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JVAC-16544; No. of Pages 8 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Vaccine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Influence of HEK293 metabolism on the production of viral

vectors and vaccine
Emma Petiot a , Miroslava Cuperlovic-Culf b , Chun Fang Shen b , Amine Kamen b,c,∗
Laboratoire Virologie et Pathologie Humaine (VirPath), EA4610 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 7 rue guillaume paradin, 69008 Lyon, France
Vaccine Program National Research Council, 6100 Royalmount Ave, Montreal, QC, Canada H4P 2R2
Bioengineering Dpt., McGill University, 817, Sherbrooke West, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 0C3

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mammalian cell cultures are increasingly used for the production of complex biopharmaceuticals includ-
Received 26 March 2015 ing viral vectors and vaccines. HEK293 is the predominant cell line used for the transient expression of
Received in revised form 20 May 2015 recombinant proteins and a well-established system for the production of viral vectors. Understanding
Accepted 22 May 2015
metabolic requirements for high productivity in HEK293 cells remains an important area of investi-
Available online xxx
gation. Many authors have presented approaches for increased productivity through optimization of
cellular metabolism from two distinct perspectives. One is a non-targeted approach, which is directed
to improving feeding strategies by addition of exhausted or critical substrates and eventually removal
HEK293 cell metabolism
Viral vector and vaccine
of toxic metabolites. Alternatively, a targeted approach has attempted to identify specific targets for
Metabolomics optimization through better understanding of the cellular metabolism under different operating con-
Viral production processes ditions. This review will present both approaches and their successes with regards to improvement of
viral production in HEK293 cells outlining the key relations between HEK293 cell metabolism and viral
vector productivity. Also, we will summarize the current knowledge on HEK293 metabolism indicating
remaining issues to address and problems to resolve to maximize the productivity of viral vectors in
HEK293 cells.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction suitable glycosylation pattern required for viruses efficient replica-

tion [6,7].
Biopharmaceutical industry have been increasingly investigat- Nevertheless, number of challenges impede high production
ing mammalian cell cultures as production platforms for safe, yield of viruses at high-cell density in HEK293 cultures. Remaining
flexible, fast and cost-effective production of viral vaccines and issues include identification of different metabolic requirements
viral vectors. HEK293 cells have been used for over 30 years for of cells during growth and virus production phases; the “cell den-
production of viral vectors for gene and cell therapy and offer sev- sity effects” precluding virus production at high cell densities; the
eral advantages over other cell culture platforms. This cell line complex and often undisclosed formulation of cell culture media
can be easily grown in suspension and in serum-free medium that prevent rational design and optimization; and the inherent
at cell densities up to 20 million cells/ml (unpublished results). complexity of each virus/cell system with specific demands.
The development of fast, reproducible and streamlined transfec- All these challenges are related to the concept of “maintaining,
tion protocols for this cell line has increased its use in gene or improving, the cell physiology all along the production process”,
therapy applications. HEK293 cell is now a cell culture platform which is strongly linked to the cell metabolic state. Viral replication
of choice for production of recombinant viral vectors and vac- induces major changes in the cell physiology and metabolic states
cines such as adenovirus or adeno-associated virus [1], retrovirus, [8]. The cell metabolic efficiency, i.e. the adequate and efficient sup-
lentivirus, reovirus, influenza, as well as various VLP forms (rabies, ply of metabolic precursors for the synthesis routes, was proven to
influenza) [2–5]. Additionally, this human origin cell line provides impact the viral component synthesis, their assembly, release and
in general the production levels. Consequently, metabolism under-
standing (metabolites profiling) is often a crucial guide to process
∗ Corresponding author at: McGill University, Bioengineering, 817 Rue Sher-
As cell culture media are often composed of over hundred ele-
brooke West, Mcdonald Engineering Building Roo, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 0C3.
Tel.: +1 5143985775. ments with a majority at concentrations below detection limits of
E-mail address: (A. Kamen). routine methodologies, historically, metabolite profiling methods
0264-410X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Petiot E, et al. Influence of HEK293 metabolism on the production of viral vectors and vaccine. Vaccine
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2 E. Petiot et al. / Vaccine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

