s) or
the idea, message, and feelings you interpreted?
-Did your song have a music video or album artwork that inspired your piece?
-Did your interpretation remind you of any other artwork that inspired your piece?

5. What is your favorite part of your piece and why?

What is your least favorite?

6. What was your favorite part about this project and why?
What is your least favorite?

7. What did you find most difficult about this project and why?
Is there a way you think I could help students with this problem in the future?

8. How would you do this project differently if you were to do it again?

-Would you change your song(s)?
-Would you change which part of your interpretation you represented in your piece?
-Would you change how you portrayed your interpretation?

9. Is there anything I did for this project that you would like me to do for future projects?
Is there anything you would not want me to do again?

10. What do you think I should change about this project if I were to do it again?
Is there anything you think I should add? Anything I should take out?

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