The Core Mechanic Acquisition Modifiers: Rogue Trader Quick Reference

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Rogue Trader Quick Reference

The Core Mechanic Acquisition Modifiers

• Determine the Skill or Characteristic to test Availability Modifier Example
Ubiquitous +70 Ration Pack
• Add or subtract any relevant modifiers to the Skill Abundant +50 Knife
or Characteristic Plentiful +30 Void Suit
• Make a percentile roll (1d100) Common +20 Lasgun
• If the percentile roll is less than or equal to the Skill Average +10 Micro-bead
Scarce +0 Demolition Charge
or Characteristic being tested, the test succeeds
Rare –10 Krak Grenade
• If the percentile roll is greater than the Skill or Very Rare –20 Heavy Bolter
Characteristic being tested, the test fails Extremely Rare –30 Digital Weapon
Near Unique –50 Tempest Bolt Shells
Unique –70 Archeotech Power Armour
Test Difficulty Scale Modifier Example
Difficulty Test Modifier Negligible +30 Single Man
Trivial +60 Trivial +20 Squad (3–5)
Elementary +50 Minor +10 Platoon (10–30)
Simple +40 Standard +0 Company (50–100)
Easy +30 Major –10 Regiment (500–1,000)
Routine +20 Significant –20 Division (2,000–5,000)
Ordinary +10 Vast –30 Army (10,000+)
Challenging +0 Craftsmanship Modifier Example
Difficult –10 Poor +10 Corpse Starch Ration Pack
Hard –20 Common +0 Typical Clothing
Very Hard –30 Good –10 Finely Crafted, Forge World Bolter
Arduous –40 Best –30 Exquisite Power Sword with Noble
Punishing –50 Family Crest
Hellish –60
Fear Test Difficulties
Fate Points Severity of Fear Test Example
Spending one Fate Point allows for one of the following: Fear (1) Disturbing 0 Rak’Gol Marauder
• Re-roll a failed test once. The results of the re-roll are Fear (2) Frightening (–10) Ebon Geist
final. Fear (3) Horrifying (–20) Yu’vath Bone Warden
• Gain a +10 bonus to a test. This must be chosen before Fear (4) Terrifying (–30) The Walking Nightmare
dice are rolled.
• Add an extra degree of success to a test. This may chosen If a fear test is failed, see The Shock Table. If non-combat, -10 to any
after dice are rolled. skill or test that requires concentration. If failed by 30 or more, +1d5
• Count as having rolled a 10 for Initiative. Insanity Points.
• Instantly remove 1d5 Damage (this cannot affect Critical
• Instantly recover from being Stunned. The Insanity Track
IP Madness Trauma Modifier
0–9 Stable n/a
Structured Time Movement 10–19 Unsettled +10
(Metres/Round) 20–29 Unsettled +10
AB Half Full Charge Run 30–39 Unsettled +10
0 1/2 1 2 3 40–49 Disturbed +0
1 1 2 3 6 50–59 Disturbed +0
2 2 4 6 12 60–69 Unhinged –10
3 3 6 9 18 70–79 Unhinged –10
4 4 8 12 24 80–89 Deranged –20
5 5 10 15 30 90–99 Deranged –20
6 6 12 18 36 100+ Terminally Insane Character retires from play
7 7 14 21 42
8 8 16 24 48 If character’s Insanity bonus is double or more of Fear Rating, no Fear
9 9 18 27 54 Test is needed.
10 10 20 30 60
The Corruption Track
Narrative Time Movement CP Total Corruption Malignancy Test Mutation
AB Per Minute Per Hour Per Day† 01–30 Tainted +0 —
0 12m 0.75km 7km 31–60 Soiled –10 First Test
1 24m 1.5km 15km 61–90 Debased –20 Second Test
2 48m 3km 30km 91–99 Profane –30 Third Test
3 72m 4km 40km 100+ Damned Character removed from play
4 96m 6km 60km
5 120m 7km 70km
6 144m 9km 90km
7 168m 10km 100km
8 192m 12km 120km
9 216m 13km 130km
10 240m 14km 140km
† Assumes 10 hours of walking.
Combat Actions Combat Difficulty Summary
Action Type Subtype(s) Difficulty Skill Modifier
Aim Half/Full Concentration Easy +30
+10 bonus to hit as a Half Action or +20 to hit as a Full Action on your Attacking a Surprised or Unaware target.
next attack. Shooting a Massive target.
All Out Attack Full Attack, Melee
Shooting a target at Point Blank Range.
+20 to WS, cannot Dodge or Parry.
Brace Heavy Weapon Half Miscellaneous Routine +20
Prepare to fire a heavy weapon. Melee attacks against a foe who is outnumbered three to one
Called Shot Full Attack, Concentration, Melee or more.
or Ranged Attacking a Stunned opponent.
Attack a specific location on your target with a –20 to WS or BS. Shooting an Enormous target.
Charge Full Attack, Melee, Movement Ordinary +10
Must move 4 metres, +10 to WS. Melee attacks against a foe who is outnumbered two to one.
Defensive Stance Full Concentration, Melee
Attacking a Prone opponent with a melee weapon.
Gain an additional Reaction, opponents suffer –20 to WS.
Delay Half Miscellaneous Attacking from higher ground.
Before your next Turn take any Half Action. Shooting a Hulking target.
Disengage Full Movement Shooting a target at Short Range.
Break off from melee and move. Challenging +0
Dodge Reaction Movement A Standard Attack.
Test Dodge to negate a hit. Difficult –10
Feint Half Attack, Melee Any test whilst Fatigued.
Opposed WS Test, if you win, your next attack cannot be Dodged or
Attacking or Dodging whilst in the mud or heavy rain.
Focus Power Varies Varies Shooting a target at Long Range.
Use a Psychic Power. Shooting a Prone target.
Full Auto Burst Full Attack, Ranged Shooting a Scrawny target.
+20 to BS, additional hit for every degree of success. Hard –20
Grapple Half/Full Attack, Melee Shooting into melee combat.
Affect a Grappled opponent or escape from a Grapple. Dodging whilst Prone.
Guarded Attack Full Attack, Concentration, Melee Making an unarmed attack against an armed opponent.
–10 WS, +10 to Parry and Dodge.
Melee attacks in darkness.
Jump or Leap Full Movement
Jump vertically or leap horizontally. Shooting at a target in fog, mist, shadow or smoke.
Knock-Down Half Attack, Melee Shooting a Puny target.
Try and knock an opponent to the ground. Using a weapon without the correct Talent.
Manoeuvre Half Attack, Melee, Movement Very Hard –30
Opposed WS Test, if you win, move enemy 1 metre. Attacking or Dodging in deep snow.
Move Half/Full Movement Firing a heavy weapon that has not been Braced.
Move up to your movement as a Half Action or twice your movement Shooting a Minuscule target.
as a Full Action.
Shooting a target at Extreme range.
Multiple Attacks Full Attack, Melee or Ranged
Attack more than once in the same round—requires two weapons or a Shooting at a completely concealed target.
talent. Shooting at a target in darkness.
Overwatch Full Attack, Concentration,
Ranged Target Size Modifiers
Shoot targets coming into a set kill zone, –20 to BS. Size Modifier