were based on the quantification of only major substrates and cell (>7000 reactions and 5000 metabolites). However, although it is
by-products in the cultures supernatants. Such “first stage” anal- simulation-ready and can be used as a generic model for any human
yses are still often used for identification of cellular needs and cell system, its large degree of redundancy masks the metabolic
were successful in providing strategies for improvement of HEK293 contributions of individual reactions [43]. In order to focus this
viral production. Over the past decade the classical approach was model for HEK293 cells analysis, Quek et al. [43] published in 2014
enhanced by high throughput metabolomics analyses using NMR a reduction of Recon2 by removing redundant pathways in the
or MS [9–12]. Thus, larger number of metabolites present at lower biosynthesis and catabolic peripheral metabolism to emphasize the
concentrations are quantified providing deeper understanding of flexibilities of the central metabolism. HEK293 updated network is
HEK293 cell metabolism. a functionalized version of Recon2. The simplified model is com-
Metabolite measurements can be analyzed qualitatively, posed of 357 active reactions and 36 degrees-of-freedom. Results
observing only global metabolic changes between different sys- and conclusions of these studies, together with findings of metabo-
tems. Major metabolic changes, including cells’ needs as well lite profiling studies in the context of viral infection of HEK293 cells,
as metabolic waste productions can be determined from quanti- are presented in Table 1.
tative metabolomics, i.e. metabolite concentrations. Quantitative
metabolic analyses can also lead to the development of computa- 2.1.1. Glycolysis & glutaminolysis—Main carbon sources for
tional models of metabolic processes and “metabolic networks”. HEK293 cells
Metabolic flux analysis (MFA) allows determination of the degree Most of the metabolomics analysis of HEK293 cells was directed
of involvement of different pathways in metabolic processes and towards improvement of the energetic efficiency of the cells. Early
cellular functions [13–19]. Through understanding and modelling studies used ratios between concentrations of major carbon and
of cellular metabolic pathways and network it is possible to engi- energy source and their metabolic by-products for the evaluation
neer and optimize cell metabolism as well as cellular environment. of cell metabolic state. The ratio of glucose and lactate: YLact/Glc indi-
Examples are presented throughout the text and summarized in cates proportion of carbon channeled to lactate rather than entering
Table 2. Quantitative metabolic data can also be combined with mitochondria for further ATP synthesize. For HEK293 cells, this
other omics data for the development of more complete models ratio varies between 1.0 and 2.35 [29,44–47]. Lactate can also be
of the molecular status of cells. This “polyomics” approach can produced from amino acids, through reverse TCA in mitochondria,
overcome traditional limitation of metabolomics which can cur- which explains how ratio over 2 can be obtained in some cases.
rently quantify only a subset of compounds. Such methodologies Similarly, the ratio between glutamine consumption and
and approaches are presented in Fig. 1 and have been extensively ammonia production: YNH4/Gln represents the carbon utilized in
reviewed for HEK293 cells [20–24]. glutaminolysis. One molecule of glutamine, when entirely oxidized
In this review, we will outline current knowledge of HEK293 into CO2 , produces 27 molecules of ATP while one molecule of glu-
cell metabolism in virus production leading to various methods cose can produce maximum of 30 ATP molecules. Either of these
that have been explored in order to increase productivity through initial molecules can provide precursors for various biosynthetic
