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Asvini - Ketu Radix Moon in Ashwini = "Horses" - impulsive & intuiti

00Mesha00 - 13Mesha19 (Kuja-Ketu-Ashvins)

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Virginia Woolf (author) Great love of horses. Emotionally detached and physically v
Barbara Cartland (prolific author) Kuja). Needs
Claims space, is
the privilege toeccentric, a bitown
live in one's standoffish, yet physic
way, according to
extraordinary and may be capable of almost superhuman
needs, and does not brook interference. Often disappointed i fea
Celine Dion (singer) deep emotional
Inventive, connection. 
even genius, in a highly eccentric and personalized
Prince Charles (Britain) much engaged emotionally; likes to meet basic physical need
Enrico Fermi (nuclear research then
Deepoff to the nextneed
Independent nature.and
be independent Ideas often t
physicist) precedence over emotion. 
Sir Edmund Hillary (first summit of
Mt. Everest-Chomolungma)
Spiritual director of this section of the twin Ashvini Kumaras
the path:
Trauma profile: Childhood security was endangered by a distracted mother/car
Often the mother had important public duties or perhaps was i
Ashlesha or emotionally unavailable
to get caretaker to the by
attention child. 
clinging. Subtl
movements allowed the child to wriggle into the
They learned to be sneaky and controlling in getting armslove.
of the
Navamsha Moon in Ashwini resistance. 
signals, "manipulation
In order and
to mirror one's clinging
own is the only
subconscious way I can
emotional get wh
(intimate relationships). core partnerMoon
Navamsha who expresses 
in AshwiniAshwini 
=  behavior.
"Horses" - impulsive & intuitive

onally detached and physically vigorous (Ketu-

tric, a bitown
n one's standoffish, yet physically
way, according quite
to one's own
apable of almost superhuman feats. 
nterference. Often disappointed in their quest for
highly eccentric and personalized style. Not
likes to meet basic physical need for nurturing
dependent nature.and
be independent Ideas often take

gered by a distracted mother/caretaker. 

nt public duties or perhaps was ill, making her
vailable to the by
aker attention child. 
clinging. Subtle, hypnotic,
to wriggle into the armslove.
d controlling in getting of the
Thecaretaker without
reptile brain
nging is the only
subconscious way I can
emotional get what
patterns, I need."
one attracts a
=  behavior.
Bharani - Shukra Radix Moon in Bharani  = "Womb" - b
13Mesha20- 26Mesha39 (Kuja-Shukra-Yama)

Mother Teresa Emotionally sensible & conservative folk w

Florence Nightingale is strong,
Can the Bharani-Chandra
be emotionally repressed, be native
the will
Edgar Cayce capable
-- often of
all bearing responsibility.
three. Typically a
Deep intuitive understanding of embedd Feeling
olden days
apprehends and
of duties.
the Feels
brilliant pressured,
results moremay
that bf
Meryl Streep (actor) Becomes wealthy through effort, but is
of the past
Accepts (Yama),
heavy untrusting
responsibilities. of style,
Harish Johari (mystic educator) consumption"
An intentionally is modest
not this lifestyle
native's and un
butthe Phalguni
also a needfamily, organization,
for sensual withinnation-s
pleasures nat
USA Pres 40 Ronald Reagan
Jerry Falwell (religious politics) conflicted relationships with beauty, mone
Karl Marx (communist activist philosopher)
Lakshmi Narayan Mittal  (2008 net worth of Issues with jealousy. Tendency toward
45_billion_USD) express envy toward the native, criticizing
toward material
Tends toward success.
human True feelings
resources ma
or slave-m
Can befruits of wealthworkaholic
a compulsive & rewardingor work-re
can f
Feels a deep sense of security and belonging When carrying a burden, whether physi
The or spiritual.
native (I.e.,the
will establish anydeepest
type of burd
shares the weight. This person may be
emotional carrier
needintoany setting.
carry work b

Spiritual director of this section of the path: Yama, "the controller"

Trauma profile: Fear of death; fear of leaving a secure env

heaviness provided by one's defining res
Navamsha Moon in Bharani (intimate relationships). In order to mirror one's own subconsciou
who expresses Bharani behavior.
Under emotional stress in relationships, th
In deep anxiety reactions
stressful environments, the nativemanife
Sen. John Edwards (presidential candidate, 2008 sex professional, moral, financial, or
Catastrophic breakage can result  emotiona
Jackie Kennedy Onassis
Elizabeth Taylor (actress) (See former presidential candidate Sen. Jo
stress of his wife's terminal but lingering c

The partner is highly & perhaps excessive

more than their
Even when thingsbodies or spirits
are going well, can
the reas
personal pleasure or family well-being. Iro
Partner needs mental & physical space to
worry about workplace matters. Partner is
Radix Moon in Bharani  = "Womb" - bearing, slow & steady

Emotionally sensible & conservative folk who keep a steady eye on the money. (If Kuja
is strong,
Can the Bharani-Chandra
be emotionally repressed, be native
the will
agent aggressively pursue
who oppresses acquisitions.)
others, Productive,
or serve the oppressed&
-- of bearing responsibility. Feeling of persistent heaviness
Deep intuitive understanding of embedded, internalized oppression. Comprehends or to
often all three. Typically a bear-and-carrier of conservative in
values, life,
a many
harkener back
olden days and
of duties.
more Feels
simpler pressured,
and moremay burdened
"solid" values.& oppressed. But
More thetowork must go
Becomes the
wealthy brilliant
through results that
effort, but isfollow
never ashowy or comfortable
sustained commitment
ostentatious. bear
to the
bear &burden
of the past
Accepts (Yama),
heavy untrusting
responsibilities. of an uncertain
Takes future.
the lion's share of responsibility for one's
An intentionally is modest
not this lifestyle
native's style,
and unless
appearance there
to more "showcase"
affinity graha,
with the common inworker,
or the Phalgunifamily, organization,
nakshatras, within nation-state,
the nativity.  or one's entire society.
but also a need for sensual pleasures and material comfort (shukra), which can result in
conflicted relationships with beauty, money, and women.

Issues with jealousy. Tendency toward envy of others who "have it easier". Others also
express envy toward the native, criticizing the native's unglamorous but steady progress
toward material
Tends toward success.
human True feelings
resources may be effectively
or slave-management masked
roles. One's behind the
work will somber
also bear work
Can befruits of wealthworkaholic
a compulsive & rewardingor work-related relationships
can feel that (Shukra-Kuja). 
one is working oneself to Death. 
When carrying a burden, whether physical, emotional, psychological, social, financial,
The or spiritual.
native (I.e.,the
will establish anydeepest
type of burden whether
emotional material
bond with or conceptual.)
one who works alongside or
shares the weight. This person may be the co-parent, the co-executive, the co-leader, or
emotional carrier
needintoany setting.
carry work burdens & feel respected for one's work. 

Yama, "the controller"

Fear of death; fear of leaving a secure environment; fear of losing the anchor of
heaviness provided by one's defining responsibilities or burdens
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner
who expresses Bharani behavior.
Under emotional stress in relationships, the native with navamsha Chandra in Bharani can
In deep anxiety reactions
stressful environments, the nativemanifested as compulsive
needs to acquire self-emburdening
ballast weight. When faced&with
professional, moral, financial, or
Catastrophic breakage can result  emotional responsibilities that total up to  more than one

(See former presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards, who responded to the severe family
stress of his wife's terminal but lingering cancer by taking on another intimate relationship

The partner is highly & perhaps excessively responsible, with a tendency to try to carry
more than their
Even when thingsbodies or spirits
are going well, can
the reasonably
partner putsbear. 
work & public responsibility ahead of
personal pleasure or family well-being. Ironically, the
Partner needs mental & physical space to do their work, partner, whowork
plan the was of
chosen byand
others, the
worry about workplace matters. Partner is well-respected socially, but emotionally
Krittika - Surya
26Mesha40 - 09Tauri59

USA Pres 44 Barack Obama  (Rishabha)

USA Pres 42 Bill Clinton (Mesha)
USA Pres 29, Warren G. Harding (Mesha)
Guru Ammachi (Rishabha)
Rus. Pres. Vladimir Putin (Rishabha)
Bob Dylan (songwriter, singer) (Mesha)
Pope John Paul II (Rishabha)
Katherine Hepburn (actor) (Rishabha)
Sheryl Crow (performer, composer)

Feels a deep sense of security and belonging

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Krittika (intimate relationships)

Paramahansa Yogananda
Radix Moon in Krittika = "Cutter" (scissors).

Sharp, critical, competitive and speed-eaters in the Mesha padaas. 

Sharply observant with incisive commentary and sensual eaters in the Rishabha quadrants. 
All Krittika like to eat and cook.

(Surya-Kuja-Agni; Surya-Shukra-Agni.)

Inner emotional orientation is chronically, permanently energized to sharpen, strengthen, reshape  &
Expert & incisive social critic. "Cuts to the chase."  Fixer & changer. Acts to incise inferiority, im
Thinks highly of oneself (although the feelings about oneself can dip quite low). High entitlement.
The bodyit does.
has hot temperature (Surya-Agni!) and the passions are fiery. 

Krittika may criticize others as a form of emotional self-defense.  

Sharp tools of critical argumentation. Military general, shaping aggressive forces in battle. Uses w
edges, razors,
If negative knives, apply,
conditions lasers,terror
fire, most forms of metal
of rejection weaponry.
perfectionism, vindictive blaming of o
& intolerant. A brilliant & successful liar, who insists that his actions are always praiseworthy.

Under positive conditions, Krittika's sharp social criticism may create a prophet
Loves fine food & wines & sensual touching pleasures. 
Good cook & connoisseur.  Deep anxiety can trigger excessive behavior =
When cooking and eating, whether the food is physical, emotional, psychological, social, financial
The material
native or conceptual.)
will establish the deepest emotional bond with one who cuts and cooks alongside
the co-eater, the co-drinker, the fire-maintainer, or the cooperating sensual celebrant in any setting
Deep emotional need to dominate, to cook & to be nourished.

Agni (fire sacrifice)

Trauma profile: "starvation"

Krittika's psycho-emotional condition initiates in the current life when the mother does not sufficie
The publicly,
knows and she
this in may live
utero, her
and entire
the childlife in firm
feels denial of the
her disinterest fact,
after indeed
birth in the form of insufficient
Inside, he becomes extremely critical of himself to the point of self-hatred, work.
being too busy with distractions such as other children, studies, or but The child compens
Criticismnatives areisparticularly
of others prone to
also his weapon, self-medication
used with alcohol
to destroy others who may because of the liquid-feeding
be competing e
for the praising

Often very high achievers leading huge organizations.  

In public, they praise their mothers to the sky. 
In private, Krittika natives resent their mothers deeply, and criticize their female partners in work &
interest in the
In marriage, theKrittika native'sinsuccess. 
male Krittika particular may fear that the spouse will not nourish him or will drive
Krittika seeks attention elsewhere & will tend to stray.
 In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who exp
Under emotional stress in relationships, the native with navamsha Chandra in Krittika can experienc
criticism & obsessive programs of purifying fault-eradication. 

The partner needs a clear & rigid path toward perfection. Partner is a sharp, principled, intolera
Partner may be ruthless in weeding out inappropriate or undesirable company, so that the native ca
Partner maythebe
partner's rules. 
highly respected in their technical field esp. any form of cutting: "cutting out", "cutt
he Rishabha quadrants. 

o sharpen, strengthen, reshape  & improve.

ger. Acts to incise inferiority, imperfection, and disease.
p quite low). High entitlement. Works hard, and expects success to come to them.
e fiery. 

ggressive forces in battle. Uses words as cutting instruments. Surgical skill with cutting
ctionism, vindictive blaming of others (e.g., blaming the poor for poverty). Impatient
ns are always praiseworthy.

e a prophet or social reformer of great merit.

ehavior = gluttony for food, drink, and sex:.

al, psychological, social, financial, mental, or spiritual. (I.e., any type of nourishment
cuts and cooks alongside or shares the act of nourishment. This person may be
sensual celebrant in any setting.

hen the mother does not sufficiently nurture her infant. Although she may care for the
er indeed
birth the
in the mother
form did not holding,
of insufficient want the child.   access to the breast, and the
dies, or work. The child compensates by working
hatred, but lavishly indulges himself with every extra
formhard to gain
of rich the mother's
nutrient he can obtain.
ol because of the liquid-feeding experience mixed with the mind-numbing
may be competing for the praising attention he so desperately craves.  drug that

their female partners in work & marriage for weakness, insufficient attention, & lack of
e will not nourish him or will drive him into a state of sensual-emotional starvation.
e attracts a core partner who expresses Krittika behavior.
Chandra in Krittika can experience anxiety reactions that manifest as compulsive self-

ner is a sharp, principled, intolerant critic with strong ethical & aesthetic commitments.  
e company, so that the native cannot easily enjoy diverse friendships while also
m of cutting: "cutting out", "cutting up", "cutting away".
Chandra in Rohini Nakshatr
Emotional & Relationship effects in Radix and Navamsha

Das - Behari says of Chandra in Rohini Nakshatra, ruled by Chandra:

