Conquest of Makkah Hunain Tabuk PDF

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In November 629, the situation in Arabia changed dramatically: the Quraysh broke the Treaty of
Hudaibiya. Aided and abetted by some Quraysh, the tribe of Bakr, one of their Bedouin allies,
made a surprise attack on the tribe of Khuza’ah, which had joined Muhammad’s association.
Khuzah’s promptly asked Muhammad for help. The Holy Prophet grew angry on this violation
and gave three options to Quraish:

o Pay the blood- money of those who were killed ( 100 camels each )
o Dissolve alliance with Banu Bakr.
o Announce that treaty of Hudaibiya in now nullified (dissolved)

The Quraysh didn’t reply positively but later on they woke up to the fact that they had given
Muhammad a perfect excuse to attack Makkah. They sent Abu Sufyan to pacify the Prophet.
The Prophet parried his request and maintained that he was in no way interested in making
any new deal with the Makkans. After his departure, Muhammad began to plan a new

The Prophet wanted to keep his plans secret but Hatib b. Abi Balta wrote a letter to inform
Makkans. The Prophet got the information through revelation and sent Ali and Miqdad b.
Aswad Rawdat ul Khakh. There they found a lady who was carrying that letter and brought it
back. Hatib was pardoned and Surah Mumtahina was revealed.

On the 10th of Ramadan, Muhammad set out at the head of the largest force ever to leave
Madinah. Nearly all the men in the Muslim lands had volunteered to be part of the army and
along the road their Bedouin allies joined forces with the Muslims. However, only the closest
of the disciples were informed of the plan to conquer Makkah as the Prophet wanted to keep
the mission a secret for as long as possible.

He ordered the Muslims to lit fire on long distances to make Makkans impressed by the large
number of Muslim army as he wanted to avoid bloodshed near the sacred mosque.

The Quraishite leaders feared the worst. Abbas, Abu syfyan, and Budayl, chief of Khuza’ah, all
made their way under the cover of night to the Muslim camp. After some hesitation the two
submitted and accepted Islam.

Sir Shaheryar Azam Life in Madina
The army was divided into four groups and they were commanded not to engage in any fighting
or bloodshed except in critical situations. The announcement of general pardon was made like
o Anyone who close the doors of his house.
o Anyone who takes refuge in Haram.
o Anyone who takes refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan
o Anyone who throws his weapon will be forgiven.

The armies entered and occupied the city without opposition, with the little resistance being
dealt with by Khalid b. Walid. In this event 28 people of Banu Bakr were killed and 2 Muslims
achieved martyrdom.

The Prophet mounted his she camel, al Qaswa, and rode down towards the Ka’bah with his
head lowered in humility to God. Upon reaching the Ka’bah he smashed the idols scattered
around it while he recited the Quranic verse:
“The truth has come, and falsehood has vanished away; surely falsehood is certain to
vanish” ( 17:81 )
He then circumambulated the sacred house on his camel and then alighted and called upon
Uthman bin Talha to open the Ka’bah for him. Inside he found pictures of Abraham and Ismael
holding divination arrows which he promptly destroyed.

Upon exiting the Ka’bah he stood at the door surrounded by his people. When the Holy
Prophet asked them how should he treat them? They replied, “With kindness and pity,
gracious brother and nephew.” The Holy Prophet said, “I shall speak to you as Joseph spoke
unto his brothers, I shall not reproach you today; God will forgive you. He is the most
merciful and compassionate.”

He granted a general amnesty to all the people of Quraysh and Makkans, save ten people who
were put on a black list. After his speech beside the Ka’bah, Muhammad withdrew to Mount
Safa and invited the people of Makkah to accept Islam. One by one, the Quraysh filled up to
the Prophet, who sat flanked by ‘Umar and Abu Bakr, and gave their pledges of allegiance
including the worst enemies like Hind bint Utba.
 It was the greatest example of mercy in the history of mankind which proved that he
was really a mercy for the worlds.
 He set an example for the conquerors how to show mercy to the conquered.
 The feud between Muslims and Makkans ended.
 Makka, the greatest hurdle in the propagation of Islam as it was the centre of Arabia
religiously and economically, was now in control of Muslims.
Sir Shaheryar Azam Life in Madina
 Many tribes were waiting for the outcome of the relations between Muslims and
Quraish. They understood the truthfulness of Muhammad and Islam and accepted
 The Prophet’s responsibility of purifying Kaaba was achieved.

