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oJoJl(I)oercc a6og crl(oomra

nrcdlmcoco G\ro@eoc

tnac@Jloflrdlso@ o.otc6lc crmttl: 4922 14.11.2019 oi oqrudlEf'

asn[e ollol|Cloo xjkCsco' nuooo mdld oJSoo oJdlal <naia<madl<o' cnsadl

CeIC6!o oQo.tdl
1gllOqcrl aocdi fCl gS. olgooorcri
(oorDlcuo acuc,srld@csDcgo
(o) G6C(t,)oo(,eb oOmDexoOSOet ("O) Oene"
a'5age olcgdlci croct
aemdlcocqa<d oorsn{l
GrocoJos rog! acruof, rdermrol

(oni ) n-7-2011 oer mrdoc<E eoro(ool (snl ) eera"

@l&c@o 6oortko<0o- old oaf
orcom.fl aocr6 oLoAmaof ornxfr-

6do' octgocsm" oJg{Do nr{

orocmrol oocm acop

(mr) 1964- 6el 6d orcnof o6or$kfl (cnn)perd fil0P,l1O1u-cr-t GO(P)No.425l2014/HD

2014-c6 oaooollolge ceocnoll rncrud grororootror$ o.ta<E.f onrnsrucnuoccoJl
@f6c@o odlniscq- tUeroong$cfl c.ot<arotoflgonel

rocef o6ad (rumjo C)6(o

acrdndle orgcu<n5an<rilo' .r:ofl af
o6cs6)coo(m clJJc)jfiix)
nienlqcernc;olc66oc6c0oc ;
(cur) rsoruoro<oollrd 201E-- et oreooofl (orr) .uSoxotoflcop rooa.,rcoegilaf, aikoro
@l6c@o .,rlkrfscq" <lcil(o) (UrO@. @6CrOq@ rns".rdl cnrnecil6m(oc6rD:
a5rryeolqp ec<0.sila
orgcur/oSonoao- mcel ogor0 6d
cuoo .':of,4 oacgarmoflro ooene
<nsudl mrlaailacoc;

ornragcr0 acodlm;ri

REg!. No. KEllBIIl!0l2./itsO.IJ

dared $$2,)12 vith Rl,[
Rq, No. KI-rr VUY63,i &12-l+

:.i.: r 1....-1: "r_ -
,tt -
. ,t,: I ,, ., ,. _ . :i
I I l::ii; -: l:r' .r .rrll;


!ar. odcsood ,
,rm{e 3l
@<rmoa+ao" 7&-.OErobcr ml4
*-d cnoldl

wr J *'g . i
l5th Asriu 1936
r{o. lrr,s

t;., ,@lHi$tEl.lf, OF KER*I-A'

XeqFr4(. $pel@.trt
. I -,. ,1,,;i.;..:,,
: :.
.' :]-$S$*po!I' . -- ;a- ; .-

'la4i$,l,{ffdll,i*altt 3ur e.'putth, xila.

