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Detailed Instructions:

1. Create a short video showcasing the importance of verbal, non-verbal, and knowledge
of the communication process.
2. You may utilize different video-producing platforms, like Tiktok, to create and edit your
short infomercial. Make sure that you will appear in the video. You may use the
following examples in this link as a video format reference (exclude the content):
3. Video should be three (3) minutes only. It can be in portrait or landscape orientation.
4. Cite your references at the end of the video (APA).
5. Submit it in your blackboard as a group in the assigned submission link.


Category 8-10 points 5-7 points 3-6 points 1-2 points

Content / Project content is Project content is Project content is Project content is
Expertise/ accurate, accurate with accurate but not accurate. It
understanding of complete and minimal errors contains some contains multiple
material error free. and omissions. errors and multiple errors and /or
Presenter shows Presenter shows or major major omissions.
an understanding an adequate omissions. Presenter shows
beyond or understanding of Presenter shows little
expectation. the material. some understanding of
understanding of subject material
the material with with numerous
few mistakes. errors.
Creativity, Project shows an Project shows an Project shows an Project shows little
Originality, and advanced level of appropriate level inadequate level of creativity and/or
Professionalism creativity and/or of creativity creativity and/or originality. Project
originality that and/or originality. Project shows little care
makes the originality. is neat but has a for appearance.
project unique. Project looks “last minute”
Project well-planned and appearance.
exemplifies thought out

Presentation & Presentation Presentation Presentation barely Presentation fails

Requirements/ exceeds meets meets to meet
Directions expectation and expectations and expectations. Some expectations.
shows a unique shows some directions/ Project is
approach to the novel approach requirements are submitted late and
project. All to the project. All not followed. directions are not
directions/ directions/ followed.
requirements are requirements are
successfully successfully
adhered to. adhered to.
Total: 30 points
Rubric adapted from:
Council Rock School District. (2008) Learning infomercial project.



Detailed Instructions:

1. As a group with four to five members, create a digital poster showcasing the definition
and significance of intercultural communication.
2. You may create the poster on any platform you prefer (Canva, Adobe Photoshop,
Microsoft Word, etc.). The poster should be A4 in size, portrait or landscape.
3. Save your poster as a pdf file following the name format: ENG01_PT1.1._Section_Group
4. You are given 3-5 minutes to present your poster in class. All members of the group
should express their ideas about the poster. The rest of the class may raise questions
about your presentation.


Criteria 9-10 points 6-8 points 3-5 points 1-2 points

The poster includes The poster The poster does The poster is
all information includes most of not have all of lacking in
relevant to the the relevant the relevant elements
topic. The poster is information; information. required.
Content clear and complete however, it could Information is There are many
(Text and have been better presented in an gaps in
Images) organized and unorganized information
could be more fashion. presented.
complete. Some or all of the
written elements
are plagiarized.

Creativity The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is

exceptionally attractive. It is attractive. A unattractive. No
attractive. It is artistically few elements element is
artistically presented. Some are present: present: design,
presented. All of the elements design, layout, layout, creativity,
elements are are present: creativity, and and additional
present: design, design, layout, additional items.
layout, creativity, creativity, and items.
and additional additional items.

The students The students The information Not enough

presented the presented the presented is not preparation was
information clearly information fairly clearly done for the
and displays a clearly and displayed presentation; it
complete displays a throughout the therefore lacks
Presentation understanding of reasonable project. many elements of
their information. understanding of Some of the what is expected.
It is evident that their information. presentation Most of the
the students are was read. presentation was
well-prepared. read.

There are minimal There are several

errors in grammar, errors in
spelling, and grammar, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation on the and punctuation
poster and during on the poster and
the presentation. during the

Total: 35 points



Detailed Instructions:

1. Students will be divided into groups of 3-4 with corresponding topic and proposition
side (affirmative or negative).
Group breakouts:
Set A - Group 1 vs Group 6
Set B - Group 2 vs Group 7
Set C - Group 3 vs Group 8
Set D - Group 4 vs Group 9
Set E - Group 5 vs Group 10
(Groups 1-5 : Affirmative / Groups 6-10 : Negative)
Note: Students are graded individually

2. The groups will be discussing the following topics:

A. Filipinx, being gender-neutral, is a replacement of the traditional word Filipino.

B. Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) should be abolished.
C. Filipinos should be given the liberty to choose if they want to be vaccinated.
D. An “academic freeze” in the Philippines should be considered by both public and
private schools.
E. Baybayin, an old writing system in the Philippines, should be revived and included in
the basic school curriculum.
3. Each member is only given a maximum of one minute to explain their argument and 30
seconds for the rebuttal.
4. Anyone may start speaking when called by the facilitator (teacher). However, all of the
members should be given the chance to speak.
5. Ideas taken from other sources should be cited properly.