"You are normally of slim physique. However, based on other planetary positions and aspects, short
You persons have also been
short-tempered. seen.
Once you Your
get eyes
it very attractive
will not subsidewith a special
so easily, andmagnetic
nobody can touch. App
You remain and attractive,
oblivious obstinatewith big
to anyifadvice shoulders
someone and
or attempts well-developed
to over-ride
ideas counter muscles. 
to your opinions
own. or thwart
You have your knack
a special plans. to
others. You are ruled by your
You feel impressed with your own work.  heart rather than your brain. While you are ready to sacrifice everythin
you will not hesitate
Acceptance of the truthto cause extreme
and discard of trouble
the falsetoisthe hated. 
your plus point. 
Your life is full of ups and downs as you do not try to pre-plan your objectives. You can attain great s
You try toabe little restraint
a jack is kept and
of all trades in the in freedom
the processof your mind.
you fail toThere
pass is no tomorrow
through for you.
the path You spe
of requisit
the sakeearn
You may of today's
Your freedom
from comfort.
milk ofproducts,
mind willYou can shine
sugarcane oftenornot
as only
lead ayou intoany
chemical independent
engineer.It is You profession
also seen
are that
best orsome
adapted Rohini
for mb
risen As
laborious far
theas possible
work.  you
rung oftry
lifetotobe more
the sincere
highest rung and
of honest
life due in
the the work
finest you undertake.
placement of But
other yo
Between the age of 18 and 36 will be the most trialsome periods. You will have to face a lot of probl
and forgiveness. 
One andprimary
of the on health grounds.
factors to keepIt isinoften
is that that such people
you should neverenjoy their life's
take anyone best
into between Yo
confidence. th
50, and
careful 65
with and 75. 
business partners and employees. There is an inherent drawback
While you cannot enjoy full benefit from your father, you will be more attached to your mother and in you that you blindly
You awill
maternal existence,
not hesitate to it is suggested
throw away any thatsocial
you should screen people
or religious laws when thoroughly before confidence
warranted. Hence youri
You are with
prone disturbances. 
to diseases connected with
sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis and throat trouble." 
Chandra in Rohini Nakshatra
Emotional & Relationship effects in Radix and Navamsha

ri says of Chandra in Rohini Nakshatra, ruled by Chandra:

ormally of slim physique. However, based on other planetary positions and aspects, short structured and
ns have also been
ort-tempered. seen.
Once you Your
get eyes
angry, areit very attractive
will not subsidewith a special
so easily, andmagnetic
nobody can touch. Appearance
change is veryYou
your decision.
nd attractive,
oblivious obstinatewith big
to anyifadvice shoulders
someone and
or attempts well-developed
ideas counterto over-ride muscles. 
to your opinions or thwart
You have your knack
a special plans. to find fault in
are ruled by your heart
pressed with your own work.  rather than your brain. While you are ready to sacrifice everything for loved ones,
hesitate to cause extreme trouble to the
e of the truth and discard of the false is your plus point.  hated. 
full of ups and downs as you do not try to pre-plan your objectives. You can attain great success in life
belittle restraint
a jack of all is kept and
trades in the in freedom
the process of your mind.
you fail toThere
pass is no tomorrow
through for you.
the path You spendrhythm
of requisite everythingandfor
arn freedom
from comfort.
milk ofproducts,
mind willYou can shine
sugarcane oftenornotas only
lead ayou intoany
chemical independent
engineer.It is You profession
also seen
are bestthatorsome
adapted Rohinibut alsopersons
for mechanical in the& social
possible youoftry
rung lifetotobe more
the sincere
highest rung and
of honest
life due in
the the workplacement
finest you undertake.
of Butplanets. 
other you lack patience
e age of 18 and 36 will be the most trialsome periods. You will have to face a lot of problems economically,
on health grounds.
factors to keepIt isinoften
is that that such people
you should neverenjoy their life's
take anyone intobest between You
confidence. the age
haveofto38 beand
h and 75. 
business partners and employees. There is an inherent drawback in you
cannot enjoy full benefit from your father, you will be more attached to your mother and maternal uncle orthat you blindly believe others.
y hesitate
hings.  to it is suggested
throw away any thatsocial
you should screen people
or religious laws when thoroughly before confidence
warranted. Hence youris bestowed
married life on
will be
hne disturbances. 
to diseases connected with blood, spoiled blood, blood cancer, jaundice, urinary disorders, blood
rculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis and throat trouble." 
Mriga-shiras - Kuja Radix Moon in Mriga = "sensing the vibe"
23Tauri20 - 06Mithun39 (Shukra-Kuja-Chandra; Budha-Kuja-Chandra)

Barbara Walters (TV journalist) Intuitive & self-protective. Like a  forest deer, the native is
USA Sen John Forbes Kerry constantly traveling in company,
Usually gentle-natured;  searching
easy to work with, & instinctively
listening.  car
Brooke Shields (model, actress) Natural host
However or hostess,
they can be skittishexcellent
& bolt infor professional
fear, due to emotiona
Claudia Schiffer (model) entertaining. 
trigger based
Curiosity on to
leads their sense
distant of smell.
traveling (Kuja-Shukra;
and Kuja-Bud
intriguing relationshi
B.V. Raman (eminent Jyotishi) [much interesting
Oftendown people.
dueout Likes
to others, to
Chandralikesget to
yutito know
Shani] people. 
know where others have be
thus good at journalism, research etc. 

Likes to socialize in the good company of friendly fellow-

Deep emotional need to travel & entertain. 

Spiritual director of this section of Chandra

the path:
Trauma profile: fear of invisibility
Navamsha Moon in Mrigashira In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns
(intimate relationships). attracts a core partner who expresses Mrigashira behavior.
Under emotional stress in relationships, Mrigashira navamsha
Chandra can evoke the native's inner fear of abandonment, le
Prince Charles to compulsive roaming & obsessive sniffing into the bus
of others. 
The partner needs a
family while
Radix Moon in Mriga = "sensing the vibe"
(Shukra-Kuja-Chandra; Budha-Kuja-Chandra)

Intuitive & self-protective. Like a  forest deer, the native is

constantly traveling in company,
Usually gentle-natured;  searching
easy to work with, & instinctively
listening.  caring.
Natural host
However or hostess,
they can excellent
be skittish & bolt infor professional
fear, due to emotional hair-
trigger based
Curiosity on to
leads their sense
distant of smell.
traveling (Kuja-Shukra;
and Kuja-Budha).with
intriguing relationships
interesting people. Likes to get to know people. 
Often sniffing out others, likes to know where others have been,
thus good at journalism, research etc. 

Likes to socialize in the good company of friendly fellow-

Deep emotional need to travel & entertain. 


fear of invisibility
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one
attracts a core partner who expresses Mrigashira behavior.
Under emotional stress in relationships, Mrigashira navamsha
Chandra can evoke the native's inner fear of abandonment, leading
to compulsive roaming & obsessive sniffing into the business
of others. 
The partner needs a steady pattern of feeding & caring for
family while traveling & finding out the business of others.
Ardra - Rahu
06Mithun40- 19Mithun59

USA Pres 32, Franklin D. Roosevelt

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (physician, conscious death)

Swami Satchidananda of Rishikesh & Buckingham, VA

Kurt Cobain (musician, Nirvana)

Camilla Parker-Bowles Windsor (Mrs. Prince Charles)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Ardra (intimate relationships).
Radix Moon in Ardhra = "Wild, Fresh, Living" = instinctual pleasure & pain

Agents of social transformation, who enjoy a walk on the wild side. Influence of Shiva
penetrates their lives, propelling a lifelong hunger for creation & destruction. 

One's animal body instincts are close to the surface, with lighting quick
reaction and sudden attack. 
Ardra has intense physical control energy which manifests in direct action. (Contrast to Ashlesha's  p

Craves the primitive. Likes a dose of strange, wild, & disturbing feelings in their
psycho-emotional life.

Ardra's feedback loop signals either pleasure or pain with very little 'grey area'. Instant
reactive decisions that are lacking in reflective consideration can make Ardra
destructive & violent, controlling & punishing. 
Ardra Chandra is a beneficial placement in any business which requires hair-trigger
reaction, such as emergency first-response or electronic trading transactions. Also any
environment where strict control and instant punishment for losing control are in force,
such as operating large mission-critical computer systems or military hierarchies or
high-security prisons. 

Ardra are not afraid to give or receive either pleasure or pain. (Rahu-
Budha) Powerful sexual instincts.
Ardra can  - and do - live with intense, chronic body pain; although of course this pain
makes them even more reactive.

Ardra is firm and decisive, to the point of intolerance for  tyrannical & harsh. Deep
sympathy for the animal kingdom. Special genius for working with wild animals &
behaviorally wild children who need rigorous non-ambivalent feedback routine &
Strict and unyielding behavior management, may strongly benefit work with opposition-
defiant or other authority-resistant socially dysfunctional children or adults. Skinnerian
stimulus-response feedback. Remarkable skills in renovation & rehabilitation
through firm & relentless pursuit of the changed condition. 

Ardra parents may punish harshly but they are extremely loyal and protective of their
kids. Favors military & police work, restoration of damaged properties, behavior
correction, any instinctive stimulus-response.
Deep emotional need to feel instinctive.

Rudra (Shiva)

 Fears loss of physical contact; fears death

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core
partner who expresses Ardra behavior.
Navamsha Moon in Ardra = 
Punarvasu - Guru
20Mithuna - 03Karka19

USA Pres 26, Theodore Roosevelt (founded
the huge USA National Park system)

Calif. Gov. "Moonbeam" Jerry Brown.

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy (Mrs. JFK Jr.)
Harrison Ford (actor)
Aretha Franklin (soul singer)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Punarvasu  (intimate
Radix Moon in Punarvasu = "Light Returning" - fertile & facilitating
Guru-Budha-Earth [Mithuna]
Guru-Chandra-Earth [Karkata]

Natural parents & gardeners. "Earthy". Need to be at home, managing diverse spirits in their
estate. Likes
Intuitive to create, express,
communication with plant & procreate. 
& minerals devas; most types of animals too. Loves
rocks and
Famous fortrees.
their Deeply grounded
power to "bounceinto theafter
back" Earth forces;
trauma likeseeks refuge
a burned in the
forest, company of
attributable tolife-
force life-force
their spirits, soils, & seeds of life. Mystical inclinations toward learning to evoke the earth's
energy into one's own body.

For happiness, Punarvasu will stay close to home & hearth. Deprived of contact with sensual
Earth, Punarvasu will
Environmentally "camp
aware out"highest
in the in an intellectual,
degree, andsocial, or politicalinclined
philosophically "territory" & develop
toward the Great
that abstract
Network. seed of thought. Can become a rigid ideologue, seeking security in the world of
ideas,  if detached from terra firma. 

Infused with Light and life force. Can be a bit "stuck in the mud" & defensively territorial. 
Prone toward easy forgiveness, due to awareness life & death cycles. Plain spoken,
straightforward, & honest about the realities of life. Craves
Deep emotional need to feel fertile and connected to life-forms.

Chandra in Punarvasu in radix lagna, for males: 

"A talented, clever person who is generally wealthy; is very talkative, but logical & direct in his
thought & speech.
Usually leads Prefers
a single scientific pursuits,
life, preferring solitude. but
In may at thepart
the latter same time,
of his behe
life, anwill
make long
voyages to help others."

~~ Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 122.

Earth as Aditi (mother of gods)

fear of disconnection, isolation, death

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who
expresses Punarvasu
Navamsha behavior. = 
Moon in Punarvasu
t Returning" - fertile & facilitating

y". Need to be at home, managing diverse spirits in their

& minerals devas; most types of animals too. Loves
o theafter
ack" Earth forces;
trauma likeseeks refuge
a burned in the
forest, company of
attributable tolife-
stical inclinations toward learning to evoke the earth's

ose to home & hearth. Deprived of contact with sensual

degree, andsocial, or politicalinclined
philosophically "territory" & develop
toward the Great
come a rigid ideologue, seeking security in the world of

be a bit "stuck in the mud" & defensively territorial. 

o awareness life & death cycles. Plain spoken,
ealities of life. Craves Earth-life connection.
le and connected to life-forms. 

lagna, for males: 

erally wealthy; is very talkative, but logical & direct in his

ursuits, but
solitude.  In may at thepart
the latter same time,
of his behe
life, anwill
make long

hil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 122.

cious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who
Pushya - Shani Radix Moon in Pushya = "The Best, Most Nourishing" -
03Karka20 - 16Karka39 observance, high religion"

Tom Cruise (actor)

Tom Hanks (actor) Pomp & ceremony, taking fine foods. Knowledge & expertise
Gloria Steinem practices,
If including
the personal the rituals
behavior of civil
contradicts thegovernment
native's own and politic
stated pr
USA Pres 31, Herbert Hoover entertaining.
the native Emotional
may be need
perceived to
as present
a a socially
"show-off",  dignified
Pushya the Hierophant derives essential emotional connecti
having high (Shani). 
rank fraud,teachings
& performing or "poseur".
ritual while Proclivity to "hide"
holding prestige
Kofi Annan (United Nations Profound interest in religious & commitment to ho
director) large,
big hierarchical
hierarchies.  organizations (Shani) -- particularly
principles of one's faith. Usually grows wealthy by one's religio
Generously & sincerely offers charitable aid to less fortunate
King Birendra (Nepal)
Mrs. Nancy Davis Reagan

Chandra in a nakshatra of Shani is emotionally oppressed.

cannot express,
Pushya for fear
is a delicate of punishment
nakshatra. for for
Happy life non-conformism.
Pushya requires Y
may erupt in
knowledge ofinconvenient settings,needs.
one's own emotional exposing the native
Pushya nativestoare
bit of hypocrisy. 
of a "catch-22" since the punitive parents have shaped t
into a "social performance machine" which is fueled by repres
Pushya's down-side is arrogant superiority toward those perce
Wants religious
only thebeings. 
best for self & family, has trouble accepting
less exalted, may
May apply moralistic appear self-righteous
dogma or intolerant
when compassion of otherss
or common
be more helpful to those in need. Craves
Deep emotional need to feel recognized for religious ra
Spiritual director of this section Brihaspati
of the path:
Trauma profile: fear of invisibility, non-recognition, 
fear of punishment for non-conformity

Navamsha Moon in Pushya  In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns,
(intimate relationships). attracts a core partner who expresses the Pushya behavior

Pope Benedict XVI (Josef

"The Best, Most Nourishing" - "ritual

fine foods. Knowledge & expertise in religious

uals of civil
ntradicts thegovernment
native's own and political
stated principles,
ed to present a socially dignified
erives essential emotional connection "goody
ed as a "show-off",  "parent-pleaser", from
ming or "poseur". Proclivity to "hide"
us teachings & commitment to honor the in
ritual while holding prestige behind
particularly religious
by one's facades
own efforts.
ers charitable aid to less fortunate.

