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The Republic of Iraq. .

‫جمهورية العراق‬
Ministry of Higher Education and .‫وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي‬
Scientific Research. ( Benzoic acid boiling test )
‫ قسم‬/ ‫ كلية الهندسة‬/ ‫جامعة كربالء‬
University of Karbala / College of
‫هندسة النفط‬
Engineering /
Department of Petroleum Engineering

the students ‫الطالب‬

Muhammad Baqir Hamid Ali ‫محمد باقر حامد علي‬
Good Sohail Yaqoub ‫طيبه سهيل يعقوب‬
Mohamed Hadi Jiyad ‫محمد هادي جياد‬

Report submission date: 30/5/2021

boiling point
The boiling point is the degree to which the vapor pressure of
a substance is equal to
the atmospheric pressure. Thus, the boiling point depends on
the pressure. Boiling
points that are measured are often published at standard
pressure (101325 pascals or
1 atm). At higher altitudes, where the atmospheric pressure is
lower, the boiling
points also decrease. The boiling points increase with
increasing pressure until the
critical point is reached, at which the properties of the liquid
and gas are equal. The
boiling point cannot be higher than the critical point. The
boiling point is also
reduced by reducing the atmospheric pressure until the triple
point is reached. The
boiling point cannot be lowered from this point.

benzoic acid
:or guaiac acid or benzoin gum acid is an organic
compound with
the chemical formula C7H6O2 or C6H5COOH
boiling point 249 °C
It is widely used in cosmetics, food and
pharmaceutical forms as a preservative and
shows its greatest effectiveness at PH (2.5-4.5),
and has also been used for a long
time as an anti-fungal in topical preparations such
as Whitefield ointment. Oxidation
of toluene in the presence of cobalt or manganese
naphthenate catalyst

Experience Tools
1 - glass beaker.
2 - capillary tubes.
3 - thermometers.
4 - rubber bands.
5 - containers.
6 - paraffin oil.
7 - glass rods.
8 - heaters.
1) Place 2‐3 mL of sample in the test tube we want to measure the
boiling point.
2) Attach a clean test tube to a thermometer with rubber band. Put
an empty capillary tube in the test tube so that the open end of
capillary is down. Set up the apparatus as in Figure.
3) add paraffin oil in beaker. Ensure that the temperature of the
paraffin oil is below 50 °C.
4) Put test tube and thermometer in Heating bath oil (paraffin oil) so
that the rubber ring over the surface of paraffin and use a clean glass
rod to stir the paraffin oil to ensure a uniform heat distribution.
5) Record the temperature when rapid air bubbles come out from the
capillary. At this stage, the vapor pressure of unknown inside the
capillary is higher than the atmospheric pressure.
6) As the temperature decreases, air bubbling will gradually slow
down. Record the temperature when you see the last bubble come
out and some liquid goes into the capillary test tube the vapor
pressure of the compound inside the capillary tube is equal to the
7) Report the boiling point If a repetition is needed, allow the paraffin

The risks are limited. If the oil falls on the body, it will
cause burns, in addition to some organic materials that
may be toxic or have an unpleasant odor

Overall the pressure above the liquid surface
according to Dalton's Law of
molecular pressure equal to the sum of molecular
vapor pressure of the liquid and
Total pressure = p ( liquid and steam ) + p ( air )

1- What is the benefit the process of measuring the
boiling point?
a- Identification of unknown liquid compound.
b- purification
2- What the effect of impurities on the boiling point?
ncreases the boiling point.

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