co&rcd cy &*7d
of 1960), rhe Oovo4+'
:l[itbcr to amcod t]e Kcr-aICLfoI

':'*:',W".&E a;4' alw;tiiaaent {lj'ftese nrles ma1 be called thc
,",,," rifiafiit Ei{ls, 2oH.
,1,]. ^a
ir'1'"p7 ttey AiS'tE ararifu'to:bvu roe ialo foitc on rre of
g@r,?fn{f5Fz I
2. lnene:vnt of the Ruta.-b the Kerala Lmd Assigmeff RuI24,
(l) in r,:le 5, for sub.n e (l),6r frltoping subrulc bb sgbsrfuil],
11) rhe exht of tand ert $alF1{i19*.,o qr4ar-,5ra gfrq;pq451
for personal cui ivation by mcmtcrs of. c,-,glifi ,h"[. ;
. . _ (a) i:r tte case of ungcqpi"d'r{i,{s, .Cr r* *A.e*J *
dry, in 6e pla;.u and onc acrc of wa "f..I;,
hd; drrcc;;Ed;',*f,itffi
trlqts; :
(b) ::r tte case of laods held.m @se whethcr cuncat or tine qpipa
or by vray of errc,roachmat Dot iroDddd;dfiectioablc,_
( ) crherc tke ar
"" ratUrt:iqoor,roeoe,efEced o tpjrd
bV tte ocolpaag .oe a1rE of tprr?|, wtlttcr wet d
dry, iitrft..
plaina and orc.sse of w .et lasd or tti,la ,"*,
hilly trEcts;
(l yhere thcre. are vahable inprovenond eftctee otr the. Iard.
by rhe occupafi, mo acres. of lad wct o1 dry h rhs
and. two acrcq of wet laad or four acrcs df a_y fina
hilly tracc;
N?te: the. casc of occupicd lards.@d laods. hcld ol lease,
CrIYtfl, .xpuP or by uAcrher
of co@4afuEat not cotrcid€led oUjdpoalite,
" Yry
wbErc the occuJant has not cffcced valiriiElc inporirmeotg,
oa ttc-Iaq!",mi
y"t lar,l in thc plaiiu eh$l be a*-"4 O b,eguivalfi to
Ttq.of oa",ao of
ory ratd, arrl ( ne acre of wct land ia the hilly trsots shsll be
acres of dry. hd ed h er o"68 s5:i;"di hdd; ;;
3-1v.111t l,ritim..3 expire{ or by wiry of eocroachmeole rot corasidi&
:ff_:fl ',', .:r
oollgtroE8Dle qerE tlc gcctqtd hrs.e&@ valu"blc iEosovEo€a$.on.trr
re, @c ocrE .lt naet Imd in fu driii i*" . tc ,rce'r?d O.teqriiUet to'.d
sr iricrha
. niny,;#ilfrtH#jT
acro of &y hnr ana onc' i" ta
bc cAuiwknitc two
ot&ylma:::;.:- - ".--. -:'* l:.*
@ in rui: E,-
(a). Iir
of ye8r8l dEtc of rsgistry"
";d alieaablC' shatr bb
@) afier srb-,nrle (1), 6G gd_!S,A!@6.{@Ete?-:
&swiry_sb.n le
ltcwittsudingqrttiog cmraincd h nrbalc ff), uooqqpied
,u,or ^--,1t?.n regrstsy rharl bc hcrirable
,^_,_ sssrgned
b.r not alienablc fo, poioi or
turcoty five yea:s from the darc of ac*igtrrieut O registy.;; ---- "
:ta APPEI.DD( I, in cooditiori I, fu $c wos& heritable but
&r a peaiod,-of twE!t}' fiEE ltc date of legfuE:f,
lliE rhlcr htt
.oottal idn$le for a '
on rcgist4lil shall bc

'#F-& dPPB{DD( II' fur con&tioo 3; ttc ftilming.oDdj tion shall be

stbtittrl umclv:-
' '-.:.::.-:.'!?" ' .

ias"'P€q.$&..iitb (1) of nrb 8 ehetl

'regis65l shall be
lcmr. &om tl.'e date of
subnib (lA)
staftiiguilc the ,payneat of aay

By odEf, of the Goveroor,

T, V. Vun$tqI,1AR,
Additiotul Secretoa to Gaverrrrnent.

r(ftfu- does not forE ?art of thc aotiEcatio, btrt is itrtsodcd to indicate it8
gcoeral porport)

Bho@'in rsBcasios ald €qioyEcot of Gove:nment land/

ci€qa for ttc
' oftte lad
lhcae di fur
otr ryBrstry
d gsignabtc
a tm$r-.*[ich prevai ied.trior to
Rrhs,.1964 rzide S.RO.
The,neffication,is irtended 10 achieve the abovi object

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