Shani is emotionally oppressed. The feelings

atra. for for
Happy life non-conformism.
Pushya requires Yet feelings
deep self-
motional exposing the native
Pushya nativestoare
born intoor
e punitive parents have shaped this native
machine" which is fueled by repressed
gant superiority toward those perceived as
elf & family, has trouble accepting anything
elf-righteous or intolerant
ma when compassion of others'
or common views. 
sense would
need. Craves ceremonial religion.
feel recognized for religious rank and


n subconscious emotional patterns, one

o expresses the Pushya behavior
Ashlesha - Budha
16Karka40 - 29Karka59

Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi

India-PM Jawarharlal Nehru
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
UK-Queen Elizabeth II
Chairman Mao Zedong
USA Pres 36, Lyndon B. Johnson
Bepin Behari (Jyotishi, economist)
Paul McCartney (Beatle)
Katie Holmes (actor)
Barbra Streisand (entertainer, producer, political activist)
Catherine Deneuve (actor)
Condoleezza Rice (USA Sec of State)
Rudi Giuliani (New York mayor, failed presidential candidate)
Feroz Khan Gandhi (Mr. Indira Gandhi)
Leon Trotsky (Marxist revolutionary)
Nikita Khruschev (USSR Supreme Leader)
Placido Domingo (opera singer)
Zubin Mehta (symphony director)
USA Pres 18, Ulysses S. Grant
Joseph Kennedy Sr. (father of Kennedy clan, inc. JFK)
Thomas Merton (mystical spirituality writer)
Jacques Cousteau (oceanographic explorer)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Ashlesha (intimate relationships).

Q:Hi Barbara -- What is it about Ashlesha? It seems like the Jyotish scriptures, and most consulting Jyo

A: As H.H. Dalai Lama says, th

The question of whether or not a person will be happy, feel happy, register the confirming thought
divine love, or whether one spends most of the in
For example, there are people who subconsciously believe that money is the root of all evil, or w
department! Every time they go out to earn money, spend money, or ha
Similarly in the love department, what is one's fundamental belief about love? Is love defined as one
me, meeting my unmet childhood needs, flattery and sexual attraction" then this a
There is one key first step to transforming every single experience in life from a negative judgment
person is intentionally and individually creating his/her own experience, every detail of it. Conscious
To sit around waiting for "good" things to happen "to" oneself and at the same time living in fear of "b

If you are interested in looking CLOSER to the karmic learning curve assigned

Yet Ashlesha is convinced in advance (due to past-life and early childhood trauma) that it must

Typically the seeds of this script are buried in childhood rejection trauma. The parents were too bu

Mom in particular is likely to have been mentally distracted and unable to sit quietly with the nurture-

The key childhood behavior is to "sneak" into the parental embrace - such as waiting until the busy p
to let go. Ashlesha develops a pattern of putting their loved ones into
As a result of deep unmet needs getting locked into the repeating deceptive-entry and bondage patte

Despite the fact that when Ashlesha factors are conscious and controlled, the Ashlesh

One famous Ashlesha Moon woman  is Queen Elizabeth II of UK, who is famous for super-manipulating
Because your Chandra sits directly in the ascending rashi (th

With Surya, Shukra, and Chandra all in Ashlesha lagna, there is an

Attention is sought for one purpose, and that is to feed a deep need for "love". Unfortunately it is im

Certainly the Ashlesha graha in this nativity exacerbate the drive to possession, but at the same time

Thus the native is involved in a  hopeless dilemma of being entwined in a profoundly unethical lo

Love indeed has nothing to do with any other person. Love originates not outside the self but rathe

These may be

With such a cluster of "personal" graha near the Chandra-radix lagna, this incarnation features a tre
as jealousy can be expected whenever the Ashlesha cluster is triggered by bhukti or by a strong
Ashlesha people have the constant potential to develop into great healers
professions require. Attentive and successful psychologists
However the Ashlesha moon, esp for the female, will tend as a pattern to

In the beginning of a relationship, Ashlesha's hunger for information may feel to the new partner like
trying to bond so tightly, is really just a way for the Ashlesha to feel secure. The Ashlesha native
Ashlesha mothers love their children. Yet they usually combine a distancing-rejection pattern with a g
There are no victims. Ashlesha is always capable of reversing the emotional dysfunction but few a

Usually, in Jyotisha readings, I like to focus on positive traits. Most people get more than enough

Yet, one of the values of Jyotisha is the power of the vidya to detect certain past-life originating be

The Ashlesha native will be healed from the dysfunction through conscious replacement of the subco
a corollary, confirmation of th
With these positive beliefs in firmly in place, there is no need to feel anxious regarding the love beha

All the wonderful feelings of support and validation indeed originate within. These feelings can be ma
Radix Moon in Ashlesha  = "Serpent" - entangling & embracing

Deeply concerned with Security, and emotionally driven to be "involved" in the intimate lives of o
Ashlesha has an overtly threatening & covertly manipulative emotional style. Deeply engaged in
Ashlesha expresses their devotion to family through profound concern for the welfare of others. T
Ashlesha likesengagement of the less
to be in the middle conscious
of the Ashleshathe
action, whether native may
action develop into ainterfamilial,
is interpersonal, subtle, entwini
Tends to get tangled up in other people's (other corporations, other nation's ...) business, manipulat

Does not hear the psychic alarm which signals that it is time to pull out of another's decision proces
Needs to intervene in the loves of others. Slithering, entwining instinct tells Ashlesha to keep wrap
Cf: USA Pres 36 Lyndon B. Johnson unable to exit from the USA-Vietnam War. He could not extract h

The Ashlesha intends the squeezing embrace as a loving way to engage with the beloved and to en
as a prefers
One psychictovampire.
work in stealth, not announcing one's plans to imminently enter or re-enter an
Ashlesha is well-suited to therapeutic professional relationships where the helping agent is socially
divorce attorney,
Specialists or diplomat.which
in "intervention", (Alsoissnake-handling.) Brilliant
a sudden attack madein interpretive
possible after and exploratory
a long period of work w

Unfortunately Ashlesha can get embroiled in one's own convolutions. If the object of Ashlesha's desi
Affinity for poisons & murder. Quite capable of criticizing others but Ashlesha is unable to bear critic

Deep emotional need to involve & control 

Hypnotic eyes. Extremely sexual & seductive, able to mesmerize their prey. Crafty, sneaky. Self-
Best result = applied medicine, when Ashlesha uses their genius for poisons in the service of healin
Sarpa (Naga).& deceit (espionage, disinformation) .

It is very difficult for Ashlesha (the Naga-sarpa) to disentangle from negative situations. It is quite co
public life is dear old Queen Elizabeth II, who tried to control all her children's marriages and is still a
The control force has to be re-focused, away from trying to control the healing process of the wound
coiling around the others, than to look within. It's more comfortable and instinctive to cling and slith
But... if Ashlesha is going to get anywhere liberation-wise, the control-force needs to be redirected w

After that shift is accomplished, it won't be so tempting to over-cling. Then what's going on with the
Childhood security was endangered by a distracted mother/caretaker. Often the mother had importa
Ashlesha learned to get caretaker attention by clinging. 
Subtle, hypnotic, movements allowed the child to wriggle into the arms of the caretaker without re
They learned to be sneaky & controlling in getting love. 
The reptile brain signals, "manipulation and clinging is the only way I can get what I need
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
Navamsha Moon in Ashlesha = Al Gore, Jr.

h scriptures, and most consulting Jyotishi's, complain about Ashlesha too much. I have an Ashlesha Moon - and

A: As H.H. Dalai Lama says, the desire for happiness is the most fundamental characteristic of human lif

ppy, register the confirming thought that one is indeed experiencing a state of happiness - all depends on the p
or whether one spends most of the incarnation in a state of resistance to that love, depends on one's subconscio
that money is the root of all evil, or who believe they are not worthy enough to earn money themselves and the
t to earn money, spend money, or have anything to do with money, their subconscious belief that this stuff is e
ief about love? Is love defined as one's ability to see the divine in another human? If so then one's potential for
ery and sexual attraction" then this anxious desire to meet a chronic emotional need, rather than to simply bas
nce in life from a negative judgment into a positive confirmation of the presence of the divine in every molecul
erience, every detail of it. Conscious experience is generated precisely from the script
d at the same time living in fear of "bad" things possibly happening "to" one is a form of psycho-spiritual debilit

o the karmic learning curve assigned to the Ashlesha Moon, look to one's own childhood trauma. Ashlesha = a d

arly childhood trauma) that it must sneak and slither and manipulate and cajole, invading boundaries

tion trauma. The parents were too busy or unavailable to the child in a way that the child needed to sneak into
possible chance at being recognized and held. 
unable to sit quietly with the nurture-craving child. Most likely the mother's attention was directed to her own m

ace - such as waiting until the busy parent sits down for a work break, and instantly sliding into their lap - or sn
heir loved ones into psychological and sometimes physical bondage, and even to the point of
g deceptive-entry and bondage pattern, Ashlesha can be a manipulative and demanding "control-freak" in adul

onscious and controlled, the Ashlesha moon can be a great healer, the partners and children of less conscious t

who is famous for super-manipulating her children but at the same time being unavailable to them due to her  p

Unique factors for your personal Jyotisha nativity:

Rahu periods always exacerbate the traits of Chandra, the Moon. You're enjoying a Rah
sits directly in the ascending rashi (the seat of the social personality "self") it is especially difficult for you to be

Moudhya Chandra and Surya in the ascendant gives characteristic solipsism

ra all in Ashlesha lagna, there is an all-defining need for validation and attention

p need for "love". Unfortunately it is impossible to love others in the true sense of love when one believes that t
reduce when one realizes that "love" is not an act of possession. 
Unethical love relationships

e to possession, but at the same time Shani's harsh and invalidating transit to Simha-Rahu is battering Rahu's s
an unethical quality upon the objects of one's desire. 
entwined in a profoundly unethical love relationship which seems to be ill-conceived (Shani-Rahu) and yet due
emotional bondage.
iginates not outside the self but rather inside oneself. Love is always present inside the self. In a love relationsh
binding and controlling another person! 
These may be the "Simha" lessons intended to be learned in this nativity during this very

lagna, this incarnation features a tremendous focus on attention to self. A constant questioning of "what about
is triggered by bhukti or by a strong gochara graha. The person is usually quite positive even radiant socia
reat healers esp. in any of the physical or psychological healing-touch professions. They are wonderful with ch
ttentive and successful psychologists, psychiatrists, hair stylists, and match-makers in traditional cultures. They
pattern to alienate their emotionally mature partners in adult life. Ashlesha has the contradictory traits
person's trust. Ashlesha works assiduously to discover as many private details as possible abo
tion may feel to the new partner like flattery or admiration. Yet the soon- alienated will often come to realize th
feel secure. The Ashlesha native bonds through manipulation and entrapment, seduction, and guilt.
distancing-rejection pattern with a guilt-bondage pattern . They pry into their adult children's lives claiming a m
g the emotional dysfunction but few actually do. Ashlesha's early deprivation of affection trauma imposes is a
extremely resentful that the Other has withdrawn.

ts. Most people get more than enough criticism in their daily lives. It is usually not helpful to frighten people! I p
detect certain past-life originating behaviors.  Ashlesha Moon is a notorious marker for superstition (placing love

conscious replacement of the subconscious conviction that things happen "to" one with the conscious convictio
a corollary, confirmation of the principle belief that love comes only from the divine heart within - love
feel anxious regarding the love behavior of another person. There is no basis for the compulsion to bind and ma

ate within. These feelings can be matched by outside mirrors whom we attract through the beauty of our souls.

"involved" in the intimate lives of others. 

e emotional style. Deeply engaged in behaviors which seem to the native to increase one's personal security (
d concern for the welfare of others. This concern is frequently expressed as manipulation and interference. The
e may
tion develop into ainterfamilial,
is interpersonal, subtle, entwining, choking embrace. 
or international. These natives crave to be in every nook and cranny of the e
other nation's ...) business, manipulating both friend and foe. Puts the "squeeze" on others (Lyndon B. Johnson),

pull out of another's decision process. Remains engaged for too long with a strong tendency ('ten') to interfer
g instinct tells Ashlesha to keep wrapping around their victim until that victim becomes paralyzed. 
-Vietnam War. He could not extract himself from a draining situation. Typical of Ashlesha, Johnson became as m

to engage with the beloved and to ensure one's own security. Yet their friends, family, clients (and other victim
to imminently enter or re-enter an involvement. 
ps where the helping agent is socially approved to become over-involved with clients, such as psychologist, so
n interpretive
possible after and exploratory
a long work with oceans
period of quietude (Cousteau).
and building trust. 

utions. If the object of Ashlesha's desires suddenly gains superior strength, Ashlesha's psychically invasive beha
s but Ashlesha is unable to bear criticism or humiliation (reverse of Ardra) and will seek revenge if they feel thre

erize their prey. Crafty, sneaky. Self-poisoning. 

us for poisons in the service of healing. Also can channel positive effects by defeating the public enemy thro

from negative situations. It is quite counter-intuitive for this type to release their instinctive desire to wrap and
her children's marriages and is still apparently a manipulative force to be reckoned with!
trol the healing process of the wounded surrounding one, and toward one's own healing. It's much more attract
able and instinctive to cling and slither. 
control-force needs to be redirected within, into the kundalini channels.