metabolism optimization as well as remaining challenges in utiliz- pathways particularly in fast cell division, in hypoxic conditions or
ing HEK293 cells for industrial viral production. First we will outline in absence of nutrients [48]. These ratios are, however, only indica-
contributions of metabolomics, fluxomics and polyomics studies tive of the metabolic energetic efficiency and depend on the cell
to better understanding of HEK293 metabolism. Subsequently, we growth phases or the feeding strategies [47].
show how the understanding of cell metabolism can be used to Similarly to other continuous mammalian cell lines, HEK293
improve production by using different feeding methods and media cells have a highly active glycolysis [44]. Increased aerobic glycoly-
optimization. sis is in part driven by over expression of both glucose transport and
enzymes in glycolytic pathway. Such metabolic pattern unbalances
central and energy metabolism and induces the accumulation of a
2. Metabolomics to improve viral productions in HEK293
strategic metabolic intermediate, the pyruvate. Most of the pyru-
cell cultures
vate in these cells is not used for cellular energy generation through
the TriCarboxylic Acid (TCA) cycle but is converted to a metabolic
Metabolomics analyses of several cell lines have shown that viral
by-product, the lactic acid. This is due to (i) increased activity of
infection activates large number of metabolic processes [8,25–28]
responsible enzyme lactate dehydrogenase, (ii) blocked entry into
unlike the metabolic reduction observed in the case of recombinant
mitochondria, and (iii) the increase in the cytosolic NADH/NAD+
protein production [29]. Infection induced metabolic shift has been
ratio [49]. As the accumulation of lactate at high concentration
extensively studied and confirmed for diverse cell/virus production
eventually becomes toxic for the cells it is closely monitored in
platforms (rubella virus [30–32], cytomegalovirus [25,33], mayaro
most cell culture productions.
virus [34], dengue virus [35], mumps virus [36], newcastle-disease
Different MFA studies of HEK293 cells show that over 50% of
virus [36], polio virus [37–39], reovirus [40], influenza viruses [41]).
the carbon entering glycolysis goes to lactate production [46,50].
Studies of HEK293 cell infection, with focus on adenovirus produc-
A batch culture of HEK293 cells supplemented with C13 labeled
tions, will be described below.
glucose and glutamine was used by Henry et al. [46] to inves-
tigate carbon repartition in different pathways of HEK293 cell
2.1. Metabolomics and fluxomics as fingerprint of the cellular central metabolism. They found that glucose was utilized mostly
state under infection for glycolysis, with smaller (15%) use in PPP for NADPH and ribose
production. Majority of pyruvate (95%) comes from glycolysis and
Metabolite profiling of HEK293 cells led to the identification of is converted to lactate in the NAD+ regeneration process (77% of
specific cellular processes affected by viral production. The first pyruvate). They also found that glutamine was the main amino acid
MFA model for HEK293 cells, presented by Nadeau et al., was fol- consumed by cells, contributing to about 16% of carbon entering
lowed by a series of improved models for comprehensive metabolic TCA cycle, but interestingly, not significantly to lactate production.
behavior of this cell line under adenovirus infection (Table 1). Comparison between the dynamic of glycolysis and glu-
Recently, a comprehensive, high quality network of the human cell taminolysis in infected and non-infected HEK293 cultures allowed
metabolism was published [42]. This model (Recon2) attempts to identification of specific metabolic fingerprints for different states.
be an all-inclusive network of all known reactions in human cell In non-infected HEK293 cell cultures, glycolysis and glutaminolysis

