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2nd Period Photo 2 & Up

Photoshop Portal
Miss Derrig
Lesson Timeline

Monday - Nov 8 Project Introduction and Shooting Photos

Tuesday - Nov 9 Photoshop Demo and Practice

Wednesday - Nov 10 Work Time

Friday - Nov 12 Work Time

Monday - Nov 15 Critique

Ohio Visual Arts Standards
Perceiving / Producing / Responding /
Knowing Performing Reflecting
2PE. Describe sources 2PR. Make informed 1RE. Apply methods of art
visual artists use to choices in the selection of criticism when discussing
generate ideas for materials and techniques selected works of art.
artworks. as they relate to solving a 5RE. Compare and
5PE. Explore the visual problem. contrast various theories
application of technology 5PR. Understand and of aesthetics and visual
to the production of visual demonstrate how to culture.
artworks. access available digital 6RE. Identify the
tools and innovative challenges various
technologies to create venues present to the
and manipulate artwork. creation of works of art.
Objectives and Assessments
1. Students will take a variety of 1. Students will take at least ten
photographs in different locations, so photographs in at least four different
they have a large bank of photographs locations.
to choose from for the project.
2. Students will use photoshop to
2. Students will use photoshop to create manipulate at least two photographs to
their portal photographs inspired by create images inspired by the portal
photographs we looked at in class. photographs we looked at in class.

3. Students will demonstrate creative 3. Students will write plans for at least
thinking by coming up with multiple three different portal photographs in
ideas for their final image. their sketchbook.
Questions -Pick something you like about an
artist/image and write a few sentences
from the about it and why you like it.
-Pick something you notice in the images
homework that you might like to try doing yourself
and write about why you like that and how
you might attempt to create something
Project Requirements/Guidelines
Shooting Requirements: Final Image Requirements:
- Shoot at FOUR LOCATIONS - Each student will write plans for at
- Take at least TEN photos at EACH least three different image ideas
location - Each student will make one final
- Think about PERSPECTIVE and MOOD image to turn in
you want for your final images while - Each final image will combine at least
shooting TWO photos
- There are no setting requirements, - Perspective and Mood should be
photos should be good quality and taken into account for your final
any specific settings (like motion, images
focus, DOF, etc) should be intentional *These are MINIMUMS, if you have time you
can do MORE
*If you want to take photos outside of *You can use found images, as long as you
school (highly suggest) think about have at least one image you took yourself
checking out a camera, OR you can use
your phone
Examples! (From Pinterest!)
More Examples! (From Pinterest!)
Even More Examples! (From Pinterest!)
Example 1: Two Source Images
Example 1: Edit and Final Image
Example 2: Before and After
Example 2:
Editing / Middle
Example 2: Variations
For - Take more pictures outside of
school (if you’d like)

Tomorrow: - Think about what images you

took that you might want to
combine for your final image
DAY 3 & 4
REMINDERS! Critique:
- I’ll be printing your final
- This time is yours to work, image for the critique
please use it wisely! - Size: 8x11
- You need to have three - Turn this into the project
ideas for final images folder by FRIDAY
- You have to turn in at least - Everyone will be assigned
one final image TOMORROW two photos to respond to
independently and then we’ll
have a group critique
**My university supervisor will also
be coming in on Monday to observe If you need help or have
me teaching, so everyone’s
questions please ask me!
participation is important to me**
Critique Group Critique:
- One person will start by picking
an image they like and will talk a
Independent Critique:
little about it, then if anyone else
- Everyone will be assigned
would like to add anything they
two images to respond to can
- On a piece of paper, you’ll - The person whose image it is will
write down then get to talk about it if they’d
- One thing you like about the like, then they’ll pick the next
image, something you think is photo that we’ll talk about
successful in the image
- One thing you think could use Towards the end of class, we’ll
more work (this can be a
have a friendly competition
suggestion, a question, etc)
and vote on our favorite

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