-cling. Then what's going on with the inside-snake becomes much more compelling.
etaker. Often the mother had important public duties or perhaps was ill, making her physically or emotionally u

the arms of the caretaker without resistance. 

y way I can get what I need."

one attracts a core partner who expresses Ashlesha behavior.

much. I have an Ashlesha Moon - and I've been warned by several Indian jyotishi that this thing can get me into

ndamental characteristic of human life. Everyone wants to be happy!

te of happiness - all depends on the person's belief system. Whether one achieves the happiness of a deep and
hat love, depends on one's subconscious expectations and one's consciously held beliefs.
gh to earn money themselves and therefore must steal it in order to have any at all. Those people will not ever
subconscious belief that this stuff is evil will destroy their ability to manage, possess and enjoy material wealth
human? If so then one's potential for happiness is amazingly complete and absolute. By contrast, if one's defini
ional need, rather than to simply bask in the glory of divine life,  will frustrate that person in all of their love rela
esence of the divine in every molecule and every moment. That  is to realize that there are no victims. Nothing
m the script of one's own subconsciously held beliefs and expectations. There is only one person who has the p
ne is a form of psycho-spiritual debility called   superstition. Superstition literally means "above one's own place

wn childhood trauma. Ashlesha = a deeply needy Moon. Ashlesha Chandra wants endless holding and atten

nd cajole, invading boundaries both physical and psychic, in order to get the loving emotional recognition (

y that the child needed to sneak into the parents' lap, or their bed, or slither in like a snake silent and deceptive
ng recognized and held. 
s attention was directed to her own mercurial sexual-conversational relationships (Ashlesha is a nakshatra of Bu

instantly sliding into their lap - or sneaking into the parent's bed when they are sleeping. Then (here is the key
and even to the point of entrapment, in order for Ashlesha's need for touch-healing and emotional attention
nd demanding "control-freak" in adult relationships. In Ashlesha's own mind, one tells oneself that one is reachi

tners and children of less conscious types of Ashlesha natives often learn to resent the man or woman with Ash

eing unavailable to them due to her  public responsibilities. In reality, she rarely held them. Typical of Ashlesha,

personal Jyotisha nativity:

dra, the Moon. You're enjoying a Rahu period now! 

it is especially difficult for you to be objective regarding how you might be affecting other people. 

cendant gives characteristic solipsism. 

d attention for the Self, but not much energy available for validating and attending to the divine in others.

ense of love when one believes that the love comes from outside, from the other person. Much of the pain in thi
love" is not an act of possession. 
e relationships

t to Simha-Rahu is battering Rahu's similar need to possess the object of its desire. Shani's gochara oppression
the objects of one's desire. 
conceived (Shani-Rahu) and yet due to the compulsions of Ashlesha one feels a deep and driving need to hold t
ent inside the self. In a love relationship, love is a gift to the other person. Love can not be "obtained" - especial
ling another person! 
earned in this nativity during this very difficult period.

constant questioning of "what about me?" "what am I getting out of this" "where is my reward?" along with psy
quite positive even radiant socially and a pleasurable companion -- until the emotional hunger for attention
ofessions. They are wonderful with children because of all the touch and emotional bonding that teaching, nurs
h-makers in traditional cultures. They are angels to the weak, the addicted, and the victim class. 
Ashlesha has the contradictory traits of being psychically invasive. Initially, the Ashlesha native makes a concer
s many private details as possible about the other person. 
lienated will often come to realize that Ashlesha's motive for prying and slithering so deeply into their psychic-e
rapment, seduction, and guilt. The longer term prognosis for honest and open relationships with almost any
heir adult children's lives claiming a motive of love; but unfortunately it is a deeper motive of hungry neediness
on of affection trauma imposes is a deep pattern of waiting passively for prey, deeply invading, not tru
the Other has withdrawn.

ally not helpful to frighten people! I prefer to validate Spirit, knowing that everyone is doing the best they can a
s marker for superstition (placing love power outside oneself) as well as self-centeredness masquerading as a s

"to" one with the conscious conviction that one is completely in charge of the moment-to-moment roll-out of o
y from the divine heart within - love can never come from without. 
sis for the compulsion to bind and manipulate so that one can "receive" love, be validated, be held, be praised,

tract through the beauty of our souls. Let us not be deceived (like Narcissus!) into believing that the truth some
Magha - Ketu
00 Simha 00 - until - 13 Simha 39

UK-PM. Margaret Thatcher

UK-PM Winston Churchill
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, Supreme leader of USSR 1953-1964
USA Pres18, Ulysses S. Grant
Alicia "Jodie" Foster (actor, producer)
Guru Paramahansa Yogananda
St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer (Opus Dei)
Frances Moore Lappe (Diet for a Small Planet)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Magha (intimate relationships)

Adolph Hitler
George W. Bush
Radix Moon in Magha = "Great" - regal & eccentric

Carrying forward the brilliant legacy of the ancient priesthood of the Sun worshippers, the nati
highly eccentric
Tremendous (Ketu) style. 
philosophical capability & intuitive leadership skills marked by profound self-confidence
public respect,
However, Ketu'sdespite their
influence obvious
means thatpeccadilloes.
this native is morally accountable only to the Divine intelli
Requires social recognition for individual genius (Surya) even while the native is partly withdra
Despite much engagement with ceremonial religion (whether that religion is one of the scriptural tra
When about
socially the lasting
engaged, value
a steady of one's
drive social
toward role.power,
wealth, After a position.
period ofElite
service one may disappear
self-image. Not arroga
style.  life.
Needs to obtain paternal or kingly status. 

Concerned to establish their legitimacy through spiritual, intellectual, or blood lineage. Deeply
Self-assurance and Ketu's permeable aura makes one seem accessible, friendly & positive. Howe
appreciate that despite appearing to value flexibility and , this one never yields control.

Deep emotional need to feel exalted.

Pitris  (Fathers)

fear of invisibility

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
worshippers, the native is able to channel amazing creativity with a confident (Surya) but
ofound self-confidence and dignity of moral character. These folk usually carry high levels of
to the Divine intelligence within oneself. 
ative is partly withdrawn from participation and from view (Ketu). 
ne of the scriptural traditions or a civil religion, the cult of a State) the native is fundamentally
e one may disappear
elf-image. rather
Not arrogant completely
unless into private
other graha make ithobbies or a contemplative,
so. Typically, socially
an elegant & self-confident

lood lineage. Deeply loyal to mentors, parents, ancestors - whoever is the grantor of lineage
ly & positive. However this native has unpredictable mood change. It is important to
s control.

core partner who expresses the regal but withdrawn Magha behavior.
Purvaphalguni - Shukra
13Simha40 - 26Simha39

William Randolph Hearst, billionaire publishing magnate

Jack Welch, billionaire CEO of General Electric Co
H. H. Dalai Lama
Rudolf Steiner anthroposophist
USA Pres 35 John F. Kennedy 
USA Sen Edward "Teddy" Kennedy (served in USA Senate 1962-2009)

Fidel Castro 
UK-Princess Anne  Mountbatten -Windsor
J. K. Rowling fantasy writer
Richard Burton (actor, husband of Elizabeth Taylor)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Purvaphalguni (intimate relationships).

George W. Bush - 41
Marilyn Monroe
Radix Moon in Purvaphalguni = "Best Pink Portion" - refined & discriminating
(Shukra-Surya-Yoni) Wants to enjoy the best in life.

Active beings, both socially and physically. The native is sensual, sociable, and committed to the pa
Purvaphalguni gives "Bhagadaivata" or "luck of the demons". A love of celebrity glamour (especia
Surya & Shukra are mortal enemies. Shukra claims the path of Love-as-Comfort, while Surya deman
Purvaphalguni's life works out the unstable treaty between these two adversaries. 

Surya creates generosity and some philosophical awareness, 

while Shukra pursues the path of sensual pleasure and fun.

Can be slightly handicapped by a laziness, often traced to the comforts of the family estate. 
Connoisseurs of every pleasure, with persistently high entitlement to partake of life's "best offer
Purvaphalguni and their true
Chandra, whiledivinity. Passionate
a party-lover love of Children,
and sensually and their
inclined always, intensely
will sensitive,
not descend tru
into  min
younger children, if the can spend enough time
Principle" = the Surya component of ethical truth.  at home.

Deep emotional need feel privileged & refined.


 fear of isolation, abandonment, rejection

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
& discriminating

ciable, and committed to the path of enjoyment in human relationships.

of celebrity glamour (especially in Theatre) is their hallmark. 
-as-Comfort, while Surya demands a higher level of Love-as-Truth. 
o adversaries. 

forts of the family estate. 

ent to partake of life's "best offerings". Huge love of human beings, their animalistic
and their
lways, intensely
will sensitive,
not descend truth-seeking
into  mindless perceptions.
indulgence. May be
The native a wonderful
has parent
always "one eye onof

attracts a core partner who expresses Purvaphalguni behavior.

Uttara-phalguni - Surya
26Simha40 - 09Kanya59

Martin Heidegger (philosopher - writer)

Deepak Chopra (physician - educator)
Alice Bailey (theosophist writer)
Agatha Christie (mystery writer)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Uttaraphalguni  (intimate relationships).

US Pres Richard Nixon

Mrs. Nancy Davis Reagan
Charles Manson (murder cult leader)
Radix Moon in Uttaraphalguni = "Horses" - impulsive & intuitive
(Surya-Surya, Surya-Budha)

Deeply friendly person who seeks to form bonds of companionship starting from the family & extend
Two traits are famous for Uttaraphalguni: 

the need to be engaged in conversation (Budha)

the need for rational control (Surya).

Excellent position for executive leadership in demanding markets, where partnering & decision-m
Can be overwhelming in some marriages, if the native focuses the hot rays of their enquiring light to

This native needs to know what the partner is doing, and why. When emotional communication goes
constricted, and humanitarian.
Normally a true co-dependent Fixed
patterns may emerge.
& sincere beliefs, including a grounded belief in the essential
Values relationships with those of like mind. In the quarters of Virgo = a high-speed "bullet-train" t
Stable andchannel. The native
reliable person. may prefer
However, only the company
the Uttaraphalguni of those
native needswho think intorather
reminding keep precisely th
that contro

Deep emotional need to gather friends for a cause.

Aryaman (Surya)

fear of vulnerability, loneliness,  loss of control

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
ing from the family & extending outward in the world.

e partnering & decision-making are both running at a raging gallop.

ays of their enquiring light too intensely upon the partner. 

motional communication goes into short-loop repetition, behavior of the spouse is

unded belief in the essential bonds of friends & family. 
a high-speed "bullet-train" thinker,  whose thoughts run in a rather narrow but highly
ho think intorather
eminding keep precisely thething,
that control sameum,
as oneself, and ideally with facility and speed.

cts a core partner who expresses Uttaraphalguni  behavior.

Hasta - Chandra
10Kanya00 - 23Kanya19

Swami Vivekananda
Nikola Tesla (inventor, physicist)
Pope Benedict XVI (Josef Ratzinger)
Aung San Suu Kyi 
Walt Disney
Julia Child (the French Chef)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Hasta  (intimate relationships).

Princess Diana
Tipper Gore (Mrs. Al Gore Jr.)
Radix Moon in Hasta = "Hands" - gesture & craft

Patient, sensitive, and systematic. Genius of skilled manual crafts, healing & decorative arts, fro
Smart writer.with notable intuitive communication abilities. Like to talk, gesture, & measure thin
& clever,
Likes crafty hobbies. 
Even if other factors create risk (military career, extramarital affairs, financial speculation, political r
Emotionally  possessive& &routinized pattern. 
dislikes change of calendar.

Deep emotional need to be recognized for their achievements.


Fear of being marginalized or devalued  

Often restrained or abused in childhood, where emotional approval is provided only upon obedient p
Throughout life, then, one craves order & routine with regular praise for performance
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
Under emotional stress in relationships, the native with navamsha Chandra in Hasta can suffer inne
The & obsessive
native has a deep measuring. 
psychic need to stabilize their own emotional life through a

Partner of the native may be grasping & possessive, tending to repeat

Partner is a handy person with disarmingly : ) steady habits. Budha is very clever; the partner may h
double life. (Two hands, two lives). The trick is in the calendar.
al crafts, healing & decorative arts, from blacksmithing to massage. Usually an
s. Like to talk, gesture, & measure things. (Chandra-Budha).

affairs, financial speculation, political resistance) one will break taboos in an


proval is provided only upon obedient performance of duty. 

gular praise for performance . 
s, one attracts a core partner who expresses Krittika behavior.
msha Chandra in Hasta can suffer inner reactions of compulsive
motional life through a fixed calendar of duties  

to repeat crafty, manipulative behaviors either mental or manual or both. 

Budha is very clever; the partner may have figured out how to successfully live a
Chitra - Kuja
23Kanya40 -until- 06Thula39

USA Pres 41 George H. W. Bush "Sr."

USA Pres 43 George W. Bush
USA Pres 34 Dwight Eisenhower
Josef Stalin (USSR dictator
PM-Pakistan Benazir Bhutto
USA Sec. State. Henry Kissinger
Johannes Bach (musical composer)
Judy Collins (singer/songwriter)
Ted Turner media mogul [+Rahu]

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Chitra  (intimate relationships).

Tom Cruise
Radix Moon in Chitra = "Charm" - bright & organized
Kuja-Budha- Tavashtara [Kanya]
Kuja-Shukra-Tavashtara [Thula]

Destroys enemies and enriches friends.

Chitra are competitively ambitious "alpha" warrior types who are also pragmatic and mentally en
plans. Emotionally attracted
Chitra is the architectonic to sparkly
jewel of greatthings, including
price. This nativeappropriations
wants to knowofhow
the itwealthy of others.(the
all fits together
(Budha) for personal
Chitra's goal is power:gain.
usually gained through control of massive material assets, in combinati
desires social
Financial elevationcorruption
and political through money
does not&offend
this native; since the baser instincts of human natu
Pursues ones single goal with a high sense of entitlement, reflecting a noble & cutthroat style of

Architecturally minded genius, able to mount great schemes & plans. Strategically minded.
Charming conversationalists & entertainers, esp. in the Budha-ruled padaas. Famed for insigh
Favors jewels Masters of illusion.
& gems (formed  
in hot-pressure) esp. in the Shukra-ruled padaas. 

Deep emotional need to dominate through charm.

Tvashtr (Vishvakarma), the celestial architect

fear of poverty & silence

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
Under emotional stress in relationships, the native with navamsha Chandra in Chitra can experience
conversation & entertaining. 

