QuickRide logcatBackUp

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--------- beginning of main

03-30 06:18:08.562 32503 32503 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since

process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-30 06:18:08.599 32503 32518 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 06:18:08.614 32503 32503 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 06:18:08.680 32503 32503 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 06:18:08.680 32503 32503 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 06:18:08.710 32503 32503 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-30 06:18:08.759 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-30 06:18:08.761 32503 32503 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-30 06:18:08.761 32503 32503 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 06:18:08.761 32503 32503 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 06:18:08.761 32503 32503 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 06:18:08.761 32503 32503 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 06:18:08.858 32503 32503 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-30 06:18:08.874 32503 32503 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-30 06:18:08.878 32503 32503 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-30 06:18:08.926 32503 32568 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-30 06:18:08.926 32503 32568 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 06:18:08.955 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-30 06:18:08.961 32503 32503 V Font : Change font:2
03-30 06:18:08.966 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-30 06:18:09.010 32503 32563 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-30 06:18:09.011 32503 32563 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-30 06:18:09.011 32503 32563 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-30 06:18:09.011 32503 32563 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-30 06:18:09.196 32503 32584 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-30 06:18:09.310 32503 32584 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-30 06:18:09.334 32503 32584 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-30 06:18:09.334 32503 32584 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-30 06:18:09.334 32503 32584 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-30 06:18:09.399 32503 32503 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-30 06:18:09.402 32503 32503 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-30 06:18:09.420 32503 32503 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-30 06:18:09.422 32503 32503 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-30 06:18:09.439 32503 32653 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-30 06:18:09.487 32503 32663 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-30 06:18:09.492 32503 32663 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-30 06:18:09.493 32503 32503 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-30 06:18:09.494 32503 32503 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 06:18:09.495 32503 32663 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-30 06:18:09.495 32503 32503 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 06:18:09.496 32503 32663 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-30 06:18:09.497 32503 32663 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-30 06:18:09.498 32503 32663 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-30 06:18:09.500 32503 32663 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-30 06:18:09.502 32503 32663 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-30 06:18:09.504 32503 32584 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-30 06:18:09.504 32503 32663 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-30 06:18:09.507 32503 32584 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-30 06:18:09.529 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-30 06:18:09.532 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-30 06:18:09.532 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 06:18:09.535 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-30 06:18:09.537 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 06:18:09.537 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 06:18:09.537 32503 32671 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-30 06:18:09.538 32503 32571 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-30 06:18:09.557 32503 32671 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-30 06:18:09.560 32503 32663 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-30 06:18:09.560 32503 32663 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-30 06:18:09.561 32503 32673 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-30 06:18:09.563 32503 32673 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
03-30 06:18:09.564 32503 32649 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-30 06:18:09.577 32503 32663 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-30 06:18:09.579 32503 32571 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-30 06:18:09.580 32503 32571 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-30 06:18:09.582 32503 32675 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
03-30 06:18:09.584 32503 32675 E b : Error: No value for data
03-30 06:18:09.586 32503 32571 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 06:18:09.588 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 06:18:09.588 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-30 06:18:09.598 32503 32571 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 06:18:09.603 32503 32571 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 06:18:09.614 32503 32581 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-30 06:18:09.624 32503 32581 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
03-30 06:18:09.753 32503 32571 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-30 06:18:09.781 32503 32571 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-30 06:18:09.781 32503 32503 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-30 06:18:09.976 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 06:18:09.978 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 06:18:10.012 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 06:18:10.013 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 06:18:10.013 32503 32671 I
03-30 06:18:10.035 32503 32750 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-30 06:18:10.116 32503 32671 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 06:18:10.117 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-30 06:18:10.120 32503 32671 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-30 06:18:10.136 32503 32671 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-30 06:18:10.140 32503 32671 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 06:18:10.143 32503 32671 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 06:18:10.187 32503 32671 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-30 06:18:10.188 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 06:18:10.188 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-30 06:18:10.188 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 06:18:10.188 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 06:18:10.188 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-30 06:18:10.189 32503 572 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-30 06:18:10.189 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 06:18:10.192 32503 574 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 06:18:10.193 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-30 06:18:10.206 32503 32671 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 672 ms
03-30 06:18:10.232 32503 574 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-30 06:18:10.232 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
03-30 06:18:10.235 32503 32503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 06:18:13.191 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-30 06:18:13.198 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585507693192
03-30 06:18:13.198 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 06:18:13.202 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
03-30 06:18:13.202 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 06:18:13.203 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 06:18:13.205 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585507693204
03-30 06:18:13.205 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 06:18:13.207 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
03-30 06:18:13.207 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 06:18:13.209 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 06:18:13.219 32503 571 D
03-30 06:18:13.219 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-30 06:18:13.227 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-30 06:18:13.227 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connecting to
IOT Core
03-30 06:18:13.227 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connecting to
IOT Core
03-30 06:18:13.227 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 06:18:13.228 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 06:18:13.235 32503 1770 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 06:18:13.235 32503 1768 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 06:18:13.240 32503 571 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-30 06:18:13.240 32503 571 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-30 06:18:13.240 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 06:18:13.241 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :riderride/chat/71447610
03-30 06:18:13.241 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 06:18:13.241 32503 571 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-30 06:18:13.241 32503 571 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 06:18:13.319 32503 1763 I afm : metrics collection is enabled, username:
03-30 06:18:13.319 32503 1762 I afm : metrics collection is enabled, username:
03-30 06:18:13.319 32503 1762 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 06:18:13.319 32503 1763 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 06:18:13.320 32503 1763 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connecting
03-30 06:18:13.320 32503 1762 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connecting
--------- beginning of main
03-30 11:17:03.432 15416 15416 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-30 11:17:03.465 15416 15428 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 11:17:03.476 15416 15416 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 11:17:03.513 15416 15416 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 11:17:03.513 15416 15416 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 11:17:03.530 15416 15416 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-30 11:17:03.544 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-30 11:17:03.546 15416 15416 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-30 11:17:03.546 15416 15416 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 11:17:03.546 15416 15416 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 11:17:03.546 15416 15416 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 11:17:03.546 15416 15416 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 11:17:03.606 15416 15416 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-30 11:17:03.611 15416 15416 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-30 11:17:03.613 15416 15416 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-30 11:17:03.633 15416 15439 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-30 11:17:03.633 15416 15439 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 11:17:03.654 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-30 11:17:03.654 15416 15416 V Font : Change font:2
03-30 11:17:03.654 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-30 11:17:03.700 15416 15437 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-30 11:17:03.700 15416 15437 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-30 11:17:03.700 15416 15437 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-30 11:17:03.700 15416 15437 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-30 11:17:03.718 15416 15452 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-30 11:17:03.731 15416 15452 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-30 11:17:03.736 15416 15452 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-30 11:17:03.736 15416 15452 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-30 11:17:03.736 15416 15452 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-30 11:17:03.749 15416 15476 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-30 11:17:03.783 15416 15452 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-30 11:17:03.784 15416 15452 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-30 11:17:03.866 15416 15416 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-30 11:17:03.867 15416 15416 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-30 11:17:03.877 15416 15416 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-30 11:17:03.879 15416 15416 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-30 11:17:03.890 15416 15416 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-30 11:17:03.891 15416 15416 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 11:17:03.892 15416 15416 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 11:17:03.896 15416 15488 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-30 11:17:03.898 15416 15488 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-30 11:17:03.899 15416 15488 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-30 11:17:03.900 15416 15488 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-30 11:17:03.901 15416 15488 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-30 11:17:03.901 15416 15488 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-30 11:17:03.904 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-30 11:17:03.904 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-30 11:17:03.904 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 11:17:03.906 15416 15488 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-30 11:17:03.907 15416 15488 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-30 11:17:03.908 15416 15488 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-30 11:17:03.911 15416 15441 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-30 11:17:03.914 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-30 11:17:03.914 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 11:17:03.914 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 11:17:03.914 15416 15494 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-30 11:17:03.922 15416 15441 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-30 11:17:03.922 15416 15441 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-30 11:17:03.927 15416 15494 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-30 11:17:03.928 15416 15497 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-30 11:17:03.931 15416 15497 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
03-30 11:17:03.932 15416 15480 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-30 11:17:03.933 15416 15441 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 11:17:03.936 15416 15441 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#2 identical 1 line
03-30 11:17:03.938 15416 15441 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 11:17:03.938 15416 15488 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-30 11:17:03.942 15416 15488 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-30 11:17:03.949 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 11:17:03.949 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-30 11:17:03.958 15416 15498 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {MsgClassName=com.disha.quickride.domain.model.RideStatus,
IS_USER_NOTIFICATION=false, MQTT_TOPIC_NAME=userMsg/80505603530934}
03-30 11:17:03.964 15416 15498 E NetcoreSDK: Error: Unterminated object at
character 421 of {MsgClassName=com.disha.quickride.domain.model.RideStatus,
IS_USER_NOTIFICATION=false, MQTT_TOPIC_NAME=userMsg/80505603530934}
03-30 11:17:03.964 15416 15498 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
03-30 11:17:03.964 15416 15498 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
03-30 11:17:03.968 15416 15488 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-30 11:17:03.984 15416 15451 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-30 11:17:03.991 15416 15451 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
03-30 11:17:03.999 15416 15441 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-30 11:17:04.012 15416 15441 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-30 11:17:04.013 15416 15416 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-30 11:17:04.208 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 11:17:04.208 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 11:17:04.211 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 11:17:04.212 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 11:17:04.212 15416 15494 I
03-30 11:17:04.216 15416 15507 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-30 11:17:04.239 15416 15494 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:17:04.240 15416 15494 D
03-30 11:17:04.251 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-30 11:17:04.254 15416 15494 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-30 11:17:04.263 15416 15494 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-30 11:17:04.269 15416 15494 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 11:17:04.272 15416 15494 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 11:17:04.282 15416 15494 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{MsgClassName=com.disha.quickride.domain.model.RideStatus,
IS_USER_NOTIFICATION=false, MQTT_TOPIC_NAME=userMsg/80505603530934}]
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15494 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: MQTT Message
received [{"rideId":71447608,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
queID":"ridests_780335868","msgObjType":"ridests","payloadType":"full"}] from topic
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 11:17:04.283 15416 15514 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-30 11:17:04.284 15416 15515 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 11:17:04.286 15416 15515 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-30 11:17:04.286 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
03-30 11:17:04.288 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 11:17:04.296 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-30 11:17:04.298 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-30 11:17:04.313 15416 15494 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 409 ms
03-30 11:17:05.663 15416 15482 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
03-30 11:17:13.606 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-30 11:17:13.615 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585525633607
03-30 11:17:13.615 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 11:17:13.626 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 11:17:13.626 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 11:17:13.629 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 11:17:13.631 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585525633629
03-30 11:17:13.631 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 11:17:13.639 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 11:17:13.639 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 11:17:13.640 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 11:17:13.641 15416 15513 D
03-30 11:17:13.641 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-30 11:17:13.641 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 11:17:13.657 15416 15513 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447608 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447608 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 11:17:13.657 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Ride detail info
retrieval is still in progress for 71447608
03-30 11:17:13.660 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447608,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 11:17:13.670 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 11:17:13.683 15416 15513 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447608 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447608 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 11:17:13.683 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Ride detail info
retrieval is still in progress for 71447608
03-30 11:17:13.684 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447608,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 11:17:13.700 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-30 11:17:13.700 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connecting to
IOT Core
03-30 11:17:13.701 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connecting to
IOT Core
03-30 11:17:13.702 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 11:17:13.702 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 11:17:13.702 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 11:17:13.703 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 11:17:13.709 15416 15530 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :riderride/chat/71447610
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-30 11:17:13.715 15416 15513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 11:17:13.720 15416 15528 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447608 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447608 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 11:17:13.721 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Ride detail info
retrieval is still in progress for 71447608
03-30 11:17:13.721 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447608,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 11:17:13.734 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 11:17:36.056 15416 15528 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447608 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447608 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 11:17:36.056 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Ride detail info
retrieval is still in progress for 71447608
03-30 11:17:36.061 15416 15528 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447608,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 11:17:36.108 15416 15525 I afm : metrics collection is enabled, username:
03-30 11:17:36.108 15416 15527 I afm : metrics collection is enabled, username:
03-30 11:17:36.108 15416 15527 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:17:36.109 15416 15525 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:17:36.109 15416 15525 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connecting
03-30 11:17:36.109 15416 15527 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connecting
03-30 11:17:37.367 15416 15429 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
03-30 11:17:37.417 15416 15429 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
03-30 11:17:37.418 15416 15429 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on HeapTrim for 50.881ms
03-30 11:17:37.429 15416 15426 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
HeapTrim on ProfileSaver for 11.713ms
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 42360) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:18.702 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
03-30 11:18:18.704 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
rideDetailInfoRetrieval failed
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at fgz$a.a(SourceFile:276)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at fgz$a.b(SourceFile:172)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at fgz$a.run(SourceFile:252)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at fem$b.run(SourceFile:109)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7029)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
03-30 11:18:18.706 15416 15416 E
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:858)
03-30 11:18:18.710 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Adding network
state change listener to listen for network changes
03-30 11:18:18.717 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 11:18:18.717 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:18.718 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: checking earliest
ride starting time
03-30 11:18:18.719 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: starting
of listener for location update requirement
03-30 11:18:18.728 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:18:18.741 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:18.751 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:18:18.759 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:20.198 15416 15532 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.200 15416 15522 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.204 15416 15524 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.212 15416 15532 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:20.212 15416 15524 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:20.212 15416 15522 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:20.212 15416 15522 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.212 15416 15524 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.212 15416 15532 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.214 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.217 15416 15416 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.225 15416 15416 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception -Network not available :
NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR; java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.227 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.228 15416 15416 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.230 15416 15416 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception -Network not available :
NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR; java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.231 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.232 15416 15416 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.234 15416 15416 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception -Network not available :
NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR; java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.651 15416 15533 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.659 15416 15533 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:20.659 15416 15533 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.660 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-30 11:18:20.662 15416 15416 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.664 15416 15416 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception -Network not available :
NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR; java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:20.844 15416 15693 I afm : onSuccess: mqtt connection is
03-30 11:18:20.844 15416 15693 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:18:20.845 15416 15693 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:18:20.845 15416 15692 I afm : onSuccess: mqtt connection is
03-30 11:18:20.845 15416 15692 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:18:20.845 15416 15692 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:18:20.846 15416 15696 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:18:20.848 15416 15697 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:18:20.848 15416 15698 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:18:20.848 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:18:20.849 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Subscribing to
03-30 11:18:20.849 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Subscribing to
IOT Core
03-30 11:18:20.850 15416 15700 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:18:20.850 15416 15701 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:18:20.853 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Subscribing to
03-30 11:18:20.853 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Subscribing to
IOT Core
03-30 11:18:20.853 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Subscribing to
03-30 11:18:20.853 15416 15699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Subscribing to
IOT Core
03-30 11:18:22.849 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 11:18:22.849 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:22.849 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: checking earliest
ride starting time
03-30 11:18:22.850 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: starting
of listener for location update requirement
03-30 11:18:22.853 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:18:22.855 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:22.855 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:18:22.856 15416 15709 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 11:18:22.856 15416 15708 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 11:18:22.857 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:22.871 15416 15480 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=f5b08036-f110-476b-96d2-7fd9404c2ffa, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 11:18:22.917 15416 15480 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 11:18:22.953 15416 15497 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15711 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15711 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15708 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15709 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15709 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15709 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: checking earliest
ride starting time
03-30 11:18:22.954 15416 15711 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: checking earliest
ride starting time
03-30 11:18:22.956 15416 15709 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: starting
of listener for location update requirement
03-30 11:18:22.959 15416 15709 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:18:22.963 15416 15709 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:22.963 15416 15709 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 11:18:22.963 15416 15711 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: starting
of listener for location update requirement
03-30 11:18:22.964 15416 15711 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:18:22.966 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:18:22.966 15416 15711 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:22.967 15416 15711 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 11:18:22.968 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:22.974 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:18:22.974 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:22.990 15416 15472 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 11:18:23.010 15416 15480 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 11:18:23.019 15416 15480 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=012dbfe9-ee7a-42df-b706-a73a0228b57b, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 11:18:23.023 15416 15480 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=b3656ec9-3123-4d54-a140-bf972851a50b, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 11:18:23.040 15416 15511 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:23.048 15416 15511 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:23.111 15416 15497 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 11:18:23.112 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 11:18:23.113 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:23.113 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: checking earliest
ride starting time
03-30 11:18:23.114 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: starting
of listener for location update requirement
03-30 11:18:23.115 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:18:23.116 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:23.116 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:18:23.117 15416 15708 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 11:18:23.117 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:23.128 15416 15522 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:23.130 15416 15522 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:23.130 15416 15532 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:23.133 15416 15532 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:23.142 15416 15472 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 11:18:23.150 15416 15472 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=bd751983-4868-4988-a878-dd453efcb76d, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 11:18:23.213 15416 15711 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
03-30 11:18:23.228 15416 15524 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:23.232 15416 15524 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:23.243 15416 15511 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.247 15416 15511 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.254 15416 15711 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:23.257 15416 15711 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 11:18:23.258 15416 15711 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 11:18:23.259 15416 15711 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:23.275 15416 15522 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.278 15416 15522 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.303 15416 15511 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.304 15416 15511 D
03-30 11:18:23.331 15416 15522 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.332 15416 15522 D
03-30 11:18:23.360 15416 15497 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585342555&type=android -> --- 200 OK
03-30 11:18:23.364 15416 15532 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.365 15416 15532 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.382 15416 15524 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.384 15416 15524 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.414 15416 15532 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.415 15416 15532 D
03-30 11:18:23.448 15416 15524 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.450 15416 15524 D
03-30 11:18:23.484 15416 15711 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception Network available:
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; java.io.IOException: stream closed
03-30 11:18:23.533 15416 15711 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.533 15416 15711 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:18:23.629 15416 15472 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 11:18:28.233 15416 15486 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
03-30 11:18:48.749 15416 15670 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:18:48.779 15416 15670 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:48.781 15416 15670 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:18:48.787 15416 15670 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:18:48.790 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:18:48.791 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:18:53.362 15416 15497 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
03-30 11:18:53.372 15416 15449 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
03-30 11:19:18.793 15416 15731 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:19:18.829 15416 15731 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:19:18.831 15416 15731 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:19:18.844 15416 15731 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:19:18.850 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:19:18.862 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:19:48.850 15416 15847 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:19:48.869 15416 15847 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:19:48.872 15416 15847 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:19:48.887 15416 15847 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:19:48.899 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:19:48.903 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:20:18.893 15416 15853 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:20:18.923 15416 15853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:20:18.926 15416 15853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:20:18.942 15416 15853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:20:18.949 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:20:18.953 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:20:48.949 15416 15891 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:20:48.974 15416 15891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:20:48.976 15416 15891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:20:48.993 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:20:48.995 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:20:48.995 15416 15891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:21:19.000 15416 15900 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:21:19.006 15416 15900 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:21:19.010 15416 15900 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:21:19.018 15416 15900 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:21:19.019 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:21:19.020 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:22:51.122 15416 15688 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:22:51.123 15416 15688 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:22:51.123 15416 15688 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:22:51.122 15416 15689 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:22:51.124 15416 15689 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:22:51.124 15416 15689 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15688 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:22:51.131 15416 15689 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:23:20.475 15416 15933 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:23:20.505 15416 15933 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:23:20.508 15416 15933 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:23:20.522 15416 15933 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:23:20.531 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:23:20.535 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:23:50.527 15416 15983 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:23:50.545 15416 15983 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:23:50.546 15416 15983 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:23:50.555 15416 15983 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:23:50.562 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:23:50.564 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:24:15.260 15416 15976 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:24:15.260 15416 15975 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:24:15.569 15416 16454 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:24:15.569 15416 16454 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:24:15.569 15416 16454 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:24:15.570 15416 16454 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:24:15.571 15416 16458 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:24:15.571 15416 16459 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:24:15.572 15416 16460 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:24:15.583 15416 16455 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:24:15.583 15416 16455 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:24:15.585 15416 16455 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:24:15.585 15416 16455 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:24:15.585 15416 16462 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:24:15.586 15416 16463 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:24:15.586 15416 16464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:24:20.558 15416 16206 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:24:20.580 15416 16206 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:24:20.582 15416 16206 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:24:20.587 15416 16206 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:24:20.593 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:24:20.596 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:24:50.592 15416 16506 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:24:50.612 15416 16506 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:24:50.614 15416 16506 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:24:50.623 15416 16506 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:24:50.629 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:24:50.631 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:25:20.628 15416 16663 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:25:20.650 15416 16663 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:25:20.653 15416 16663 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:25:20.669 15416 16663 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:25:20.674 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:25:20.675 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:25:50.677 15416 16682 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:25:50.709 15416 16682 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:25:50.711 15416 16682 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:25:50.721 15416 16682 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:25:50.727 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:25:50.730 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:26:20.725 15416 16767 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:26:20.737 15416 16767 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:26:20.739 15416 16767 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:26:20.752 15416 16767 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:26:20.761 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:26:20.766 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:26:20.832 15416 15424 W System : A resource failed to call end.
