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Inventions made

in 1760-1840
The spinning jenny
The spinning jenny was used to spin wool or cotton. It was made in 1764 by James
hargreaves. Its creation became the cause of a factories being used instead of
domestic cottage based industries. It’s no longer used now and days because of how
technology evolved.
Newcomen steam engine

The newcomen steam engine is the first steam engine ever invented and is known as
the atmospheric engine. It was made by Thomas Savery in 1698. The machine would
allow minors to dig further down via powering it with coal it allowed people to to see
what other things they could mine. Nowadays they aren’t used because of the
advancements in technology.
Watt steam engine
The watt steam engine was made in 1763 by James Watt

It was used to get water from out of wells

We still use steam engines till this day including this one.
The locomotive
The locomotive was made in 1802 by Richard Trevithick
It was used to help people travel to different places quicker.

This invention is still used today even though now it is more advanced.
Telegraph communications
Telegraph communications were made in 1837 by Sir William Fothergill Cooke and Charles

They are the cause for the telegraph services we have

They are still used to this day because without them we wouldn't be able to use phones normally.
Dynamite was made by alfred nobel in the 1860s

Dynamite was made to blow holes in building to help with construction or in mines
to allow quicker mining

Dynamite is no longer used nowadays

Photographs were first made in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
Photographs were used to keep memories or show evidence for important things.

Photographs are still used to this day via phones or camera’s

Type writer
The typewriter was used to type letters or notes

It was made by William Burt in 1829

The typewriter isn't used as much as it used to
The electric generator
The electric generator was made in 1831 by Michael Faraday
The electric generator was used to power houses as well as factors

They are still used to generate electricity.

The modern factory
The modern factory is made by Derby’s John Lombe with his five storey red brick silk mill, completed
in 1721.

Factories are still used and they were used to mass produce items.

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