Criteria 5-6 points 3-4 points 2 points 1 point

Presentation The speaker The speaker usually The speaker The speaker had a
Style consistently used used gestures, eye sometimes used presentation style
gestures, eye gestures, eye
contact, tone of
contact, tone of contact, tone of
voice and a level of
voice and a level of voice and a level of that did not keep
enthusiasm in a way
enthusiasm in a way enthusiasm in a way the attention of the
that kept the
that kept the that kept the audience.
attention of the
attention of the attention of the
audience. audience.
The argument was
The argument was The argument was
tied to an idea
clearly tied to an somehow tied to an The argument was
(premise) but the
Organization idea (premise) and idea (premise) and not clearly tied to
organization was
organized in a tight, organized in a tight, an idea (premise).
sometimes not clear
logical fashion. logical fashion.
or logical.
The speaker clearly
The speaker clearly
understood the The speaker seemed
understood the The speaker did not
topic in-depth and to understand the
Understanding topic in-depth and show an adequate
presented their main points of the
of Topic presented their understanding of
information topic and presented
information with the topic.
forcefully and those with ease.
The overview
The overview
The overview presented was The overview
presented was not
presented was somehow timely presented was
timely nor relevant,
timely and relevant, and relevant, and either timely or
Overview & and the definitions
and the definitions the definitions of relevant, and some
Definition of of terms were
of terms were terms were definitions of terms
Terms/ inaccurate./
accurate./ Rebuttal somehow accurate./ were accurate./
Rebuttal Rebuttal was
was accurate, Rebuttal was Rebuttal was
relevant, and somehow accurate, accurate, relevant
irrelevant, and
strong. relevant, and but somehow weak
Every major claim
Every major claim Every major claim
was supported with
was well supported was adequately
facts, statistics
Use of Facts/ with several supported with Every claim was not
and/or examples,
Statistics relevant facts, relevant facts, supported.
but the relevance of
statistics and/or statistics and/or
some was
examples. examples.
Total: 30 points


PT 3 – The Communicative Strategies Infographic

Detailed Instructions:

1. Present five scenes from a movie or a TV show where various communicative strategies
were employed in a form of an infographic.
2. You may utilize any infographic producing platform that you wish to use; it can be as
simple as Microsoft Paint, to something more modern like
3. The Infographic should not exceed two pages as most effective infographics are usually
4. You can be as creative as you like; you may use whatever color motiff that you like; you
may put any type of image that you wish to provided that it will emphasize your point.
5. Upload your infographic on our ENG01 Google Drive *insert link here* with
PT3+YOURSURNAME as the title. E.g: PT3Reyes.
6. Your infographic will be graded based on the rubric below.


Content The student was The student was The student was The student was
able to present able to present able to present all not able to
(50 pts) all the different all the different the different present all the
communicative communicative communicative different
strategies using strategies using strategies using the communicative
the movie screen the movie screen movie screen strategies using
captures with captures but with captures but with the movie screen
great emphasis little emphasis no emphasis captures
Creativity The student was The student was The student was The student was
able to present able to present able to present all able to present all
(35 pts) all the different all the different the different the different
communicative communicative communicative communicative
strategies using strategies using strategies using the strategies using
the movie screen the movie screen movie screen the movie screen
captures in a captures in a captures in a captures in a
unique way that regular way that unique way that is regular way that is
is aesthetically is aesthetically not aesthetically not aesthetically
pleasing to the pleasing to the pleasing to the eye. pleasing to the
eye. eye. eye.
Early Bird The student was The student was The student was The student was
able to follow all able to follow all not able to follow not able to follow
(15 pts) the detailed the detailed all the detailed all the detailed
instructions and instructions and instructions and instructions and
was able to was able to was able to submit was able to submit
submit 1 day submit on the on the exact date later than the date
before the exact date of the of the deadline. of the deadline.
deadline. deadline.
Total: 100 points


PT 4 – Speech Delivery

Detailed Instructions:

1. You will have to write an original speech (based on WW4) that you want to deliver in
front of a live audience via Zoom.
2. Follow the rules in delivering the speech that you have written and be guided by the
rubrics as some of their classmates will be giving feedbacks based on the rubric that is
presented below.
3. The word count of the manuscript that will be used shall not be lower than 400 words
and cannot exceed 800 words
4. Make sure that you provide a title for your manuscript and make sure to start the
speech delivery by mentioning it.
5. The delivery of your manuscript speech is strictly time and will be cut if it exceeds 8


Content of the The content of The content of The content of the The content of the
Manuscript the manuscript is the manuscript is manuscript is manuscript is not
original, relevant, original, relevant, original and original.
(35 pts) interesting, and interesting, but relevant, but
contains a fresh talks about a uninteresting and
subject. subject that is also talks about a
already talked subject that is
about. already talked
Eye Contact, Poise Due to practice While the The student makes The speaker
& Body Language and familiarity student may pronunciation seems unprepared
with the speech, stumble, he or errors or become and unpracticed
(30 pts) the speaker she maintains befuddled at one because he or she
provides eye eye contact and point. May use stumbles over
contact and continues on in a words like "um" or many words,
makes only the professional "like." The cannot read the
smallest of errors manner. speaker's words, or has a
like an The speaker's appearance may conversation with
unnecessary appearance is lack formality him or herself in
hesitation. The professional in because he or she front of the class.
speaker's dress, stance, is fidgeting, not The speaker's
appearance is and gestures. standing up gestures are
professional in straight, or seems distracting. The
dress, stance, insecure. speaker looks
and gestures. The depressed or
student uses apathetic.
their body to
emphasize points
or add meaning.
Voice Intonation The speech is The speech is The speech is The speech is
delivered with delivered with delivered with delivered in a
(25 pts) enthusiasm and enthusiasm but enthusiasm with monotone or
the speaker uses lacks proper zero voice apathetic voice
intonation in voice modulation modulation making with zero
order to therefore missing it obvious that the enthusiasm.
emphasize points some emphasis manuscript is
and add on some parts. plainly being read.
Pace The speaker The pace of the The speaker The speaker's pace
varies the pace in speech is easy to maintains a good makes it difficult
(10 pts) order to follow, but may pace that may be a to understand the
emphasize points not vary. tad too slow or too speech because it
and add fast, but may not is too fast.
meaning. vary
understandable to
the audience.
Total: 100 points


PT 5 – Recorded Manuscript or Informative Speech

Detailed Instructions:

1. Research for an existing informative speech that you would like to deliver.
2. Follow the rules in delivering the speech that you have chosen and be guided by the
3. You may utilize different video-producing platforms, like Tiktok, Filmora, and Kinect to
create and edit your video.
4. Video should be two (2) to three (3) minutes only. It can be in portrait or landscape
5. Indicate the title of your speech in the beginning while your name at the end of the
6. Save your video as a .mov or .mp3 file following the name format:
ENG01_PT5.1._Section_Last Name. Upload your file on the cloud (Google Drive
folder/BlackBoard Assignment) provided by your teacher.


Eye Contact The student uses eye The student makes Student looks up from Student reads their
contact to eye contact and their speech a few speech and never
(20 pts) communicate a looks up repeatedly. times, generally looks at the camera
clearer message by making contact with (camera) or hides
looking at the only one area of the behind their speech
camera (audience) room.
directly to highlight a
Voice volume and The speaker uses the The audience can Once or twice, the It is difficult the
clarity volume of his or her always hear the audience cannot audience to make out
voice to emphasize speaker clearly. understand an important details
(20 pts) points and to add insignificant detail because the speaker
meaning to the because the speaker speaks to quietly or
presentation. speaks too quietly or mumbles.

Poise & Body Due to practice and While the student The student makes The speaker seems
Language familiarity with the may stumble, he or pronunciation errors or unprepared and
speech, the speaker she continues on in a become befuddled at unpracticed because
(20 pts) makes only the professional manner. one point. May use he or she stumbles
smallest of errors words like "um" or over many words,
like an unnecessary The speaker's "like." The speaker's cannot read the
hesitation. The appearance is appearance may lack words, or has a
speaker's professional in dress, formality because he conversation with him
appearance is stance, and gestures. or she is fidgeting, not or herself in front of
professional in dress, standing up straight, or the class.
stance, and gestures. seems insecure. The speaker's gestures
The student uses are distracting. The
their body to speaker looks
emphasize points or depressed or
add meaning. apathetic.
Voice Intonation The speech is The speech is The speaker sounds The speech is
delivered with delivered with uninterested in what delivered in a
(20 pts) enthusiasm and the enthusiasm. he or she is presenting. monotone or
speaker uses apathetic voice.
intonation in order
to emphasize points
and add meaning.
Video Quality The video has been The video’s audio The video’s audio and The video’s audio is
made with artistic and picture are very picture are somehow very unclear and the
(10 pts) value. clear. clear. picture is edgy.