03-30 11:26:50.755 15416 16821 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:26:50.767 15416 16821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:26:50.769 15416 16821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:26:50.787 15416 16821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:26:50.795 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:26:50.798 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:27:20.788 15416 16899 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:27:20.793 15416 16899 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:27:20.794 15416 16899 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:27:20.796 15416 16899 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:27:20.800 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:27:20.801 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:27:50.803 15416 16981 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:27:50.829 15416 16981 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:27:50.832 15416 16981 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:27:50.840 15416 16981 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:27:50.846 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:27:50.849 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:28:20.843 15416 17012 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:28:20.854 15416 17012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:28:20.855 15416 17012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:28:20.864 15416 17012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:28:20.876 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:28:20.879 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:29:17.083 15416 17053 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:29:17.108 15416 17053 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:29:17.112 15416 17053 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:29:17.122 15416 17053 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:29:17.126 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:29:17.128 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:29:45.686 15416 16451 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:29:45.686 15416 16450 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:29:45.686 15416 16451 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:29:45.686 15416 16450 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:29:45.687 15416 16451 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:29:45.687 15416 16450 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.691 15416 16450 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:29:45.692 15416 16451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:30:31.347 15416 17127 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:30:31.361 15416 17127 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:30:31.362 15416 17127 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:30:31.372 15416 17127 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:30:31.377 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:30:31.379 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:31:01.380 15416 17283 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:31:01.400 15416 17283 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:31:01.403 15416 17283 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:31:01.410 15416 17283 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:31:01.419 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:31:01.422 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:31:13.512 15416 17139 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:31:13.516 15416 17138 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:31:13.785 15416 17313 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:31:13.786 15416 17313 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:31:13.786 15416 17313 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:31:13.786 15416 17313 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:31:13.787 15416 17317 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:31:13.787 15416 17318 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:31:13.787 15416 17316 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:31:13.794 15416 17314 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:31:13.794 15416 17314 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:31:13.795 15416 17314 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:31:13.795 15416 17314 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:31:13.796 15416 17320 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:31:13.797 15416 17321 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:31:13.799 15416 17322 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:31:31.415 15416 17289 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:31:31.447 15416 17289 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:31:31.449 15416 17289 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:31:31.458 15416 17289 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:31:31.464 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:31:31.471 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:32:01.461 15416 17375 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:32:01.471 15416 17375 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:32:01.472 15416 17375 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:32:01.477 15416 17375 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:32:01.482 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:32:01.484 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:32:31.482 15416 17687 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:32:31.515 15416 17687 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:32:31.517 15416 17687 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:32:31.525 15416 17687 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:32:31.532 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:32:31.535 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:33:01.530 15416 17826 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:33:01.557 15416 17826 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:33:01.558 15416 17826 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:33:01.570 15416 17826 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:33:01.578 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:33:01.582 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:33:26.781 15416 15708 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
03-30 11:33:27.052 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:33:27.052 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:33:27.095 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker: Processing
new Event Update message :
com.disha.quickride.domain.model.EventUpdate@8cacd4e[uniqueId: ridests_780335868 ]
[time: Mon Mar 30 11:17:04 GMT+05:30 2020 ][topic: userMsg/80505603530934 ]
[eventObjectType: ridests ][eventObjectJson:
queID":"ridests_780335868","msgObjType":"ridests","payloadType":"full"} ]
[isAckRequired: true ][status: NEW ][sendTo: 80505603530934 ][ackRecievedTime: null
][expirytime: Mon Mar 30 12:17:04 GMT+05:30 2020 ]
03-30 11:33:27.095 15416 15708 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: MQTT Message
received [{"rideId":71447608,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
queID":"ridests_780335868","msgObjType":"ridests","payloadType":"full"}] from topic
03-30 11:33:27.102 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Duplicate
message ... ignoring the same
03-30 11:33:27.174 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:33:27.175 15416 15708 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:33:27.180 15416 15449 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 11:33:31.580 15416 17870 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:33:31.598 15416 17870 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:33:31.600 15416 17870 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:33:31.609 15416 17870 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:33:31.613 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:33:31.614 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:33:33.294 15416 15449 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
03-30 11:33:57.789 15416 15709 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585547333&type=android -> --- 200 OK
03-30 11:34:01.614 15416 17977 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:34:01.634 15416 17977 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:34:01.637 15416 17977 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:34:01.640 15416 17977 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:34:01.645 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:34:01.647 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:34:27.791 15416 15709 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
03-30 11:34:27.797 15416 15449 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
03-30 11:34:31.643 15416 18135 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:34:31.650 15416 18135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:34:31.652 15416 18135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:34:31.658 15416 18135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:34:31.667 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:34:31.673 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:35:01.666 15416 18169 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:35:01.680 15416 18169 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:35:01.681 15416 18169 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:35:01.688 15416 18169 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:35:01.693 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:35:01.696 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:36:04.733 15416 18337 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:36:04.748 15416 18337 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:36:04.751 15416 18337 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:36:04.760 15416 18337 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:36:04.767 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:36:04.769 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:36:43.950 15416 17309 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:36:43.950 15416 17310 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:36:43.950 15416 17310 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:36:43.950 15416 17309 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:36:43.950 15416 17310 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:36:43.950 15416 17309 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17310 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:36:43.954 15416 17309 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:38:08.419 15416 18432 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:38:08.436 15416 18432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:38:08.437 15416 18432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:38:08.452 15416 18432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:38:08.458 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:38:08.461 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:44:06.121 15416 18464 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:44:06.144 15416 18464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:44:06.145 15416 18464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
foreground service
03-30 11:44:06.159 15416 18464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Starting
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:44:06.175 15416 15416 D
03-30 11:44:06.177 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:45:26.639 15416 18453 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:45:26.640 15416 18454 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:45:26.929 15416 18542 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:45:26.930 15416 18542 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:45:26.930 15416 18542 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:45:26.930 15416 18542 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:45:26.934 15416 18545 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:45:26.935 15416 18546 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:45:26.935 15416 18544 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:45:26.939 15416 18541 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:45:26.939 15416 18541 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:45:26.942 15416 18541 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:45:26.942 15416 18541 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:45:26.943 15416 18548 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:45:26.945 15416 18550 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:45:26.945 15416 18549 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:46:57.116 15416 18538 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:46:57.116 15416 18538 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:46:57.116 15416 18538 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.118 15416 18538 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:46:57.121 15416 18537 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:46:57.122 15416 18537 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:46:57.122 15416 18537 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:46:57.123 15416 18537 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:47:10.999 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 11:47:11.000 15416 15416 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Network is not
available, will not attempt to fetch any pending data : RideDetailInfo[71447608],
PassengerRides[], RideParticipants[]
03-30 11:47:12.618 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 11:47:12.640 15416 18595 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 11:47:13.203 15416 18595 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 11:47:13.219 15416 18595 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Network is
03-30 11:47:13.219 15416 18595 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: fetching any
pending data : RideDetailInfo[71447608], PassengerRides[], RideParticipants[]
03-30 11:47:13.220 15416 18595 D
03-30 11:47:13.220 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 11:47:13.223 15416 18611 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 11:47:13.689 15416 18611 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:47:13.689 15416 18611 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:47:13.691 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Stop listening to network
state changes
03-30 11:47:13.701 15416 18612 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:47:13.701 15416 18612 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 11:47:13.793 15416 15416 D
rideViewDetails : RideViewDetails [rideDetailInfo=RideDetailInfo
[riderRideId=71447608, currentUserRide=null, riderRide=Ride [id=71447608,routeId=
61519192799665, userId=80505603530934, userName=Ankur Singhal, rideType=Rider,
startAddress=Galaxy North Avenue GC-3, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad, Uttar
Pradesh, India, startLatitude=28.6144684, startLongitude=77.4270993,
startPoint=lat[28.6144684], lon[77.4270993], endAddress=Candor TechSpace, Noida-
Greater Noida Expressway, Sector 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India,
endLatitude=28.500304600000003, endLongitude=77.4039841,
endPoint=lat[28.500304600000003], lon[77.4039841], distance=19.594, promocode=null,
rideNotes=null, allowRideMatchToJoinedGroups=false, showMeToJoinedGroups=false,
appName=Quick Ride, cancelledByStatus=true, userEmail=null, durationInTraffic=0,
cancelledTime=Mon Mar 30 11:17:04 GMT+05:30 2020, startTime=Mon Mar 30 10:45:28
GMT+05:30 2020, expectedEndTime=Mon Mar 30 11:20:28 GMT+05:30 2020,
status=Cancelled, actualStartTime=null, actualEndtime=null, rideCreationTime=Thu
Mar 26 10:41:32 GMT+05:30 2020, regularRideId=0, customRoute=false, waypoints=null,
version=0, lastUpdatedTime=Mon Mar 30 11:17:04 GMT+05:30 2020, stTime=0,
expEndTime=0, matchPercentage=0, cancellationReason=null]RiderRide [riderName=null,
vehicleNumber=UP15CR3066, vehicleModel=Sedan, vehicleMakeAndCategory=null,
additionalFacilities=null, vehicleType=Car, vehicleId=3195500, freezeRide=false,
cumOverlapDist=0.0, capacity=3, availableSeats=3, farePerKm=5.0, noOfPassengers=0,
riderHasHelmet=false, plannedStartTime=Mon Mar 30 10:45:28 GMT+05:30 2020,
rideAssuredIncentiveId=0, rideAssuredIncentiveRemarks=Ride got Cancelled],
riderRideRoutePathData=null, rideCurrentLocation=null, rideLocationUpdateTime=null,
rideParticipants=[[rideId: 71447608 ] [id: 80505603530934 ][name: Ankur Singhal ]
[image: null ][location: [latitude: 28.6144684 ][longitude: 77.4270993 ] ][isRider:
true ][startLocation: Galaxy North Avenue GC-3, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India ][endLocation: Candor TechSpace, Noida-Greater Noida
Expressway, Sector 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India ][status: Cancelled ]
[riderRideId: 71447608 ][rideModerationEnabled: false ]
[distanceFromRiderStartToPickUp: 0.0 ][pickupNote: null ]],
rideParticipantLocations=[], offlineData=false], currentUserRideType=Rider,
currentUserRiderRide=Ride [id=71447608,routeId= 61519192799665,
userId=80505603530934, userName=Ankur Singhal, rideType=Rider, startAddress=Galaxy
North Avenue GC-3, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India,
startLatitude=28.6144684, startLongitude=77.4270993, startPoint=lat[28.6144684],
lon[77.4270993], endAddress=Candor TechSpace, Noida-Greater Noida Expressway,
Sector 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, endLatitude=28.500304600000003,
endLongitude=77.4039841, endPoint=lat[28.500304600000003], lon[77.4039841],
distance=19.594, promocode=null, rideNotes=null,
allowRideMatchToJoinedGroups=false, showMeToJoinedGroups=false, appName=Quick Ride,
cancelledByStatus=true, userEmail=null, durationInTraffic=0, cancelledTime=Mon Mar
30 11:17:04 GMT+05:30 2020, startTime=Mon Mar 30 10:45:28 GMT+05:30 2020,
expectedEndTime=Mon Mar 30 11:20:28 GMT+05:30 2020, status=Cancelled,
actualStartTime=null, actualEndtime=null, rideCreationTime=Thu Mar 26 10:41:32
GMT+05:30 2020, regularRideId=0, customRoute=false, waypoints=null, version=0,
lastUpdatedTime=Mon Mar 30 11:17:04 GMT+05:30 2020, stTime=0, expEndTime=0,
matchPercentage=0, cancellationReason=null]RiderRide [riderName=null,
vehicleNumber=UP15CR3066, vehicleModel=Sedan, vehicleMakeAndCategory=null,
additionalFacilities=null, vehicleType=Car, vehicleId=3195500, freezeRide=false,
cumOverlapDist=0.0, capacity=3, availableSeats=3, farePerKm=5.0, noOfPassengers=0,
riderHasHelmet=false, plannedStartTime=Mon Mar 30 10:45:28 GMT+05:30 2020,
rideAssuredIncentiveId=0, rideAssuredIncentiveRemarks=Ride got Cancelled],
03-30 11:47:13.798 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: receiving ride
details of current user
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: riderRideClosed
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: UnSubscribing
from ride 71447608
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Leaving
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to primary unsubscriptions queue :riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RidesGroupChatCache: deleting of messages
of a ride 71447608
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15700 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Unsubscribing
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RidesGroupChatCache: deleting of messages
of a ride from SQL lite
03-30 11:47:13.810 15416 15700 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Unsubscribing
from IOT Core
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Error while
ubsubscribing from IOT Core :
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: aev: Client
error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.812 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Error while
unsubscribing from topic : riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceException: Could not unsubscribe
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by: aev:
Client error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 2 more
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 15700 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Will attempt to
add the topic name back to the unsubscriptions queue to be unsubscribed later
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 16464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Unsubscribing
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.813 15416 16464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Unsubscribing
from IOT Core
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 15700 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Pending
unsubscriptions : []
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 15700 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Stopped
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.GroupChatCachePersistenceHelper: deleting
of chat messages of one ride
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Error while
ubsubscribing from IOT Core :
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: aev: Client
error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.814 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Cancelling
notification update workers for 71447608
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Error while
unsubscribing from topic : riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceException: Could not unsubscribe
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by: aev:
Client error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 2 more
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Will attempt to
add the topic name back to the unsubscriptions queue to be unsubscribed later
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Pending
unsubscriptions : [riderride/chat/71447608]
03-30 11:47:13.815 15416 16464 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Stopped
03-30 11:47:13.816 15416 17322 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Unsubscribing
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.816 15416 17322 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Unsubscribing
from IOT Core
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Error while
ubsubscribing from IOT Core :
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: aev: Client
error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Error while
unsubscribing from topic : riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceException: Could not unsubscribe
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by: aev:
Client error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 2 more
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Will attempt to
add the topic name back to the unsubscriptions queue to be unsubscribed later
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Pending
unsubscriptions : [riderride/chat/71447608]
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 18550 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Unsubscribing
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 17322 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Stopped
03-30 11:47:13.817 15416 18550 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Unsubscribing
from IOT Core
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Error while
ubsubscribing from IOT Core :
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: aev: Client
error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Error while
unsubscribing from topic : riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceException: Could not unsubscribe
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by: aev:
Client error while unsubscribing.
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 2 more
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Caused by:
Client is not connected (32104)
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: at
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: ... 3 more
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Will attempt to
add the topic name back to the unsubscriptions queue to be unsubscribed later
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Pending
unsubscriptions : [riderride/chat/71447608]
03-30 11:47:13.818 15416 18550 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Stopped
03-30 11:47:13.837 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 11:47:13.837 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 11:47:13.838 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of listener for location update requirement
03-30 11:47:13.838 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 11:47:13.849 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 11:47:13.849 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: adding ride to
closed rides list
03-30 11:47:13.862 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447608 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447608 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 11:47:13.862 15416 15416 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) identical
2 lines
03-30 11:47:13.862 15416 15416 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447608 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447608 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 11:47:13.862 15416 15416 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: No more pending
ride detail info to be retrieved; cancelling the timer
03-30 11:47:22.370 15416 15424 W System : A resource failed to call end.
03-30 11:47:27.112 15416 18615 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x6f8e7b8748: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 11:47:27.112 15416 18615 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f8e7b8748: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 11:47:27.113 15416 18615 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f8e7b8748: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 11:47:27.113 15416 18615 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x6f8e7b8748: I/O error during system call, Success
03-30 11:48:31.355 15416 18555 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:48:31.355 15416 18556 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18869 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18865 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18865 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18869 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18869 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18869 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18865 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:48:31.996 15416 18865 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:48:31.997 15416 18872 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:48:31.998 15416 18873 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:48:31.998 15416 18874 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:48:32.000 15416 18877 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:48:32.001 15416 18877 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Unsubscribing
from riderride/chat/71447608
03-30 11:48:32.001 15416 18877 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Unsubscribing
from IOT Core
03-30 11:48:32.002 15416 18876 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:48:32.002 15416 18875 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:51:13.558 15416 18133 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x6f936a09c8: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 11:51:13.560 15416 18870 E ClientState: 80505603530934: Timed out as no write
activity, keepAlive=60,000 lastOutboundActivity=15,85,54,91,12,002
lastInboundActivity=15,85,54,91,12,169 time=15,85,54,92,73,559
03-30 11:51:13.560 15416 18871 E ClientState: 80505603530934: Timed out as no write
activity, keepAlive=60,000 lastOutboundActivity=15,85,54,91,11,925
lastInboundActivity=15,85,54,91,11,994 time=15,85,54,92,73,560
03-30 11:51:13.562 15416 18863 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:51:13.562 15416 18863 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:51:13.562 15416 18863 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:51:13.565 15416 18871 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 11:51:13.565 15416 18871 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 11:51:13.565 15416 18871 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Timed out while
waiting to write messages to the server (32002)
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.569 15416 18871 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 11:51:13.570 15416 18863 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 11:51:54.242 15416 15444 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
03-30 11:52:21.027 15416 18984 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:52:21.027 15416 18985 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 11:52:21.275 15416 19449 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:52:21.275 15416 19449 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:52:21.275 15416 19449 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:52:21.275 15416 19449 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:52:21.276 15416 19454 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:52:21.276 15416 19455 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:52:21.276 15416 19453 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 11:52:21.294 15416 19451 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 11:52:21.294 15416 19451 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 11:52:21.294 15416 19451 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 11:52:21.294 15416 19451 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 11:52:21.296 15416 19458 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:52:21.296 15416 19459 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 11:52:21.296 15416 19457 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
--------- beginning of main
03-30 11:53:20.085 19681 19681 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-30 11:53:20.111 19681 19693 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 11:53:20.125 19681 19693 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 11:53:20.176 19681 19693 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 11:53:20.176 19681 19693 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 11:53:20.184 19681 19681 W embryo : type=1400 audit(0.0:139123): avc: denied
{ map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=15814 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
03-30 11:53:20.184 19681 19681 W embryo : type=1400 audit(0.0:139124): avc: denied
{ map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=15814 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
03-30 11:53:20.200 19681 19681 E libc : Access denied finding property
03-30 11:53:20.201 19681 19681 E libc : Access denied finding property
03-30 11:53:20.204 19681 19681 D Embryo : preload com.disha.quickride, 12ms,
hwui=true, layout=false, decor=false
03-30 12:17:27.301 20456 20456 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-30 12:17:27.329 20456 20468 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 12:17:27.337 20456 20456 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 12:17:27.364 20456 20456 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 12:17:27.364 20456 20456 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 12:17:27.377 20456 20456 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-30 12:17:27.387 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-30 12:17:27.388 20456 20456 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-30 12:17:27.388 20456 20456 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 12:17:27.388 20456 20456 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 12:17:27.388 20456 20456 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 12:17:27.388 20456 20456 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 12:17:27.436 20456 20456 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-30 12:17:27.440 20456 20456 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-30 12:17:27.443 20456 20456 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-30 12:17:27.467 20456 20480 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-30 12:17:27.467 20456 20480 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 12:17:27.474 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-30 12:17:27.475 20456 20456 V Font : Change font:2
03-30 12:17:27.475 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-30 12:17:27.476 20456 20478 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-30 12:17:27.476 20456 20478 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-30 12:17:27.476 20456 20478 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-30 12:17:27.476 20456 20478 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-30 12:17:27.572 20456 20490 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-30 12:17:27.581 20456 20490 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-30 12:17:27.585 20456 20490 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-30 12:17:27.585 20456 20490 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-30 12:17:27.585 20456 20490 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-30 12:17:27.599 20456 20516 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-30 12:17:27.607 20456 20490 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-30 12:17:27.608 20456 20490 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-30 12:17:27.702 20456 20456 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-30 12:17:27.703 20456 20456 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-30 12:17:27.714 20456 20456 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-30 12:17:27.715 20456 20456 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-30 12:17:27.729 20456 20456 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-30 12:17:27.730 20456 20456 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 12:17:27.731 20456 20456 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 12:17:27.742 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-30 12:17:27.742 20456 20528 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-30 12:17:27.743 20456 20528 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-30 12:17:27.744 20456 20528 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-30 12:17:27.746 20456 20484 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-30 12:17:27.747 20456 20528 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-30 12:17:27.748 20456 20528 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-30 12:17:27.750 20456 20528 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-30 12:17:27.752 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-30 12:17:27.752 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 12:17:27.754 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-30 12:17:27.754 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 12:17:27.754 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 12:17:27.754 20456 20535 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-30 12:17:27.757 20456 20528 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-30 12:17:27.757 20456 20528 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-30 12:17:27.758 20456 20528 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-30 12:17:27.759 20456 20484 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-30 12:17:27.759 20456 20484 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-30 12:17:27.764 20456 20535 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-30 12:17:27.774 20456 20539 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-30 12:17:27.781 20456 20484 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 12:17:27.782 20456 20484 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#4 identical 1 line
03-30 12:17:27.783 20456 20484 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 12:17:27.804 20456 20484 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-30 12:17:27.812 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 12:17:27.812 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-30 12:17:27.814 20456 20543 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
03-30 12:17:27.815 20456 20543 E b : Error: No value for data
03-30 12:17:27.816 20456 20543 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
03-30 12:17:27.816 20456 20543 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
03-30 12:17:27.817 20456 20528 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-30 12:17:27.820 20456 20528 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-30 12:17:27.830 20456 20528 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-30 12:17:27.844 20456 20484 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-30 12:17:27.844 20456 20456 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-30 12:17:27.849 20456 20491 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-30 12:17:27.854 20456 20491 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
03-30 12:17:27.920 20456 20521 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
03-30 12:17:27.977 20456 20539 D b : getData: response code:200
03-30 12:17:27.977 20456 20539 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
03-30 12:17:27.981 20456 20519 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-30 12:17:28.042 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 12:17:28.042 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 12:17:28.045 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 12:17:28.046 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 12:17:28.046 20456 20535 I
03-30 12:17:28.053 20456 20576 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-30 12:17:28.078 20456 20535 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 12:17:28.079 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-30 12:17:28.081 20456 20535 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-30 12:17:28.090 20456 20535 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-30 12:17:28.094 20456 20535 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 12:17:28.096 20456 20535 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 12:17:28.107 20456 20535 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
03-30 12:17:28.109 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-30 12:17:28.111 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-30 12:17:28.113 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 12:17:28.113 20456 20610 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-30 12:17:28.116 20456 20613 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 12:17:28.120 20456 20535 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 370 ms
03-30 12:17:28.174 20456 20483 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
03-30 12:17:31.108 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-30 12:17:31.120 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585529251108
03-30 12:17:31.120 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 12:17:31.134 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 12:17:31.135 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 12:17:31.138 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 12:17:31.139 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585529251138
03-30 12:17:31.139 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 12:17:31.143 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 12:17:31.143 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 12:17:31.144 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 12:17:31.145 20456 20609 D
03-30 12:17:31.145 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-30 12:17:31.151 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-30 12:17:31.151 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connecting to
IOT Core
03-30 12:17:31.151 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connecting to
IOT Core
03-30 12:17:31.152 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 12:17:31.152 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 12:17:31.155 20456 20749 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 12:17:31.156 20456 20752 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 12:17:31.160 20456 20609 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-30 12:17:31.160 20456 20609 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-30 12:17:31.160 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 12:17:31.160 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :riderride/chat/71447610
03-30 12:17:31.160 20456 20609 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-30 12:17:31.160 20456 20609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 12:17:31.173 20456 20658 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x6f7b506748: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 12:17:31.173 20456 20658 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f7b506748: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:17:31.173 20456 20658 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f7b506748: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:17:31.173 20456 20658 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f7b506748: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:17:31.182 20456 20658 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x6f7b506748: I/O error during system call, Success
03-30 12:17:31.222 20456 20748 I afm : metrics collection is enabled, username:
03-30 12:17:31.222 20456 20748 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 12:17:31.222 20456 20746 I afm : metrics collection is enabled, username:
03-30 12:17:31.222 20456 20746 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 12:17:31.222 20456 20748 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connecting
03-30 12:17:31.222 20456 20746 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connecting
03-30 12:17:32.366 20456 20470 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
03-30 12:17:32.380 20456 20470 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 13.723ms
03-30 12:19:30.704 20456 20491 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x6f91b85988: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 12:19:30.705 20456 20491 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x6f91b85988: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:19:30.706 20456 20491 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x6f91b86048: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 12:19:30.706 20456 20491 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x6f91b86048: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 49764) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: ... 46 more
03-30 12:26:43.428 20456 20613 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 49764) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:28:00.158 20456 20613 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception -Network not available :
NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR; java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 49764) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:28:00.159 20456 20613 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-30 12:28:00.162 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
03-30 12:28:00.166 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : onFailure: connection failed.