Parry Reaction Defence, Melee Minuscule (autoquill, knife) –30
Test Weapon Skill to negate a hit. Puny (bolt pistol, servo-skull) –20
Ready Half Miscellaneous Scrawny (Gretchin, Human child) –10
Ready a weapon or item. Average (Human, Eldar) +0
Reload Varies Miscellaneous Hulking (Ork Nob, combat servitor) +10
Reload a ranged weapon. Enormous (Sentinel Walker, Krootox) +20
Run Full Movement Massive (Battle Tank, greater daemon) +30
Move triple, enemies –20 BS and +20 WS. Immense (Land Raider, Great Knarloc) +40
Semi-Auto Burst Full Attack, Ranged Monumental (Squiggoth, Baneblade) +50
+10 to BS, additional hit for every two degrees of success. Titanic (Reaver Battle Titan) +60
Stand/Mount Half Movement
Stand up or mount a riding animal.
Standard Attack Half Attack, Melee or Ranged
Make one melee or ranged attack.
Stun Full Attack, Melee
Try to Stun an opponent.
Suppressing Fire Full Attack, Ranged
Force opponents to take cover, –20 to BS.
Tactical Advance Full Concentration, Movement
Move from cover to cover.
Use a Skill Varies Concentration, Miscellaneous
You may use a Skill.
Conditions and Special Damage unconsciousness lasts for 10–TB minutes. An unconscious character
is completely unaware of his surroundings and cannot take any
Blinded actions. He is also treated as a helpless target (see page 248). If a
A blind character automatically fails all tests based on vision and character falls into unconsciousness due to excessive levels of
automatically fails all Ballistic Skill Tests. He also suffers a –30 penalty Fatigue, he recovers some of that Fatigue when he awakens.
to Weapon Skill Tests and most other tests that ordinarily benefit from
Useless Limbs
Certain Critical Effects indicate a risk of permanently losing the use of
Blood Loss a limb unless the affected character succeeds at a Challenging (+0)
Blood Loss is a Critical Effect that can result from Critical Toughness Test. Should a character with the Medicae Skill be
Damage. Characters suffering from Blood Loss have a 10% chance of present and assisting the injured character, the victim gains a +20
dying each Round unless treated in some way. If the suffering bonus to such a test. Even if the test is successful, the limb must be
character is conscious, he may attempt a Difficult (–10) Medicae Test held in a sling for 1d5+1 weeks and is useless during this time. Should
each Round to staunch the bleeding. If the character is also trying the Toughness Test fail, the limb must be removed, requiring a
simultaneously engage in strenuous activity, such as running away character with the Medicae Skill to succeed at a Difficult (–10)
from whatever caused the Blood Loss, attempts to staunch the Medicae Test. Should this fail, the limb still comes off, but the surgery
bleeding instead requires a Very Hard (–30) Medicae Test. If the inflicts 1d10 Damage to the limb— almost always Critical Damage.
suffering character is not conscious, or doesn’t fancy his chances, Should the amputee live, the limb comes off, but he suffers Blood Loss
another character may attempt the test. and must be treated for it. Once this has been dealt with, the
Deafened Chirurgeon must treat the wound as if it were an amputated limb (see
The character cannot hear at all, or at least not well enough to above).
communicate with others. Until the character recovers or has his Vacuum
disability repaired, he automatically fails any Skill or Characteristic Test If suddenly exposed to vacuum, a character may survive unharmed for
that relies on hearing. a number of Rounds equal to his Toughness Bonus. Unless he has an
Fire oxygen source, he will also begin to suffer from the effects of
A character suffers Damage from fire each Round he is exposed to it. suffocation. At the end of each Round after this, he suffers 1d10+3
At the beginning of each Round after the first in which a character is Explosive Damage from depressurisation. If he is in the vacuum of
exposed to the same source of flames (or if he is hit by a weapon with space, at the end of each Round make a Challenging (+0)
the Flame special quality or suffers certain Toxic Critical Effects), he Toughness Test. A failure indicates he also suffers 1d10 Energy
must make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or catch on fire. Once a Damage from the extreme cold. In both cases, any armour worn does
character is on fire, he suffers 1d10 Damage (with no reduction from not reduce the Damage incurred. If a character dies in space, it takes
armour) and takes 1 level of Fatigue each Round until the fire is five Rounds for his corpse to freeze. If a character is trapped in a
extinguished. All Damage from fire is treated as Energy Damage for gradually worsening atmosphere, he may survive unharmed for a
the purpose of determining Critical Effects—if the location is not number of Rounds equal to twice his Toughness Bonus. At the end of
otherwise specified, use the body location. While on fire, a character this time, he will begin to experience suffocation and will also begin to
must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test at the beginning of feel the effects of depressurisation. From that point onwards, at the
each of his Turns in order to be able to take Actions normally; end of each Round he must make a Toughness Test with a cumulative
otherwise, he may only run around and scream, which counts as a Full –10 penalty. Success indicates that he only suffers 1d5 Explosive
Action. A character that is on fire may try to extinguish the flames Damage. Failure means that he suffers 1d10 Explosive Damage.
himself by dropping prone and making a Hard (–20) Agility Test, In both cases armour cannot reduce the Damage incurred.
which counts as a Full Action.
Falling Healing
To work out Damage from falling, simply roll 1d10 and add +1 per As a character accumulates Damage, he progresses through three
metre the character fell. Use Table 9-8: Hit Locations to determine different states: Lightly Damaged, Heavily Damaged, and Critically
which part of the body hits the ground first. Armour offers no protection Damaged. Characters naturally recover from Damage at a slow rate
against falls. Damage from falling is treated as Impact Damage for the that varies depending on the character’s Damage state. Rest, medical