Hawazin were the old enemies of the Quraysh who considered themselves as their rivals in
power and prestige. The submission of the Quraysh to the rising power of Islam had made them
undisputed champions of paganism, as they began to dock hopes of winning the laurels by
bringing the Muslims upon their knees. They saw a god-sent opportunity to build up their fame
on the declining prestige of the Quraysh.

The Hawazin chief, Malik b. ‘Auf al-Nasari declared he was against the Muslims which was
seconded by several other tribes like Thaqif, Nasr, Jusham and S’ad b..Bakr. Two clans of
Hawazin, K’ab and Kilab, kept away from Malik b. ‘Auf, but the rest of the alliance
commissioned their forces to descend on the Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ). They also
took their cattle, women and children, staking everything on the issue of the battle, in order to
ensure that everyone would fight to the last and that nobody would retreat or get back to their

The Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) had with him twelve thousand warriors in which two
thousand were new converts from Makkans while ten thousand troops he had brought from
Madeenah. This was thus the strongest force mobilized so far to defend the honor of Islam. The
Muslims were, naturally, overconfident because of their great strength while some even
proudly boasted that they could not be defeated now for lot of numbers.

The Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) obtained on credit, on this occasion, some coats of
mail and arms from Safwan b. Umayyah although the latter was still a polytheist.

It was the 10th of Shawwal, 8 A.H. when the army reached Hunayn. Descending the wadi in the
morning twilight the enemy, the enemy had already taken its position. Through the glens and
hollows and craters of the volley of arrows was all that the Muslims saw of the enemy, then
suddenly the enemy followed up the attack with full force. Hawazin were celebrated archers.

Sir Shaheryar Azam Life in Madina
The sudden onslaught forced the Muslim contingents to charge back and they fled in terror
with none heeding the other. Some of the rude fellows from Makkah who had joined the
Muslim army but were not strong in faith started talking about their dissatisfaction and
frustration with Islam. One said, “Their exodus will stop before they get at the sea.” Another
man remarked,” The spell of their sorcery has ended today.”

The Muslims were all too preoccupied with their plight when the peace of God seemed to be
descending on them and the Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) had all the while stood firm
on his place,riding his white mule, without any fear or shivers. Only A few of the Ansaar and
Muhaajirin nor his relatives were with him. ‘Abbas b.’ Abdul Muttalib was holding the bridle of
his mule. In the meantime, a detachment of the enemy advanced towards him. The Prophet
( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) took a handful of dust and threw it into their eyes.

When the Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) saw his men in confusion, he said, ‘O ‘Abbbas
call out, O Ansaar, O comrades of the acacia tree.” All those who heard the cry, responded,
“Here we are.” ‘Abbas had a loud voice. Whoever heard him calling got off from his camel and
came to the Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ). When sufficient number of men had
gathered around, they rallied upon the enemy.

Allah helped the Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) with the hosts of heaven to win the day
and brought Hawazin to surrender.

“Allah hath given you victory in many fields and on the day of Hunayn, when ye exulted in
your multitude but it availed you naught and the earth, vast as it is, was straightened for you;
then ye turned back in fight; Then Allah sent His peace of reassurance down upon His
messenger and upon the believers, and sent down hosts ye could not see, and punished those
who disbelieved. Such is the reward of the disbeliever.” ( 9:25-26 )

A part of the routed enemy fled to Ta’if and shut the gates of the city. The chief of hawazin,
Malik b. ‘Auf, was also with them. When the captives and spoils of Hunayn were brought to the
Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ), he ordered that they be brought to Ji’rrana and be kept
under custody there.

The captives of Hunayn numbered six thousand. The spoils included twenty-four thousand
camels, forty thousand or more goats and four thousand awqiya of silver. This was the largest
spoil so far to have fallen into the hands of Muslims.

Shortly after the battle of Hunayn, Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) decided to attack Taif
with an army led by him. After a investigation unit of 1,000 men, led by Khalid ibn Walid ,

Sir Shaheryar Azam Life in Madina
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) arrived in Taif and besieged the saqif and Hawazin, who has taken shelter in
the fortresses, for almost a month. Since the people of Taif were inside their fortresses, they were able
to mount a strong defense by constantly shooting arrows at the Muslims who were attacking from the
open. In this siege, where various strategies and tactics were employed, the Muslims put to use
weapons like the catapult. As the sacred month approached and as it became understood that the
people of Taif had stored provisions to sustain them for a year. Prophet ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam )
lifted the siege and came to Jirrana, where the captured goods had been stored. During the
siege of Taif, it is said that the Muslims lost 12 men and the number of enemies killed was 3.