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : MqttException (0) -
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-
south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port 37704)
after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-
south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port 37704)
after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
droid.gms@200914028@20.09.14 (100400-300565878):4)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : ... 1 more
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20789 W afm : ... 14 more
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : onFailure: connection failed.
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : MqttException (0) -
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-
south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port 44230)
after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-
south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port 44230)
after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
droid.gms@200914028@20.09.14 (100400-300565878):4)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : ... 1 more
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : at
03-30 12:42:04.762 20456 20786 W afm : ... 14 more
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: MqttException
(0) - java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-
ats.iot.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port
44230) after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-
south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port 44230)
after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
droid.gms@200914028@20.09.14 (100400-300565878):4)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 14 more
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: MqttException
(0) - java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-
ats.iot.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from /
(port 37704) after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-
south-1.amazonaws.com/ (port 443) from / (port 37704)
after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
droid.gms@200914028@20.09.14 (100400-300565878):4)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 14 more
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20786 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 12:42:04.763 20456 20789 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 12:46:30.584 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 12:46:34.259 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 12:47:33.485 20456 20849 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 12:47:33.485 20456 20848 I afm : attempting to reconnect to mqtt broker
03-30 12:47:34.141 20456 21579 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 12:47:34.141 20456 21579 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 12:47:34.142 20456 21579 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 12:47:34.148 20456 21579 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Starting
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 12:47:34.157 20456 21583 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 12:47:34.159 20456 21584 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 12:47:34.159 20456 21585 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 12:47:34.256 20456 21581 I afm : Reconnect successful
03-30 12:47:34.256 20456 21581 I afm : Auto-resubscribe is enabled.
Resubscribing to previous topics.
03-30 12:47:34.256 20456 21581 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Connected
03-30 12:47:34.256 20456 21581 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Starting primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 12:47:34.258 20456 21587 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttMessageSendingThread: Started publishing
Mqtt messages
03-30 12:47:34.259 20456 21589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicUnsubscribingThread: Started
03-30 12:47:34.259 20456 21588 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Started
03-30 12:47:34.260 20456 21588 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Subscribing to
03-30 12:47:34.263 20456 21588 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Subscribing to
IOT Core
03-30 12:47:34.264 20456 21588 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.MqttTopicSubscribingThread: Subscribing to
03-30 12:47:34.264 20456 21588 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Subscribing to
IOT Core
03-30 12:47:45.410 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 12:47:45.429 20456 21632 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 12:47:45.436 20456 20456 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-30 12:47:50.455 20456 21574 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x6f7ce51c88: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 12:47:50.457 20456 21575 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x6f7b505188: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
03-30 12:47:50.458 20456 21576 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f7ce51c88: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:47:50.459 20456 21577 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x6f7b505188: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
03-30 12:47:50.466 20456 21576 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 12:47:50.466 20456 21576 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 12:47:50.467 20456 21576 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 12:47:50.467 20456 21577 W afm : connection is Lost
03-30 12:47:50.468 20456 21577 I afm : resetting reconnect attempt and retry
03-30 12:47:50.468 20456 21577 I afm : schedule Reconnect attempt 0 of 10 in 60
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.473 20456 21577 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Connection
status change to Reconnecting
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Connection lost
(32109) - java.io.EOFException
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Caused by:
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: at
03-30 12:47:50.474 20456 21576 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: ... 1 more
03-30 12:47:51.687 20456 20486 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
--------- beginning of main
03-30 20:02:07.406 13064 13064 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-30 20:02:07.438 13064 13076 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 20:02:07.447 13064 13064 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 20:02:07.477 13064 13064 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 20:02:07.477 13064 13064 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 20:02:07.489 13064 13064 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-30 20:02:07.498 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-30 20:02:07.499 13064 13064 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-30 20:02:07.499 13064 13064 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 20:02:07.499 13064 13064 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 20:02:07.499 13064 13064 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 20:02:07.499 13064 13064 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 20:02:07.564 13064 13064 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-30 20:02:07.569 13064 13064 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-30 20:02:07.570 13064 13064 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-30 20:02:07.604 13064 13098 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-30 20:02:07.604 13064 13098 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 20:02:07.640 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-30 20:02:07.640 13064 13064 V Font : Change font:2
03-30 20:02:07.641 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-30 20:02:07.696 13064 13094 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-30 20:02:07.696 13064 13094 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-30 20:02:07.697 13064 13094 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-30 20:02:07.697 13064 13094 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-30 20:02:07.750 13064 13112 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-30 20:02:07.764 13064 13112 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-30 20:02:07.772 13064 13112 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-30 20:02:07.772 13064 13112 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-30 20:02:07.772 13064 13112 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-30 20:02:07.789 13064 13144 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-30 20:02:07.823 13064 13112 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-30 20:02:07.823 13064 13112 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-30 20:02:07.877 13064 13064 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-30 20:02:07.877 13064 13064 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-30 20:02:07.891 13064 13064 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-30 20:02:07.892 13064 13064 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-30 20:02:07.898 13064 13064 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-30 20:02:07.899 13064 13064 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 20:02:07.899 13064 13064 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 20:02:07.902 13064 13160 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-30 20:02:07.902 13064 13160 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-30 20:02:07.903 13064 13160 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-30 20:02:07.904 13064 13160 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-30 20:02:07.904 13064 13160 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-30 20:02:07.906 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-30 20:02:07.906 13064 13160 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-30 20:02:07.910 13064 13160 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-30 20:02:07.911 13064 13160 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-30 20:02:07.912 13064 13160 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-30 20:02:07.916 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-30 20:02:07.916 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 20:02:07.926 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-30 20:02:07.926 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 20:02:07.926 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 20:02:07.926 13064 13166 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-30 20:02:07.930 13064 13102 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-30 20:02:07.943 13064 13166 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-30 20:02:07.985 13064 13160 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-30 20:02:07.988 13064 13160 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-30 20:02:07.995 13064 13102 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-30 20:02:07.995 13064 13102 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-30 20:02:07.999 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 20:02:07.999 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-30 20:02:08.011 13064 13183 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {MsgClassName=com.disha.quickride.domain.model.RideStatus,
IS_USER_NOTIFICATION=false, MQTT_TOPIC_NAME=userMsg/80505603530934}
03-30 20:02:08.014 13064 13183 E NetcoreSDK: Error: Unterminated object at
character 421 of {MsgClassName=com.disha.quickride.domain.model.RideStatus,
IS_USER_NOTIFICATION=false, MQTT_TOPIC_NAME=userMsg/80505603530934}
03-30 20:02:08.014 13064 13183 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
03-30 20:02:08.014 13064 13183 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
03-30 20:02:08.018 13064 13160 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-30 20:02:08.022 13064 13185 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-30 20:02:08.037 13064 13102 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 20:02:08.041 13064 13106 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-30 20:02:08.056 13064 13102 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 20:02:08.057 13064 13106 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
03-30 20:02:08.064 13064 13102 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 20:02:08.109 13064 13102 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-30 20:02:08.118 13064 13102 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-30 20:02:08.118 13064 13064 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-30 20:02:08.126 13064 13155 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
03-30 20:02:08.160 13064 13185 D b : getData: response code:200
03-30 20:02:08.160 13064 13185 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
03-30 20:02:08.163 13064 13110 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:08.191 13064 13185 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 20:02:08.191 13064 13206 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 20:02:08.200 13064 13206 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 20:02:08.200 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 20:02:08.213 13064 13205 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 20:02:08.213 13064 13185 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 20:02:08.217 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Service
running status : false
03-30 20:02:08.217 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 20:02:08.217 13064 13185 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Service
running status : false
03-30 20:02:08.228 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 20:02:08.240 13064 13206 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 20:02:08.241 13064 13205 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 20:02:08.242 13064 13185 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 20:02:08.244 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=cd9962cd-1ec0-4174-9f8d-87f18a23daee, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:08.247 13064 13205 D
doWork is triggered; will create PeriodicWorkRequest to run regularly to refresh
pending notifications
03-30 20:02:08.247 13064 13206 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Service
running status : false
03-30 20:02:08.248 13064 13206 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 20:02:08.254 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=49d8ffde-93de-4068-ae38-6e1c47b47f71, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:08.255 13064 13185 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 20:02:08.256 13064 13185 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Service
running status : false
03-30 20:02:08.257 13064 13185 D LocationUpdateWorker: Location updates started
from Worker
03-30 20:02:08.266 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ PeriodicNotificationRefreshTaskCreator,
} ]
03-30 20:02:08.271 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=ecb93efd-cb43-4f2a-bc6e-00e2e2f9a10b, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:08.277 13064 13168 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
id=2b8c2940-370f-4f87-97b3-ed9d87ff0b7a, tags={ LocationUpdateWorker,
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:08.283 13064 13205 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
03-30 20:02:08.319 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 20:02:08.320 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 20:02:08.323 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 20:02:08.323 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 20:02:08.323 13064 13166 I
03-30 20:02:08.326 13064 13223 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-30 20:02:08.359 13064 13166 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 20:02:08.360 13064 13166 D
03-30 20:02:08.361 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-30 20:02:08.364 13064 13166 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-30 20:02:08.378 13064 13166 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-30 20:02:08.379 13064 13101 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
03-30 20:02:08.381 13064 13166 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 20:02:08.385 13064 13166 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 20:02:08.393 13064 13215 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.393 13064 13217 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.393 13064 13217 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.394 13064 13217 D
03-30 20:02:08.394 13064 13213 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.395 13064 13213 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.395 13064 13213 D
03-30 20:02:08.395 13064 13215 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.396 13064 13212 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.396 13064 13212 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.396 13064 13212 D
03-30 20:02:08.401 13064 13166 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{MsgClassName=com.disha.quickride.domain.model.RideStatus,
IS_USER_NOTIFICATION=false, MQTT_TOPIC_NAME=userMsg/80505603530934}]
03-30 20:02:08.402 13064 13166 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: MQTT Message
received [{"rideId":71447610,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
queID":"ridests_780430247","msgObjType":"ridests","payloadType":"full"}] from topic
03-30 20:02:08.403 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 20:02:08.404 13064 13244 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-30 20:02:08.406 13064 13245 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 20:02:08.413 13064 13215 D
03-30 20:02:08.420 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-30 20:02:08.423 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.423 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.428 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-30 20:02:08.434 13064 13166 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 518 ms
03-30 20:02:08.434 13064 13235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.434 13064 13235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.436 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker: Processing
new Event Update message :
com.disha.quickride.domain.model.EventUpdate@c9f360f[uniqueId: ridests_780430247 ]
[time: Mon Mar 30 20:02:08 GMT+05:30 2020 ][topic: userMsg/80505603530934 ]
[eventObjectType: ridests ][eventObjectJson:
queID":"ridests_780430247","msgObjType":"ridests","payloadType":"full"} ]
[isAckRequired: true ][status: NEW ][sendTo: 80505603530934 ][ackRecievedTime: null
][expirytime: Mon Mar 30 21:02:08 GMT+05:30 2020 ]
03-30 20:02:08.436 13064 13205 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: MQTT Message
received [{"rideId":71447610,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
queID":"ridests_780430247","msgObjType":"ridests","payloadType":"full"}] from topic
03-30 20:02:08.438 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Duplicate
message ... ignoring the same
03-30 20:02:08.454 13064 13245 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.455 13064 13245 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.512 13064 13064 D
rideViewDetails : RideViewDetails [rideDetailInfo=RideDetailInfo
[riderRideId=71447610, currentUserRide=null, riderRide=Ride [id=71447610,routeId=
61519213004296, userId=80505603530934, userName=Ankur Singhal, rideType=Rider,
startAddress=Candor TechSpace, Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, Sector 135, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh, India, startLatitude=28.500304600000003, startLongitude=77.4039841,
startPoint=lat[28.500304600000003], lon[77.4039841], endAddress=Galaxy North Avenue
GC-3, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India,
endLatitude=28.6144684, endLongitude=77.4270993, endPoint=lat[28.6144684],
lon[77.4270993], distance=19.955, promocode=null, rideNotes=null,
allowRideMatchToJoinedGroups=false, showMeToJoinedGroups=false, appName=Quick Ride,
cancelledByStatus=true, userEmail=null, durationInTraffic=0, cancelledTime=Mon Mar
30 20:02:07 GMT+05:30 2020, startTime=Mon Mar 30 19:30:29 GMT+05:30 2020,
expectedEndTime=Mon Mar 30 20:03:29 GMT+05:30 2020, status=Cancelled,
actualStartTime=null, actualEndtime=null, rideCreationTime=Thu Mar 26 10:41:32
GMT+05:30 2020, regularRideId=0, customRoute=false, waypoints=null, version=0,
lastUpdatedTime=Mon Mar 30 20:02:07 GMT+05:30 2020, stTime=0, expEndTime=0,
matchPercentage=0, cancellationReason=null]RiderRide [riderName=null,
vehicleNumber=UP15CR3066, vehicleModel=Sedan, vehicleMakeAndCategory=null,
additionalFacilities=null, vehicleType=Car, vehicleId=3195500, freezeRide=false,
cumOverlapDist=0.0, capacity=3, availableSeats=3, farePerKm=5.0, noOfPassengers=0,
riderHasHelmet=false, plannedStartTime=Mon Mar 30 19:30:29 GMT+05:30 2020,
rideAssuredIncentiveId=0, rideAssuredIncentiveRemarks=Ride got Cancelled],
riderRideRoutePathData=null, rideCurrentLocation=null, rideLocationUpdateTime=null,
rideParticipants=[[rideId: 71447610 ] [id: 80505603530934 ][name: Ankur Singhal ]
[image: null ][location: [latitude: 28.500304600000003 ][longitude: 77.4039841 ] ]
[isRider: true ][startLocation: Candor TechSpace, Noida-Greater Noida Expressway,
Sector 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India ][endLocation: Galaxy North Avenue GC-3,
Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India ][status: Cancelled ]
[riderRideId: 71447610 ][rideModerationEnabled: false ]
[distanceFromRiderStartToPickUp: 0.0 ][pickupNote: null ]],
rideParticipantLocations=[], offlineData=false], currentUserRideType=Rider,
currentUserRiderRide=Ride [id=71447610,routeId= 61519213004296,
userId=80505603530934, userName=Ankur Singhal, rideType=Rider, startAddress=Candor
TechSpace, Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, Sector 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India,
startLatitude=28.500304600000003, startLongitude=77.4039841,
startPoint=lat[28.500304600000003], lon[77.4039841], endAddress=Galaxy North Avenue
GC-3, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India,
endLatitude=28.6144684, endLongitude=77.4270993, endPoint=lat[28.6144684],
lon[77.4270993], distance=19.955, promocode=null, rideNotes=null,
allowRideMatchToJoinedGroups=false, showMeToJoinedGroups=false, appName=Quick Ride,
cancelledByStatus=true, userEmail=null, durationInTraffic=0, cancelledTime=Mon Mar
30 20:02:07 GMT+05:30 2020, startTime=Mon Mar 30 19:30:29 GMT+05:30 2020,
expectedEndTime=Mon Mar 30 20:03:29 GMT+05:30 2020, status=Cancelled,
actualStartTime=null, actualEndtime=null, rideCreationTime=Thu Mar 26 10:41:32
GMT+05:30 2020, regularRideId=0, customRoute=false, waypoints=null, version=0,
lastUpdatedTime=Mon Mar 30 20:02:07 GMT+05:30 2020, stTime=0, expEndTime=0,
matchPercentage=0, cancellationReason=null]RiderRide [riderName=null,
vehicleNumber=UP15CR3066, vehicleModel=Sedan, vehicleMakeAndCategory=null,
additionalFacilities=null, vehicleType=Car, vehicleId=3195500, freezeRide=false,
cumOverlapDist=0.0, capacity=3, availableSeats=3, farePerKm=5.0, noOfPassengers=0,
riderHasHelmet=false, plannedStartTime=Mon Mar 30 19:30:29 GMT+05:30 2020,
rideAssuredIncentiveId=0, rideAssuredIncentiveRemarks=Ride got Cancelled],
03-30 20:02:08.513 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: receiving ride
details of current user
03-30 20:02:08.522 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.522 13064 13205 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:08.529 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: riderRideClosed
03-30 20:02:08.529 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: UnSubscribing
from ride 71447610
03-30 20:02:08.529 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RidesGroupChatCache: deleting of messages
of a ride 71447610
03-30 20:02:08.529 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RidesGroupChatCache: deleting of messages
of a ride from SQL lite
03-30 20:02:08.535 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.GroupChatCachePersistenceHelper: deleting
of chat messages of one ride
03-30 20:02:08.536 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Cancelling
notification update workers for 71447610
03-30 20:02:08.562 13064 13131 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13255 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Stopping primary
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13255 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Stopping backup
Mqtt client level operations
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13255 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Core
disconnect called
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13255 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Stopping
primary Mqtt client level operations
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13255 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Stopping
backup Mqtt client level operations
03-30 20:02:08.587 13064 13255 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: IOT Core
disconnect called
03-30 20:02:08.588 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Service
running status : false
03-30 20:02:08.589 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: adding ride to
closed rides list
03-30 20:02:08.606 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: No more pending
ride detail info to be retrieved; cancelling the timer
03-30 20:02:11.404 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-30 20:02:11.419 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585557131404
03-30 20:02:11.425 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 1
03-30 20:02:11.443 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 20:02:11.443 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 20:02:11.445 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 20:02:11.446 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585557131445
03-30 20:02:11.446 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 20:02:11.450 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 20:02:11.450 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 20:02:11.452 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 20:02:11.452 13064 13242 D
03-30 20:02:11.452 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-30 20:02:11.452 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 20:02:11.463 13064 13242 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447610 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447610 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 20:02:11.464 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447610,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 20:02:11.472 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 20:02:11.479 13064 13242 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447610 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447610 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 20:02:11.480 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447610,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 20:02:11.498 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-30 20:02:11.499 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 20:02:11.499 13064 13273 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 20:02:11.499 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 20:02:11.499 13064 13273 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 20:02:11.500 13064 13276 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 20:02:11.503 13064 13242 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-30 20:02:11.503 13064 13242 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-30 20:02:11.503 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 20:02:11.503 13064 13242 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-30 20:02:11.503 13064 13242 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 20:02:11.507 13064 13217 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.508 13064 13217 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.510 13064 13273 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447610 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447610 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 20:02:11.510 13064 13273 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447610,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 20:02:11.519 13064 13273 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServiceUtils: Parsing new message :
03-30 20:02:11.528 13064 13273 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: Updating status of
ride [rideId: ]71447610 ][userId: ]80505603530934 ][userName: ]Ankur Singhal ]
[status: ]Cancelled ][userRole: ]Rider ][joinedRideId: ]71447610 ]
[joinedRideStatus: ]null ][joinedRideType: ]null ]
03-30 20:02:11.529 13064 13273 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Marking message as
processed : {"rideId":71447610,"userId":80505603530934,"userName":"Ankur
03-30 20:02:11.536 13064 13213 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.536 13064 13213 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.565 13064 13212 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.565 13064 13212 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.589 13064 13215 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:11.590 13064 13215 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 20:02:12.479 13064 13079 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
03-30 20:02:12.486 13064 13079 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 7.720ms
03-30 20:02:13.295 13064 13110 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
03-30 20:02:21.812 13064 13187 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585548267&type=android -> --- 200 OK
03-30 20:02:51.820 13064 13187 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
03-30 20:02:51.833 13064 13153 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
03-30 20:17:31.884 13064 13153 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
03-30 20:49:39.988 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: stopping
of location listener
03-30 20:49:40.043 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Stopping
timer for getting location updates from backup source
03-30 20:49:40.043 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: checking
if location update is required based on ride start time
03-30 20:49:40.043 13064 13064 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 20:49:40.050 13064 13064 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.rideview.location.LocationChangeListener: Service
running status : false
--------- beginning of main
03-30 22:23:15.541 27927 27927 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-30 22:23:15.571 27927 27940 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 22:23:15.579 27927 27927 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 22:23:15.619 27927 27927 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 22:23:15.619 27927 27927 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-30 22:23:15.632 27927 27927 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-30 22:23:15.643 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-30 22:23:15.644 27927 27927 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-30 22:23:15.644 27927 27927 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 22:23:15.644 27927 27927 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 22:23:15.644 27927 27927 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-30 22:23:15.644 27927 27927 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-30 22:23:15.698 27927 27927 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-30 22:23:15.703 27927 27927 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-30 22:23:15.706 27927 27927 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-30 22:23:15.732 27927 27954 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-30 22:23:15.732 27927 27954 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-30 22:23:15.751 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-30 22:23:15.751 27927 27927 V Font : Change font:2
03-30 22:23:15.751 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-30 22:23:15.769 27927 27952 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-30 22:23:15.769 27927 27952 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-30 22:23:15.769 27927 27952 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-30 22:23:15.769 27927 27952 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-30 22:23:15.854 27927 27967 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-30 22:23:15.870 27927 27967 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-30 22:23:15.877 27927 27967 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-30 22:23:15.877 27927 27967 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-30 22:23:15.877 27927 27967 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-30 22:23:15.892 27927 27990 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-30 22:23:15.957 27927 27967 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-30 22:23:15.960 27927 27967 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-30 22:23:15.979 27927 27927 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-30 22:23:15.979 27927 27927 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-30 22:23:15.997 27927 27927 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-30 22:23:15.998 27927 27927 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-30 22:23:16.004 27927 27927 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-30 22:23:16.006 27927 27927 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 22:23:16.007 27927 27927 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-30 22:23:16.017 27927 28005 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-30 22:23:16.018 27927 28005 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-30 22:23:16.018 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-30 22:23:16.019 27927 28005 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-30 22:23:16.019 27927 28005 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-30 22:23:16.021 27927 27958 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-30 22:23:16.022 27927 28005 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-30 22:23:16.026 27927 28005 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-30 22:23:16.026 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-30 22:23:16.026 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 22:23:16.028 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-30 22:23:16.028 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-30 22:23:16.028 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 22:23:16.028 27927 28012 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-30 22:23:16.030 27927 27958 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-30 22:23:16.030 27927 28005 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-30 22:23:16.030 27927 27958 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-30 22:23:16.031 27927 28005 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-30 22:23:16.032 27927 28005 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-30 22:23:16.038 27927 27958 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 22:23:16.047 27927 28012 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-30 22:23:16.049 27927 27958 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 22:23:16.056 27927 28014 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-30 22:23:16.057 27927 27958 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-30 22:23:16.065 27927 27963 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-30 22:23:16.071 27927 27963 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
03-30 22:23:16.072 27927 28017 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
03-30 22:23:16.072 27927 28017 E b : Error: No value for data
03-30 22:23:16.072 27927 28017 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
03-30 22:23:16.074 27927 28017 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
03-30 22:23:16.091 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 22:23:16.091 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-30 22:23:16.102 27927 28005 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-30 22:23:16.114 27927 28005 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-30 22:23:16.154 27927 28005 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-30 22:23:16.199 27927 27958 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-30 22:23:16.218 27927 28014 D b : getData: response code:200
03-30 22:23:16.218 27927 28014 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
03-30 22:23:16.222 27927 27964 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-30 22:23:16.233 27927 27999 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
03-30 22:23:16.234 27927 27958 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-30 22:23:16.235 27927 27927 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-30 22:23:16.313 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 22:23:16.313 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 22:23:16.316 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-30 22:23:16.316 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-30 22:23:16.316 27927 28012 I