Pace The speaker varies The pace of the The speaker maintains The speaker's pace
the pace in order to speech is easy to a good pace that may makes it difficult to
(10 pts) emphasize points follow, but may not be a tad too slow or understand the
and add meaning. vary. too fast, but may not speech because it is
vary understandable to too fast.
the audience.
Total: 100 points


PT 6.1. – Question and Answer

Detailed Instructions:

1. Each individual will be given a random question that should be answered immediately.
The topic of the questions will be focusing on societal issues.
2. Each will be given 30 to 2 minutes to expound their answer.
3. Make sure to observe the qualities of a good speaker and be guided by the rubrics.


Eye Contact The student uses The student makes Student reads their
eye contact to eye contact with all Student looks up from speech and never
(20 pts) communicate a sides of the room their speech a few looks at the
clearer message by and looks up times, generally audience or hides
looking at audience repeatedly. making contact with behind their speech
members directly to only one area of the
highlight a point. room.
Voice volume and The speaker uses The audience can Once or twice, the It is difficult the
clarity the volume of his or always hear the audience cannot audience to make
her voice to speaker clearly. understand an out important
(20 pts) emphasize points insignificant detail details because the
and to add meaning because the speaker speaker speaks to
to the presentation. speaks too quietly or quietly or mumbles.
Poise & Body Due to practice and While the student The student makes The speaker seems
Language familiarity with the may stumble, he or pronunciation errors unprepared and
speech, the speaker she continues on in or become befuddled unpracticed because
(20 pts) makes only the a professional at one point. May use he or she stumbles
smallest of errors manner. words like "um" or over many words,
like an unnecessary The speaker's "like." The speaker's cannot read the
hesitation. The appearance is appearance may lack words, or has a
speaker's professional in formality because he conversation with
appearance is dress, stance, and or she is fidgeting, not him or herself in
professional in gestures. standing up straight, front of the class.
dress, stance, and or seems insecure. The speaker's
gestures. The gestures are
student uses their distracting. The
body to emphasize speaker looks
points or add depressed or
meaning. apathetic.
Voice Intonation The speech is The speech is The speaker sounds The speech is
delivered with delivered with uninterested in what delivered in a
(20 pts) enthusiasm and the enthusiasm. he or she is monotone or
speaker uses presenting. apathetic voice.
intonation in order
to emphasize points
and add meaning.
Quality of Answer The speaker was The speaker was The speaker was able The speaker was not
able to respond able to answer the to answer the able to answer the
(20 pts) with an impactful question accurately. question but gave question accurately.
and complete some irrelevant ideas.
Total: 100 points


WW 6.1. – Peer Evaluation

Detailed Instructions:

1. Choose a partner before doing the Question and Answer activity.

2. The teacher will be providing everyone a rubric for the Q & A activity.
3. Based on the rubric, the students in pairs will evaluate the speech delivered by their
partner in the Performance Task 6 (PT 6)

Eye Contact The student uses The student Student reads
eye contact to makes eye Student looks up their speech and
(20 pts) communicate a contact with all from their speech a never looks at the
clearer message sides of the room few times, audience or hides
by looking at and looks up generally making behind their
audience repeatedly. contact with only speech
members directly one area of the
to highlight a room.
Voice volume and The speaker uses The audience can Once or twice, the It is difficult the
clarity the volume of his always hear the audience cannot audience to make
or her voice to speaker clearly. understand an out important
(20 pts) emphasize points insignificant detail details because
and to add because the the speaker
meaning to the speaker speaks too speaks to quietly
presentation. quietly or or mumbles.

