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Name __________ Class ____________



1 Complete the text with the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect form of the verbs
in brackets.
I live in a small town near London. I 0have lived (live) here all my life, but my family roots are in Poland.
My grandmother 1__________ (live) in Poland and she 2__________ (not speak) English, so when I visit
her I always speak Polish. My father 3__________ (be) in England since he was twenty-two. He
__________ (work) in London, but at the moment he is in the USA. He 5__________ (travel) around the
country on business. My mum 6__________ (not like) it when he is away. She 7__________ (want) to go
to Poland while he is in the USA. At the moment she 8__________ (try) to find some cheap plane tickets
on the internet. She 9__________ (not buy) plane tickets on the internet before, so she is a bit nervous. She
wants me to help her. I 10__________ (not mind). I like using the computer.


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2 Use the cues to write questions and answers. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present
A: 0 Where does your grandmother live?______________

(where / your grandmother / live?)

B: 1___________________________________________

(she / live / in Glasgow)

A: 2___________________________________________

(she / live / there / all her life?)

B: No, but 3_____________________________________

(she / live / there / for twenty years)

A: 4___________________________________________

(she / like / Glasgow?)

B: Yes, very much.

A: 5___________________________________________

(you / like / tattoos?)

B: Yes, 6_______________________________________

(I / think / of getting one). My dad’s got lots.

A: 7___________________________________________

(how long / he / have / them?)

B: 8___________________________________________

(he / have / them / for years)

A: 9___________________________________________

(your mum / like / tattoos?)

B: No. 10_______________________________________

(she / hate / them)


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3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
My friend Alan is really keen 0____on____ fashion. He’s passionate 1__________ designer labels and
he’s proud 2__________ his clothes. He’s 3__________ shopping and he and his friends hang out in the
shopping centre on Saturday mornings. He’s also keen 4__________ music, and he loves clubbing on
Saturday nights. He’s an outgoing 5__________ of person and he has lots of good friends.

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra words.
creative fashion-conscious

nice-looking outgoing shy

well-known well-off

0 Tom is nervous about meeting new people. He’s quite ____shy____ .

1 Marlene is very __________ and loves meeting new people.

2 Adrian isn’t very __________, but he doesn’t mind not having much money.

3 Lily is really __________ and won’t wear anything that she hasn’t seen in a magazine.

4 Cathy is very __________ and makes beautiful jewellery from things she finds on the beach.

5 Sammy is relaxed and doesn’t worry about anything. Sometimes he’s a bit too __________.



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NAME _______________________________ SKILLS 1B
1 Read the article. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1 No one lived on Tierra del Fuego until the Europeans arrived. ___

2 The tribes on the islands all had a very different appearance. ___

3 Tierra del Fuego gets its name from its climate. ___

4 Not all the speakers of Kawesqar live on Tierra del Fuego. ___

5 Cristina Calderón is the only Yaghan speaker left. ___

6 Hai Kur Mamashu Shis is about Cristina Calderón. ___

7 You can see some words from the Ona language on the internet. ___

8 Tehuelche is the only Chon language still spoken as a first language. ___


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Tierra del Fuego is a group of islands at the southern tip of South America. Half of the main island, Isla
Grande de Tierra del Fuego, belongs to Chile and the other half to Argentina. When the first Europeans
arrived on the islands, there were several groups of people living there. These tribes were hunters. They
didn’t wear clothes before the Europeans arrived even though the climate of the islands is very cold. They
kept warm by covering their bodies in animal fat and by lighting fires. This is how the islands got their
name: Tierra del Fuego means ‘Land of Fire’. The four main tribes of Tierra del Fuego looked similar to the
Europeans, but they spoke different languages. One of these is Kawesqar, and it is now an endangered
language. There are only about ten speakers on Tierra del Fuego and another ten on Wellington Island,
south-west of Chile. However, Kawesqar is in a much healthier position than Yaghan. In 2002, there were
about 1,685 Yaghan people living in Chile, but most of them don’t speak the Yaghan language any more. In
fact, in 2002 there were only two native speakers of this language. One of them died in 2005; this means
that a woman called Cristina Calderón is now the last Yaghan speaker in the world. In 2005 she published a
book of Yaghan stories called Hai Kur Mamashu Shis, which means ‘I want to tell you a story’. The other
two Fuegian languages, Ona and Haush, are related and they are very similar to each other. They are both
part of the Chon group of languages. The last native speaker of Ona died in about 2003, so Ona is now a
dead language. However, you can see examples of Ona words in online dictionaries and there are still a few
people who understand it even though it isn’t their first language. Haush died a long time ago and not much
is known about it now. There is a third member of the Chon language family, Tehuelche, and experts think
there are only four native speakers left. They don’t live on Tierra del Fuego, but in Patagonia in Argentina.

2 2 Listen to six dialogues. Choose the best answer to the questions.
1 The boy thinks of himself as
a British. b Jamaican. c having two nationalities.
2 The girl wants to learn Italian because she is going to
a visit family in Italy. b Italy on holiday.
c a fashion show in Milan.
3 The girl doesn’t know
a who Captain Haddock is.
b why Marcel chose his avatar. c the Tintin books.
4 The girl’s brother and his friends
a are much cooler than they were. b always act like Emos.
c are still basically the same people.
5 The girl
a sometimes watches football on television.
b sometimes plays football. c hates football.
6 The girl
a doesn’t want to have a pierced nose.
b wants another tattoo.
c doesn’t know anyone with a pierced nose.


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3 Choose the correct responses.
0 A: I’m proud of my roots.

B: a So am I. b So do I. c I am.

1 A: I love buying clothes.

B: a Me too. b I do. c So am I.

2 A: Our family roots are in Germany.

B: a So do ours. b Ours aren’t. c So are we.

3 A: I’m not interested in modern music.

B: a Neither am I. b I’m not. c Me too.

4 A: Our school doesn’t allow us to have piercings.

B: a Ours does. b So does ours. c Neither do I.

5 A: I hang out with my friends in the shopping centre.

B: a I do. b So am I. c So do I.

6 A: I want to have tattoos when I’m older.

B: a I’m not. b Me neither. c I don’t.



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