03-30 22:23:16.325 27927 28031 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-30 22:23:16.339 27927 28012 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-30 22:23:16.339 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-30 22:23:16.342 27927 28012 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-30 22:23:16.351 27927 28012 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-30 22:23:16.354 27927 28012 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 22:23:16.356 27927 28012 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-30 22:23:16.367 27927 28012 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
03-30 22:23:16.368 27927 28036 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-30 22:23:16.369 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-30 22:23:16.369 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:23:16.370 27927 28037 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:23:16.371 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-30 22:23:16.376 27927 28012 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 351 ms
03-30 22:23:16.384 27927 27957 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
03-30 22:23:16.544 27927 28037 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
03-30 22:23:16.544 27927 28037 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
03-30 22:23:16.551 27927 28037 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9207 ][httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request
rate , current waiting connections 221 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server
is busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9207 ]
[httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request rate ,
current waiting connections 221 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server is
busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:16.552 27927 28037 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-30 22:23:19.369 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-30 22:23:19.390 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585565599369
03-30 22:23:19.391 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 22:23:19.404 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 22:23:19.406 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 22:23:19.408 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 22:23:19.409 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585565599408
03-30 22:23:19.410 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-30 22:23:19.414 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 1 messages read
from persistence
03-30 22:23:19.414 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-30 22:23:19.416 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-30 22:23:19.416 27927 28035 D
03-30 22:23:19.416 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-30 22:23:19.420 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-30 22:23:19.420 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 22:23:19.421 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-30 22:23:19.421 27927 28053 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 22:23:19.422 27927 28055 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-30 22:23:19.425 27927 28035 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-30 22:23:19.425 27927 28035 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-30 22:23:19.425 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 22:23:19.425 27927 28035 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-30 22:23:19.425 27927 28035 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-30 22:23:21.016 27927 28023 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585578771&type=android -> --- 200 OK
03-30 22:23:21.257 27927 27997 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
03-30 22:23:46.555 27927 28044 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 22:23:46.562 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:23:46.565 27927 28062 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:23:47.183 27927 28062 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
03-30 22:23:47.184 27927 28062 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
03-30 22:23:47.193 27927 28062 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9207 ][httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request
rate , current waiting connections 132 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server
is busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9207 ]
[httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request rate ,
current waiting connections 132 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server is
busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:23:47.194 27927 28062 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-30 22:23:51.018 27927 28023 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
03-30 22:23:51.025 27927 27980 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
03-30 22:24:17.201 27927 28063 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 22:24:17.209 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:24:17.212 27927 28082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:24:17.272 27927 28082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
03-30 22:24:17.272 27927 28082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
03-30 22:24:17.277 27927 28082 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9207 ][httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request
rate , current waiting connections 151 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server
is busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9207 ]
[httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request rate ,
current waiting connections 151 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server is
busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
03-30 22:24:17.278 27927 28082 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-30 22:24:47.284 27927 28083 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-30 22:24:47.291 27927 27927 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:24:47.292 27927 27967 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-30 22:24:47.979 27927 27967 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 22:24:47.979 27927 27967 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-30 22:38:31.157 27927 27980 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
03-30 22:38:51.242 27927 28014 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585587231&type=android -> --- 200 OK
03-30 22:39:21.281 27927 28014 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
03-30 22:39:21.290 27927 27980 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
--------- beginning of main
03-31 06:20:23.101 18659 18659 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-31 06:20:23.138 18659 18675 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 06:20:23.157 18659 18659 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 06:20:23.206 18659 18659 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-31 06:20:23.206 18659 18659 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-31 06:20:23.255 18659 18659 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-31 06:20:23.278 18659 18659 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-31 06:20:23.280 18659 18659 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-31 06:20:23.280 18659 18659 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-31 06:20:23.280 18659 18659 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-31 06:20:23.280 18659 18659 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-31 06:20:23.280 18659 18659 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-31 06:20:23.370 18659 18659 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-31 06:20:23.376 18659 18659 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-31 06:20:23.387 18659 18659 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-31 06:20:23.447 18659 18722 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-31 06:20:23.447 18659 18722 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-31 06:20:23.453 18659 18731 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-31 06:20:23.454 18659 18731 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-31 06:20:23.456 18659 18722 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-31 06:20:23.456 18659 18722 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-31 06:20:23.471 18659 18659 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-31 06:20:23.488 18659 18659 V Font : Change font:2
03-31 06:20:23.491 18659 18659 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-31 06:20:23.615 18659 18750 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-31 06:20:23.663 18659 18750 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-31 06:20:23.669 18659 18750 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-31 06:20:23.669 18659 18750 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-31 06:20:23.669 18659 18750 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-31 06:20:23.694 18659 18779 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-31 06:20:23.714 18659 18750 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-31 06:20:23.715 18659 18750 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-31 06:20:23.782 18659 18659 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-31 06:20:23.783 18659 18659 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-31 06:20:23.798 18659 18659 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-31 06:20:23.798 18659 18659 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-31 06:20:23.822 18659 18799 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-31 06:20:23.823 18659 18799 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-31 06:20:23.824 18659 18799 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-31 06:20:23.825 18659 18659 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-31 06:20:23.826 18659 18799 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-31 06:20:23.827 18659 18659 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-31 06:20:23.828 18659 18799 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-31 06:20:23.828 18659 18659 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-31 06:20:23.829 18659 18799 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-31 06:20:23.831 18659 18799 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-31 06:20:23.837 18659 18659 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-31 06:20:23.839 18659 18799 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-31 06:20:23.841 18659 18799 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-31 06:20:23.848 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-31 06:20:23.848 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-31 06:20:23.853 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-31 06:20:23.853 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-31 06:20:23.853 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 06:20:23.853 18659 18805 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-31 06:20:23.869 18659 18733 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-31 06:20:23.871 18659 18805 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-31 06:20:23.885 18659 18809 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-31 06:20:23.891 18659 18733 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-31 06:20:23.891 18659 18733 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-31 06:20:23.894 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 06:20:23.894 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-31 06:20:23.912 18659 18811 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
03-31 06:20:23.913 18659 18811 E b : Error: No value for data
03-31 06:20:23.921 18659 18733 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 06:20:23.937 18659 18799 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-31 06:20:23.939 18659 18799 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-31 06:20:23.940 18659 18799 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-31 06:20:23.957 18659 18733 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 06:20:23.960 18659 18733 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 06:20:24.053 18659 18746 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-31 06:20:24.061 18659 18809 D b : getData: response code:200
03-31 06:20:24.061 18659 18809 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
03-31 06:20:24.083 18659 18797 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-31 06:20:24.088 18659 18789 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
03-31 06:20:24.157 18659 18733 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-31 06:20:24.316 18659 18734 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
03-31 06:20:24.317 18659 18733 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-31 06:20:24.318 18659 18659 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-31 06:20:24.427 18659 18862 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585588161&type=android -> --- 200 OK
03-31 06:20:24.573 18659 18954 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
03-31 06:20:24.912 18659 18954 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-31 06:20:24.912 18659 18954 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-31 06:20:25.009 18659 18954 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-31 06:20:25.009 18659 18954 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-31 06:20:25.165 18659 18797 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
03-31 06:20:25.254 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 06:20:25.255 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-31 06:20:25.317 18659 19053 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-31 06:20:25.324 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-31 06:20:25.330 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 06:20:25.330 18659 18805 I
03-31 06:20:25.572 18659 18805 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-31 06:20:25.573 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-31 06:20:25.579 18659 18805 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-31 06:20:25.620 18659 18805 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-31 06:20:25.635 18659 18805 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-31 06:20:25.654 18659 18805 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-31 06:20:25.722 18659 18805 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-31 06:20:25.722 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-31 06:20:25.722 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-31 06:20:25.723 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-31 06:20:25.727 18659 19069 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-31 06:20:25.727 18659 18659 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-31 06:20:25.729 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-31 06:20:25.729 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-31 06:20:25.730 18659 19070 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-31 06:20:25.734 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-31 06:20:25.776 18659 18805 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 1929 ms
03-31 06:20:25.950 18659 19070 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-31 06:20:25.950 18659 19070 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
03-31 06:20:28.263 18659 18706 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
03-31 06:20:28.291 18659 18706 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 27.450ms
03-31 06:20:28.721 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=8a42c0bd-d837-486a-
be05-17bb7a9cb9e8, tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ] was
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper:
java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled.
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.a(SourceFile:1184)
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.c(SourceFile:514)
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.get(SourceFile:475)
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at sw$2.run(SourceFile:298)
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vc$a.run(SourceFile:91)
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
03-31 06:20:28.722 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
03-31 06:20:28.727 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585594228721
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=52f1b5c1-c1f0-4838-
a1af-c756f04d1ffe, tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
was cancelled
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper:
java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled.
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.a(SourceFile:1184)
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.c(SourceFile:514)
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.get(SourceFile:475)
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at sw$2.run(SourceFile:298)
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vc$a.run(SourceFile:91)
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
03-31 06:20:28.734 18659 18744 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
03-31 06:20:28.750 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 1
03-31 06:20:28.762 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
03-31 06:20:28.762 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-31 06:20:28.767 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-31 06:20:28.769 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585594228767
03-31 06:20:28.769 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-31 06:20:28.773 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
03-31 06:20:28.773 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-31 06:20:28.775 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-31 06:20:28.777 18659 19068 D
03-31 06:20:28.777 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-31 06:20:28.791 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-31 06:20:28.791 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-31 06:20:28.793 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-31 06:20:28.797 18659 19253 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-31 06:20:28.798 18659 19255 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-31 06:20:28.813 18659 19068 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-31 06:20:28.813 18659 19068 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-31 06:20:28.813 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-31 06:20:28.814 18659 19068 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-31 06:20:28.814 18659 19068 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
--------- beginning of main
03-31 12:47:08.754 10375 10375 W ip6tables-wrapp: type=1400 audit(0.0:160383): avc:
denied { read write } for path="/dev/diag" dev="tmpfs" ino=26663
scontext=u:r:netutils_wrapper:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:diag_device:s0 tclass=chr_file
03-31 12:55:53.608 10821 10821 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
03-31 12:55:53.629 10821 10833 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 12:55:53.643 10821 10821 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 12:55:53.680 10821 10821 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-31 12:55:53.680 10821 10821 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
03-31 12:55:53.693 10821 10821 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
03-31 12:55:53.700 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
03-31 12:55:53.701 10821 10821 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
03-31 12:55:53.701 10821 10821 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-31 12:55:53.701 10821 10821 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-31 12:55:53.701 10821 10821 I MultiDex: Installing application
03-31 12:55:53.701 10821 10821 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
03-31 12:55:53.752 10821 10821 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
03-31 12:55:53.757 10821 10821 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
03-31 12:55:53.760 10821 10821 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
03-31 12:55:53.789 10821 10866 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
03-31 12:55:53.789 10821 10866 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
03-31 12:55:53.811 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
03-31 12:55:53.811 10821 10821 V Font : Change font:2
03-31 12:55:53.811 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
03-31 12:55:53.829 10821 10864 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
03-31 12:55:53.829 10821 10864 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
03-31 12:55:53.829 10821 10864 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
03-31 12:55:53.829 10821 10864 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
03-31 12:55:53.902 10821 10884 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
03-31 12:55:53.916 10821 10884 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
03-31 12:55:53.920 10821 10884 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
03-31 12:55:53.920 10821 10884 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
03-31 12:55:53.920 10821 10884 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
03-31 12:55:53.933 10821 10925 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
03-31 12:55:53.951 10821 10884 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
03-31 12:55:53.952 10821 10884 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
03-31 12:55:54.038 10821 10821 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
03-31 12:55:54.039 10821 10821 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
03-31 12:55:54.050 10821 10821 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
03-31 12:55:54.053 10821 10821 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
03-31 12:55:54.064 10821 10821 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
03-31 12:55:54.065 10821 10821 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-31 12:55:54.066 10821 10821 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
03-31 12:55:54.074 10821 10941 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
03-31 12:55:54.074 10821 10941 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
03-31 12:55:54.075 10821 10941 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
03-31 12:55:54.075 10821 10941 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
03-31 12:55:54.076 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
03-31 12:55:54.076 10821 10941 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
03-31 12:55:54.076 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
03-31 12:55:54.076 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-31 12:55:54.077 10821 10941 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
03-31 12:55:54.078 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
03-31 12:55:54.078 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
03-31 12:55:54.078 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 12:55:54.079 10821 10949 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
03-31 12:55:54.080 10821 10871 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
03-31 12:55:54.080 10821 10941 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
03-31 12:55:54.080 10821 10941 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
03-31 12:55:54.082 10821 10941 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
03-31 12:55:54.086 10821 10871 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
03-31 12:55:54.086 10821 10871 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
03-31 12:55:54.089 10821 10952 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
03-31 12:55:54.092 10821 10952 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
03-31 12:55:54.094 10821 10942 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
03-31 12:55:54.096 10821 10949 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
03-31 12:55:54.107 10821 10953 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
03-31 12:55:54.109 10821 10871 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 12:55:54.109 10821 10953 E b : Error: No value for data
03-31 12:55:54.109 10821 10953 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
03-31 12:55:54.110 10821 10953 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
03-31 12:55:54.114 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 12:55:54.114 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
03-31 12:55:54.119 10821 10871 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 12:55:54.122 10821 10871 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
03-31 12:55:54.125 10821 10941 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
03-31 12:55:54.143 10821 10941 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
03-31 12:55:54.144 10821 10941 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
03-31 12:55:54.148 10821 10871 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
03-31 12:55:54.185 10821 10871 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
03-31 12:55:54.185 10821 10821 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
03-31 12:55:54.262 10821 10888 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
03-31 12:55:54.284 10821 10888 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
03-31 12:55:54.450 10821 10949 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
03-31 12:55:54.464 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 12:55:54.464 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-31 12:55:54.468 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
03-31 12:55:54.480 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
03-31 12:55:54.480 10821 10949 I
03-31 12:55:54.495 10821 10979 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
03-31 12:55:54.529 10821 10949 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
03-31 12:55:54.529 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
03-31 12:55:54.532 10821 10949 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
03-31 12:55:54.542 10821 10949 D
: getting all passenger rides
03-31 12:55:54.545 10821 10949 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-31 12:55:54.548 10821 10949 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10983 D
: UserId set to Fabric
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
03-31 12:55:54.561 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
03-31 12:55:54.562 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
03-31 12:55:54.563 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
03-31 12:55:54.563 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-31 12:55:54.563 10821 10984 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
03-31 12:55:54.565 10821 10984 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
03-31 12:55:54.566 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
03-31 12:55:54.568 10821 10821 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
03-31 12:55:54.568 10821 10949 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 492 ms
03-31 12:55:57.562 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
03-31 12:55:57.567 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585617957562
03-31 12:55:57.567 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-31 12:55:57.571 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
03-31 12:55:57.571 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-31 12:55:57.572 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-31 12:55:57.573 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585617957572
03-31 12:55:57.573 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
03-31 12:55:57.574 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
03-31 12:55:57.574 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
03-31 12:55:57.575 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
03-31 12:55:57.575 10821 10982 D
03-31 12:55:57.576 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
03-31 12:55:57.580 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
03-31 12:55:57.580 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-31 12:55:57.581 10821 11096 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-31 12:55:57.581 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
03-31 12:55:57.582 10821 11098 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
03-31 12:55:57.585 10821 10982 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
03-31 12:55:57.585 10821 10982 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
03-31 12:55:57.585 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-31 12:55:57.585 10821 10982 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
03-31 12:55:57.585 10821 10982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 39802) after 10000ms
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
39802) after 10000ms
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
03-31 12:56:32.556 10821 10899 E Fabric : ... 17 more
03-31 12:57:15.152 10821 10936 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to getquickride.com/
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to getquickride.com/
(port 443) from / (port 48962) after 120000ms: isConnected failed:
ECONNABORTED (Software caused connection abort)
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 37 more
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ECONNABORTED (Software caused
connection abort)
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
03-31 12:58:59.430 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
03-31 12:58:59.452 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
03-31 12:58:59.453 10821 10978 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
--------- beginning of main
04-01 02:29:15.863 14999 14999 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-01 02:29:15.886 14999 15012 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 02:29:15.902 14999 14999 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 02:29:15.935 14999 14999 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-01 02:29:15.935 14999 14999 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-01 02:29:15.945 14999 14999 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-01 02:29:15.955 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-01 02:29:15.956 14999 14999 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-01 02:29:15.956 14999 14999 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-01 02:29:15.956 14999 14999 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-01 02:29:15.956 14999 14999 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-01 02:29:15.956 14999 14999 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-01 02:29:16.007 14999 14999 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-01 02:29:16.011 14999 14999 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-01 02:29:16.013 14999 14999 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-01 02:29:16.023 14999 15024 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-01 02:29:16.023 14999 15024 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-01 02:29:16.024 14999 15024 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-01 02:29:16.024 14999 15024 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-01 02:29:16.044 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-01 02:29:16.045 14999 14999 V Font : Change font:2
04-01 02:29:16.046 14999 15026 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-01 02:29:16.047 14999 15026 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-01 02:29:16.047 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-01 02:29:16.105 14999 15038 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-01 02:29:16.118 14999 15038 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-01 02:29:16.120 14999 15038 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-01 02:29:16.120 14999 15038 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-01 02:29:16.120 14999 15038 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-01 02:29:16.134 14999 15063 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-01 02:29:16.140 14999 15038 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-01 02:29:16.140 14999 15038 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-01 02:29:16.265 14999 14999 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-01 02:29:16.265 14999 14999 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-01 02:29:16.279 14999 14999 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-01 02:29:16.280 14999 14999 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-01 02:29:16.293 14999 14999 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-01 02:29:16.294 14999 14999 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-01 02:29:16.295 14999 14999 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-01 02:29:16.301 14999 15076 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-01 02:29:16.302 14999 15076 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-01 02:29:16.302 14999 15076 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-01 02:29:16.302 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-01 02:29:16.303 14999 15076 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-01 02:29:16.303 14999 15076 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-01 02:29:16.304 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-01 02:29:16.304 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-01 02:29:16.304 14999 15076 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-01 02:29:16.305 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-01 02:29:16.305 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-01 02:29:16.305 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 02:29:16.305 14999 15082 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-01 02:29:16.307 14999 15030 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-01 02:29:16.309 14999 15076 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-01 02:29:16.313 14999 15076 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-01 02:29:16.314 14999 15076 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-01 02:29:16.316 14999 15084 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-01 02:29:16.317 14999 15030 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-01 02:29:16.317 14999 15030 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-01 02:29:16.319 14999 15082 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-01 02:29:16.320 14999 15084 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-01 02:29:16.322 14999 15067 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-01 02:29:16.330 14999 15030 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 02:29:16.334 14999 15030 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 02:29:16.336 14999 15085 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-01 02:29:16.336 14999 15085 E b : Error: No value for data
04-01 02:29:16.338 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 02:29:16.338 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-01 02:29:16.353 14999 15030 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 02:29:16.382 14999 15033 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-01 02:29:16.386 14999 15076 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-01 02:29:16.387 14999 15076 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-01 02:29:16.389 14999 15033 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-01 02:29:16.407 14999 15030 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-01 02:29:16.408 14999 15076 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-01 02:29:16.451 14999 15030 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-01 02:29:16.452 14999 14999 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-01 02:29:16.553 14999 15082 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-01 02:29:16.565 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 02:29:16.565 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-01 02:29:16.569 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-01 02:29:16.570 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 02:29:16.570 14999 15082 I
04-01 02:29:16.576 14999 15099 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-01 02:29:16.596 14999 15082 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-01 02:29:16.597 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-01 02:29:16.599 14999 15082 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-01 02:29:16.607 14999 15082 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-01 02:29:16.610 14999 15082 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-01 02:29:16.612 14999 15082 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-01 02:29:16.621 14999 15082 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-01 02:29:16.621 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-01 02:29:16.621 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-01 02:29:16.621 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-01 02:29:16.622 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-01 02:29:16.622 14999 15103 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-01 02:29:16.622 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-01 02:29:16.622 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-01 02:29:16.623 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-01 02:29:16.623 14999 15104 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-01 02:29:16.626 14999 15104 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-01 02:29:16.626 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-01 02:29:16.627 14999 15082 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 323 ms
04-01 02:29:16.628 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-01 02:29:19.626 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-01 02:29:19.643 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585666759627
