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By Anand Sharma
❑ Socialization is the process of accommodation with
norms and ideologies of the society .

❑ It is a process to become the through which

individual becomes the member of society by
Internalizing social norms , values and expectations
by the society .

❑ In this process we develop specific characteristics

given by society to us which help to differentiate us
from others .

❑ Socialization occurs with human interaction .

What Socialization gives ?
❑Basic discipline .

❑Behavior control .

❑Formal and informal behavior .

❑Characteristic Identity .

❑Employment .

❑Definition of life .
Types of Socialisation
Primary Socialisation Secondary Socialisation
❑ Primary Socialization take place in ❑ Secondary Socialization that
initial years of one’s life , starting takes place throughout one’s life
from childhood . and keeps on changing .

❑ In primary socialization first the

identity of person is formed and
then socialization supports it .
Theories of Socialisation
Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological system theory
❑ This theory gives importance to the all 2. Mesosystem : this incudes the
environmental factors around child’s whole interaction with two microsystem .
life . Example relation of child with
his/her friend’s family or relation
❑ This theory demarcates that the environment of child with the teacher's family .
directly influence the life of individual.

❑ There are five model in this theory .

1. Microsystem : this include the interaction

with family members , friends , siblings and
teachers lies here . The better interaction
brings the healthy development of child .
3. Exo-system : here children do not play direct
role and indirectly influenced by others .
Example : Parent’s workplace , relatives ,
mass media etc.

4. Macrosystem : culture context comes at this

level such as one’s Country , society ,
economic status ,laws , etc.

5. Chrono-System : the changes that happen

throughout life .
“I am not what I think I am , and I am not what you think I am . I am
what I think you think I am” . ……….Charles Horton Cooley
❑ A person’s identity is developed based on his/her ❑ We can say that the identity of
understanding of how others perceive him or her person is formed on the
. perception our self which we see
❑ Society works as mirror . in others .

Our self is developed on these factors

1. We imagine how we must appear to others .

2. We imagine the judgment of that appearance .

3. We develop our self through the judgment of

others .
“I am not what I think I am , and I am not what you think I am . I am
what I think you think I am” . ……….Charles Horton Cooley

We can say that the identity of person is formed on the

perception our self which we see in others ……
“I” and “Me” by G.H Mead
The “me” is the socialized aspect of the person and the “I” is the individual
expect of the person .

I – Represents the idea , understanding and attitude we present to others .

For example – I am Student

Me – how person internalize the attitude of other . Me relates the self to

other and gets affected by directly or indirectly .
Example –do you understand me
Theory of Mind …..Berger and luckmann
The philosophy of this theory is that people are not born with what we
think of self but develop this in interaction with others .

The unit of analysis in this interaction is social act .

When human begin the process of developing self consciousness and are
able to take on perspectives of others , this role taking is known as
“theory of mind” .

By Anand Sharma
Most Important Questions

By Anand Sharma

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