purposes of determining Critical Effects. attention, and a few psychic powers can speed up Damage recovery.
Stunned Lightly Damaged
In addition to Damage and Fatigue, characters may also A character is considered Lightly Damaged if he has taken Damage
become Stunned. A character can become Stunned due to the effects equal to or less than twice his Toughness Bonus. A Lightly Damaged
of some Psychic Powers, Critical Damage, or the Takedown talent. character removes 1 Damage per day through natural healing. If a
Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests to hit Stunned characters are Lightly Damaged character devotes an entire day to bed rest, he
considered Routine (+20). In addition, Stunned characters cannot take removes an amount of Damage equal to his Toughness Bonus.
Actions or Reactions such as Dodge. A Stunned character is not
Heavily Damaged
helpless or unaware.
A character is Heavily Damaged whenever he has taken more
Suffocation Damage than twice his Toughness Bonus. A Heavily Damaged
The rate of suffocation depends on the character’s activity level. If a character removes 1 Damage per week though natural healing. If a
character is actively trying to conserve oxygen, he can hold his breath Heavily Damaged character devotes an entire week to complete rest,
for a number of minutes equal to his Toughness Bonus. If a character he removes an amount of Damage equal to his Toughness Bonus.
is instead engaged in strenuous activity (combat, swimming, and so Once a Heavily Damaged character’s Damage is equal to or less than
forth) he may hold his breath for a number of Rounds equal to twice his his Toughness Bonus, he becomes Lightly Damaged.
Toughness Bonus. While holding his breath, a character must make a
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test each minute (if conserving
Critically Damaged
A character is Critically Damaged whenever he has taken Damage in
oxygen) or each Round (if engaged in strenuous activity). If he fails, he
excess of his Wounds. Critical Damage does not heal on its own—it
suffers one level of Fatigue. Remember, any amount of Fatigue
requires medical attention. With rest and medical attention, a character
imposes a –10 penalty to all Tests, and if a character ever has a
removes 1 point of Critical Damage per week. After all Critical Damage
number of levels of Fatigue in excess of his Toughness Bonus, he
has been removed, a character becomes Heavily Damaged instead.
immediately falls unconscious for 10–TB minutes. If the character has
not gained a fresh source of oxygen by the end of the allotted time he Medical Attention
automatically falls unconscious regardless of his levels of Fatigue. If a Medical attention is any Action taken to treat injuries. Such efforts can
character is both unconscious and deprived of a fresh source of range from the application of healing drugs, to a successful Medicae
oxygen, he suffers 1d10 Damage each Round until he dies. Armour Test, or even using Psychic Powers. Medical attention can provide
and Toughness cannot reduce this damage. immediate recovery or can speed the process of natural healing. For
additional information, see the Medicae Skill on page 83.
The duration of a state of unconsciousness is usually included in the
description of the effect that caused it, but if no other duration is given,
Fear, Insanity, and Corruption
The Shock Table
Roll a d100 and add 10 for every degree of failure.
Roll Result
The character is badly startled. He may only take a single Half Action in his next Turn, but afterwards he may act normally.
Fear grips the character and he begins to shake and tremble. He is at a –10 penalty on all Tests for the rest of the encounter unless he can recover his
wits (see Shock and Snapping out of it, page 295).
Reeling with shock, the character backs away from the thing that confronts them. The character cannot willingly approach the object of his fear, but may
otherwise act normally, with a –10 penalty on all Tests until the end of the encounter. The character gains 1 Insanity Point.
The character is frozen by terror. The character may make no Actions until he snaps out of it. After snapping out of it, the character will make all Tests
with a –10 penalty for the rest of the encounter. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
Panic grips the character. He must flee the source of his fear, if able, as fast as he can, and if prevented from doing so, he may only take Half Actions
and is at a –20 penalty to all Tests. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points. Once away from the danger, he must successfully snap out of it to regain
Fainting dead away, the character keels over and remains unconscious for 1d5 Rounds. Once he regain consciousness, he is still shaken and takes all
Tests with a –10 penalty until the end of the encounter. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
Totally overcome, the character screams and vomits uncontrollably for 1d5 Rounds. During this time he is helpless, may do nothing and drop anything
he is holding. Afterwards, until the end of the encounter, the character may only take a single Half Action each Turn until he can rest. The character
gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
The character laughs hysterically and randomly attacks anything near him in a manic frenzy, firing wildly or using whatever weapon he has to hand. This
effect lasts until the character snaps out of it, or until he is knocked unconscious. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
The character crumples to the ground for 1d5+1 Rounds sobbing, babbling, and tearing at his own flesh, and may do nothing. Even after he returns to
his senses, he is a complete mess and at a –20 penalty on all Tests until the end of the encounter. The character gains 1d5+1 Insanity Points.
The character’s mind snaps and he becomes catatonic for 1d5 hours and may not be roused. The character gains 1d10 Insanity Points.
The character is so affected that he begins to see strange and terrible visions as his hold on reality shatters. The character suffers the effects of “acute
hallucinations” (see Disorders, page 297) for 2d10 Rounds. After the hallucinations fade, the character will make all Tests with a –20 penalty while the
encounter lasts. The character gains 2d10 Insanity Points and takes 1d10 points of permanent Willpower damage.