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E. Petiot et al. / Vaccine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Metabolites and metabolism can be described and analyzed through: (i) METABOLOMICS: selected subset of metabolites or high throughput unbiased analysis showing
snapshot of concentrations at measuring time. (ii) FLUXOMICS: metabolite kinetics in cells (cellular throughput) through flux analysis. Stoichiometric matrix can include
large number of reactions that can be used for optimization-based analysis such as flux balance analysis. Alternatively, stoichiometric matrix can be limited to a small number
of reactions particularly when applied to isotope-labeling studies showing only a subset of pathways. (iii) POLYOMICS: metabolite measurements can be complemented with
other omics data providing more detailed description of the systems at a given time point.

have shown significant flux decrease over cultivation time, espe- productivity, i.e. number of viruses produced per cell, could be
cially when reaching high cell densities. This metabolic fingerprint improved 3 to 4-times by using low protein media. Low protein
was observed for HEK293 cells by different authors under differ- media (using proprietary formulation NSFM13) induces more effi-
ent feeding conditions [50,51]. For an adenovirus infected HEK293 cient glucose utilization. Flux analysis have shown that in this case
culture, intracellular fluxes are increased simultaneously with the glucose enters TCA cycle more efficiently leading to lower pro-
viral synthesis onset until reaching maximum after approximately duction of lactate and higher ATP production (2.5-fold increase
33 h post-infection [47,51]. Some authors observed a general aug- in the TCA cycle flux and 2-fold increase in ATP production) [47].
mentation of the fluxes linking glycolysis to TCA cycle, indicating Flux analysis shows that cells become more oxidative regardless
a more efficient use of the carbon [51], whereas others indicate an of the medium during the infection process with adenovirus. Cells
increase in the production of lactate and YLact/Glu ratio from 1.2 to had more efficient glucose consumption, leading to enhanced TCA
1.8 [50]. fluxes and higher ATP production rate. MFA model of compart-
mentalized cell metabolism in low protein media have shown an
2.1.2. Energy metabolism: TCA cycle and nucleotide pools as increased pyruvate entrance into the mitochondria and higher exit
indicative of cell energy state of malate from the mitochondria suggesting impairment of malate-
Very few publications present quantification of TCA cycle aspartate shuttle in these cells [47].
carboxylic acids or nucleotide levels in cell-based production.
However, nucleotide pools could be important factors in cellular 2.1.3. Metabolic waste: Lactate and ammonia productions
production such as transport processes, macromolecular synthesis Recently, a metabolic shift from lactate production to lactate
and cell growth [52]. Ratios of nucleotides were used for production consumption during growth phase has been described for a num-
monitoring and control, especially through AEC (Adenylate energy ber of cell lines (CHO, NS0 cells) [53,54] and oxygenated cancer
charge) which represent the energy state of the cells. As an example, cells [55]. Utilization of lactate is primarily influenced by mitochon-
Molinas et al. [52] used the NTP/U ratio (NTP: sum of purine and drial oxidative metabolism. Cells consuming lactate were shown to
pyrimidine nucleotides, U: UDP & UDP GNac) as indicator of cell have 6 times greater energy efficiency (ATP produced per substrate
physiological state and aging showing that most of the time, NTP/U consumed) than lactate producing cells. This metabolic behavior
ratios increase after 3–4 days of culture, indicating deteriorating seems to be linked to cell status as well as the concentrations of
cell conditions. glutamine and glucose in the medium [56]. HEK293 cells exploited
The energetic state of the cells appears to have a strong impact in viral production context have shown similar metabolic shift from
on their viral productivity. Nadeau et al. demonstrated that cell lactate production to lactate consumption [44,57–60].

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Table 1
Metabolomics, fluxomics and polyomics studies performed on HEK293 cell metabolism.

Method Model type Particularities of the study Goal of the study Reference

Fluxomics—MFA 34 fluxes model: catabolic Assumptions of pseudo-steady Identification of nutrients [51]