The partner of the native needs evidence of wealth & popularity to stabilize their own emotiona
Partner may be fascinated with gold & jewels, literal or figurative.  Partner is a  very charming & con
are highly visible, glittery, and oriented toward acquisition of money & prestige
o pragmatic and mentally energized. Chitra can design excellent strategic
s the itwealthy of others.(the facets of the jewel) and then to USE one's knowledge
all fits together
aterial assets, in combination with a high decision-making position of some type. One
baser instincts of human nature are simply more facets of the jewel. 
noble & cutthroat style of practicing the arts of war. 

s. Strategically minded.
led padaas. Famed for insight, artistic ability, & for their power to work in hot-pressure
ed padaas. 

racts a core partner who expresses Chitra behavior.

ndra in Chitra can experience deep anxiety reactions that manifest as compulsive

stabilize their own emotional life. 

ner is a  very charming & conversationally gifted personality. Generally the partnerships
Swati - Rahu
06Thula40 - 19Thula59

Julia Roberts (actor)

Alfred Hitchcock (film director)
USA Pres 33 Harry Truman
Eric Clapton (musician)
Johnny Cash (musician)
Charlie Chaplin (actor)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Swati (intimate relationships).

Radix Moon in Swati = "Great Breath" - balanced & free
(Rahu - Shukra - Vayu)

Dreams of flying or floating on the wind. Wants to travel the world. Tremendous need for spatial
including physical
Passionate love of space, psycho-emotional
good design. space, and
Artistic & intuitive. mental
Socially space. May express
gracious. However, "mood
Rahu givesswings"
the weirdin
attempt to achieve re-balance through outburst (Rahu) and release. 
Due to Rahu's instinct toward free expression, Swati-Chandra quite capable of incorporating illicit
persons intoattracted
Emotionally their circle
toof relationships. If
activities present,
which impose the lowerrhythmic
a vigorous, element will be balanced
breath leading(Shukra)
to crescen by a
Talented of culturally
as athleticin swimming, refined
fine, literary persons.
performance singing, orgasmic
& performance love-making,
arts. Strong and yogic
financial sense pranayama.
(Shukra); (cf: intere
attractive, Hitchc
the signature
communicators.  scream.)

Likes to learn, dig deeper for insights, know secrets esp. re: life, love & beauty. Willing to break
Wants freedom, esp. will breakpartnership. 
sexual through one's own fears.  
Succumbs to flattery of their beauty or talent. 
Famed for their fickle heart & changing mind that may tempt into risky behaviors. Emotional res
seeking more intense love experience. 
Deep emotional need for free movement and deep breath.

Vayu, the Wind

fear of poverty
fear of stagnation

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
The partner seems elegant, delicately balanced, beautifully designed, capable of intense love exper
craving transformative
Under stress the nativeexperience of sweetness
may dive into & light. 
a private world of deep emotional engagement, perhaps with
imaginary or
Navamsha impossibly
Moon distant lover.Sartre,
in Swati = Jean-Paul Strong J.
tendency toward abstract or fantasy solutions for
K. Rowling
balanced & free

ants to travel the world. Tremendous need for spatial freedom,

pace, and
uitive. mental
Socially space. May express
gracious. However, "mood
Rahu givesswings" in twist:
the weird the artistic expression often directed toward the expl
rst (Rahu) and release. 
on, Swati-Chandra quite capable of incorporating illicit & vulgar
ose the lowerrhythmic
a vigorous, element will be balanced
breath leading(Shukra) by an equal
to crescendo, such
arts. love-making,
Strong and yogic
financial sense pranayama.
(Shukra); (cf: interesting,
attractive, Hitchcock films,

w secrets esp. re: life, love & beauty. Willing to break taboos to
.  own fears.  

d that may tempt into risky behaviors. Emotional restlessness

t and deep breath.

otional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Swati

ed, beautifully designed, capable of intense love experience,
ess & light. 
te world of deep emotional engagement, perhaps with an
ong J.
tre, tendency toward abstract or fantasy solutions for real-world
K. Rowling
Vishakha / Radha - Guru
20 Thula 00 - until - 03 Vrischika 19

USA Pres 39 Jimmy Carter

S.A. Pres. Nelson Mandela
Elizabeth Taylor (film actress)
Marie Sklodowska Curie (chemist, discoverer of polonium & radium)
USA Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist
Warren Beatty (actor)
Barbara & Jenna Bush (twin daughters of US Pres Bush-43)
Linda Eastman McCartney (first wife of P. McCartney Beatle)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Vishakha   (intimate relationships)

Dane Rudhyar (astrologer)

Radix Moon in Vishakha = "Fiery Lightning" - brilliant & forceful
(Guru-Shukra-Indragni -- Guru-Kuja-Indragni)

Vishakha= thunderstorm: Indra = terrifying thunder, and Agni = brilliant forks of lightening
After nature's awesome, frightening & amazing display of light and sound, Indra & Agni bring the no
Vishakha represents the "fork" of sky lightening and also the "fork" of rushing rivers released by Ind

Need for recognition of their power.  

Forceful & brilliantly intelligent, known for quick, flashing wit and Brilliant Intuition. 
Knowing the depth of their own power, Vishakha are patient geniuses of Timing. Held in high regard
Just as folks know from experience that the  scary thunderstorm will always bring nourishing rains, s
can evoke a great healing.

Vishakha natives like to shake up placid conventions and shock the conventional expectations
The native wields a penetrating emotional glance which feels like a strike of lightening. 
The results are almost always favorable because their jolting comments and glare are followed by a
Physically, Vishakha natives often experience small electrical shocks jolting their nervous system
Vishaka in radix lagna.)

Downside of Vishakha can be jealousy of others' material wealth & social status, esp. in the quarte
Vishakha's wisdom is brilliant but fleeting. This native may feel frustrated when those moments o
to boring old
Vishakha's work. 
bursts of truth are unpredictable. Typically they are not rewarded for their social contribu
Success after mid-life only. 

Deep emotional need for appreciation of their shocking brilliance

Indra and Agni

fear of stagnation, ignorance, & darkness

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
The partner expresses one's own dormant "shocking" brilliance, and the partner becomes the provid
The partner may seem to be flashing their powers and trying to scare the native, until the native rea
insightful awareness.
of lightening. 
gni bring the nourishing, essential Rain which feeds all of Life. 
released by Indra. Indra also rules earthquakes, whose terrible sound & fury can change the fork of huge

d in high regard by others, generally believed to be well-intentioned & friendly. 
urishing rains, so Vishakha's occasional outbursts of scathing or bombastic wit bring insights that

e followed by a movement toward alliance of warring factions (Anuradha).
nervous systems, at a moment when their consciousness requires recognition of truth. (Also true for

p. in the quarters of Kuja. 

hose moments of awe-struck recognition of their amazing power have passed, and they have to get back
r social contributions until a body of their observations has built up over time. 

artner who expresses Vishakha behavior.

omes the provider of moments of amazing, but also frightening, emotional insights. 
il the native realizes that the partner is simply mirroring back the native's own fleeting, brilliant,
Anuradha - Shani
03 Vrischika 20 - until - 16 Vrischika 39

Baba Ram Dass

Oprah Winfrey (entertainer, philanthropist)
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt (ambassador, pres. advisor)

USA Sen Robert "Bobby" Kennedy

Mariah Carey (cantanta, philanthropist)
Warren Buffet (financier, philanthropist)
USA Pres 38, Gerald Ford
Saddam Hussein (Iraq)
Rachel Carson (environmentalist)
Joan Bennette Kennedy (Mrs. "Teddy" Kennedy)
Michel Gauquelin, research astrologer

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Anuradha (intimate relationships)

Bill Gates 
Steve Jobs
USA Pres 33, John F Kennedy
Radix Moon in Anuradha= "Alliance" - collaborative & contractual partnership. "Post-war all

Emotionally, Anuradha creates a difficult and demanding situation. Through force of will and shar
Mitra is
Often ablefirst
one's to combine
experiencethe with
best the
of Shani's impetus
task occurs to impose where
in childhood, order upon human
the child society
assumes with
the theofb
warring invasive
parents enthusiasm
into some toworking
level of win. Anuradha-Chandra are capable
agreement. However of bringing
the position togethercan
of middleman warring
be d
native alliance. 
may seek solace in self-annihilating
One has inherited a strife-torn world which poisons.
can bettered, slowly and persistently, through crafting of
mutually profitable
Anuradha agreements.
signifies "good However
luck" for onesurvive
those who is makingthe alliances betweenofthose
lightning-shocks Radha who have been
(Vishaka). tor
violence of the storm (Vishaka).  Agreements are delicate and uncertain, and may have to
The native strives to resolve tensions by creating alliances & instrumental friendships. Success in thbe ensur
a feelinginterest
of satisfaction earned through creating a network of legal (Shani) agreements with
Sincere in co-operative law-enforcement with colleagues & peers. Participates inviolent
agreement parties. 
that support large-scale schemes for human benefit. 
One works steadily & consciously toward goals, with leadership ability; consistently willing to share
losses - both.  in life overall. Good alliances are the source of their wealth. Allied partners expan
Despite independent power. 
deal-making appearance, this native never acts alone. One depends on the re
cooperation of others
Anuradha-Chandra travels for for
one's success.
purposes ofAmeeting
bit of arm-twisting is an essential
others, imposing tool agreements
hard-crafted in the working too
in str

Their downside is a flaring anger temper, evoked by jealousy

the inner mandate to achieve agreement not annihilation (annihilation = Radha) will normally bring

Deep emotional need to feel that one is actively building protective and supportive
cannot rest from this work.

Mitra (Mithra, Maitreya)

fear of violent disagreement, invasion, or war

The nakshatra of navamsha Soma reveals the psycho-emotional needs of the partner. Nakshatra of
Chandra expresses the native's own dormant or less materialized (astral) emotional needs for secur
One aisfeeling of rootedness
attracted or familial
to the Anuradha belonging
pattern within
of needs the shelter
& emotional of thefor
cravings core emotional
defensive relationshi
(Mangala) sta
Under through the activity
stress, of forging
Anuradha alliances
navamsha (Mitra).can
Chandra Anuradha characteristics
evoke the while
native's inner somewhat an
Shani-Mangala c
anxious  jealousy & alliance-enforcing behaviors. 

In particular this native may need approval for their physical appearance or the
The their beauty
native or prestige.
intuitively seeks out companions with the qualities of friendliness. These are alliance-ma
negotiators, often found
The partner needs a steady in diplomatic,
pattern ofbrokering, and legal
interaction with environments.
friends & colleagues
Partner may be overly concerned with entertaining others, spending excessive resource on group di
If the native'shosting
navamsha role.  
Chandra in Anuradha is badly damaged, partner may exhibit
possessed with desire for
Normally this partner receives the wealth
enoughor spouse ofvalidation
emotional others.  through their balanced network of famil
Behaviors of the partner in context of deepest emotional needs will be characterized role of Shani in
orative & contractual partnership. "Post-war alliances".

manding situation. Through force of will and sharp determination,

tus to impose where
in childhood, order upon human
the child society
assumes with
the theofbest
work of Kuja's
bringing one's
a-Chandra are capable
ment. However of bringing
the position togethercan
of middleman warring parties into
be dangerous anda the
ettered, slowly and persistently, through crafting of stabilizing and
vive the alliances betweenofthose
lightning-shocks Radha who have been
(Vishaka). tortured by the childhood = emotionally difficult, often due to
delicate and uncertain, and may have to be ensured
alliances & instrumental friendships. Success in their life by is
a network of legal (Shani) agreements with violent (Mangala)
ent with colleagues & peers. Participates in elaborate networks of or
r human
with benefit. 
leadership ability; consistently willing to share the gains &
re the source of their wealth. Allied partners expand the scope of
his native never acts alone. One depends on the resistant (Shani)
ngarm-twisting is an essential
others, imposing tool agreements
hard-crafted in the working toolkit of this
in stressful crafty

d by jealousy that can run out of their control. Basic compassion and
ihilation (annihilation = Radha) will normally bring the Anuradha

ively building protective and supportive alliance. The native


ycho-emotional needs of the partner. Nakshatra of navamsha

ess materialized (astral) emotional needs for security, protection,
within the shelter
s & emotional of thefor
cravings core emotional
defensive relationships. 
(Mangala) stability (Shani)
andra Anuradha characteristics
evoke the while
native's inner somewhat anxiety-provoking
Shani-Mangala conflict, provoking

eir physical appearance or the value of their work, i.e. confirmation

the qualities of friendliness. These are alliance-makers and
and with
tion legal environments.
friends & colleagues to stabilize their own emotional
ng others, spending excessive resource on group dinners or other
badly damaged, partner may exhibit out-of-control jealousy, or be
others.  through their balanced network of family, colleagues, and
motional needs will be characterized role of Shani in one's own
Jyestha - Budha
16 Vrischika 40 -until- 29 Vrischika 59

USA Pres.3, Thomas Jefferson

Nicole Kidman (actor)
Jennifer Aniston (actor)
Tiger Woods (golf champion)
Donald Trump (real estate developer)
Wladzia Valentino "Liberace" (pianist, performer)
Christopher Reeve (actor, health activist)
Carl Sagan (actor, self-appointed science authority)
Albert Einstein (cosmologist)
Frederich Nietzsche (philosophy writer)
Elizabeth Clare Prophet (cult leader, writer)
Stephen King (fiction writer)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Jyestha (intimate relationships).

Mother Teresa
Radix Moon in Jyestha  = "Eldest" - seniority & supremacy - " I know better than you"

Distinguished by the depth of their convictions, the Jyestha Moon folk radiate a sense of seriousness
Flamboyant style based in unshakable conviction of the competitive superiority of one's own v
Typically, favored in childhood. An aura of privilege, capability, and confidence.
Takes the lead based on certainty re: one's own ability to win (Kuja) whether a physical contest (
Can Sagan,
acquire Nietzsche). 
large followings due to the confidence, trust & admiration which the Jyestha native ca

Psychically gifted with Budha-Kuja energy that can grant occult or shamanistic perception. The w
Often there ability to concentrate
is physical hardship inmental attention
their lives, into
imposed a single
through focusillness
accident, point or
the physical
at b

Rigorous mental discipline becomes necessary to meet the physical pain. (E.g., Eliz Clare Prophe
Efforts toward overcoming this disability force the native to concentrate intensely on their mind-bo
Known as recluses when they are not actively in leadership, they must withdraw into seclusion to

Deep emotional need to feel authoritative certainty.