Poise & Body Due to practice While the The student makes The speaker
Language and familiarity student may pronunciation seems unprepared
with the speech, stumble, he or errors or become and unpracticed
(20 pts) the speaker she continues on befuddled at one because he or she
makes only the in a professional point. May use stumbles over
smallest of errors manner. words like "um" or many words,
like an The speaker's "like." The cannot read the
unnecessary appearance is speaker's words, or has a
hesitation. The professional in appearance may conversation with
speaker's dress, stance, lack formality him or herself in
appearance is and gestures. because he or she front of the class.
professional in is fidgeting, not The speaker's
dress, stance, standing up gestures are
and gestures. The straight, or seems distracting. The
student uses insecure. speaker looks
their body to depressed or
emphasize points apathetic.
or add meaning.
Voice Intonation The speech is The speech is The speaker The speech is
delivered with delivered with sounds delivered in a
(20 pts) enthusiasm and enthusiasm. uninterested in monotone or
the speaker uses what he or she is apathetic voice.
intonation in presenting.
order to
emphasize points
and add
Quality of Answer The speaker was The speaker was The speaker was The speaker was
able to respond able to answer able to answer the not able to answer
(20 pts) with an impactful the question question but gave the question
and complete accurately. some irrelevant accurately.
answer. ideas.

Total: 100 points


WW 6.2. – Written Speech for the Showcase of Speeches

Detailed Instructions:

1. The whole class will be arranging a thematic program of their choosing.

2. Each student has an option to write a speech individually, by pair, or as a group. (The
grades will still be given individually.)
3. Once the students have decided about their desired option, they’ll be collaborating to
write a speech. The written speech should abide by the rules of manuscript/memorized
speech writing.

Category 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
Quality of Content The content is The content is The content is The content lacks
impactful and meaningful and credible enough but many supporting
(20 pts) supported by credible enough. is not appreciated by ideas.
strong, credible The audience can the audience.
information. The easily understand
audience can easily the idea.
grasp and
appreciate the
Organization of The speech is The speech is The speech somehow The speech is
ideas comprehensive and logically arranged lacks organization unorganized. Many
logically arranged in most of its parts. and does not show ideas are not related
(20 pts) from beginning up evident connections to each other.
to the end. between the texts.
Grammar & The speech has no The speech has The speech has many The speech is not
Mechanics grammar or minimal grammar grammar or understandable
mechanics or mechanics mechanics anymore because of
(20 pts) correction at all. correction. correction. the number of
grammatical and
mechanics error.
Total: 60 points


PT 6.2. – Speech Showcase Program

Detailed Instructions:

1. The whole class will be arranging a thematic program of their choosing.

2. Each student has an option to deliver a speech individually, by pair, or as a group. (The
grades will still be given individually.)
3. The program shall be conducted via zoom meeting during the original schedule of the


Eye Contact The student uses The student makes Student reads their
eye contact to eye contact with Student looks up speech and never
(20 pts) communicate a all sides of the from their speech a looks at the
clearer message by room and looks up few times, generally audience or hides
looking at repeatedly. making contact with behind their speech
audience members only one area of the
directly to room.
highlight a point.
Voice volume and The speaker uses The audience can Once or twice, the It is difficult the
clarity the volume of his always hear the audience cannot audience to make
or her voice to speaker clearly. understand an out important
(20 pts) emphasize points insignificant detail details because the
and to add because the speaker speaker speaks to
meaning to the speaks too quietly or quietly or mumbles.
presentation. mumbles.

Poise & Body Due to practice While the student The student makes The speaker seems
Language and familiarity may stumble, he or pronunciation errors unprepared and
with the speech, she continues on in or become unpracticed because
(20 pts) the speaker makes a professional befuddled at one he or she stumbles
only the smallest manner. point. May use over many words,
of errors like an The speaker's words like "um" or cannot read the
unnecessary appearance is "like." The speaker's words, or has a
hesitation. The professional in appearance may lack conversation with
speaker's dress, stance, and formality because he him or herself in
appearance is gestures. or she is fidgeting, front of the class.
professional in not standing up The speaker's
dress, stance, and straight, or seems gestures are
gestures. The insecure. distracting. The
student uses their speaker looks
body to emphasize depressed or
points or add apathetic.
Voice Intonation The speech is The speech is The speaker sounds The speech is
delivered with delivered with uninterested in what delivered in a
(20 pts) enthusiasm and enthusiasm. he or she is monotone or
the speaker uses presenting. apathetic voice.
intonation in order
to emphasize
points and add
Participation in the The student was The student was The student was able The student did little
program able to participate able to participate to participate in to help his
in all of the in most of the some of the classmates in the
(20 pts) preparations and preparations and preparations and preparation and
presentation of the presentation of the presentation of the presentation of the
program. program. program. program.
Total: 100 points

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