pathways of glucose, state & constant cell volume that are used to fulfill cells’
glutamine, 17 amino energy needs leading to
acids + TCA cycle better feeding strategy
under adenovirus infection
Fluxomics—MFA 43 fluxes model: catabolic Some reactions are reversible Determination of the effect [47]
pathways of glucose, Assumptions of pseudo-steady of low protein medium on
glutamine, 17 amino state and constant cell volume the adenoviral vector
acids + TCA Total ATP production production. Analysis
cycle + pentose-phosphate calculated from both ATP included the development
path- producing and consuming of model of biochemical
way + Compartmentalization reactions reactions. Low-protein
between mitochondria medium resulted in up to 4
and cytosol fold increase in adenoviral
vector production
Fluxomics—MFA 30 fluxes model: central The general equation for Optimization of medium [50]
carbon metabolism, amino biomass included glucose and composition for higher cell
acid metabolism, all amino acids concentration and virus
nonessential amino acids production, to reduce
biosynthesis nutrient concentrations for
continuous cell growth and
to minimize production of
lactate and ammonia
Fluxomics—MFA 16 fluxes model: catabolic Use of labeled glucose and Determination of the [46]
pathways of glucose glutamine (1-, 2-, 6-U-13 C amounts of glucose carbon
glutamine and 19 other AA glucose and U-13 C glutamine through the Pentose
+compartmentalization of traces supplemented to glucose Phosphate (PPP) pathway,
pyruvate, malate and and glutamine-free medium) incorporated into the Krebs
AccoA + AA entering TCA Focus on exponential growth cycle for energy production
cycle grouped with AcCoA, phase under non-limiting or lipid biosynthesis, or
Oxaloacetate and malate glucose and glutamine used for cytosolic and
conditions, a usual state for mitochondrial malic
cells producing virus enzyme fluxes
Metabolomics + Transcriptomic
+ Fluxomics (MFA) 342 fluxes model with 42 Recombinant protein Comparison between a [29]
undetermined: 347 production. Model based on a stable, recombinant
reactions and transporters reduction of human genome protein producing cells and
required for biosynthesis scale model. Model constrained non-producer HEK293 cells
and energy metabolism, 60 by Flux variability analysis
metabolic rates
Metabolomics + Transcriptomis Central carbon metabolic Combination of a metabolomic Comparison of a high- and [5]
pathways (carbohydrate and transcriptomic analyses low-enveloped virus
metabolism, energy producer 293 FLEX cell
metabolism, amino acid lines and producer 293
metabolism, pentose FLEX to non-producer
phosphate HEK293 cells
pathway) + glycosylation,
vitamin & co-factor,
polyamines, nucleotide,
gluthation/detox and lipid
Fluxomics—MFA Reduced Recon 2 Network: Model constrained by Flux Identification of metabolic [28]
357 active reactions and 36 variability analysis. MFA changes in HEK293 cells
degrees-of-freedom performed on growth phases following depletion of
indicating steady-state l-alanyl-l-glutamine
metabolic behavior. 8 dipeptide
reduction phases of original
Recon 2 model

Although ammonia can be produced by catabolism of any amino cysteine which are generally accumulated [63,64]. Similarly to
acid, it is mostly derived from the deamination of glutamine. Addi- other cell lines, glutamine is the most consumed AA in HEK293 cell
tion of glutamine to culture medium results in drastic increase culture, followed by serine, asparagine/aspartate, leucine, valine
(5-fold) of ammonia released by the cells [44]. High levels of and arginine [46,51,65]. AA consumption contributes to the genera-
ammonia concentrations are known to induce number of toxic tion of toxic by-products, especially lactic acid and ammonia. Pham
effects such as inhibition of cell growth or enzyme reactions [61], et al. demontrated that the ratio of YLact/Glc and YNH4/Gln increases
changes in intracellular pH [61], and induction of apoptosis [62]. with increased consumption of amino acid and the addition of pep-
tones [63].
2.1.4. Amino acid metabolism—The balance of cellular Nadeau et al. confirmed that AA actively participate to HEK293
metabolism cell energetic metabolism [51]. Flux analysis demonstrated that
The majority of amino acids (AA) are consumed by HEK293 cells can adapt to a low glutamine medium by increasing flux
cells in serum-free medium, except for alanine, glycine, proline and of essential AA in the TCA cycle. Indeed, AA have several entry

Please cite this article in press as: Petiot E, et al. Influence of HEK293 metabolism on the production of viral vectors and vaccine. Vaccine
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E. Petiot et al. / Vaccine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