Indra, hurler of thunderbolts

fear of impurity, violation, weakness

 In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
Under emotional stress in relationships, native with Jyestha navamsha Chandra can suffer inner
The native becomes locked into a state of concentration on a goal or mission, and cannot release

The native may experience the partner (a human or a deity) as an agent of intense mind/body co
Even when things are going well, the partner needs plenty of privacy & seclusion. to prepare for per
than you"

e of seriousness & natural superiority. Competitive, flamboyant, and shrewd.

y of one's own viewpoint or physical talent. 

hysical contest (Woods) or a talent competition (Liberace, Kidman) or an intellectual debate (Jefferson,
yestha native can inspire (Prophet). 

rception. The wise insights & spiritual communication they enjoy is due at least in part to their
of the physical
r conditions body. 
at birth. 

Eliz Clare Prophet, epilepsy;  Christopher Reeve, paraplegia; Tiger Woods, knee surgeries)
n their mind-body links, and seek power deep within.
o seclusion to recharge their batteries..

artner who expresses Jyestha behavior.

suffer inner control fixation provoking obsessive attention to purity of intention in thought &
cannot release control in order to enter into a normal relationship balance. 

mind/body control.
o prepare for periods of intense physical activity in their life.
Mula - Ketu
00Dhanau00- 13Dhanau19

Sen. /V.P. Al Gore, Jr. (domain-6)

Martha Stewart (domain-3)
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Shri Aurobindo
Rupert Murdoch
Calif. Gov. Arnold Swartzenegger
Ethel Skakel Kennedy (Mrs. Bobby Kennedy)
Example narrative: Male Chandra/Guru in domain-4 in Mula

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Mula (intimate relationships).

Princess Diana
Frederich Nietzsche
Radix Moon in Mula  = "Root" - core challenge & upheaval

Emotionally, Mula is difficult: a roller-coaster of sudden changes and upheavals in life.

Mula forms the gateway to the galactic Sun, whose wisdom-forces are not gentle. Remembering fo
Ketu'snot easily accept
detachment the small
combined range
with of behaviors
Guru's which human
optimism creates Mula'sbodies findtoasviolate
tendency their "comfort zone
luck" or reversals
The native is oftenofexternally
fortune, labeling Mulawith
successful, as the most volatile
a cheerful & dangerous
social personality of theand
(Guru) nakshatras. 
can-do attitud
however one remains a seeker of excess & risk. Normal life and conventional relationships leave on

Mula is reckless. The psychological assessment "reckless disregard for consequences" often atten
Mula can also be cruel, due to the reckless behavior under rules of no-boundaries super-detached K
Mula-Soma especially reckless with matters of emotional health & well-being. The Mula-Soma native
the basis of social security invested in one's marriage and family, one's dwelling place, or even one'

Emotionally, Mula profiles a betrayer who feels they have been betrayed. 
Subject to self-destructive thoughts, tinged by a longing for something impossibly distant.
Mula gives fierce upheavals & catastrophic changes in the physical, emotional, & social environm
Frequent such at
machine"revolutions, sudden
-- embittered, onset of
feeling illness, and
trapped sudden changes
& betrayed of social
by an unjust, stat
betrayed despite being themselves the betrayer.
Mula endures these tests to prove something essential. 

One cannot be bound to the powers of the Earth (Ashwini) as those are fleeting. 
One cannot be bound to the powers of the priesthood of Earth's Sun (Magha) as those also are impe
One is bound to the Galactic Sun, a source of great and infinite power of which few humans are eve
Thus Mula transcends physical medicine (Ashwini) and religious healing (Magha) en route to Suprem

The internal self-destructive pressure is so intense that Mula can be associated with self-righteou
knowing Mula natives
Self-destructive however
impulse extendssimply
to thehold their ground,
destruction of theenduring
primary whatever
vehicle of outside fluctuations
self-continuation, occ
catastrophic means such as fever of raging infection, accident, or surgery. 
If other graha protect enough to make children possible, the first child at least is damaged in some
The best life settings for this native involve vigorous physical activity and working professionally
in theirthe
When followers,
physicaland canisget
scope toopeople tothe
limited, do things for
native's them with charismaticintuition
catastrophe-seeking charm.  will find social

Deep emotional need to self-destruct 

Nirriti = Alakshmi

Trauma profile = fear of annihilation 

Past-life memories of earthquake, flood, & fire caused by Earth Changes perpetually re-run across th
In childhood, the native experienced the mother trying in some secret, manipulative fashion to ann
Frequently the mother contemplated therapeutic abortion. (Mula natives typically abhor abortion
masked behind
This behavior is proper social
not critical behavior, and
self-blaming but the child
rather is left with a compulsive
a subconscious tendency mental
to placehabit of se
oneself in
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
Under emotional stress in relationships, Soma in Mula navamsha can evoke the native's inner react
leading to catastrophic
The spouse change within
appears to become the core relationship.  
provocatively reckless, trying to incite an eruption of sudden reac

The native may experience the partner as an agent of dishonesty, violence, reckless disregard
If Mula Moon is well placed the partner may also be an agent of extraordinary, shocking, life-cha
If with Rahu or otherwise amplified, the partner becomes an agent of extreme emotional volatility,
laws, and catalyzes
Even when social
things are goingdisruption. 
well, the partner needs plenty of volatile change in their life, ideally
or sport.
membering former incarnations outside Earth which provided a more godly body-vehicle, the Mula  native
"comfort zone".
human-body Rather, Mula
boundaries tends to push
for sleep/wake, the humanheat/cold,
food/toxins, body-mind farpleasure/pain.
and past its natural capacity. 
"Alaxmi" gives "bad
can-do attitude at work. Chandra-Mula is an inspiring and capable manager in the world. Emotionally
hips leave one perpetually unsatisfied. 

s" often attends the Mula native. 

er-detached Ketu. 
a-Soma native may engage in unsupportable risk which threatens the stability of one's physical health,
, or even one's national security.

ibly distant. This Earth life is not easy. 

cial environment. Generally there are multiple occurrences of traumatic & apparently unprovoked
s of social
unjust, status. 
unpredictable world. Females in particular are prone to extramarital affairs, in which they often feel

also are impermanent. 

mans are even aware. 
ute to Supreme Truth (Mula) in its most awesomely destructive form.

h self-righteous drug & alcohol abuse, or lashing out in violence against their perceived oppression. Self-
uctuations occur
nuation, which is in the confidence
one's thatdestroys
children. Mula after every
or catastrophe, Mula becomes
damages reproductive stronger.
fertility, often through
aged in some way, and all the children exhibit self-destructive behaviors.
professionally in high-stakes, high-conflict environments.  Excellent politicians who naturally instill faith
will find social or emotional upheavals to replace the physical emergency.

e-run across the native's subconscious. 

ashion to annihilate the child. 
bhor abortion and work aggressively to deny abortion rights.) The mother's destructive intent is usually
l habit
ce of self-attack. 
oneself in harms' way, inviting risk, promiscuity, and exposure to catastrophe. 
ner who expresses one's own unacknowledged Mula behavior.
's inner reactivity provoking compulsive upheaval and sudden, forced, destructive movement,
of sudden reactivity in the partner. 

ss disregard for consequences, or betrayal. 

king, life-changing truth.
nal volatility, manifesting unpredictable or reckless behavior. The partner provokes arguments, breaks
ir life, ideally effected by constant international travel, and intense physical activity such as dance
Purvashadha - Shukra
13 Dhanau 20 - until - 26 Dhanau 39

Adolph Hitler (genocidal murderer)

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan (model, actor)
Mrs. Barbara Bush (wife & mother of Bush presidents & governors)

Pat Robertson (televangelist)

Ernest Hemingway (novelist)
Cherilyn Sarkisian  (the performer "Cher") 
Merv Griffin (millionaire media producer)
Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in  PurvaAshadha (intimate relationships).

Brad Pitt
Elvis Presley
Paul Newman
Radix Moon in PurvaAshadha 
= "Early Victory"- Dedication & Ambition 
(Shukra - Guru - Apah)

Purva-Ashadha "the invincible sea". One is emotionally oriented toward ensuring connection thr
The is absorbed
native into the
is attractive ocean.  
(Guru-Shukra); one's eyes are quite entrancing. 

However Shukra-Guru influence upon Purvashadha Soma has a major downside of potential self-dec
One may become addicted (Shukra) to the pleasures of self-righteous satisfaction (Shukra-Guru
Higher truth gets twisted when inclusive & compassionate Guru must express His will through the a
= daityaguru,
Shukra teacher
uses Guru's of the demons.
influence of belief Shukra
in greatseduces
truths the
andnative toward
guidance byindulgence in the drug
a holy priesthood, to coo
proof of unassailable
Purvashadha Chandrarighteousness. Without
enjoys a feeling sufficient consciousness,
of accomplishment. one may(Shukra) 
There is pleasure become ainvictim of t
which have brought luxury (Shukra) and expansion (Guru), are "proof" of one's righteous path.

Aside from the interpersonal annoyance caused by Purvashadha's typical arrogance, the biggest pro
One mayconsciousness while
sink deeper and born into
deeper under the Purva-ashadha
addiction Moon
to the feeling of=self-righteous
self-isolation from negative fact
satisfaction. O
but psychologically unbalanced  delusion. The delusion originates in emotional need for self-justifica
Therefore one may treat others - one's spouse and children, one's community, one's nation or the w
that one is not
When bound by it
criticism, moral principle
is only
contradiction, or compassion,
one's ability
principled but
to keep getting
disagreement, or rather
other one is
chosen "eugenic" leade
It thefor
is easy native tends to reject
Purva-ashadha the humanity
to dance of others.
merrily down There
the path is risk of extreme
of dehumanizing isolation from any
self-righteousness of ,
granted some sort of divine privilege, based on "early victories". 

Toward the end of WWII,  Adolph Hitler became increasingly hostile to negative reports from the fiel
Mrs. Barbara Bush was negatively famous her disregard for the charitable social service which is tra

This native, however wrong-headed one may be, will resist any change of course
with achieves
One a challenge, thisvictory"
"early one cannot easily
through change
being strategy
in the or tactic;
right place at thebut Purvashadha
right will
time to take neveradvant
skillful give u
When marriage byor business opportunity,
hostile effects, or a sea-change
Purvashadha in public
Moon creates tastes.
religious The early advantage
fundamentalists, is
aggrandizement often manifests as a lack of compassion for others. 
When supported by friendly effects, Purvashadha Moon gives the power to sustain religious vow
The key toin any undertaking. 
success with Purvashadha Chandra is, indeed, to choose one's commitments carefull
commitment, one will be emotionally unable to change course for the rest of one's life.

Should one's initial viewpoint turn out to have been wrong, Purvashadha moon will die trying. I.e., h
own web, and goes down with the ship. 
when steady, loyal commitment to an early-life vow, 
or a simplistic, one-size-fits-all ideological solution to a complex human problem, 
are the keys to success, this native will achieve the pinnacle.

Positive traits include personal determination, work ethic, fierce loyalty to a person or a cause, and
goal be
May regardless
tremendous of its validity. 
supporters of religious institutions, ideologies, & fundamental moral principles,
The female tends to be a loyal & unquestioning spouse, unswervingly committed to her husband's p
traits are more famous for Purvashadha. Considerable difficulties in accepting professional
higher viewpoint. 
Associated with low birth (esp. for males; see Adolf Hitler), constitutional stubbornness
For Purvashadha, of family funds. 
the ends will justify the means.  
Purvashadha's victorious end is some sort of dominant power, and Purvashadha's means can includ
Like waterinflowing
one's path. 
to the sea, Purvashadha is unstoppable, invincible, and gains its goal. Should Pur
channel, a deadly flood may result.

Deep emotional need for absorptive connection.

Apah, god of Water


fear of  aggressive threat, fear of bondage, fear of being held back, or fear of enforced waiting 
(needs pleasure and gratification now).