Mental Traumas
Roll 1d100 and add +10 for every degree of failure.
Roll Result
The character becomes withdrawn and quiet. The character is at –10 to all Fellowship-based Tests. This lasts for 3d10 hours.
The character must compulsively perform an action such as fevered praying, frantically cleaning a weapon, reciting verse, and so on, and pays little
attention to anything else. All Tests that are based on Intelligence, Fellowship, or Perception suffer a –10 penalty. This effect lasts for 3d10 hours.
The character is constantly fearful, seeing danger everywhere, and is extremely jumpy. The character gains a +10 bonus to all Perception-based Tests
and is at a –10 penalty to his Willpower for the next 1d5 days.
The character suffers from a temporary severe phobia (see Disorders, page 296). This effect lasts for 1d5 days.
The character reacts to the slightest stress or pressure by becoming extremely agitated. When performing any task that involves a Test, the character
must first pass a Willpower Test or suffer a –10 modifier to the Test. If the character gets into combat, all Tests during combat automatically
suffer a –10 modifier. This effect lasts for 1d5 days.
The character suffers vivid and extreme nightmares whenever he tries to sleep. The next day and for the next 1d10 days, the character will be
exhausted by lack of sleep and gains a level of fatigue. This effect lasts for 1d5 days.
The character is struck dumb and is unable to speak. This lasts for 1d5 days.
Extremely distressed and unfocused, the character refuses to eat or drink and looks in a terrible state. The character takes a –10 penalty to all
Characteristics (no Characteristic can be reduced below 1) for 1d10 days.
The character temporarily becomes hysterically blind or deaf. This effect lasts for 1d10 days.
The character becomes completely traumatised and virtually unresponsive. He can’t initiate actions but may be gently led. This effect lasts for 1d10

