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Advanced Social Media Marketing

Project 9: Social Measurement

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Project 9: Social Measurement Project

(Expected completion time –60 minutes)

I. Project Goal/Objectives/Problem Statement:

 To use your social media strategy and micro-goals from an early session project to
help you define relevant social media measurement points.
II. Skills that you will acquire after completing the project:
 The ability to translate a micro-goal into a social media measurement point.
 The ability to identify social media specific metrics like amplication rate,
conversation rate and economic value.
 The ability to identify which social media related metrics are not only relevant to
your campaign, but will have the highest likelihood of helping you refine your
campaign efforts.
III. Learning outcome of the project:
 Individuals who complete this project will learn how to identify the social media
metrics that are most relevant to their stated campaign goals, avoiding data
overload and gathering proper insight to allow the marketing team to improve
campaign performance.
IV. Project Description:
 In this section, you learned about the basics of social media measurement and social
media specific metrics. In this mini project, apply these concepts and answer the
V. Project Tasks:
 While all influencers can help spread the word about your company, you cannot
approach them all the same way. Learning to identify the different types of
influencers within the social media community and how to approach them is an
important part of building exposure for your brand.
 Your online reputation is also a critical part of how your brand will be perceived by
others. Monitoring the conversations about your business online and learning how
and when to respond to them is an important part of managing your brand.

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 For each topic, answer the questions keeping in mind your current organization.
Download the questions from the Learning Tool to your local drive, answer them,
and submit the project.

Topic 1: Social Media as Sales Channels

A basic premise of marketing and sales is the idea of channels. Channels are the pathways that
exist between product producers and product buyers. Social media channels do align with
traditional channels, but we need to take the time to see them in context.

1. Where on social media do you plan to (or already) engage in direct selling to your customers?

 Businesses that are leaders in the social selling space create 45% more sales opportunities than
brands with a low social selling index.

 Businesses that prioritize social selling are 51% more likely to reach their sales quotas.

 78% of businesses that use social selling outsell businesses that don’t use social media .

2. What are two ways you could use an intermediary channel in the context of social media?

 Distribution of goods takes place by means of channels, and the intermediaries are the
independent groups or organizations within the channel that make the product available for
 There are four main types of intermediary: agents, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers.
 A firm may have as many intermediaries in its distribution channel as it chooses. It can even
have no intermediaries at all, if it practices direct marketing .

3. How could you leverage the Reverse Channel concept as part of your marketing efforts?

Reverse marketing also known as value or attraction marketing is a strategy that encourages
customers to choose companies instead of using forceful advertising techniques to get consumers to
spend. It focuses on building trust and letting the customer come to the brand. By offering help,
advice and relevant information, companies attract their ideal customers who view them as
authorities or experts. Companies that employ this technique try to avoid coercion and to
encourage customers to feel empowered and confident in choosing their products instead. Take
Dove’s attraction marketing campaign for example, instead of using the you are flawed until you
choose Dove method, they remind women that they are indeed beautiful as is, and that by choosing
the Dove brand, they are celebrating that beauty, not correcting flaws. This reverse psychological
aspect allows Dove users to feel good about their choice of beauty products that encourage
acceptance instead of shaming

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Topic 2: Goals and Micro-goals

You cannot build a social media strategy without goals. Goals, and the micro-goals associated
with them, give us our starting point.

1. Think back to your homework assignment from the Building a Social Media Strategy section.
List two of your goals along with their micro-goals.

Increase brand awareness

Drive traffic to your website

Generate new leads

Grow revenue 

Boost brand engagement

Build a community around your business

Effective social customer service

2. Use your micro-goals from the section above to define at least four metrics you could track
for your campaign.

1. Your focus will be broader than only your primary website goal

2. You can positively impact your primary goal if you satisfy all the needs of your website visitors
3. You can develop a multi-channel strategy that involves both macro and micro goals
4. Your focus will be broader than clickstream data and this makes your life and job more
challenging and rewarding

3. Using the goals, micro-goals, and tactics for your social media campaign, create at least one
sample conversion funnel containing a minimum of five steps between initial exposure and
your ultimate conversion goal.

 Awareness: First, a person discovers your brand and becomes a lead.

 Interest: Next, you build their interest in your product.
 Desire: Then, your goal should be nudging prospects from simply thinking they like
something to actively wanting it, possibly by making proposals or carefully placing
glamorous adverts for repeat exposure.
 Action: Finally, you encourage a prospect to take the desired action―turning them into
a customer.

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Topic 3: Social Media Specific Metrics

While there are many metrics within social media that can be measured, acclaimed Digital
Analytics expert Avinash Kaushik refers to four crucial social media metrics: Economic Value,
Conversation Rate, Amplification Rate, and Applause Rate. Answer the questions below using
your own campaign as a starting point.

1. Regarding Economic Value, what are the specific monetary goals of your campaign? (i.e. cost
savings through organic reach, reduced call center costs, and so on). List at least two
monetary goals related to one of your campaigns.

 Providing general information about an organization such as the value proposition, products

and services, and contact information
 Expressing the brand of an organization through design, look and feel, personality, and voice
 Demonstrating products, services, and expertise, including the customer experience, features,
benefits, and value they provide
 Proof points about the value a company offers, using evidence in the form of case studies,
product reviews, testimonials, return on investment data, etc.
 Lead generation, capturing information about Web-site visitors to use in ongoing sales and
marketing activity
 Communities and forums for target audiences to share information and ask/answer questions
 Publishing value-adding content and tools for informational or entertainment purposes to bring
people in and draw them back to the Web site
 Communication about company news, views, culture, developments, and vision through an
electronic newsroom or a company blog, for example
 Shopping, providing tools for customers to research, find, and select products or services in the
digital environment
 Recommendations that direct customers to information, products, services, and companies that
meet their interests and needs
 Sales, the ability to conduct sales and transact business online
 Capturing customer feedback about the organization, its products, services, content, and the
Web-site experience itself

2. Regarding Conversation Rate, define at least three topics or concepts you are hoping to
spark conversation about. Explain what tools or methods you will use to track this
conversation and list the channels for which you will track it.

 Your brand name and handles

 Your product name(s)

 Your competitors’ brand names, product names, and handles

 Industry buzzwords

 Your slogan and those of your competitors

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 Names of key people in your company and your competitors’ companies (your CEO,
spokesperson, etc.)

 Campaign names or keywords

 Your branded hashtags and those of your competitors

 Unbranded hashtags related to your industry

3. Regarding Amplification Rate, consider the pros and cons of influencer pitching versus
targeted paid promotions on social channels. How will you aim to boost your Amplification
Rate? Provide at least two ideas.

 It Helps You Build Trust and Credibility

Trust takes time to develop and people trust the influencers they follow. So, if an influencer talks
positively about a brand, then their followers are more likely to believe them.

Therefore, one of the biggest pros of influencer marketing  is that it helps you build people’s trust
in your brand and enhance your brand’s credibility.

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