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
Under emotional stress in relationships, the native with navamsha Chandra in Purvashadha can exp
as compulsive merging & clinging & obsessive repetition of claims based on vows or statements

Navamsha Chandra in Purvaashadha indicates a deep resistance to "mid-course corrections" in the

The partner needsmustclearbe expressed
sense through
of direction the relationship,
in the partner's actions. 
and a simple set of working princi
commitment. The partner cannot handle too much complexity and the partnertypically
Partner is hard-working, mono-focused, typically quite beautiful (Guru-Shukra)  may be with
unable to a
Depending on the nakshatra of the native's radix Moon, the partner's emotional resistance to chang
Due separation
to its sense in a relationship.
of merging and flowing toward a fixed destination, Purvashadha nakshatra is a goo
commitments, but excessively rigid or legalistic interpretation of the early promises can cause resen
ented toward ensuring connection through being absorbed into the Source, as

s a major downside of potential self-deception. Shukra is the great deceiver!

righteous satisfaction (Shukra-Guru). 
uru must express His will through the auspice of self-pleasuring Shukra. Shukra
ative toward
uidance byindulgence in the drug
a holy priesthood, of self-satisfaction. 
to convince the native that one is the path and
iousness, one may become a victim of this nasty
There is pleasure (Shukra)  in believing (Guru)  thattrick.
one's early victories in life,
re "proof" of one's righteous path.

dha's typical arrogance, the biggest problem facing the native who wishes to
ing of=self-righteous
self-isolation from negative facts
satisfaction. Oneormay
enter an emotionally comfortable
nates in emotional need for self-justification.
one's community, one's nation or the world -- with The native wants to
any degree of believe (Guru)
g the
her one is
chosen "eugenic" leader
to the emotional drug who
of divinely do and say
approved no wrong.  come
re dehumanizing
of is risk of extreme isolation from any
self-righteousness of ,source of realistic,
while believing thatcorrecting input that
one has been

hostile to negative reports from the field. His response was not to make corrections, but rather to isolate himse
he charitable social service which is traditionally undertaken by wives of US Senators and Presidents. Her most

any change of course on their destined movement toward the Source. Faced
at thebut Purvashadha
right will
time to take neveradvantage
skillful give up the
ofpursuit of the social
a grassroots goal.  movement, a
in public
ates tastes.
religious The early advantage
fundamentalists, is generally
ideologues, maintained throughout
and tyrants. Pursuit life.
of personal
gives the power to sustain religious vows, and stay loyal to fundamental
choose one's commitments carefully. Because after making the first, early
se for the rest of one's life.

urvashadha moon will die trying. I.e., hoist by one's own petard, caught in his

mplex human problem, 


rce loyalty to a person or a cause, and unshakable commitment to reach the

ogies, & fundamental moral principles, especially in a dogmatic form. 
wervingly committed to her husband's programme. The male tends to find a
ble difficulties in accepting professional & collegial advice from those holding a
onstitutional stubbornness, and abuse of relatives including incest &

r, and Purvashadha's means can include dehumanization of the human

nvincible, and gains its goal. Should Purvashadha's desires overflow their natural

d back, or fear of enforced waiting 

ns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Purvashadha behavior.

msha Chandra in Purvashadha can experience anxiety reactions that manifest
of claims based on vows or statements of commitment from the past.  

ance to "mid-course corrections" in the native's own psyche, which if personally

, and a simple set of working principles or vows to ground the
xity and the partnertypically
iful (Guru-Shukra)  may be with
unable to adapt
lovely eyes.or change his/her life strategy if &
partner's emotional resistance to change may be a source of conflict and
nation, Purvashadha nakshatra is a good place for sustaining vows and partner
n of the early promises can cause resentment along the path of spiritual growth.
UttarAshadha - Surya
26Dhanau40 -until- 09Makara59

Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor (self-proclaimed)

UK-PM Indira Gandhi
Brad Pitt (actor, philanthropist)
USA Pres 16, Abraham Lincoln
USA Pres 28, Woodrow Wilson
USA-Gov (Fla) Jeb Bush
USA-Sen John McCain (2008 election)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Uttarashadha (intimate relationships).

Angelina Jolie  
(partner Brad Pitt, above, has natal Moon in Uttarashadha)
Radix Moon in UttaraAshadha = "Great Victory" -  stamina & constancy
Surya - Guru - Vishvadeva [Dhanau]
Surya -Shani - Vishvadeva [Makara]

Under the auspice of Vishva Deva, Uttarashadha natives are serious global thinkers. While not alway
One's emotional orientation is shaped by an optimistic but strategic view of the paths available towa
is not intellectualized
If this native appears to butberather wise horses
switching and deeply certain in their
in mid-stream, approach
that is only an toward reaching
appearance. the
It will becent
goals, but
Indeed thiswill adjust
native willsecondary
realize hisand tertiary
central instrumental
objectives, means in or
but secondary order to enhance
lesser progress
attainments may be towar
native's core goals in order to appreciate his strategy. 
The life itself may be sacrificed in order to achieve higher values (A. Lincoln, I. Gandhi.). Personal he
great social change. A marriage may be sacrificed in order to move forward to another marriage wh

Like the other Purva-Uttara pairs, Purva-a-shadha expresses mainly the outer-directed worldly energ
Also typicalthe
of inner-directed conquest
the Uttara or "later" through Uttarashadha
nakshatras, discipline and control.
enjoys one's most valuable successes
success earlier, but the goals which are most important in the native's own value
Surya & Guru combine to regulate the native's perceptions & reactive feelings in asystem are reache
righteous, patien
The native's worst trait may be stubbornness. Distinguished by one's firm refusal to abandon the p

Purvashadha uses engulfing, overwhelming energy to attain victory. Purva and will surge in any dire
Uttarashadha by contrast is rigid & inflexible in one's victory-seeking style, which causes severe
Stamina and dedication to task are Uttarashadha hallmark traits. Strong willed and certain, if not ve
Can be "humor impaired" but is generally a good friend and spouse, so long as one's will to act as o

Tremendous love of children (Brad Pitt, Abraham Lincoln). Very steady

Attracted to religious vocations which involve austerities and lifetime commitment to vows.
Deep emotional need for universal connection.

Vishva Deva, universal gods

Ten ganadevatas

fears dissipation, lack of structure, lack of certainty, weakness/addictions, and incipient chaos
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a
The partner seems very solid in character, with an inner-directed certainty regarding one's life goals
Underto the native. 
stress, the partner's virtuous qualities of 'certainty' and 'invincibility' may resemble a pig-like
On Theside,
the good partner
thetend to take
partner has the lead
made in decision-making,
a clear presuming
& determined choice that s/he ahas
to undertake a bette
will be highly
Partner has a dependable
great love of even when a(Surya/Guru
children very heavy load of responsibility is borne.
Male partner takes the commanding role of a committed & dedicated father. Female partners have
principled, with a tendency to demand moral excellence of their children rather than unconditional l
na & constancy

rious global thinkers. While not always a 'fun' person to be around, this native has discipline & commitment. Th
tegic view of the paths available toward realization of one's core values. The native
tr is
only an toward reaching
appearance. the
It will becentral
found goals of life.
that Uttarashadha will never abandon core
s in or
ary order to enhance
lesser progress
attainments may be toward the main
sacrificed alonggoals. I.e., one must know the
the way. 
es (A. Lincoln, I. Gandhi.). Personal health may be abandoned in order to achieve
move forward to another marriage which better supports one's essential life goals. 

ainly the outer-directed worldly energy of invincibility, whereas Uttara-a-shadha

njoys one's most valuable successes rather later in life. (There may be superficial
native's own value
eactive feelings in asystem are reached
righteous, patient, only in middle age
and responsible and afterward.)
by one's firm refusal to abandon the path, once it has been clearly chosen. 

ctory. Purva and will surge in any direction. 

eking style, which causes severe trouble early in life. 
s. Strong willed and certain, if not very flexible. 
ouse, so long as one's will to act as one sees fit is not deeply challenged. 

Very steady parents, teachers, and moral authorities of the highest order.
etime commitment to vows.

addictions, and incipient chaos

one attracts a core partner who expresses Uttarabhadrapada behavior.
ed certainty regarding one's life goals and central values. The partner is typically
invincibility' may resemble a pig-like stubbornness that is impossible to cajole or
king, presuming
ned choice that s/he ahas
to undertake a better command
commitment, of the
the partner long-term
is true strategy
to their and &
onsibility is borne.
icated father. Female partners have a matriarchal presence which is wise &
r children rather than unconditional love.
Shravana - Chandra
10Makara00- 23Makara19

Michel Foucault (social historian)

Alexandra David-Néel (Himalayan explorer)
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy (attorney,   historian,
Henry Ford (industrialist, philanthropist)
USA-Gov-AK Sarah Palin

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:
Navamsha Moon in Shravana (intimate
Radix Moon in Shravana = "Hearing"- attentive to public opinion 

Excellent listeners who are attentive to public opinion and wish to maintain their social reputatio
They people
alliedare saying".
with A nakshatra
conventional of skillful
standards listening. and will not tolerate any challenge to w
for excellence
rhythmic intelligence can concentrate on a pattern and "pay attention" to nuanced variation. 
Gifted in delivering speeches and sermons with a rhythmic, melodically structured cadence. Sensitiv
A to ensure
shrewd a readable rhythm. 
and discriminating observer (David-Néel).
There is a certain negativity associated with this nakshatra which is the obvious downside of tale-te
public reputation. If
The upside can be a Chandra receives
professionally aggressive
respected drishti
version of  in the nativity,
tale-telling, theasnative
such mightor
journalism pursue his
and industrialists who listen to the people and deliver what the people request (Henry Ford).

Shravana can be arrogant or uncharitable even (or especially) to close friends or family, should one'
The upside is focused attention to religious teachings and tolerating only the purest spoken word i
will ill words be spoken by them in the public assembly. 

Shravana will travel extensively to listen at the feet of the guru; but he will also ensure that his pi
Intellectually, the power of the ear is a huge asset; one listens attentively to the teacher and read
pass long the
Marvelous lineage high
historians, values of their
sociologists, andculture. 
curators of traditional knowledge

Deep emotional need to know one is held in good repute.


Anxious need to have one's performance recognized, a fear of not being noticed. Trauma of having
In conversation orone's
order to mirror talked about
own "in the third
subconscious person" as
emotional if one does
patterns, not exist.
one attracts (As an
a core adult, who
partner one fears
Under emotional stress in relationships, Shravana navamsha Chandra can evoke the native's inner
Reactions to this fear include compulsive making of announcements, story-telling
Navamsha Moon in Shravana = Luciano Pavarotti
ntive to public opinion 

c opinion and wish to maintain their social reputation at all costs. Extraordinary "ear" for music, drum-beat, 
listening. and will not tolerate any challenge to what they hear as the rules for proper behavior in their s
tern and "pay attention" to nuanced variation. 
a rhythmic, melodically structured cadence. Sensitive "ear" for writing. A writer with Shravana Chandra knows
s nakshatra which is the obvious downside of tale-telling, dishonesty or open contempt for those who might t
ve drishti
ersion of  in the nativity,
tale-telling, theasnative
such mightor
journalism pursue his nay-sayers
scholarly aggressively,
historian.  Shravana seeking to
can produce discredit attentive
exquisitely those who m
deliver what the people request (Henry Ford).

(or especially) to close friends or family, should one's reputation come into danger from insinuation of untruth
achings and tolerating only the purest spoken word in their homes. Parents disallow vulgarity to flow from t

he feet of the guru; but he will also ensure that his pious visits are publicly announced and established in th
asset; one listens attentively to the teacher and reads with close attention to detail. Shravana produces schola
tors of traditional knowledge. Natural ability at public-relations, opinion-polls, political campaign managers, a

in good repute.

nized, a fear of not being noticed. Trauma of having been unheard, disregarded, not recognized, not listened to
tional as
rson" if one does
patterns, not exist.
one attracts (As an
a core adult, who
partner one fears slander,
expresses and vigorously
Shravana defends one's reputation.)
ana navamsha Chandra can evoke the native's inner fear of not being heard. 
ing of announcements, story-telling and general noise, in order to attract attention. 
JFK, Jr.
Princess Diana
Marilyn Monroe (actor)
Timothy Leary (LSD, drug activist)
Charles Manson (murder cult leader) + Rahu
Michelle Robinson Obama (Mrs. Barack Obama)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Dhanishta (intimate relationships)

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Radix Moon in Dhanishtha = "social climbing & revolving upward" - "I'm dancing as fast as I

Trying to get to heaven through ambitious, competitive movement. "Achievement by Hearing the B
to host and
Dances in a attend parties, up
spiral pattern, espthe
dance parties. 
mountain of achievements, dancing into wealthy or powerful circle
Strong leadership skills & talent in performance arts. Excellent dancers with a superb intuitive s
association with
Dhanishtha danceindicates
nakshatra and music-based performance
success in professions arts.
that involve social climbing through asso
The native is aor other "party
diligent workercircuits" that
on a task gives
that elite association. 
requires extraordinary commitment and persistence w
In the sense of emotional expectation of struggle againston
with people who lose the beat and obstacles the path. 
social barriers and a continuous atti
similar to another inherently problematic Shani-Kuja combination: Anuradha. The beat is steady an
but the climb is hard, requiring endurance (Shani) and athletic skill (Kuja). 

Despite an outward allure of friendliness, the native is emotionally aggressive (Kuja) when "dancing
when crossed. 
Gets material wealth but may suffer from self-obsessed greed for more, more, more and fixation
Needs constant company, and constant movement; becomes insecure when the drumbeat sto
Marital conflict due to inability to tolerate dissent. Obsession with being "heard" by important pe
adolescent love of social excitement through high-energy or impulsive behaviors, in general high lev
goal-focused ambition to go faster, well into adulthood. 

Dhanishta is famous for getting revenge on people who block their upward path, in any way. The c
their moral reputation
Unfortunately or of
the victim eligibility to join
Dhanishta's a high-moving
anxious anger is group. 
often the spouse, who is seen as a threat to
culture and keeping the beat. If widowed or divorced, Dhanishta will almost immediately remarry. 

If the native hails from modest origins (Monroe, Nixon, Brezhnev)

with be
Can wonderful enthusiasm
a top caliber for prestige
fundraiser social events
and host/hostess in the world
of glamorous of events for charitable music pro
purposes, but the primary motivation is always to hear the beat which signals that one is climbing in
Deep emotional need to reach the top via dancing/climbing movement

Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance

Vasudaivata (Basudaibata)

Trauma profile = infant abandonment.

The subconscious recycles ancient memories of forced march and pogrom. The infant felt threatene
As of parents
a result caused incoherent
of this underlying sound
insecurity, patterns and
the Dhanishta "missing
native worksthe beat" in pattern
obsessively of nurturing
to keep their fa
re-establishing connection through coherent sounds of talking and drumming, and harbors a neurot

Dhanishta cannot bear to be alone. One must feel that one is "dancing upward in a group" toward a
dance is interrupted,
Dhanishta Dhanishta
clings obsessively will react
to parents & with extreme
children, vindictive
urging everyone anger
to "keep moving" in a constant
drum & dance.
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
Under emotional stress in relationships, Dhanishta navamsha Chandra can evoke the native's inne
Anxiety reactions to this fear of losing core vitality include compulsive drumming, dancing, part
groups, in order to keep the movement alive. 