See GM
Using Psychic Techniques
When a psyker uses a psychic technique, he has a choice of using it at Fettered Psychic Strength (Half of his Active Psy Rating, rounding up),
Unfettered Psychic Strength (Full Psy Rating) strength, or he may try to Push it.Depending on the strength used, consult the following chart and apply
the appropriate result.
Pushing Psychic Techniques
Astropaths and other sanctioned psykers may add up to +3 to their Psy Rating when determining the final pushed strength of the power. Other psykers
have a deeper connection to the wild surges of the warp and may add up to +4 to their final psy rating push result but at even greater risk. Any push can
result in scores over ten, but if a psyker has more than one source increasing the final effective Psy Rating, only the highest is applied.
Focus Power
Any use of a psychic technique starts with the Focus Power Action. This is usually represented by a Test, either Skill or Characteristic, to make the
power function or to generate successes. Focus Power is the catch-all phrase used to encompass the many different tests that may be required—
Willpower, Psyniscience, etc. In any Focus Power Test, the Psyker adds +5 to his Focus Power score for each level of Psy Rating. A result of “100” on
this Test always indicates failure. If something adds or subtracts from a psyker’s Focus Power score, that means it directly adds or subtracts from the
Test(s) required for a given power or technique. Some psychic
powers and psychic techniques do not require a roll, but they all require this Instant Action to Focus Power. If a Test is not required to use a power or
technique, it will not trigger a Psychic Phenomena check if used at the Unfettered Psychic Strength level. Any power used at the Push Psychic Strength
will always trigger a phenomena check as indicated on table Table 6–2: Psychic Strength.
Sustaining Multiple Powers
Maintaining two powers at the same time reduces the effective Psy Rating of both powers by 2. Maintaining three powers reduces the Psy Rating of all
powers by 3 and so on. No additional roll is required, but if the Psy Rating of a given power drops to zero, it is no longer maintainable and ends. If a
character suffers Psychic Phenomena while maintaining multiple active powers, the additional energy he is channeling is likely to go out of control or
otherwise worsen matters, adding +10 to the result rolled on the chart per additional
power he is maintaining.
Range and Line of Sight
Unless noted in their descriptions, psychic powers that are targeted directly against other individuals require the psyker to either have line of sight or
otherwise be ‘aware’ of the target of his powers, as well as the target to be inside the power’s stated range.
Opposed Tests and Multiple Targets
Where a psychic power is being used against multiple
targets, each of which may make an Opposed Test against its effects, roll once for the Psyker and have all those opposing individually test against this
single result.
Detecting Psychic Techniques
All psykers can Test Psyniscience when Psychic Techniques are in effect in their presence in order to determine their source (see Chapter III: Skills,
page 84 for details on this skill).

