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Sanath Sunil Pailwan
+91 8928 8998 51

M.Des. in New Media Design

Why do you want to choose design as career?

I have always been more inclined towards science and art; and “Design” is mid-
landing between technology and creativity.
There is constant innovation happening in this field, which excites me the most.
We can solve problems of people using design, so I want to learn about it.

Why do you want to take up specific discipline?

With time new technologies are being absorbed into our culture.
When I visited Techfest (IITB), I was amazed to see how technology can be used to
connect to people and how big its effect is on their experiences.
NMD is creating new future for culture, and I would like to be part of it.

What makes you think you can qualify for programme/ discipline
that you intend to pursue?
I keep interest in-
• finding new perspectives to look at something
• understanding and listening to people
• creating with my own hands
Therefore, in Team Robotics (during B.E.) I-
• Practiced brainstorming and exploration through prototypes of robots
• Worked with team as well as individually to build mechanisms
And, my wish is to continue…

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