04-01 02:29:19.643 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-01 02:29:19.647 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-01 02:29:19.647 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-01 02:29:19.649 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-01 02:29:19.650 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585666759649
04-01 02:29:19.650 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-01 02:29:19.652 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-01 02:29:19.653 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-01 02:29:19.654 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-01 02:29:19.654 14999 15102 D
04-01 02:29:19.655 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-01 02:29:19.660 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-01 02:29:19.660 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-01 02:29:19.661 14999 15151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-01 02:29:19.662 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-01 02:29:19.662 14999 15153 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-01 02:29:19.666 14999 15102 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-01 02:29:19.666 14999 15102 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-01 02:29:19.666 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-01 02:29:19.666 14999 15102 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-01 02:29:19.666 14999 15102 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-01 02:29:21.633 14999 15069 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 46128) after 10000ms
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port 46128)
after 10000ms
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-01 02:35:14.380 14999 15049 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 45392) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 02:39:57.084 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-01 02:39:57.099 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
04-01 02:39:57.100 14999 15098 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
04-01 03:25:51.856 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-01 03:25:52.305 14999 15035 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
04-01 06:18:07.139 14999 14999 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-01 06:26:09.767 14999 15681 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-01 06:26:09.779 14999 15074 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
--------- beginning of main
04-01 11:47:42.010 29271 29271 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-01 11:47:42.024 29271 29283 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 11:47:42.031 29271 29271 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 11:47:42.058 29271 29271 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-01 11:47:42.058 29271 29271 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-01 11:47:42.068 29271 29271 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-01 11:47:42.075 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-01 11:47:42.076 29271 29271 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-01 11:47:42.077 29271 29271 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-01 11:47:42.077 29271 29271 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-01 11:47:42.077 29271 29271 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-01 11:47:42.077 29271 29271 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-01 11:47:42.124 29271 29271 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-01 11:47:42.128 29271 29271 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-01 11:47:42.130 29271 29271 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-01 11:47:42.142 29271 29293 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-01 11:47:42.142 29271 29293 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-01 11:47:42.142 29271 29293 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-01 11:47:42.142 29271 29293 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-01 11:47:42.144 29271 29295 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-01 11:47:42.145 29271 29295 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-01 11:47:42.160 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-01 11:47:42.160 29271 29271 V Font : Change font:2
04-01 11:47:42.160 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-01 11:47:42.227 29271 29304 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-01 11:47:42.239 29271 29304 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-01 11:47:42.241 29271 29304 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-01 11:47:42.241 29271 29304 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-01 11:47:42.241 29271 29304 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-01 11:47:42.251 29271 29333 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-01 11:47:42.257 29271 29304 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-01 11:47:42.259 29271 29304 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-01 11:47:42.363 29271 29271 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-01 11:47:42.364 29271 29271 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-01 11:47:42.380 29271 29271 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-01 11:47:42.381 29271 29271 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-01 11:47:42.391 29271 29271 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-01 11:47:42.392 29271 29271 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-01 11:47:42.393 29271 29271 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-01 11:47:42.395 29271 29345 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-01 11:47:42.395 29271 29345 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-01 11:47:42.396 29271 29345 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-01 11:47:42.397 29271 29345 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-01 11:47:42.398 29271 29345 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-01 11:47:42.399 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-01 11:47:42.399 29271 29345 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-01 11:47:42.400 29271 29345 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-01 11:47:42.401 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-01 11:47:42.401 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-01 11:47:42.402 29271 29299 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-01 11:47:42.402 29271 29345 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-01 11:47:42.404 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-01 11:47:42.404 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-01 11:47:42.404 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 11:47:42.404 29271 29352 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-01 11:47:42.408 29271 29345 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-01 11:47:42.412 29271 29299 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-01 11:47:42.412 29271 29299 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-01 11:47:42.416 29271 29354 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-01 11:47:42.417 29271 29354 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-01 11:47:42.418 29271 29337 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-01 11:47:42.426 29271 29352 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-01 11:47:42.433 29271 29299 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 11:47:42.436 29271 29299 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 11:47:42.438 29271 29355 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-01 11:47:42.438 29271 29355 E b : Error: No value for data
04-01 11:47:42.438 29271 29355 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-01 11:47:42.438 29271 29355 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-01 11:47:42.445 29271 29299 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 11:47:42.447 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 11:47:42.447 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-01 11:47:42.455 29271 29345 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-01 11:47:42.462 29271 29307 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-01 11:47:42.469 29271 29307 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-01 11:47:42.470 29271 29345 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-01 11:47:42.471 29271 29345 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-01 11:47:42.531 29271 29299 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-01 11:47:42.619 29271 29299 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-01 11:47:42.619 29271 29271 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-01 11:47:42.808 29271 29352 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-01 11:47:42.821 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 11:47:42.821 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-01 11:47:42.830 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-01 11:47:42.831 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 11:47:42.831 29271 29352 I
04-01 11:47:42.834 29271 29412 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-01 11:47:42.868 29271 29352 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-01 11:47:42.869 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-01 11:47:42.872 29271 29352 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-01 11:47:42.884 29271 29352 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-01 11:47:42.894 29271 29352 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-01 11:47:42.898 29271 29352 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-01 11:47:42.917 29271 29352 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-01 11:47:42.918 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-01 11:47:42.918 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-01 11:47:42.918 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-01 11:47:42.919 29271 29433 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-01 11:47:42.919 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-01 11:47:42.919 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-01 11:47:42.919 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-01 11:47:42.919 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-01 11:47:42.920 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-01 11:47:42.920 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-01 11:47:42.921 29271 29434 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-01 11:47:42.923 29271 29434 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-01 11:47:42.923 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-01 11:47:42.925 29271 29352 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 525 ms
04-01 11:47:42.925 29271 29271 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-01 11:47:45.918 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-01 11:47:45.925 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585700265918
04-01 11:47:45.925 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-01 11:47:45.931 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-01 11:47:45.931 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-01 11:47:45.933 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-01 11:47:45.934 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585700265933
04-01 11:47:45.934 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-01 11:47:45.935 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-01 11:47:45.935 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-01 11:47:45.937 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-01 11:47:45.937 29271 29432 D
04-01 11:47:45.937 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-01 11:47:45.941 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-01 11:47:45.942 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-01 11:47:45.942 29271 29478 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-01 11:47:45.942 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-01 11:47:45.942 29271 29480 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-01 11:47:45.945 29271 29432 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-01 11:47:45.945 29271 29432 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-01 11:47:45.945 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-01 11:47:45.945 29271 29432 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-01 11:47:45.945 29271 29432 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-01 11:47:47.059 29271 29284 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
04-01 11:47:57.469 29271 29339 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 46248) after 10000ms
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port 46248)
after 10000ms
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-01 11:48:02.301 29271 29314 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 42646) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 11:48:45.352 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-01 11:48:45.357 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
04-01 11:48:45.358 29271 29411 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
--------- beginning of main
04-01 22:23:53.395 28901 28901 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-01 22:23:53.417 28901 28913 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 22:23:53.426 28901 28901 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 22:23:53.463 28901 28901 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-01 22:23:53.463 28901 28901 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-01 22:23:53.478 28901 28901 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-01 22:23:53.487 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-01 22:23:53.490 28901 28901 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-01 22:23:53.490 28901 28901 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-01 22:23:53.490 28901 28901 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-01 22:23:53.490 28901 28901 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-01 22:23:53.490 28901 28901 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-01 22:23:53.539 28901 28901 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-01 22:23:53.546 28901 28901 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-01 22:23:53.549 28901 28901 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-01 22:23:53.561 28901 28926 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-01 22:23:53.561 28901 28926 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-01 22:23:53.576 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-01 22:23:53.576 28901 28901 V Font : Change font:2
04-01 22:23:53.576 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-01 22:23:53.586 28901 28919 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-01 22:23:53.586 28901 28919 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-01 22:23:53.586 28901 28919 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-01 22:23:53.586 28901 28919 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-01 22:23:53.630 28901 28939 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-01 22:23:53.651 28901 28939 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-01 22:23:53.653 28901 28939 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-01 22:23:53.653 28901 28939 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-01 22:23:53.653 28901 28939 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-01 22:23:53.660 28901 28962 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-01 22:23:53.667 28901 28939 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-01 22:23:53.668 28901 28939 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-01 22:23:53.762 28901 28901 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-01 22:23:53.763 28901 28901 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-01 22:23:53.777 28901 28901 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-01 22:23:53.778 28901 28901 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-01 22:23:53.786 28901 28901 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-01 22:23:53.787 28901 28901 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-01 22:23:53.788 28901 28901 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-01 22:23:53.793 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-01 22:23:53.794 28901 28973 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-01 22:23:53.794 28901 28973 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-01 22:23:53.794 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-01 22:23:53.795 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-01 22:23:53.795 28901 28973 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-01 22:23:53.796 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-01 22:23:53.796 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-01 22:23:53.796 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 22:23:53.796 28901 28979 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-01 22:23:53.797 28901 28973 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-01 22:23:53.798 28901 28973 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-01 22:23:53.798 28901 28973 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-01 22:23:53.800 28901 28973 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-01 22:23:53.801 28901 28973 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-01 22:23:53.802 28901 28973 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-01 22:23:53.806 28901 28928 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-01 22:23:53.823 28901 28928 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-01 22:23:53.824 28901 28981 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-01 22:23:53.826 28901 28981 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-01 22:23:53.828 28901 28965 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-01 22:23:53.828 28901 28928 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-01 22:23:53.831 28901 28979 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-01 22:23:53.839 28901 28982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
04-01 22:23:53.839 28901 28928 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 22:23:53.839 28901 28982 E b : Error: No value for data
04-01 22:23:53.839 28901 28982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-01 22:23:53.840 28901 28928 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 22:23:53.842 28901 28982 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-01 22:23:53.846 28901 28928 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-01 22:23:53.850 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 22:23:53.850 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-01 22:23:53.856 28901 28928 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-01 22:23:53.863 28901 28973 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-01 22:23:53.866 28901 28973 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-01 22:23:53.866 28901 28928 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-01 22:23:53.866 28901 28901 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-01 22:23:53.879 28901 28935 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-01 22:23:53.884 28901 28935 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-01 22:23:53.886 28901 28973 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-01 22:23:54.044 28901 28979 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-01 22:23:54.053 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 22:23:54.054 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-01 22:23:54.058 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-01 22:23:54.059 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-01 22:23:54.059 28901 28979 I
04-01 22:23:54.068 28901 28993 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-01 22:23:54.085 28901 28979 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-01 22:23:54.085 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-01 22:23:54.087 28901 28979 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-01 22:23:54.095 28901 28979 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-01 22:23:54.098 28901 28979 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-01 22:23:54.100 28901 28979 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
04-01 22:23:54.108 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-01 22:23:54.109 28901 28997 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-01 22:23:54.110 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-01 22:23:54.118 28901 28979 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 321 ms
04-01 22:23:54.712 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-01 22:23:54.714 28901 29001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-01 22:23:54.717 28901 29001 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-01 22:23:54.718 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-01 22:23:54.722 28901 28901 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-01 22:23:57.109 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-01 22:23:57.121 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585738437109
04-01 22:23:57.122 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-01 22:23:57.130 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-01 22:23:57.130 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-01 22:23:57.136 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-01 22:23:57.137 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585738437136
04-01 22:23:57.138 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-01 22:23:57.139 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-01 22:23:57.139 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-01 22:23:57.141 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-01 22:23:57.141 28901 28996 D
04-01 22:23:57.141 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-01 22:23:57.145 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-01 22:23:57.145 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-01 22:23:57.146 28901 29002 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-01 22:23:57.146 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-01 22:23:57.147 28901 29004 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-01 22:23:57.150 28901 28996 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-01 22:23:57.150 28901 28996 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-01 22:23:57.150 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-01 22:23:57.150 28901 28996 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-01 22:23:57.150 28901 28996 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-01 22:24:09.129 28901 28967 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 47484) after 10000ms
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
47484) after 10000ms
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-01 22:24:13.816 28901 28944 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 43016) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-01 22:24:56.922 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-01 22:24:56.924 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
04-01 22:24:56.926 28901 28992 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
--------- beginning of main
04-02 06:28:52.848 16935 16935 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-02 06:28:52.874 16935 16947 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 06:28:52.884 16935 16935 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 06:28:52.922 16935 16935 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-02 06:28:52.922 16935 16935 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-02 06:28:52.934 16935 16935 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-02 06:28:52.942 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-02 06:28:52.945 16935 16935 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-02 06:28:52.945 16935 16935 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-02 06:28:52.945 16935 16935 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-02 06:28:52.945 16935 16935 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-02 06:28:52.945 16935 16935 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-02 06:28:52.986 16935 16935 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-02 06:28:52.990 16935 16935 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-02 06:28:52.992 16935 16935 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-02 06:28:53.007 16935 16958 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-02 06:28:53.009 16935 16958 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-02 06:28:53.017 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-02 06:28:53.018 16935 16935 V Font : Change font:2
04-02 06:28:53.020 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-02 06:28:53.036 16935 16952 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-02 06:28:53.036 16935 16952 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-02 06:28:53.036 16935 16952 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-02 06:28:53.036 16935 16952 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-02 06:28:53.104 16935 16970 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-02 06:28:53.110 16935 16970 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-02 06:28:53.115 16935 16970 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-02 06:28:53.115 16935 16970 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-02 06:28:53.115 16935 16970 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-02 06:28:53.130 16935 16994 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-02 06:28:53.136 16935 16970 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-02 06:28:53.137 16935 16970 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-02 06:28:53.215 16935 16935 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-02 06:28:53.216 16935 16935 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-02 06:28:53.228 16935 16935 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-02 06:28:53.229 16935 16935 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-02 06:28:53.239 16935 16935 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-02 06:28:53.240 16935 16935 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-02 06:28:53.242 16935 16935 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-02 06:28:53.246 16935 17009 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-02 06:28:53.248 16935 17009 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-02 06:28:53.249 16935 17009 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-02 06:28:53.250 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-02 06:28:53.250 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-02 06:28:53.251 16935 17009 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-02 06:28:53.252 16935 17009 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-02 06:28:53.253 16935 17009 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-02 06:28:53.253 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-02 06:28:53.254 16935 16960 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-02 06:28:53.254 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-02 06:28:53.255 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-02 06:28:53.255 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 06:28:53.255 16935 17016 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-02 06:28:53.257 16935 17009 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-02 06:28:53.258 16935 17009 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-02 06:28:53.259 16935 17009 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-02 06:28:53.269 16935 17018 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-02 06:28:53.270 16935 17018 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-02 06:28:53.271 16935 16999 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-02 06:28:53.272 16935 16960 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-02 06:28:53.272 16935 16960 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-02 06:28:53.272 16935 17016 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-02 06:28:53.298 16935 17019 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-02 06:28:53.300 16935 17019 E b : Error: No value for data
04-02 06:28:53.308 16935 16960 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 06:28:53.312 16935 16960 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 06:28:53.313 16935 17009 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-02 06:28:53.313 16935 17009 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-02 06:28:53.314 16935 17009 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-02 06:28:53.317 16935 16960 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 06:28:53.320 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 06:28:53.320 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-02 06:28:53.344 16935 16960 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-02 06:28:53.351 16935 16968 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-02 06:28:53.355 16935 16968 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-02 06:28:53.358 16935 16960 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-02 06:28:53.359 16935 16935 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-02 06:28:53.518 16935 17049 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-02 06:28:53.559 16935 16999 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-02 06:28:53.754 16935 17016 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-02 06:28:53.761 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 06:28:53.762 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-02 06:28:53.810 16935 17119 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-02 06:28:53.816 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-02 06:28:53.821 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 06:28:53.822 16935 17016 I
04-02 06:28:54.015 16935 17016 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-02 06:28:54.015 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-02 06:28:54.087 16935 17016 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-02 06:28:54.280 16935 17016 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-02 06:28:54.290 16935 17016 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-02 06:28:54.302 16935 17016 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-02 06:28:54.374 16935 17016 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-02 06:28:54.375 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-02 06:28:54.392 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-02 06:28:54.392 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-02 06:28:54.393 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-02 06:28:54.393 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-02 06:28:54.394 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-02 06:28:54.395 16935 17191 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-02 06:28:54.397 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-02 06:28:54.398 16935 17194 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-02 06:28:54.409 16935 17194 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-02 06:28:54.410 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-02 06:28:54.412 16935 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 1162 ms
04-02 06:28:54.415 16935 16935 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 06:28:57.374 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-02 06:28:57.389 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585767537374
04-02 06:28:57.389 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-02 06:28:57.393 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-02 06:28:57.393 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-02 06:28:57.396 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-02 06:28:57.398 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585767537396
04-02 06:28:57.398 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-02 06:28:57.402 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-02 06:28:57.402 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-02 06:28:57.405 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-02 06:28:57.405 16935 17190 D
04-02 06:28:57.405 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-02 06:28:57.417 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-02 06:28:57.417 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-02 06:28:57.418 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-02 06:28:57.423 16935 17405 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-02 06:28:57.427 16935 17190 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-02 06:28:57.427 16935 17190 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-02 06:28:57.427 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-02 06:28:57.427 16935 17190 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-02 06:28:57.427 16935 17190 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-02 06:28:57.428 16935 17403 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-02 06:28:57.959 16935 16948 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
04-02 06:28:57.976 16935 16948 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 16.784ms
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 46064) after 10000ms
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
46064) after 10000ms
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-02 06:29:03.182 16935 16974 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-02 06:29:08.342 16935 17001 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 43522) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 06:29:58.440 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-02 06:29:58.441 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
04-02 06:29:58.442 16935 17118 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
--------- beginning of main
04-02 11:40:33.924 12706 12706 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-02 11:40:33.948 12706 12718 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 11:40:33.958 12706 12706 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 11:40:33.999 12706 12706 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-02 11:40:33.999 12706 12706 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-02 11:40:34.011 12706 12706 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-02 11:40:34.021 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-02 11:40:34.022 12706 12706 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-02 11:40:34.022 12706 12706 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-02 11:40:34.022 12706 12706 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-02 11:40:34.022 12706 12706 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-02 11:40:34.022 12706 12706 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-02 11:40:34.066 12706 12706 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-02 11:40:34.068 12706 12706 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-02 11:40:34.069 12706 12706 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-02 11:40:34.091 12706 12730 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-02 11:40:34.091 12706 12730 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-02 11:40:34.095 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-02 11:40:34.095 12706 12706 V Font : Change font:2
04-02 11:40:34.098 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-02 11:40:34.109 12706 12724 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-02 11:40:34.109 12706 12724 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-02 11:40:34.109 12706 12724 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-02 11:40:34.109 12706 12724 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-02 11:40:34.140 12706 12741 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-02 11:40:34.149 12706 12741 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-02 11:40:34.150 12706 12741 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-02 11:40:34.150 12706 12741 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-02 11:40:34.150 12706 12741 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-02 11:40:34.156 12706 12766 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-02 11:40:34.160 12706 12741 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-02 11:40:34.161 12706 12741 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-02 11:40:34.283 12706 12706 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-02 11:40:34.285 12706 12706 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-02 11:40:34.294 12706 12706 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-02 11:40:34.295 12706 12706 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-02 11:40:34.302 12706 12706 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-02 11:40:34.303 12706 12706 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-02 11:40:34.303 12706 12706 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-02 11:40:34.306 12706 12777 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-02 11:40:34.307 12706 12777 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-02 11:40:34.308 12706 12777 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-02 11:40:34.309 12706 12777 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-02 11:40:34.309 12706 12777 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-02 11:40:34.310 12706 12777 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-02 11:40:34.311 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-02 11:40:34.313 12706 12734 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-02 11:40:34.315 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-02 11:40:34.315 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-02 11:40:34.316 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-02 11:40:34.316 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-02 11:40:34.316 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 11:40:34.316 12706 12783 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-02 11:40:34.319 12706 12783 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-02 11:40:34.322 12706 12777 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-02 11:40:34.327 12706 12777 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-02 11:40:34.328 12706 12734 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-02 11:40:34.328 12706 12734 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-02 11:40:34.328 12706 12777 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-02 11:40:34.335 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 11:40:34.335 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-02 11:40:34.341 12706 12785 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-02 11:40:34.341 12706 12734 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 11:40:34.342 12706 12734 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 11:40:34.343 12706 12785 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-02 11:40:34.356 12706 12760 I disha.quickrid: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked
for 11.615ms
04-02 11:40:34.356 12706 12738 I disha.quickrid: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked
for 11.715ms
04-02 11:40:34.366 12706 12738 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-02 11:40:34.368 12706 12734 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 11:40:34.368 12706 12786 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-02 11:40:34.374 12706 12786 E b : Error: No value for data
04-02 11:40:34.374 12706 12786 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-02 11:40:34.374 12706 12786 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-02 11:40:34.381 12706 12737 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-02 11:40:34.388 12706 12737 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-02 11:40:34.394 12706 12734 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-02 11:40:34.401 12706 12777 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-02 11:40:34.402 12706 12777 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-02 11:40:34.405 12706 12734 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-02 11:40:34.406 12706 12706 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-02 11:40:34.423 12706 12777 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-02 11:40:34.447 12706 12783 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-02 11:40:34.453 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 11:40:34.454 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-02 11:40:34.456 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-02 11:40:34.456 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 11:40:34.456 12706 12783 I
04-02 11:40:34.461 12706 12798 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-02 11:40:34.482 12706 12783 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-02 11:40:34.482 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-02 11:40:34.483 12706 12783 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-02 11:40:34.489 12706 12783 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-02 11:40:34.491 12706 12783 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-02 11:40:34.493 12706 12783 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-02 11:40:34.500 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-02 11:40:34.501 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-02 11:40:34.501 12706 12802 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-02 11:40:34.501 12706 12803 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-02 11:40:34.502 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-02 11:40:34.502 12706 12803 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-02 11:40:34.503 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-02 11:40:34.504 12706 12783 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 189 ms
04-02 11:40:34.507 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 11:40:37.501 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-02 11:40:37.513 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585786237502
04-02 11:40:37.514 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-02 11:40:37.520 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-02 11:40:37.521 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-02 11:40:37.524 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-02 11:40:37.525 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585786237524
04-02 11:40:37.525 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-02 11:40:37.528 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-02 11:40:37.528 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-02 11:40:37.532 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-02 11:40:37.532 12706 12801 D
04-02 11:40:37.532 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-02 11:40:37.536 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-02 11:40:37.536 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-02 11:40:37.536 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12801 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12801 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12801 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12801 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-02 11:40:37.540 12706 12813 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 48748) after 10000ms
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
48748) after 10000ms
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-02 11:40:44.193 12706 12747 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-02 11:40:49.399 12706 12771 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 39384) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 11:41:54.895 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-02 11:41:54.897 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
04-02 11:41:54.904 12706 12797 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
04-02 12:14:58.342 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 12:15:01.967 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 12:19:20.456 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 12:19:20.476 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 12:19:23.085 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-02 12:19:23.147 12706 12706 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
--------- beginning of main
04-02 22:23:36.020 22727 22727 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-02 22:23:36.051 22727 22740 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 22:23:36.057 22727 22727 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 22:23:36.097 22727 22727 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-02 22:23:36.097 22727 22727 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-02 22:23:36.108 22727 22727 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-02 22:23:36.116 22727 22727 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-02 22:23:36.118 22727 22727 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-02 22:23:36.119 22727 22727 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-02 22:23:36.119 22727 22727 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-02 22:23:36.119 22727 22727 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-02 22:23:36.119 22727 22727 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-02 22:23:36.154 22727 22727 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-02 22:23:36.155 22727 22727 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-02 22:23:36.156 22727 22727 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-02 22:23:36.170 22727 22752 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-02 22:23:36.171 22727 22752 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-02 22:23:36.178 22727 22727 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-02 22:23:36.179 22727 22727 V Font : Change font:2
04-02 22:23:36.179 22727 22727 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-02 22:23:36.223 22727 22746 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-02 22:23:36.223 22727 22746 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-02 22:23:36.223 22727 22746 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-02 22:23:36.223 22727 22746 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-02 22:23:36.270 22727 22765 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-02 22:23:36.289 22727 22765 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-02 22:23:36.291 22727 22765 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-02 22:23:36.291 22727 22765 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-02 22:23:36.291 22727 22765 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-02 22:23:36.301 22727 22790 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-02 22:23:36.321 22727 22765 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-02 22:23:36.322 22727 22765 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-02 22:23:36.389 22727 22727 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-02 22:23:36.390 22727 22727 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-02 22:23:36.399 22727 22727 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-02 22:23:36.401 22727 22727 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-02 22:23:36.408 22727 22727 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-02 22:23:36.409 22727 22727 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-02 22:23:36.409 22727 22727 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-02 22:23:36.410 22727 22807 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-02 22:23:36.411 22727 22807 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-02 22:23:36.412 22727 22807 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-02 22:23:36.412 22727 22807 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-02 22:23:36.414 22727 22807 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-02 22:23:36.415 22727 22807 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-02 22:23:36.417 22727 22807 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-02 22:23:36.418 22727 22807 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-02 22:23:36.419 22727 22727 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-02 22:23:36.420 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-02 22:23:36.420 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-02 22:23:36.420 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-02 22:23:36.420 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-02 22:23:36.420 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 22:23:36.420 22727 22815 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-02 22:23:36.421 22727 22807 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-02 22:23:36.421 22727 22755 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-02 22:23:36.430 22727 22815 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-02 22:23:36.431 22727 22817 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-02 22:23:36.438 22727 22755 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-02 22:23:36.438 22727 22755 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-02 22:23:36.439 22727 22819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
04-02 22:23:36.439 22727 22819 E b : Error: No value for data
04-02 22:23:36.439 22727 22819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-02 22:23:36.439 22727 22819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-02 22:23:36.448 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 22:23:36.448 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-02 22:23:36.449 22727 22755 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 22:23:36.454 22727 22755 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#3 identical 1 line
04-02 22:23:36.457 22727 22755 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-02 22:23:36.474 22727 22807 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-02 22:23:36.510 22727 22807 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-02 22:23:36.510 22727 22807 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-02 22:23:36.512 22727 22755 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-02 22:23:36.544 22727 22815 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-02 22:23:36.553 22727 22755 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-02 22:23:36.553 22727 22727 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-02 22:23:36.562 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 22:23:36.562 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-02 22:23:36.572 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-02 22:23:36.572 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-02 22:23:36.572 22727 22815 I
04-02 22:23:36.574 22727 22817 D b : getData: response code:200
04-02 22:23:36.575 22727 22817 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
04-02 22:23:36.577 22727 22762 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-02 22:23:36.581 22727 22840 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-02 22:23:36.591 22727 22820 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585588161&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-02 22:23:36.597 22727 22845 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-02 22:23:36.602 22727 22797 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-02 22:23:36.605 22727 22764 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-02 22:23:36.607 22727 22764 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-02 22:23:36.611 22727 22815 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-02 22:23:36.612 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-02 22:23:36.613 22727 22815 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-02 22:23:36.619 22727 22815 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-02 22:23:36.622 22727 22815 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-02 22:23:36.625 22727 22815 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-02 22:23:36.632 22727 22815 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-02 22:23:36.632 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-02 22:23:36.632 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22852 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22727 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-02 22:23:36.633 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-02 22:23:36.636 22727 22815 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 217 ms
04-02 22:23:36.703 22727 22837 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-02 22:23:36.704 22727 22837 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 22:23:36.722 22727 22845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-02 22:23:36.723 22727 22845 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 22:23:36.723 22727 22845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.724 22727 22845 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-02 22:23:36.725 22727 22853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-02 22:23:36.725 22727 22853 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 22:23:36.888 22727 22756 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
04-02 22:23:36.931 22727 22845 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception Network available:
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-02 22:23:36.958 22727 22845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-02 22:23:36.959 22727 22845 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 22:23:36.959 22727 22845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-02 22:23:36.960 22727 22845 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-02 22:23:37.089 22727 22845 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception Network available:
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-02 22:23:37.090 22727 22794 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-02 22:23:39.633 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-02 22:23:39.644 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585824819633
04-02 22:23:39.644 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-02 22:23:39.649 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-02 22:23:39.649 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-02 22:23:39.652 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-02 22:23:39.654 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585824819652
04-02 22:23:39.654 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-02 22:23:39.656 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-02 22:23:39.656 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-02 22:23:39.658 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-02 22:23:39.659 22727 22851 D
04-02 22:23:39.659 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-02 22:23:39.665 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-02 22:23:39.665 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-02 22:23:39.665 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-02 22:23:39.666 22727 22872 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-02 22:23:39.668 22727 22874 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-02 22:23:39.669 22727 22851 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-02 22:23:39.669 22727 22851 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-02 22:23:39.669 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-02 22:23:39.669 22727 22851 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-02 22:23:39.669 22727 22851 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-02 22:23:41.099 22727 22742 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
04-02 22:23:41.112 22727 22742 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 13.131ms
04-02 22:23:41.112 22727 22736 W System : A resource failed to call end.
04-02 22:23:41.112 22727 22736 W System : A resource failed to call end.
04-02 22:23:41.607 22727 22762 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-02 22:23:53.663 22727 22853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-02 22:23:53.668 22727 22853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-02 22:23:53.736 22727 22853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-02 22:23:54.062 22727 22837 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-02 22:23:54.063 22727 22837 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-02 22:23:54.102 22727 22837 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp429
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: flf: HTTP 429
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.107 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-02 22:23:54.109 22727 22837 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9207 ][httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request
rate , current waiting connections 109 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server
is busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9207 ]
[httpStatusCode: 400 ][developerMsg: DishaAPIServer is facing high request rate ,
current waiting connections 109 ][userMsg: Network is slow or Ride Server is
busy ][hintForCorrection: Please try after sometime ][extraInfo: {} ]flf: HTTP 429
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at flc$a.a(SourceFile:56)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at flc$a.onNext(SourceFile:37)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:44)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
Caused by: flf: HTTP 429
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
at flc$a.a(SourceFile:54)
04-02 22:23:54.110 22727 22837 E
... 14 more
04-02 22:24:06.593 22727 22820 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-02 22:24:06.596 22727 22803 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-02 22:35:24.542 22727 22767 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d90865548: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-02 22:35:25.136 22727 22767 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d976dea48: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-02 22:37:28.191 22727 22767 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d90865b48: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
--------- beginning of main
04-03 06:27:22.275 3042 3042 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-03 06:27:22.308 3042 3078 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 06:27:22.316 3042 3042 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 06:27:22.351 3042 3042 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 06:27:22.352 3042 3042 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 06:27:22.368 3042 3042 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-03 06:27:22.380 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-03 06:27:22.381 3042 3042 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-03 06:27:22.381 3042 3042 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 06:27:22.381 3042 3042 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 06:27:22.381 3042 3042 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 06:27:22.381 3042 3042 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 06:27:22.422 3042 3042 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-03 06:27:22.423 3042 3042 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-03 06:27:22.424 3042 3042 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-03 06:27:22.445 3042 3103 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-03 06:27:22.448 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-03 06:27:22.448 3042 3103 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-03 06:27:22.448 3042 3042 V Font : Change font:2
04-03 06:27:22.448 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-03 06:27:22.504 3042 3090 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-03 06:27:22.504 3042 3090 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-03 06:27:22.504 3042 3090 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-03 06:27:22.504 3042 3090 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-03 06:27:22.545 3042 3121 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-03 06:27:22.563 3042 3121 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-03 06:27:22.564 3042 3121 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-03 06:27:22.564 3042 3121 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-03 06:27:22.564 3042 3121 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-03 06:27:22.573 3042 3162 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-03 06:27:22.595 3042 3121 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-03 06:27:22.595 3042 3121 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-03 06:27:22.681 3042 3042 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-03 06:27:22.681 3042 3042 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-03 06:27:22.713 3042 3042 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-03 06:27:22.714 3042 3042 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-03 06:27:22.722 3042 3042 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-03 06:27:22.723 3042 3042 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 06:27:22.723 3042 3042 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 06:27:22.724 3042 3175 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-03 06:27:22.724 3042 3175 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-03 06:27:22.725 3042 3175 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-03 06:27:22.726 3042 3175 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-03 06:27:22.727 3042 3175 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-03 06:27:22.727 3042 3175 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-03 06:27:22.729 3042 3175 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-03 06:27:22.730 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-03 06:27:22.731 3042 3107 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-03 06:27:22.731 3042 3175 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3175 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 06:27:22.732 3042 3184 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-03 06:27:22.739 3042 3107 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-03 06:27:22.739 3042 3107 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-03 06:27:22.740 3042 3189 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-03 06:27:22.740 3042 3184 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-03 06:27:22.744 3042 3189 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-03 06:27:22.746 3042 3166 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-03 06:27:22.749 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 06:27:22.749 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-03 06:27:22.753 3042 3107 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 06:27:22.754 3042 3192 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-03 06:27:22.754 3042 3192 E b : Error: No value for data
04-03 06:27:22.761 3042 3107 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 06:27:22.765 3042 3107 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 06:27:22.776 3042 3175 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-03 06:27:22.792 3042 3175 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-03 06:27:22.793 3042 3175 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-03 06:27:22.854 3042 3113 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-03 06:27:22.858 3042 3113 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-03 06:27:22.872 3042 3107 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-03 06:27:22.882 3042 3184 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-03 06:27:22.892 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 06:27:22.892 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 06:27:22.898 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 06:27:22.898 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 06:27:22.898 3042 3184 I
04-03 06:27:22.900 3042 3230 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-03 06:27:22.923 3042 3107 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-03 06:27:22.923 3042 3042 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-03 06:27:22.926 3042 3184 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-03 06:27:22.926 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-03 06:27:22.928 3042 3184 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-03 06:27:22.935 3042 3184 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-03 06:27:22.940 3042 3184 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 06:27:22.943 3042 3184 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 06:27:22.950 3042 3184 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-03 06:27:22.950 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 06:27:22.950 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-03 06:27:22.950 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-03 06:27:22.951 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 06:27:22.951 3042 3236 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-03 06:27:22.951 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 06:27:22.951 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-03 06:27:22.951 3042 3237 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 06:27:22.952 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-03 06:27:22.953 3042 3237 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-03 06:27:22.953 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-03 06:27:22.955 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-03 06:27:22.955 3042 3184 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 223 ms
04-03 06:27:25.951 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-03 06:27:25.955 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585853845952
04-03 06:27:25.955 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 06:27:25.957 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 06:27:25.957 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 06:27:25.958 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 06:27:25.959 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585853845958
04-03 06:27:25.959 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 06:27:25.960 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 06:27:25.960 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 06:27:25.962 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 06:27:25.962 3042 3235 D
04-03 06:27:25.962 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-03 06:27:25.968 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-03 06:27:25.968 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 06:27:25.968 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 06:27:25.970 3042 3455 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 06:27:25.970 3042 3453 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 06:27:25.973 3042 3235 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-03 06:27:25.973 3042 3235 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-03 06:27:25.973 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 06:27:25.973 3042 3235 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-03 06:27:25.973 3042 3235 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 06:27:37.864 3042 3168 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-03 06:30:10.640 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-03 06:30:10.643 3042 3042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-03 06:30:15.636 3042 3103 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
getquickride.com/ (port 443) from / (port 43238) after
120000ms: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 06:30:15.649 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
04-03 06:30:15.650 3042 3229 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
04-03 06:30:16.085 3042 3127 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
--------- beginning of main
04-03 12:35:53.908 31748 31748 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-03 12:35:53.934 31748 31760 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 12:35:53.947 31748 31748 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 12:35:53.984 31748 31748 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 12:35:53.984 31748 31748 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 12:35:53.995 31748 31748 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-03 12:35:54.003 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-03 12:35:54.004 31748 31748 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-03 12:35:54.004 31748 31748 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 12:35:54.004 31748 31748 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 12:35:54.004 31748 31748 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 12:35:54.004 31748 31748 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 12:35:54.039 31748 31748 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-03 12:35:54.041 31748 31748 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-03 12:35:54.042 31748 31748 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-03 12:35:54.060 31748 31773 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-03 12:35:54.061 31748 31773 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-03 12:35:54.067 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-03 12:35:54.068 31748 31748 V Font : Change font:2
04-03 12:35:54.068 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-03 12:35:54.082 31748 31767 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-03 12:35:54.082 31748 31767 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-03 12:35:54.082 31748 31767 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-03 12:35:54.082 31748 31767 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-03 12:35:54.108 31748 31782 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-03 12:35:54.115 31748 31782 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-03 12:35:54.118 31748 31782 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-03 12:35:54.118 31748 31782 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-03 12:35:54.118 31748 31782 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-03 12:35:54.128 31748 31806 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-03 12:35:54.135 31748 31782 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-03 12:35:54.136 31748 31782 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-03 12:35:54.261 31748 31748 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-03 12:35:54.262 31748 31748 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-03 12:35:54.272 31748 31748 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-03 12:35:54.273 31748 31748 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-03 12:35:54.285 31748 31748 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-03 12:35:54.286 31748 31748 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 12:35:54.286 31748 31748 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 12:35:54.289 31748 31820 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-03 12:35:54.289 31748 31820 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-03 12:35:54.290 31748 31820 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-03 12:35:54.291 31748 31820 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-03 12:35:54.291 31748 31820 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-03 12:35:54.292 31748 31820 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-03 12:35:54.293 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-03 12:35:54.293 31748 31820 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-03 12:35:54.294 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-03 12:35:54.294 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 12:35:54.294 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-03 12:35:54.295 31748 31820 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-03 12:35:54.295 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 12:35:54.295 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 12:35:54.295 31748 31827 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-03 12:35:54.295 31748 31820 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-03 12:35:54.296 31748 31777 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-03 12:35:54.304 31748 31827 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-03 12:35:54.309 31748 31829 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-03 12:35:54.312 31748 31777 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-03 12:35:54.312 31748 31777 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-03 12:35:54.312 31748 31829 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-03 12:35:54.313 31748 31780 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-03 12:35:54.325 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 12:35:54.325 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-03 12:35:54.330 31748 31830 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-03 12:35:54.334 31748 31830 E b : Error: No value for data
04-03 12:35:54.334 31748 31830 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-03 12:35:54.334 31748 31830 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-03 12:35:54.335 31748 31777 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 12:35:54.336 31748 31777 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#4 identical 1 line
04-03 12:35:54.338 31748 31777 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 12:35:54.351 31748 31820 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-03 12:35:54.354 31748 31820 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-03 12:35:54.355 31748 31777 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-03 12:35:54.359 31748 31820 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-03 12:35:54.366 31748 31777 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-03 12:35:54.367 31748 31748 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-03 12:35:54.406 31748 31827 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-03 12:35:54.410 31748 31785 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-03 12:35:54.412 31748 31785 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-03 12:35:54.412 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 12:35:54.412 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 12:35:54.415 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 12:35:54.415 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 12:35:54.415 31748 31827 I
04-03 12:35:54.418 31748 31842 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-03 12:35:54.440 31748 31827 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-03 12:35:54.440 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-03 12:35:54.442 31748 31827 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-03 12:35:54.447 31748 31827 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-03 12:35:54.449 31748 31827 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 12:35:54.450 31748 31827 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31846 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-03 12:35:54.457 31748 31847 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 12:35:54.458 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-03 12:35:54.458 31748 31847 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-03 12:35:54.460 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-03 12:35:54.464 31748 31827 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 171 ms