Like the dancers moving up the spiral path, on the rhythm of perpetual drumbeat, toward the top of
S/he "never stopsupwardly
- demonstrating an amazingly intrepid and comprehensive ability to ad
toward higher
Whether values. 
the values are understood (by the partner) as principles of personal morality, spiritual reali
(Cf., spouse scholarly accomplishment,
of Franklin professional
D. Roosevelt, Mrs. recognition, or all of the above -- the partner is a
Eleanor Roosevelt.)
lving upward" - "I'm dancing as fast as I can"

ovement. "Achievement by Hearing the Beat".  Craves elite recognition. Like

nts, dancing into wealthy or powerful circles. Dhanishtha are social climbers.
llent dancers with a superb intuitive sense of percussion. Lifelong
. involve social climbing through association with music, ideally through
ciation.  commitment and persistence with the ability to handle constant
ton the path. 
social barriers and a continuous attitude of resentment, Dhanishtha is
ination: Anuradha. The beat is steady and the climb is consistently upward,
hletic skill (Kuja). 

otionally aggressive (Kuja) when "dancing upward" and can be dangerous

greed for more, more, more and fixation on the elite public image. 
becomes insecure when the drumbeat stops or when alone. 
ession with being "heard" by important people, & self-absorption. Retains
or impulsive behaviors, in general high levels of muscular coordination &

lock their upward path, in any way. The crime is usually some tarnishment of
ften the spouse, who is seen as a threat to Dhanishta's control of family
anishta will almost immediately remarry. 

Brezhnev) the climb may be long and high. Professional socialite/politician

world of politics,
social arts
events for & dance. 
charitable music programs, and many other good
e beat which signals that one is climbing into the privileged realm of the gods
limbing movement

rch and pogrom. The infant felt threatened with loss of family unity. Angry
ive worksthe beat" in pattern
obsessively of nurturing
to keep care. group together, constantly
their family
king and drumming, and harbors a neurotic fear of abandonment. 

e is "dancing upward in a group" toward a superior and protected realm. If the

everyone anger at moving"
to "keep whoeverinis abreaking
constantup the forward,
cultural secure movement. 
performance, driven to
rns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Dhanishta behavior.
msha Chandra can evoke the native's inner fear of loss of constant movement. 
compulsive drumming, dancing, party-going and traveling in moving

of perpetual drumbeat, toward the top of Mount Meru, the partner is

intrepid and comprehensive ability to advance progress along the path
nciples of personal morality, spiritual realization, social justice, financial
elt.) or all of the above -- the partner is a veritable perpetual-motion
Shata-bhishaka - Rahu
06Kumbha40 - 19Kumbha59

Elvis Presley (charismatic entertainer)

Michael Jackson (charismatic entertainer)
Paul Newman (actor)
Mircea Eliade (esoteric author, professor of religion)
Vidiadhar Surajprasa "V.S." Naipaul (literary author)
Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor
Leonardo da Vinci (artist, polymath)
Joe DiMaggio (champion USA baseball player, husband of
Marilyn Monroe)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Shatataraka (intimate relationships).

Radix Moon in Shatataraka = "thousand healings" - moody & mystical 

Amazing healers who are immersed in the ocean of visionary perception. Usually a highly eccentric
Usually veryand surgeons. with
charismatic, Practitioners and purveyors
a remarkable of poison
ability to charm dosing
the (Rahu)
public. which can
Shamanistic act as
power tomed
including fasting (Shani) which can cure disease
diverse crowds of people or vast terrains of the spiritual world. 

Visionary understanding of the interconnected cosmos. Reputation includes skill in varieties

Shani-Rahu is a very difficult combination, and these peculiar folk  can be difficult to live with. Their
and struggle to articulate their bridge-between-life-and-death ideas does not ease their path int

They know what they know through intuition and psychic conviction. Shatataraka can practice their
to explain
Marital to others
troubles due to and ultimately
restless fail in These
moodiness. communication dueto
natives need toconnect
the limits of the conventional
with common peoplewo
daily contact
Sometimes anwith the crowds,
obsession withallcleanliness
will settle and be well. 
& body functions. (Would rather not be trapped in a

Deep emotional need to Cross Over


Trauma profile = "circuit-breaker"

Sata-bhisa's psycho-emotional condition is initiated in the current life, by the native's profound attac
often, the mother
Attachment can be- who is lost
to one's lostearly,
or abandonment or abandonment
sibling also, and untimely death. 
can be mental illness-caused

The trauma-healing instinct creates a deep longing to generates "shoots" which cross over (like a fe
Satabisa experiences a lifetime of seeking bridges into the unknown. As a result one may be plunge
mystical revelry,
In order to mirroraone's
of the time. emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expre
Under emotional stress in relationships, Shatataraka navamsha Chandra can evoke the native's inne
Reactions to this fear of losing core vitality include compulsive drumming, dancing, party-going
groups, in order
Navamsha Moontoinkeep the movement
Shatataraka alive. D. Roosevelt, Indira Gandhi
= Franklin
- moody & mystical 

nary perception. Usually a highly eccentric personality. Famous place for

arm thedosing (Rahu)
public. which can
Shamanistic act as
power tomedicine, and of yogic
connect psychically austerities
with large &
al world. 

mos. Reputation includes skill in varieties of seduction, fraud, magic, and

uliar folk  can be difficult to live with. Their reclusive, moody sensitivity
d-death ideas does not ease their path into conventional society.

conviction. Shatataraka can practice their spiritual truth, but may struggle
on dueto
s need toconnect
the limits of the conventional
with worldview
common people, .  them. If one is allowed
who love
nctions. (Would rather not be trapped in a body.)

e current life, by the native's profound attachment to a loved one - most

untimely death. 
abandonment can be mental illness-caused as well as physical.

nerates "shoots" which cross over (like a ferryman, or a lotus shoot). 

he unknown. As a result one may be plunged into distant moodiness or
erns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Shatataraka behavior.
amsha Chandra can evoke the native's inner fear of loss of constant
ulsive drumming, dancing, party-going and traveling in moving
velt, Indira Gandhi
Purva bhadra-pada - Guru
20Kumbh00 -until- 03Meena19

Laura Welch Bush (political wife)

USA-VP, Dick Cheney
Michael Jackson (entertainer)
Lisa Marie Presley (entertainer)
Rush Limbaugh (conservative-reactionary news commentator)
USA Sec State,. Hillary Clinton
Hugh Hefner (playboy empire)
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Coretta Scott King (political wife, liberal political speaker)
Timothy McVeigh (anti-government activist, Oklahoma City bomber)
John Lennon (song writer, performer)
Paul Cezanne (French expressionist artist)

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Purvabhadrapada (intimate relationships)

Camilla Parker-Bowles
Indira Gandhi
Radix Moon in Purvabhadrapada = "Lesser Foundation" = advancing & pushing toward th

The one-foot/first-foot/sure-footed goat" = stubborn, &  determined to push forward. 

Associated with Radiance and Splendor of the upward movement toward Truth. Marvelous public
Takes it upon oneself to assert the personal wisdom they know and feel, which can manifest as e

Fine leaders with inspired vision, but often unable to take advice from others - even close colleag
Tragic errors can result when the splendor goes to their heads.  Great frustration getting their me
Restlessness sometimes assuaged with sexual and sensual excess.

Deep emotional need to push forward

Aja-eka-pada, "Ajikapada", Ajopada (Rudra)

fears loss of momentum, back-sliding, slippage

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
Under emotional stress in relationships, Purvabhadrapada navamsha Chandra can evoke the native'

Anxiety reactions to this fear of losing constant forward movement.  include compulsive pushing,
keep the steady forward movement pushing ahead.
ing & pushing toward the goal

sh forward. 
Truth. Marvelous public speakers and performers expressing higher truth. 
el, which can manifest as extremism despite their dream of Freedom & Opportunity for

others - even close colleagues. 

ustration getting their message across. 

cts a core partner who expresses Purvabhadrapada behavior.

ndra can evoke the native's inner fear of loss of momentum. 

de compulsive pushing, rabble-rousing, and small acts of aggression,  in order to

Das - Behari says of Chandra in Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra, ruled by Shani:
"You are a most attractive and innocent looking person. There is an inherent magnetic force in your
You have a spot-less heart. You do not like to give troubles to others. The only drawback noticed in t
You have wisdom, knowledge and personality. You are expert in delivering attractive speeches. You
You can attain mastery over several subjects at the same time. Even if you are not academically mu
In the work field, you can shine well due to your extraordinary capacity and capability. Laziness is a
If you are employed you will reach the top. In most of the cases it has been noticed that you are
It has been noticed that your stability in life or even the slightest upward movement begins after ma
While you keep praising your father on the one side due to his prominent personality and
You lead a neglected childhood. You are normally subjected to a life away from your home town
Your married life will be full of happiness. You will be blessed to have a most suitable spouse. Your c
Your health will be very good. You are non-caring about your own health. Hence you will search for a
agnetic force in your looks. If you look at a person with a mild smile, rest assured, that person will be your slave
drawback noticed in the behavioral field is that you have a short temper, however, it is not of a permanent
active speeches. You are capable of vanquishing enemies and attaining a fairly high position. You are sexually
not academically much educated, your expression and knowledge will equal that of highly educated person.
pability. Laziness is a remote question for you. Once you undertake a job you cannot turn back till that jo
noticed that you are employed initially in the lower or middle level positions, but later on reaches a good positio
ment begins after marriage. You start your livelihood at a very young age say 18 or 19 years of age. You
rsonality and religious rigidity, you cannot derive any benefit from him. 
m your home town. 
uitable spouse. Your children also will be an asset, most obedient, understanding and respecting children.
e you will search for a doctor only when you are seriously ill. You are prone to paralytic attack, stomach problem
son will be your slave. You keep equal relationship with high and low people i.e. irrespective of the status
not of a permanent nature. You will not hesitate to sacrifice even your life to those you love. At the same tim
on. You are sexually inclined always and desirous of being in the company of the other sex.
educated person. You are much interested in fine arts and have the ability to write prolonged article
urn back till that job is completed. Even in the case of utter failure you are not desperate. 
eaches a good position and always receive reward and praise from others. 
19 years of age. You will have important changes in the professional field at 19th, 21st, 28th 30th, 35th and 42n

especting children. You will be blessed with grandchildren also. You are an ornament in your family. 
ack, stomach problems, piles and hernia." 
pective of the status of the persons. 
ove. At the same time once you are hurt you will become a lion. 
other sex. 
e prolonged articles or books. 

th 30th, 35th and 42nd years. 

your family. 
Revati - Budha
16 Meena 40 -until- 29 Meena 59

Rabindranath Tagore (children's advocate, poet)

Angelina Jolie (film actress, children's advocate)
Marlon Brando (actor)
Rex Harrison (actor)
Luciano Pavarotti (opera singer)
Jerry Garcia (musician, Grateful Dead)
Stevie Wonder (musician, producer)
John Forbes Nash (Nobel Prize mathematics, paranoid

Spiritual director of this section of the path:

Trauma profile:

Navamsha Moon in Revati (intimate relationships).

Jennifer Aniston (actor)

Radix Moon in Revati = "Meeting"- connection, growth & increase 

Great shepherd-like healers, with lifelong love of dreams, music & children. Extraordinary creativity
Deep ofofintuitive
sense Destiny.connectedness. 
Offers intuitive guidance to others, along the path of truth. Strong and clea
Disturbance of the inner with
path toward unification voicethe Divine.
may cause complete disorientation. Inner sensing device is extre
Delicate aura needs to be protected. If given intuitively
company of children, animals, and other attuned
the security beings. Otherwise
and protection that their this native's
sensitive sens
of may
It by
remarkable hostile
not be clear invasion. 
communicative creativity
that the creative which provide
expressions of theemotional upliftment,
Revati native encouragement,
are providing and jo
specific spiritua
Caring,the path
of followers toward
coming up
emotionally Divine realization. 
the path behind
responsible, this native.
committed But that
to wholeness, it precisely reunion,
redemption, their shepherding
reintegration, role
andin rt

Often emotionally damaged in childhood through failure of moral guidance from their own trusted
The experience of betrayal through lack of moral character in the childhood guide (father or father-f

Deep emotional need for reconnection & reunion.

Pushan, the Conductor


getting lost on the way home, missing the connection, 

losing the path, losing sight of the group, 
feeling confusion from mixed signals or no signal, 
criss-cross paths on a network
being misled or betrayed

In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expr
The partner seems loving, responsible, protective and nourishing of families & children
The partner may seem spacey, overly intuitive, perhaps in denial about the amount of confusion and
Thisthe plus side,
partner the partner
is perhaps not a -sharp
if adequately protected
tactical soldier from
in the warpsychic interference
on material reality. -Yet
is athis
reliable guide
one does e
s/he produces accurate "travelers guide" information on the authentic ways and means toward re

Under stress, the native may retreat into impractical, ineffective,  visionary, or
May "throwis connected
money & whole using
at problems" and that conflict
wealth as aisbalm
imaginary. An adult
when rational view of the same
problem-solving problembrm
wth & increase 

, music & children. Extraordinary creativity and pro-creativity. Global all-one

ers, along the path of truth. Strong and clear inner voice, directing one along
disorientation. Inner sensing device is extremely delicate. Best to remain in
yttuned beings. Otherwise
and protection that their this native's
sensitive sensitiverequires,
equipment inner "GPS"
will can be works
Revati upliftment,
native encouragement,
are providing and joysignaling
specific spiritual to those following Pushangroup
for an attuned
s, it precisely reunion,
redemption, their shepherding
reintegration, role
andin restitution
the cosmos. after wrongdoing. 

re of moral guidance from their own trusted leaders - particularly the father
ter in the childhood guide (father or father-figure; may also be a failed spiritual teacher) will remind the Revati n

tterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Revati behavior.

nourishing of families & children. 
in denial about the amount of confusion and false information in the world.
omwarpsychic interference
on material reality. -Yet
is athis
reliable guide
one does to one's
evoke deepest
a deep innercertainty along
calling and
on the authentic ways and means toward returning to the Divine Source.

effective,  visionary, or magical childlike state of mind, insisting that

ginary. An adult
when rational view of the same
problem-solving problembreak
processes mightdown.
not be so idealistic, and

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