points in the TCA cycle via deamination or transamination reac- 3.1. Culture and production media
tions [46]. Consequently, AA are often used by mammalian cells to
balance energy needs. Henry’s model of HEK293 cell metabolism Medium composition can greatly influence viral productivity of
[46] also demonstrated that a majority of AA entering the TCA cycle a cell line [78–80]. Additionally, an industrial application of cell
ultimately get used for lipid biosynthesis. In addition to AA, lipid cultures requires use of serum-free media, further limiting viral
biosynthesis can be also driven by glucose [33,66]. productivity. Optimal medium composition for cell growth, often
Under adenovirus infection, Nadeau et al. also observed that does not provide nutrients needed for viral particle production. For
HEK293 cells favor AA other than glutamine as carbon sources [51]. example, Cervera et al. tested five commercial serum-free media
Metabolic pattern of AA consumption and production depends on for HIV1-Gag Virus-like particle (VLP) production in HEK293 cells
culture media, culture feeding modes and also viral infection. As an [60]. The efficiency of VLP productions was highly dependent on
example, in the case of adenovirus production asparagine is essen- the medium composition with only two out of five supporting a
tial for the formation of virions, and the highest flux observed for AA detectable production. On the other hand, Shen et al. have been
consumption is for asparagine/aspartate [51]. On the contrary, for developing for several years an in-house medium that can sustain
influenza production, highest flux is observed for proline in batch both HEK293 cell growth and production of variety of viral vectors
and serine and leucine in continuous feeding mode [64]. with most success in production of adenoviruses [80,81].
Nevertheless, in the case of HEK293 cells cultivated in a batch
mode, none of the available commercial, or thus-far published in-
2.1.5. Integrated pathway analysis
house media, can support high viral productivity at cell densities
Extensive gene expression analysis showed major differences
higher than 2 × 106 cell/ml. Consequently, in order to overcome the
between a viral producing and non-producing HEK293 cell, par-
CDE and low viral production yields, alternative feeding strategies
ticularly in the expression of metabolic genes [5]. Several major
are explored.
pathways were recruited in the virus production including amino
acid and carbohydrate catabolism, energy, lipid, nucleotide and glu-
3.2. Feeding strategies
tathione metabolism, pentose phosphate pathway and polyamines
biosynthesis. Genes possibly limiting viral production include
3.2.1. Continuous feeding
enzymes from cholesterol and glutathione biosynthesis and the
The best, albeit costly, strategy is the continuous feeding. By
regulatory system of polyamine biosynthesis. Genes involved in
continuously feeding cells with appropriate amount of critical sub-
lipid and cholesterol biosynthesis were down-regulated and lipid
strates, this approach reduces excess carbon used in standard
uptake genes were up-regulated during virus production. Opti-
culture media (glucose at 4–6 g/l and glutamine at 2–4 mM). At
mization of culture medium following these results achieved 6-fold
the same time potentially toxic metabolic waste (i.e. lactate and
increase in productivity in 293 FLEX cells. Particularly benefi-
ammonia) is removed thereby providing conditions similar to cell
cial was the manipulation of concentrations of nucleotides and
environment in living organs. Continuous feeding approach has
polyamines in the medium [5]. Dietmair et al. [29] presented an
been successfully applied to HEK293 suspension cell cultures for
analysis of changes in metabolite use during a recombinant pro-
production of different viruses providing 8.8-, 3.5- and 6-fold
tein production by HEK293. Combined analysis of gene expression,
increase, for adenovirus, influenza virus and lentivirus production,
metabolite concentrations and fluxes has shown for example the
respectively. Interestingly, for influenza produced in perfusion,
complexity of metabolic regulation of phosphofructokinase (PFK),
cells showed increased glycolytic activity before and after influenza
one of the regulators of energy and fatty acid metabolism. Further
infection, consistent with the increase in glycolysis observed in
analyses of metabolites, genes and proteins would lead to more
HEK293 upon adenovirus infection. One important aspect of con-
information about the changes in producer cell lines and possible
tinuous feeding is the concomitant removal of labile viral products
routes for increased productivity and viability.
such as lentiviruses from the cell culture vessel. Hence, perfusion
is not only used for production at high cell density but also for
3. Feeding strategies and medium modification for viral continuous harvest of viral product. Ansorge et al. reported sus-
production improvements tained lentivirus perfusion production with viral titers between
107 and 108 IVP/ml using feeding rates of 1–2 vol/day [82]. Sev-
Viral productivity of a cell depends, amongst other factors, on eral authors showed the use of perfusion for retrovirus production
the cell density at infection [58,67]. A “Cell density effect” (CDE) (reviewed in [83]). Consequently, continuous feeding appears to
defined as “a decrease in virus per cell productivity appearing con- be the best “metabolic” option for reaching high productive cell
comitantly with the increase in cell concentration at infection” has concentrations.
been observed in HEK293 and other cellular systems [68,69]. As
indicated in Table 2, CDE is generally observed for HEK293 cells 3.2.2. Fed-batch feeding
between 1 and 2 × 106 cells/ml [1,61,70], whereas cell densities of The second approach explored for increasing cell density and
8–10 × 106 cells/ml can be achieved in batch cultures [64]. CDE is productivity is the batch supplementation with concentrated
virus dependent with specific adenovirus production decreasing at medium or fed-batch method. Supplementation of critical nutri-
densities higher than 2 × 106 cell/ml [1,70,71], while for influenza ents during the production maintains sufficient levels of critical
virus, high productivity is maintained up to 4 × 106 cells/ml in batch substrates and has been successful at reaching higher cell densities
cultures [58,64]. Consequently, most of the transfection/infection than batch mode. Fed-batch strategies are often oriented towards
steps are operated at cell concentrations below 4 × 106 cell/ml. supplementation of depleted glucose and amino acids. Fed-batch
Cell metabolic activity, nutrient limitation or by-products accu- strategy requires development of specific supplements through
mulation was explored as possibly responsible for the CDE in extensive screening of components and design of expriments to
viral production. Cell density has been shown to affect the energy reach significant improvements.
metabolism [72], activation of p53 pathway [73] and de novo syn- Nevertheless, feb-batch approach has provided some inter-
thesis of sphingolipids [74]. Additionally viral productivity depends esting indications for improvement of HEK293 viral production
on other factors, including cell substrate, cell cycle, culture time at processes. First, although serum-free media are desired in viral pro-
the infection, multiplicity of infection, culture medium and feeding duction, addition of foetal bovine serum (FBS) or calf serum (CS)
mode [61,75–77]. is a well-known strategy to increase viral yields [66,78,80,84]. It