04-03 12:35:54.465 31748 31748 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-03 12:35:57.456 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-03 12:35:57.459 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585875957456
04-03 12:35:57.459 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 12:35:57.461 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 12:35:57.461 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 12:35:57.462 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 12:35:57.462 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585875957462
04-03 12:35:57.463 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 12:35:57.463 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 12:35:57.463 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 12:35:57.464 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 12:35:57.464 31748 31845 D
04-03 12:35:57.464 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-03 12:35:57.467 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-03 12:35:57.467 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 12:35:57.467 31748 31864 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 12:35:57.468 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 12:35:57.468 31748 31866 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 12:35:57.470 31748 31845 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-03 12:35:57.470 31748 31845 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-03 12:35:57.470 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 12:35:57.470 31748 31845 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-03 12:35:57.470 31748 31845 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 12:36:09.423 31748 31814 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Error while making
rest call :
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to getquickride.com/
(port 443) from / (port 44764) after 120000ms: isConnected failed:
ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: isConnected failed: ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: at
04-03 12:36:57.474 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: ... 47 more
04-03 12:36:57.477 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.CallbackWrapperRx: Network is not
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
com.disha.quickride.rest.client.RestClientException: [errorCode: 9204 ]
[httpStatusCode: 500 ][userMsg: Data connection not found ][hintForCorrection:
Please enable data connection ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at ffr.onError(SourceFile:100)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fhd$a.onError(SourceFile:63)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at flc$a.onError(SourceFile:72)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fle.b(SourceFile:56)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at flc.b(SourceFile:34)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fed.a(SourceFile:11442)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fhd$b.run(SourceFile:96)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at feg$a.run(SourceFile:571)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fhs.run(SourceFile:66)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at fhs.call(SourceFile:57)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
04-03 12:36:57.478 31748 31841 E
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)
--------- beginning of main
04-03 17:18:16.151 17473 17473 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-03 17:18:16.177 17473 17489 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 17:18:16.185 17473 17473 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 17:18:16.220 17473 17473 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 17:18:16.220 17473 17473 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 17:18:16.230 17473 17473 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-03 17:18:16.239 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-03 17:18:16.241 17473 17473 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-03 17:18:16.241 17473 17473 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 17:18:16.241 17473 17473 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 17:18:16.241 17473 17473 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 17:18:16.241 17473 17473 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 17:18:16.282 17473 17473 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-03 17:18:16.284 17473 17473 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-03 17:18:16.285 17473 17473 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-03 17:18:16.305 17473 17524 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-03 17:18:16.306 17473 17524 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-03 17:18:16.313 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-03 17:18:16.314 17473 17473 V Font : Change font:2
04-03 17:18:16.314 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-03 17:18:16.318 17473 17508 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-03 17:18:16.318 17473 17508 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-03 17:18:16.319 17473 17508 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-03 17:18:16.319 17473 17508 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-03 17:18:16.377 17473 17539 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-03 17:18:16.390 17473 17539 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-03 17:18:16.391 17473 17539 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-03 17:18:16.391 17473 17539 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-03 17:18:16.391 17473 17539 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-03 17:18:16.400 17473 17573 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-03 17:18:16.401 17473 17539 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-03 17:18:16.402 17473 17539 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-03 17:18:16.516 17473 17473 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-03 17:18:16.519 17473 17473 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-03 17:18:16.528 17473 17473 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-03 17:18:16.529 17473 17473 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-03 17:18:16.537 17473 17473 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-03 17:18:16.538 17473 17473 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 17:18:16.539 17473 17473 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 17:18:16.543 17473 17595 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-03 17:18:16.544 17473 17595 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-03 17:18:16.545 17473 17595 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-03 17:18:16.545 17473 17595 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-03 17:18:16.546 17473 17595 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-03 17:18:16.546 17473 17595 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-03 17:18:16.548 17473 17595 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-03 17:18:16.549 17473 17595 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-03 17:18:16.550 17473 17595 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-03 17:18:16.550 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-03 17:18:16.551 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-03 17:18:16.551 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 17:18:16.551 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-03 17:18:16.551 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 17:18:16.551 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 17:18:16.552 17473 17529 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-03 17:18:16.553 17473 17601 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-03 17:18:16.556 17473 17601 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-03 17:18:16.562 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 17:18:16.562 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-03 17:18:16.570 17473 17529 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-03 17:18:16.570 17473 17529 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-03 17:18:16.574 17473 17603 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-03 17:18:16.575 17473 17603 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-03 17:18:16.576 17473 17587 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-03 17:18:16.586 17473 17529 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 17:18:16.586 17473 17595 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-03 17:18:16.587 17473 17595 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-03 17:18:16.590 17473 17604 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_acct_id=677-74Z-765Z, nm=Hope you're sound & safe! Just
wanted to remind you to switch on the car / bike at least once a week so that
batteries don't die out! 🚘, nt=Knock Knock Ankur Singhal! 😊, pr=,
wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_cid=notify, wzrk_clr=#3a7637, wzrk_pid=1585912346,
wzrk_rnv=true, wzrk_ttl=1585998810, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2,
wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=1585912346_20200403, wzrk_pn=true}
04-03 17:18:16.590 17473 17604 E NetcoreSDK: Error: Unterminated object at
character 37 of {wzrk_acct_id=677-74Z-765Z, nm=Hope you're sound & safe! Just
wanted to remind you to switch on the car / bike at least once a week so that
batteries don't die out! 🚘, nt=Knock Knock Ankur Singhal! 😊, pr=,
wzrk_pivot=wzrk_default, wzrk_cid=notify, wzrk_clr=#3a7637, wzrk_pid=1585912346,
wzrk_rnv=true, wzrk_ttl=1585998810, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_bc=, wzrk_bi=2,
wzrk_dt=FIREBASE, wzrk_id=1585912346_20200403, wzrk_pn=true}
04-03 17:18:16.604 17473 17529 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 17:18:16.605 17473 17529 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 17:18:16.615 17473 17595 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-03 17:18:16.649 17473 17529 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-03 17:18:16.655 17473 17538 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-03 17:18:16.658 17473 17595 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-03 17:18:16.670 17473 17538 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-03 17:18:16.674 17473 17529 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-03 17:18:16.674 17473 17473 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-03 17:18:16.689 17473 17601 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-03 17:18:16.697 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 17:18:16.697 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 17:18:16.699 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 17:18:16.699 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 17:18:16.699 17473 17601 I
04-03 17:18:16.720 17473 17601 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-03 17:18:16.721 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-03 17:18:16.722 17473 17601 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-03 17:18:16.729 17473 17601 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-03 17:18:16.731 17473 17601 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 17:18:16.732 17473 17601 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 17:18:16.738 17473 17601 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-03 17:18:16.738 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 17:18:16.738 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-03 17:18:16.739 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-03 17:18:16.739 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 17:18:16.739 17473 17627 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-03 17:18:16.739 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-03 17:18:16.739 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 17:18:16.741 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-03 17:18:16.741 17473 17628 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 17:18:16.746 17473 17601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 195 ms
04-03 17:18:16.750 17473 17628 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-03 17:18:16.751 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-03 17:18:16.753 17473 17473 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-03 17:18:16.898 17473 17636 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-03 17:18:17.450 17473 17636 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 17:18:17.451 17473 17636 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 17:18:17.664 17473 17621 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 17:18:17.664 17473 17621 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 17:18:17.715 17473 17636 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 17:18:17.715 17473 17636 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 17:18:17.754 17473 17537 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-03 17:18:17.759 17473 17638 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585846446&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-03 17:18:18.080 17473 17589 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-03 17:18:18.294 17473 17528 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
04-03 17:18:19.739 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-03 17:18:19.747 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585892899739
04-03 17:18:19.747 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 17:18:19.754 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 17:18:19.754 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 17:18:19.767 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 17:18:19.770 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585892899767
04-03 17:18:19.770 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 17:18:19.775 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 17:18:19.775 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 17:18:19.779 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 17:18:19.779 17473 17626 D
04-03 17:18:19.779 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-03 17:18:19.810 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-03 17:18:19.810 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 17:18:19.813 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 17:18:19.821 17473 17728 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 17:18:19.832 17473 17731 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 17:18:19.834 17473 17626 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-03 17:18:19.834 17473 17626 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-03 17:18:19.834 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 17:18:19.834 17473 17626 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-03 17:18:19.834 17473 17626 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 17:18:21.252 17473 17501 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
04-03 17:18:21.295 17473 17501 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 42.914ms
04-03 17:18:21.948 17473 17559 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-03 17:18:47.791 17473 17638 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-03 17:18:47.798 17473 17587 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-03 17:26:18.806 17473 17536 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d976de2c8: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-03 17:26:18.807 17473 17536 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d78de5e48: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-03 17:26:18.809 17473 17536 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d90852908: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
--------- beginning of main
04-03 22:21:15.764 8810 8810 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-03 22:21:15.788 8810 8822 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 22:21:15.808 8810 8810 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 22:21:15.851 8810 8810 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 22:21:15.851 8810 8810 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-03 22:21:15.862 8810 8810 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-03 22:21:15.872 8810 8810 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-03 22:21:15.873 8810 8810 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-03 22:21:15.873 8810 8810 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 22:21:15.873 8810 8810 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 22:21:15.873 8810 8810 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-03 22:21:15.873 8810 8810 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-03 22:21:15.906 8810 8810 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-03 22:21:15.908 8810 8810 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-03 22:21:15.908 8810 8810 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
--------- beginning of system
04-03 22:21:15.921 8810 8837 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-03 22:21:15.927 8810 8836 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-03 22:21:15.927 8810 8836 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-03 22:21:15.934 8810 8810 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-03 22:21:15.934 8810 8810 V Font : Change font:2
04-03 22:21:15.934 8810 8810 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-03 22:21:15.935 8810 8829 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-03 22:21:15.935 8810 8829 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-03 22:21:15.936 8810 8829 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-03 22:21:15.936 8810 8829 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-03 22:21:15.996 8810 8847 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-03 22:21:16.005 8810 8847 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-03 22:21:16.007 8810 8847 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-03 22:21:16.007 8810 8847 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-03 22:21:16.007 8810 8847 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-03 22:21:16.017 8810 8871 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-03 22:21:16.022 8810 8847 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-03 22:21:16.022 8810 8847 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-03 22:21:16.124 8810 8810 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-03 22:21:16.124 8810 8810 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-03 22:21:16.134 8810 8810 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-03 22:21:16.135 8810 8810 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-03 22:21:16.144 8810 8810 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-03 22:21:16.144 8810 8810 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 22:21:16.145 8810 8810 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-03 22:21:16.154 8810 8810 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-03 22:21:16.155 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-03 22:21:16.155 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 22:21:16.156 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-03 22:21:16.156 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-03 22:21:16.156 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 22:21:16.156 8810 8886 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-03 22:21:16.156 8810 8891 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-03 22:21:16.160 8810 8884 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-03 22:21:16.160 8810 8837 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-03 22:21:16.160 8810 8884 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-03 22:21:16.161 8810 8884 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-03 22:21:16.161 8810 8884 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-03 22:21:16.162 8810 8884 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-03 22:21:16.162 8810 8891 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-03 22:21:16.162 8810 8884 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-03 22:21:16.164 8810 8884 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-03 22:21:16.165 8810 8884 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-03 22:21:16.166 8810 8884 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-03 22:21:16.170 8810 8893 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-03 22:21:16.170 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 22:21:16.170 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-03 22:21:16.173 8810 8837 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-03 22:21:16.173 8810 8837 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-03 22:21:16.178 8810 8849 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-03 22:21:16.179 8810 8838 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-03 22:21:16.193 8810 8849 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-03 22:21:16.195 8810 8837 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 22:21:16.196 8810 8895 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
04-03 22:21:16.197 8810 8895 E b : Error: No value for data
04-03 22:21:16.197 8810 8895 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-03 22:21:16.197 8810 8895 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-03 22:21:16.199 8810 8849 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-03 22:21:16.227 8810 8837 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 22:21:16.234 8810 8837 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-03 22:21:16.254 8810 8837 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-03 22:21:16.266 8810 8884 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-03 22:21:16.275 8810 8837 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-03 22:21:16.275 8810 8810 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-03 22:21:16.286 8810 8884 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-03 22:21:16.293 8810 8884 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-03 22:21:16.311 8810 8891 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-03 22:21:16.319 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 22:21:16.319 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 22:21:16.320 8810 8877 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-03 22:21:16.321 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-03 22:21:16.321 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-03 22:21:16.321 8810 8891 I
04-03 22:21:16.322 8810 8893 D b : getData: response code:200
04-03 22:21:16.323 8810 8893 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
04-03 22:21:16.323 8810 8898 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585914527&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-03 22:21:16.324 8810 8875 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-03 22:21:16.327 8810 8914 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-03 22:21:16.343 8810 8918 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-03 22:21:16.358 8810 8891 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-03 22:21:16.358 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-03 22:21:16.360 8810 8891 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-03 22:21:16.366 8810 8891 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-03 22:21:16.368 8810 8891 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 22:21:16.370 8810 8891 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-03 22:21:16.378 8810 8891 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8810 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 22:21:16.379 8810 8922 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-03 22:21:16.380 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-03 22:21:16.380 8810 8923 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-03 22:21:16.387 8810 8891 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 232 ms
04-03 22:21:16.460 8810 8918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:16.461 8810 8918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:16.500 8810 8923 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:16.500 8810 8923 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:16.515 8810 8838 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
04-03 22:21:16.551 8810 8918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:16.552 8810 8918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:16.572 8810 8875 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-03 22:21:19.380 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-03 22:21:19.386 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585911079380
04-03 22:21:19.386 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 22:21:19.390 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 22:21:19.390 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 22:21:19.392 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 22:21:19.394 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585911079392
04-03 22:21:19.394 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-03 22:21:19.396 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-03 22:21:19.396 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-03 22:21:19.399 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-03 22:21:19.399 8810 8921 D
04-03 22:21:19.400 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-03 22:21:19.404 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-03 22:21:19.404 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 22:21:19.404 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-03 22:21:19.405 8810 8959 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 22:21:19.405 8810 8961 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-03 22:21:19.407 8810 8921 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-03 22:21:19.407 8810 8921 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-03 22:21:19.407 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 22:21:19.407 8810 8921 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-03 22:21:19.407 8810 8921 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-03 22:21:19.532 8810 8913 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:19.532 8810 8913 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-03 22:21:21.350 8810 8882 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-03 22:21:46.324 8810 8898 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-03 22:21:46.327 8810 8843 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-03 22:21:47.232 8810 8810 D SharedPreferencesImpl: Time required to fsync
/data/user_de/0/com.disha.quickride/shared_prefs/NetcorePrefsFile.xml: [<1: 0, <2:
0, <4: 0, <8: 1, <16: 0, <32: 0, <64: 0, <128: 0, <256: 0, <512: 0, <1024: 1,
<2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
04-03 22:21:47.232 8810 8810 D QueuedWork: waited: [<1: 0, <2: 0, <4: 0, <8: 0,
<16: 0, <32: 0, <64: 0, <128: 0, <256: 0, <512: 0, <1024: 1, <2048: 0, <4096: 0,
<8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
04-03 22:37:39.195 8810 8918 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585932706&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-03 22:37:40.174 8810 8843 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-03 22:38:09.232 8810 8918 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-03 22:38:09.237 8810 8875 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
--------- beginning of main
04-04 06:22:15.141 19609 19609 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-04 06:22:15.180 19609 19621 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 06:22:15.194 19609 19609 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 06:22:15.223 19609 19609 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-04 06:22:15.223 19609 19609 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-04 06:22:15.232 19609 19609 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-04 06:22:15.243 19609 19609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-04 06:22:15.244 19609 19609 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-04 06:22:15.244 19609 19609 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-04 06:22:15.244 19609 19609 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-04 06:22:15.244 19609 19609 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-04 06:22:15.244 19609 19609 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-04 06:22:15.277 19609 19609 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-04 06:22:15.280 19609 19609 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-04 06:22:15.280 19609 19609 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-04 06:22:15.295 19609 19637 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-04 06:22:15.295 19609 19637 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-04 06:22:15.314 19609 19609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-04 06:22:15.320 19609 19609 V Font : Change font:2
04-04 06:22:15.321 19609 19609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-04 06:22:15.347 19609 19631 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-04 06:22:15.347 19609 19631 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-04 06:22:15.347 19609 19631 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-04 06:22:15.347 19609 19631 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-04 06:22:15.366 19609 19648 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-04 06:22:15.384 19609 19648 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-04 06:22:15.386 19609 19648 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-04 06:22:15.386 19609 19648 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-04 06:22:15.386 19609 19648 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-04 06:22:15.395 19609 19673 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-04 06:22:15.401 19609 19648 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-04 06:22:15.402 19609 19648 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-04 06:22:15.521 19609 19609 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-04 06:22:15.522 19609 19609 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-04 06:22:15.531 19609 19609 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-04 06:22:15.532 19609 19609 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-04 06:22:15.548 19609 19688 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-04 06:22:15.548 19609 19688 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-04 06:22:15.549 19609 19688 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-04 06:22:15.549 19609 19609 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-04 06:22:15.550 19609 19688 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-04 06:22:15.550 19609 19688 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-04 06:22:15.550 19609 19609 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-04 06:22:15.550 19609 19609 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-04 06:22:15.551 19609 19688 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-04 06:22:15.555 19609 19688 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-04 06:22:15.555 19609 19688 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-04 06:22:15.555 19609 19609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-04 06:22:15.556 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-04 06:22:15.556 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-04 06:22:15.556 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-04 06:22:15.556 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-04 06:22:15.556 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 06:22:15.556 19609 19695 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-04 06:22:15.557 19609 19641 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-04 06:22:15.557 19609 19688 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-04 06:22:15.561 19609 19695 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-04 06:22:15.568 19609 19641 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-04 06:22:15.568 19609 19641 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-04 06:22:15.572 19609 19697 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-04 06:22:15.573 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 06:22:15.573 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-04 06:22:15.580 19609 19641 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 06:22:15.580 19609 19641 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#4 identical 1 line
04-04 06:22:15.581 19609 19641 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 06:22:15.591 19609 19699 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-04 06:22:15.592 19609 19699 E b : Error: No value for data
04-04 06:22:15.604 19609 19688 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-04 06:22:15.608 19609 19688 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-04 06:22:15.632 19609 19688 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-04 06:22:15.653 19609 19641 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-04 06:22:15.671 19609 19641 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-04 06:22:15.671 19609 19609 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-04 06:22:15.695 19609 19647 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-04 06:22:15.699 19609 19647 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-04 06:22:15.713 19609 19695 I
retrieving of user CoTravellers
04-04 06:22:15.719 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 06:22:15.719 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-04 06:22:15.722 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-04 06:22:15.722 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 06:22:15.722 19609 19695 I
04-04 06:22:15.726 19609 19731 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-04 06:22:15.746 19609 19695 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-04 06:22:15.746 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-04 06:22:15.747 19609 19695 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-04 06:22:15.754 19609 19695 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-04 06:22:15.758 19609 19695 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-04 06:22:15.760 19609 19695 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19695 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19737 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-04 06:22:15.770 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-04 06:22:15.771 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-04 06:22:15.773 19609 19609 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-04 06:22:15.773 19609 19695 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 217 ms
04-04 06:22:15.774 19609 19738 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-04 06:22:15.830 19609 19681 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-04 06:22:15.877 19609 19700 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585933689&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-04 06:22:15.933 19609 19697 D b : getData: response code:200
04-04 06:22:15.933 19609 19697 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
04-04 06:22:15.935 19609 19645 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-04 06:22:16.113 19609 19730 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-04 06:22:16.113 19609 19738 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-04 06:22:16.114 19609 19730 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-04 06:22:16.116 19609 19738 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-04 06:22:16.141 19609 19640 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
04-04 06:22:16.385 19609 19738 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:16.386 19609 19738 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:16.392 19609 19730 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:16.393 19609 19730 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:16.464 19609 19738 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:16.530 19609 19730 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:18.771 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-04 06:22:18.774 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585939938771
04-04 06:22:18.774 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-04 06:22:18.777 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-04 06:22:18.777 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-04 06:22:18.780 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-04 06:22:18.782 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585939938780
04-04 06:22:18.782 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-04 06:22:18.784 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-04 06:22:18.784 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-04 06:22:18.792 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-04 06:22:18.792 19609 19736 D