Psychic Strength
Class of Psyker Astropaths and other Sanctioned Psykers
Fettered (Psy Rating/2) No check, the power is activated.
Unfettered (Psy Rating) If the psyker rolls doubles during a Focus Power Test, roll on the Psychic Phenomena Table (see page 160).
Push (Psy Rating +1 to +3/+4) Make a check against the Psychic Phenomena Table at +5 per +1 rating desired, up to a maximum of +3/+15.
Sustaining Multiple Powers +10 to all rolls on the Psychic Phenomena Table

Class of Psyker Renegade Psykers And Sorcerers

Fettered (Psy Rating/2) No check, the power is activated.
Unfettered (Psy Rating) If the psyker rolls doubles during a Focus Power Test, roll on the Psychic Phenomena Table (see page 160),
add +5 per Psy Rating used.
Push (Psy Rating +1 to +3/+4) Make a check against the Psychic Phenomena Table at +10 per +1 rating desired, up to a maximum of +4/+40.
Sustaining Multiple Powers +10 to all rolls on the Psychic Phenomena Table
Ship Combat
Manoeuvre Actions
Action Test Benefit
Adjust Bearing Challenging (+0) Pilot (Space Craft)+ Manoeuvrability Turn earlier than normal
Adjust Speed Challenging (+0) Pilot (Space Craft)+ Manoeuvrability Move faster or slower than normal
Adjust Speed & Bearing Hard (–20) Pilot (Space Craft)+ Manoeuvrability Turn earlier than normal while moving faster or
slower than normal
Come to New Heading Difficult (–10) Pilot (Space Craft)+ Manoeuvrability Make two turns in one Round
Disengage Opposed Challenging (+0) Pilot (Space Craft)+ Manoeuvrability Escape combat
Evasive Manoeuvres Difficult (–10) Pilot (Space Craft)+ Manoeuvrability Inflicts penalties on enemy fire

Shooting Actions
Ballistic Skill Test, + Modifiers to fire any number of weapons. When firing at up to 2x range, -10 BS. When firing at ½ range, +10 BS.
Macrobatteries: 1 hit per success up to Str. Subtract Void Shields from hits once per turn per attacker. Damage per hit. Subtract Armor from dmg.
Lances: 1 hit for success, 1 more per 3 successes. Ignore armor.
If successes = Crit Rating, 1d5 on Crit Chart.
Damage is dealt to Hull Integrity. 1 loss of Hull Integrity causes 1 Crew and 1 Morale Loss. If Hull Integrity = 0, Crippled. Speed is halved, -10 to
Manuverability and Detection, Str of all Weapons halved, damage from all further hits goes directly to Crit Chart.