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6 E. Petiot et al. / Vaccine xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Examples of viral production performed in HEK293 suspension cells. All these productions were performed in serum free culture conditions except* .

Viral production type Cell density at infection Feeding strategy Improvement rate References

Adenovirus 2 × 106 cell/ml Batch [1,70,71]

1 × 106 cell/ml
Adenovirus 8 × 106 cell/ml Perfusion: 0.2 and 1.2 vol/day 4.3-fold vs batch [57,71,89]
11.8 × 106 cell/ml 8.8-fold vs batch
Adenovirus 1 × 106 cell/ml Medium exchange [50]
Adenovirus 0.5 × 106 cell/ml Fed-Batch with medium 1.6-fold vs batch [78]
supplement: Cell boost 5 5.4-fold vs batch
Foetal bovine serum*
Influenza 4 × 106 cell/ml Batch [58,64]
Influenza 6 × 106 cell/ml Perfusion: 0.5 vol/day 3.5-fold vs batch [64]
Lentivirus 8 × 106 cell/ml Perfusion 2 vol/day +medium 26-fold vs batch + perfusion [82]
supplement Cell Boost 5 started at 48 h
HIV gag VLPs 2–3 × 106 cell/ml Medium exchange + Lipid 7-fold vs batch [79]
mixture supplement
Retroviral vectors 4.5 × 10 cell/ml
Fed-Batch with medium [90,91]
supplement: pluronic, lipid
Foetal bovine serum albumin*