The Prophet waited for them in Jirrana but they didn’t come. So after ten days the Prophet
distributed the spoils. The very next day they came and accepted Islam. They wanted their
things back but it was too late. Slaves were returned and other things were left on the will of
their new owners.

 Two major tribes of Arabia entered the fold of Islam.
 The rule of Makkah became more stable because the idol worshipping tribes near it
accepted Islam.
 Muslims got a lesson that victory does not depend on worldly factors only but it
depends on faith in Allah.

9AH/ 631 AD

The Arabs had never thought of fighting or attacking the Romans. They probably considered
themselves to be not strong enough for that task.

The Romans, however, remembered the Mu’tah expedition and were still a threat. The
Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) of Allah decided to lead a Muslim army into Roman
territory before the Roman armies crossed the Arab borders and threatened the heart of Islam.
He made it obligatory on every Muslim man to participate in it.

The Tabuk expedition took place in Rajab, 9 A.H. The Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam )
of Allah led the expedition in intense heat, when the dates were ripe and the shade of the trees
was pleasant. It was a long journey through arid deserts towards a vast enemy army. He had
made the position clear to the Muslims in advance so that they could make preparations for the
journey. It was a difficult time because the Muslims were experiencing a severe drought.
Sir Shaheryar Azam Life in Madina
The hypocrites made various excuses not to accompany the Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa
sallam ) of Allah. They said they feared the intense heat. Quran says; “They said, “Go not forth
in the heat.” Say. “The fire of Jahannum is hotter did they but understand!” ‘( 9:81 ) They
discouraged other Muslims by reminding them the harvesting season and hot weather. They
didn’t donate anything but passed comments on Muslim’s donations.

In preparing for the expedition, the Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) of Allah had
encouraged the wealthy to spend in the way of Allah. Abu Bakr donated everything he had.
Umer donated half of his wealth and Uthman ibn Affan spent one thousand dinars and three
hundred camels laden with food. Some other companions did the labor work and share for the
battle what they earn. Women donated their Jewelry for the battle. Whatever the donation had
collected Holy Prophet distributed among the army and emphasized them to keep shoes in
major quantity because army was great in number whereas rides were less.

The Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) of Allah set out for Tabuk with 30,000 men and
10,000 horses from Madinah. It was the largest Muslim army ever to set forth on an expedition.
They suffered too much in the journey even 18 companions travelled on one camel turn by turn
but remained patient though they had to eat wild plants and remained thirsty for long time.

When the Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) of Allah reached Tabuk, the Arab amirs on
the borders called on him and made treaties of peace. They also paid to him the jizyah tax. The
Messenger ( sallallahu’alayhi wa sallam ) of Allah guaranteed their borders, the security of their
territories and their caravans and ships travelling by land and sea. Letter to this effect were
delivered to all parties.

Then came the news that the Romans had withdrawn from the border towns. They had decided
not to encroach on Muslim land. The Prophet could see no reason to pursue them into their
own territory as his goal had already been achieved. He stayed at Tabuk for about two weeks
and then travelled back to Madinah.

Among those who had stayed behind at the time of this expedition were Ka’b ibn Malik,
Murarah ibn ar-Rabi’ and Hilal ibn Umayyah. They were boycotted but after fifty days their
Tawbah was accepted.

Hypocrites were boycotted for the first time as they didn’t join. They had built a mosque near
Quba with the intention that they will use it as a meeting place and will plot against Muslims
but when the Prophet arrived he ordered to demolish it. Quran called it Mosque of Dirar.
Abdullah b. Ubay also died in the same year.
Sir Shaheryar Azam Life in Madina
 Number of Muslims increased as the number of people who accepted Islam here was
more than the number of people who accepted Islam in the conquest of Makkah.
 Muslims got peace and security from Roman side.
 It was the last battle or expedition in which the Holy Prophet took part.
 Muslims got a lot of fame and their reputation increased.
 After this event Hypocrites were totally ineffective.

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