Extended Actions
Action Test Benefit
Active Augury Scrutiny + Detection Scans the area
Aid the Machine Spirit Tech-Use Bonus to Detection or Manoeuvrability
Disinformation Deceive or Blather Raises Morale
Emergency Repairs Tech-Use Repair damaged, depressurised, or unpowered Components
Flank Speed Tech-Use Gain additional movement
Focused Augury Scrutiny + Detection Detailed scan of one target
Hail the Enemy Interaction Skill Communicates with another ship
Hit and Run Pilot (Space Craft),Command Board enemy ship, cause damage, and return
Hold Fast! Willpower Reduces Morale Damage
Jam Communications Tech-Use Stops target from sending vox signals
Lock on Target Scrutiny + Detection Bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests with one weapon component
Prepare to Repel Boarders! Command Bonus to Command Test vs. enemy boarding actions
Put Your Backs Into It! Intimidate or Charm Bonus to various actions
Triage Medicae Reduces Crew Population Damage

Critical Hits 9–10. Hull Breach:

The attacker selects 1d5 Components (only choosing ones he knows
Roll Result
of, and not including the bridge). Roll a d10 for each; on a 1-7 the
1. Holed:
Component is damaged and depressurized. On an 8–10 the
The attacker selects one Component (only choosing ones he knows of
Component is destroyed, and all crew inside are killed. Instead of
) that is not the bridge or plasma/warp drives. This Component is
rolling for Crew Population and Morale damage separately, the ship
reduces both of its current values by half.
2. Internal Damage:
11. Catastrophic Damage:
The attacker selects one Component (only choosing ones he knows of
Roll 1d10. On a 1-7, the ship is hulked. On a 8-9, the ship’s plasma
) that is not the bridge or plasma/warp drives. This Component is
drive explodes. On a 10, the ship’s warp drive explodes instead (if the
ship does not have a warp drive, it suffers a plasma drive explosion).
3. Sensors damaged:
-Space Hulk
Until the damage is repaired, all shooting tests suffer a –30 to hit, and
Roll 1d10 for each Component. On a 1–2, it is miraculously untouched,
all sensory tests to detect anything beyond the ship’s immediate
but is unpowered. On a 3-7, it is depressurized and damaged. On a 9–
engagement range automatically fail. Additionally, as the arrays are
10, it is completely destroyed, and all crew inside are killed. Reduce
located outside the hull, any repairs must be attempted in the void.
Crew Population to 1d10.
4. Thrusters damaged:
-Plasma Drive Explosion
Roll 1d10. On a 1-7, the ship can still manoeuvre, albeit slowly.
All starships within 1d10 VUs of the stricken craft must make a Hard (–
Reduce the ship’s Manoeuvrability bonus by –20. On an 8–10, the
20) Pilot (Space Craft)+Manoeuvrability Test or be struck by the
thrusters are completely damaged. The ship cannot turn. This damage
flaming debris of the destroyed vessel. Treat this as 1d5 macrobattery
can be repaired.
hits doing 1d10+4 damage each, that void shields and armour will
5. Fire!:
protect against normally.
The attacker selects one Component (only choosing ones he knows of
-Warp Drive Explosion
) that is not the bridge or plasma/warp drive—this Component is now
Any starship within 2d10 VUs of the stricken craft must make a Hard (–
on fire. The fire follows all the rules for shipboard fires.
20) Pilot (Space Craft)+Manoeuvrability Test or be struck by the
6. Engines Crippled:
chaos-storm, taking the equivalent of one lance strike doing 1d10
Roll 1d10. on a 1-7, the plasma drives are still usable, though heavily
damage that void shields will not protect against. Additionally, every
damaged. Reduce the ship’s Speed by half. On an 8–10, the drives are
starship within 1d5 VUs of the stricken vessel must make a second
completely wrecked. Reduce the ship’s Speed to 1. This damage can
Challenging (+0) Pilot Space Craft)+Manoeuvrability Test, or be
be repaired.
sucked into the rift. What happens next is up to the GM, but should be
7. Surly Techsprites:
suitably horrible. Mass possessions and manifesting daemons are the
Roll 1d10 for every Component. On a 4 or higher, the Component now
norm, while the crew frantically tries to activate the Geller Field. The
counts as unpowered. Each Component must be repaired individually
survival of those onboard the ship should by no means be guaranteed.
before it can receive power again. Morale takes 1d5 damage from the
spooky atmosphere.
8. Decapitation:
All crewmembers on the bridge must make a Dodge reaction or be hit
by shrapnel doing 2d10 Explosive damage. If the damage result is 12
or higher, the bridge Component is also depressurized. If the damage
result is 16 or higher, the Component is damaged.

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