is now evident that lipids usually contained in serum have to be accumulation. One of the major modifications was two decades
supplemented for successful viral production in serum-free media, ago with the introduction of glutamine synthetase to CHO and
especially for production of enveloped viruses such as lentivirus myeloma cells allowing their growth in glutamine-free media.
and retrovirus [85]. The addition of a lipid mixture, recombinant In HEK293 cells, cell line engineering focused on reducing the
insulin and transferrin in a medium exchange step prior to trans- lactic acid production. Elias et al. and Henry et al. described
fection resulted in a 7-fold increase in virus-like particle [60]. the use of yeast pyruvate carboxylase overexpression to restore
Peptones or extracts from rice or yeasts were also extensively the link between glycolysis and TCA cycle [57,59], reducing the
tested. Peptone addition to serum-free culture medium directly amount of produced lactate and ammonia (2-fold decrease for
impacted the HEK293 cell metabolism with dramatic change in both). This approach led to a 2-fold increase in cell density, and
the production and consumption of AA [63]. Addition of rice a 33% increase in the target recombinant protein production [57].
hydrolysate allowed overcoming the CDE, improving an adenovi- Although these approaches have only been tested for protein
rus production yield by 3-fold [75]. In the same study, a pool of production, they might be beneficial for improvement in viral
different supplements (lipids and their precursors, bases, nucleo- production.
sides, vitamins, energy metabolites and rice hydrolysates) allowed
over 10-fold increase in viral production. These examples clearly
demonstrate the relationship between the CDE experienced in viral 4. Conclusions
production, cell feeding and metabolic state however without pro-
viding any insight into molecular mechanisms. High cell density, high yield, large-scale viral vectors and vac-
cines production processes using HEK293 cell or other cell culture
platforms are hindered by following:
3.2.3. Medium substrate substitution
Substitution of carbon sources has also been evaluated in order
to reduce production of toxic by-products, primarily lactate and • Production of most of the viral vectors and replication compe-
ammonia. Reduced glutamine levels led to decreased ammonia tent viruses is a biphasic process with cell growth and a virus
concentration (below 1 mM) reducing its toxicity [44,45]. Media production phase. These phases generally require different cul-
defined in the literature as non-ammoniagenic, have substitution of ture conditions, particularly in terms of nutrient needs; making
glutamine by other AA (glutamate, asparagine), alanine–glutamine large-scale production optimization difficult.
dipeptide (Glutamax® ) or tricarboxylic acids (pyruvate, oxoglu- • Production of different virus types is often associated with
tarate), all having either none, or lower, degradation to ammonia. specific metabolic demands which in turn require particular opti-
This strategy has been applied successfully to a number of differ- mization of the cell culturing conditions.
ent cell lines (Vero cells and MDCK cells [86,87]) and for HEK293 • High cell productivity needed for industrial cell-based applica-
cells [61]. Glutamate was evaluated for the production of adenovi- tions can be achieved by either improving the virus per cell
rus [61], and such non-ammoniagenic medium strategy resulted productivity, or by increasing the total number of productive
in a 5-fold increase in adenovirus productivity. Utilization of cells. Increase of the number of productive cells by infecting at
glutamate-based medium maintains intracellular pH (pHi) at 7.3 for high cell densities, i.e. later in the growth process, is impeded
10 days of culture, whereas classical glutamine containing medium by the “cell density effect”. Therefore, at this time viral produc-
resulted in a decrease in pHi down to 6.2 after only 3 days of culture. tion processes are constrained to lower cell densities (approx.
Ferreira et al. also demonstrated that adenovirus infection severely 1–4 × 106 cell/ml), even though HEK293 cells could grow at much
affects pHi with a drop of 1 pH unit at minimum. This drop is more higher densities (approx. 20 × 106 cell/ml).
pronounced when the cells are infected at cell densities higher than • The complexity of the cell culture media complicates understand-
1 × 106 cell/ml [88]. ing of nutrient needs and the effects of media on viral productions.
Most of the media currently used have over a hundred compo-
3.3. Cell engineering for metabolic efficiency nents, some at very low concentrations (below 1 mM), however
only a small subset of less than 30 compounds are routinely mon-
Various cell line engineering strategies have been developed, itored (e.g. glucose, amino acids, ammonia, some organic acids as
largely trying to overcome problems of lactate and ammonia lactate, and some vitamins).

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