04-04 06:22:18.792 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-04 06:22:18.797 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-04 06:22:18.797 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-04 06:22:18.819 19609 20418 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-04 06:22:18.820 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-04 06:22:18.821 19609 20420 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-04 06:22:18.825 19609 19736 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-04 06:22:18.825 19609 19736 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-04 06:22:18.825 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-04 06:22:18.825 19609 19736 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-04 06:22:18.825 19609 19736 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-04 06:22:20.906 19609 20666 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-04 06:22:21.203 19609 20666 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:21.204 19609 20666 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:21.361 19609 20666 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:21.361 19609 20666 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-04 06:22:21.372 19609 19653 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-04 06:22:26.333 19609 19686 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-04 06:22:45.897 19609 19700 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-04 06:22:45.902 19609 19645 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-04 06:22:49.970 19609 19811 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7d791f1f88: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-04 06:22:49.970 19609 19811 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7d791f1f88: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-04 06:22:49.974 19609 19811 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7d791f1f88: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-04 06:22:49.974 19609 19811 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d791f1f88: I/O error during system call, Success
04-04 06:22:49.983 19609 20682 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7d791f2e88: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-04 06:22:49.983 19609 20682 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7d791f2e88: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-04 06:22:49.983 19609 20682 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7d791f2e88: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-04 06:22:49.983 19609 20682 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d791f2e88: I/O error during system call, Success
04-04 06:30:09.453 19609 19643 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
04-04 07:05:00.041 19609 19663 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d8bbdf7c8: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-04 07:05:00.041 19609 19663 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d8bbdd488: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-04 07:05:00.042 19609 19663 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d6b922308: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-04 07:05:10.025 19609 19663 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7d90860c08: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-04 08:08:31.306 19609 19643 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
--------- beginning of main
04-04 12:13:58.273 16879 16879 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-04 12:13:58.301 16879 16892 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 12:13:58.313 16879 16879 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 12:13:58.365 16879 16879 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-04 12:13:58.366 16879 16879 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-04 12:13:58.379 16879 16879 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-04 12:13:58.392 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-04 12:13:58.394 16879 16879 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-04 12:13:58.394 16879 16879 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-04 12:13:58.394 16879 16879 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-04 12:13:58.394 16879 16879 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-04 12:13:58.394 16879 16879 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-04 12:13:58.435 16879 16879 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-04 12:13:58.436 16879 16879 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-04 12:13:58.437 16879 16879 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-04 12:13:58.454 16879 16903 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-04 12:13:58.455 16879 16903 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-04 12:13:58.470 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-04 12:13:58.471 16879 16879 V Font : Change font:2
04-04 12:13:58.471 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-04 12:13:58.487 16879 16897 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-04 12:13:58.488 16879 16897 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-04 12:13:58.488 16879 16897 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-04 12:13:58.488 16879 16897 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-04 12:13:58.519 16879 16914 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-04 12:13:58.532 16879 16914 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-04 12:13:58.533 16879 16914 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-04 12:13:58.533 16879 16914 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-04 12:13:58.533 16879 16914 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-04 12:13:58.540 16879 16937 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-04 12:13:58.547 16879 16914 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-04 12:13:58.548 16879 16914 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-04 12:13:58.655 16879 16879 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-04 12:13:58.655 16879 16879 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-04 12:13:58.665 16879 16879 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-04 12:13:58.667 16879 16879 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-04 12:13:58.675 16879 16879 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-04 12:13:58.677 16879 16879 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-04 12:13:58.677 16879 16879 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-04 12:13:58.682 16879 16949 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-04 12:13:58.682 16879 16949 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-04 12:13:58.683 16879 16949 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-04 12:13:58.684 16879 16949 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-04 12:13:58.686 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-04 12:13:58.686 16879 16949 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-04 12:13:58.686 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-04 12:13:58.687 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-04 12:13:58.689 16879 16949 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-04 12:13:58.690 16879 16905 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-04 12:13:58.690 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-04 12:13:58.690 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-04 12:13:58.691 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 12:13:58.691 16879 16956 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-04 12:13:58.694 16879 16956 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-04 12:13:58.696 16879 16949 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-04 12:13:58.698 16879 16905 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-04 12:13:58.698 16879 16949 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-04 12:13:58.698 16879 16905 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-04 12:13:58.699 16879 16949 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-04 12:13:58.700 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 12:13:58.700 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-04 12:13:58.710 16879 16905 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 12:13:58.711 16879 16959 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-04 12:13:58.711 16879 16905 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 12:13:58.712 16879 16905 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 12:13:58.713 16879 16959 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-04 12:13:58.714 16879 16942 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-04 12:13:58.723 16879 16960 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-04 12:13:58.723 16879 16960 E b : Error: No value for data
04-04 12:13:58.723 16879 16960 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-04 12:13:58.723 16879 16960 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-04 12:13:58.735 16879 16905 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-04 12:13:58.742 16879 16949 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-04 12:13:58.743 16879 16949 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-04 12:13:58.744 16879 16949 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-04 12:13:58.748 16879 16905 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-04 12:13:58.748 16879 16879 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-04 12:13:58.797 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 12:13:58.797 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-04 12:13:58.799 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-04 12:13:58.799 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 12:13:58.799 16879 16956 I
04-04 12:13:58.802 16879 16967 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-04 12:13:58.823 16879 16956 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-04 12:13:58.823 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-04 12:13:58.824 16879 16956 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-04 12:13:58.829 16879 16956 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-04 12:13:58.831 16879 16956 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-04 12:13:58.833 16879 16956 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-04 12:13:58.839 16879 16970 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-04 12:13:58.840 16879 16971 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-04 12:13:58.841 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-04 12:13:58.845 16879 16956 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 159 ms
04-04 12:13:58.849 16879 16971 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-04 12:13:58.849 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-04 12:13:58.852 16879 16879 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-04 12:13:58.863 16879 16912 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-04 12:13:58.869 16879 16912 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-04 12:14:01.841 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-04 12:14:01.855 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585961041841
04-04 12:14:01.856 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-04 12:14:01.868 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-04 12:14:01.868 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-04 12:14:01.872 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-04 12:14:01.874 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585961041872
04-04 12:14:01.874 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-04 12:14:01.875 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-04 12:14:01.875 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-04 12:14:01.878 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-04 12:14:01.878 16879 16969 D
04-04 12:14:01.878 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-04 12:14:01.883 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-04 12:14:01.883 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-04 12:14:01.883 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-04 12:14:01.884 16879 16975 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-04 12:14:01.885 16879 16977 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-04 12:14:01.891 16879 16969 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-04 12:14:01.891 16879 16969 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-04 12:14:01.891 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-04 12:14:01.891 16879 16969 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-04 12:14:01.891 16879 16969 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-04 12:14:13.855 16879 16944 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-04 22:21:56.980 22639 22639 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-04 22:21:57.016 22639 22651 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 22:21:57.033 22639 22639 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 22:21:57.074 22639 22639 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-04 22:21:57.074 22639 22639 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-04 22:21:57.087 22639 22639 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-04 22:21:57.099 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-04 22:21:57.101 22639 22639 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-04 22:21:57.101 22639 22639 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-04 22:21:57.101 22639 22639 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-04 22:21:57.101 22639 22639 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-04 22:21:57.101 22639 22639 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-04 22:21:57.138 22639 22639 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-04 22:21:57.140 22639 22639 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-04 22:21:57.141 22639 22639 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-04 22:21:57.152 22639 22662 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-04 22:21:57.152 22639 22662 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-04 22:21:57.162 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-04 22:21:57.163 22639 22639 V Font : Change font:2
04-04 22:21:57.163 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-04 22:21:57.185 22639 22656 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-04 22:21:57.185 22639 22656 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-04 22:21:57.185 22639 22656 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-04 22:21:57.185 22639 22656 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-04 22:21:57.227 22639 22672 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-04 22:21:57.234 22639 22672 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-04 22:21:57.234 22639 22672 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-04 22:21:57.234 22639 22672 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-04 22:21:57.234 22639 22672 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-04 22:21:57.241 22639 22697 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-04 22:21:57.249 22639 22672 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-04 22:21:57.250 22639 22672 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-04 22:21:57.359 22639 22639 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-04 22:21:57.359 22639 22639 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-04 22:21:57.371 22639 22639 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-04 22:21:57.372 22639 22639 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-04 22:21:57.379 22639 22639 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-04 22:21:57.380 22639 22639 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-04 22:21:57.380 22639 22639 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-04 22:21:57.383 22639 22709 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-04 22:21:57.384 22639 22709 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-04 22:21:57.385 22639 22709 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-04 22:21:57.385 22639 22709 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-04 22:21:57.386 22639 22709 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-04 22:21:57.386 22639 22709 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-04 22:21:57.387 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22709 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 22:21:57.388 22639 22709 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-04 22:21:57.389 22639 22709 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-04 22:21:57.393 22639 22716 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-04 22:21:57.396 22639 22663 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-04 22:21:57.400 22639 22716 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-04 22:21:57.406 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 22:21:57.406 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-04 22:21:57.406 22639 22718 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-04 22:21:57.408 22639 22718 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-04 22:21:57.410 22639 22701 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-04 22:21:57.420 22639 22663 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-04 22:21:57.420 22639 22663 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-04 22:21:57.425 22639 22663 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 22:21:57.426 22639 22719 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
04-04 22:21:57.427 22639 22719 E b : Error: No value for data
04-04 22:21:57.427 22639 22719 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-04 22:21:57.427 22639 22663 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 22:21:57.427 22639 22719 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-04 22:21:57.444 22639 22663 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-04 22:21:57.466 22639 22663 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-04 22:21:57.474 22639 22674 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-04 22:21:57.477 22639 22663 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-04 22:21:57.478 22639 22639 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-04 22:21:57.480 22639 22709 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-04 22:21:57.484 22639 22674 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-04 22:22:03.893 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 22:22:03.893 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-04 22:22:03.895 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-04 22:22:03.896 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-04 22:22:03.896 22639 22716 I
04-04 22:22:03.898 22639 22709 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-04 22:22:03.899 22639 22709 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-04 22:22:03.910 22639 22727 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-04 22:22:03.943 22639 22716 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-04 22:22:03.943 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-04 22:22:03.945 22639 22716 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-04 22:22:03.950 22639 22716 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-04 22:22:03.952 22639 22716 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-04 22:22:03.954 22639 22716 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-04 22:22:03.960 22639 22716 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-04 22:22:03.960 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-04 22:22:03.961 22639 22730 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-04 22:22:03.962 22639 22731 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-04 22:22:03.962 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-04 22:22:03.966 22639 22716 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 6578 ms
04-04 22:22:03.970 22639 22731 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-04 22:22:03.971 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-04 22:22:03.973 22639 22639 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-04 22:22:14.638 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-04 22:22:14.641 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585997534638
04-04 22:22:14.641 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-04 22:22:14.644 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-04 22:22:14.644 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-04 22:22:14.645 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-04 22:22:14.646 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1585997534645
04-04 22:22:14.646 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-04 22:22:14.647 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-04 22:22:14.647 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-04 22:22:14.648 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-04 22:22:14.648 22639 22729 D
04-04 22:22:14.648 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-04 22:22:14.652 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-04 22:22:14.652 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-04 22:22:14.654 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-04 22:22:14.654 22639 22790 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-04 22:22:14.656 22639 22792 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-04 22:22:14.661 22639 22729 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-04 22:22:14.661 22639 22729 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-04 22:22:14.661 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-04 22:22:14.661 22639 22729 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-04 22:22:14.661 22639 22729 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-04 22:22:27.731 22639 22703 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-05 06:30:08.658 16395 16395 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-05 06:30:08.685 16395 16407 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 06:30:08.693 16395 16395 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 06:30:08.737 16395 16395 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-05 06:30:08.737 16395 16395 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-05 06:30:08.755 16395 16395 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-05 06:30:08.764 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-05 06:30:08.765 16395 16395 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-05 06:30:08.765 16395 16395 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-05 06:30:08.765 16395 16395 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-05 06:30:08.765 16395 16395 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-05 06:30:08.765 16395 16395 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-05 06:30:08.800 16395 16395 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-05 06:30:08.802 16395 16395 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-05 06:30:08.802 16395 16395 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-05 06:30:08.838 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-05 06:30:08.839 16395 16395 V Font : Change font:2
04-05 06:30:08.842 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-05 06:30:08.844 16395 16422 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-05 06:30:08.844 16395 16422 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-05 06:30:08.885 16395 16420 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-05 06:30:08.885 16395 16420 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-05 06:30:08.885 16395 16420 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-05 06:30:08.885 16395 16420 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-05 06:30:08.918 16395 16431 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-05 06:30:08.938 16395 16431 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-05 06:30:08.942 16395 16431 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-05 06:30:08.942 16395 16431 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-05 06:30:08.942 16395 16431 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-05 06:30:08.955 16395 16459 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-05 06:30:08.984 16395 16431 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-05 06:30:08.984 16395 16431 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-05 06:30:09.096 16395 16395 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-05 06:30:09.099 16395 16395 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-05 06:30:09.128 16395 16395 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-05 06:30:09.128 16395 16395 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-05 06:30:09.145 16395 16395 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-05 06:30:09.145 16395 16395 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-05 06:30:09.146 16395 16395 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-05 06:30:09.159 16395 16499 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-05 06:30:09.159 16395 16499 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-05 06:30:09.160 16395 16499 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-05 06:30:09.160 16395 16499 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-05 06:30:09.161 16395 16499 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-05 06:30:09.161 16395 16499 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-05 06:30:09.162 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-05 06:30:09.163 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-05 06:30:09.163 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-05 06:30:09.165 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-05 06:30:09.165 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-05 06:30:09.165 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 06:30:09.165 16395 16508 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-05 06:30:09.165 16395 16425 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-05 06:30:09.167 16395 16499 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-05 06:30:09.169 16395 16499 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-05 06:30:09.173 16395 16499 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-05 06:30:09.177 16395 16510 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-05 06:30:09.178 16395 16425 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-05 06:30:09.178 16395 16425 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-05 06:30:09.181 16395 16510 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-05 06:30:09.182 16395 16487 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-05 06:30:09.184 16395 16508 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-05 06:30:09.199 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 06:30:09.199 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-05 06:30:09.202 16395 16511 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-05 06:30:09.203 16395 16511 E b : Error: No value for data
04-05 06:30:09.205 16395 16514 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-05 06:30:09.223 16395 16425 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 06:30:09.240 16395 16492 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-05 06:30:09.244 16395 16429 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-05 06:30:09.250 16395 16429 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-05 06:30:09.251 16395 16425 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 06:30:09.291 16395 16425 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 06:30:09.302 16395 16499 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-05 06:30:09.324 16395 16499 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-05 06:30:09.326 16395 16499 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-05 06:30:09.349 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 06:30:09.349 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-05 06:30:09.353 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-05 06:30:09.354 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 06:30:09.354 16395 16508 I
04-05 06:30:09.379 16395 16527 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-05 06:30:09.409 16395 16508 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-05 06:30:09.409 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-05 06:30:09.412 16395 16508 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-05 06:30:09.417 16395 16425 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-05 06:30:09.423 16395 16508 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-05 06:30:09.428 16395 16508 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-05 06:30:09.435 16395 16508 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-05 06:30:09.448 16395 16508 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-05 06:30:09.449 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-05 06:30:09.449 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-05 06:30:09.449 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-05 06:30:09.449 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-05 06:30:09.449 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-05 06:30:09.449 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-05 06:30:09.452 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-05 06:30:09.453 16395 16508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 290 ms
04-05 06:30:09.459 16395 16533 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-05 06:30:09.460 16395 16532 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-05 06:30:09.460 16395 16533 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-05 06:30:09.461 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-05 06:30:09.462 16395 16395 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-05 06:30:09.474 16395 16425 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-05 06:30:09.474 16395 16395 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-05 06:30:12.449 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-05 06:30:12.453 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586026812449
04-05 06:30:12.453 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-05 06:30:12.456 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-05 06:30:12.456 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-05 06:30:12.457 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-05 06:30:12.459 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586026812457
04-05 06:30:12.459 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-05 06:30:12.461 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-05 06:30:12.461 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-05 06:30:12.462 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-05 06:30:12.462 16395 16531 D
04-05 06:30:12.462 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-05 06:30:12.469 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-05 06:30:12.469 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-05 06:30:12.470 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-05 06:30:12.471 16395 16603 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-05 06:30:12.471 16395 16601 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-05 06:30:12.472 16395 16531 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-05 06:30:12.472 16395 16531 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-05 06:30:12.472 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-05 06:30:12.472 16395 16531 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-05 06:30:12.472 16395 16531 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 39752) after 10000ms
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port 39752)
after 10000ms
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-05 06:30:18.973 16395 16441 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-05 06:30:24.211 16395 16489 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-05 06:30:31.969 16395 16433 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
--------- beginning of main
04-05 11:02:18.457 17167 17167 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-05 11:02:18.489 17167 17179 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 11:02:18.501 17167 17167 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 11:02:18.533 17167 17167 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-05 11:02:18.533 17167 17167 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-05 11:02:18.543 17167 17167 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-05 11:02:18.549 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-05 11:02:18.551 17167 17167 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-05 11:02:18.551 17167 17167 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-05 11:02:18.551 17167 17167 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-05 11:02:18.551 17167 17167 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-05 11:02:18.551 17167 17167 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-05 11:02:18.585 17167 17167 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-05 11:02:18.587 17167 17167 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-05 11:02:18.587 17167 17167 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-05 11:02:18.616 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-05 11:02:18.617 17167 17167 V Font : Change font:2
04-05 11:02:18.618 17167 17191 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-05 11:02:18.618 17167 17191 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-05 11:02:18.619 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-05 11:02:18.626 17167 17185 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-05 11:02:18.626 17167 17185 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-05 11:02:18.626 17167 17185 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-05 11:02:18.626 17167 17185 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-05 11:02:18.693 17167 17202 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-05 11:02:18.698 17167 17202 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-05 11:02:18.699 17167 17202 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-05 11:02:18.699 17167 17202 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-05 11:02:18.699 17167 17202 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-05 11:02:18.706 17167 17228 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-05 11:02:18.710 17167 17202 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-05 11:02:18.711 17167 17202 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-05 11:02:18.809 17167 17167 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-05 11:02:18.809 17167 17167 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-05 11:02:18.817 17167 17167 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-05 11:02:18.818 17167 17167 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-05 11:02:18.827 17167 17240 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-05 11:02:18.828 17167 17240 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-05 11:02:18.828 17167 17240 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-05 11:02:18.829 17167 17167 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-05 11:02:18.829 17167 17240 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-05 11:02:18.829 17167 17167 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-05 11:02:18.830 17167 17167 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-05 11:02:18.830 17167 17240 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-05 11:02:18.830 17167 17240 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-05 11:02:18.832 17167 17240 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-05 11:02:18.833 17167 17240 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-05 11:02:18.833 17167 17240 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-05 11:02:18.836 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-05 11:02:18.837 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-05 11:02:18.837 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-05 11:02:18.837 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-05 11:02:18.837 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-05 11:02:18.837 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 11:02:18.837 17167 17246 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-05 11:02:18.839 17167 17194 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-05 11:02:18.844 17167 17246 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-05 11:02:18.853 17167 17249 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-05 11:02:18.853 17167 17249 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-05 11:02:18.854 17167 17232 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-05 11:02:18.855 17167 17194 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-05 11:02:18.855 17167 17194 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-05 11:02:18.856 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 11:02:18.856 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-05 11:02:18.859 17167 17194 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 11:02:18.861 17167 17194 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#4 identical 1 line
04-05 11:02:18.862 17167 17194 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 11:02:18.872 17167 17250 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-05 11:02:18.872 17167 17250 E b : Error: No value for data
04-05 11:02:18.872 17167 17250 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-05 11:02:18.872 17167 17250 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-05 11:02:18.876 17167 17194 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-05 11:02:18.882 17167 17240 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-05 11:02:18.888 17167 17194 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-05 11:02:18.889 17167 17167 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-05 11:02:18.897 17167 17200 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-05 11:02:18.899 17167 17200 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-05 11:02:18.900 17167 17240 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-05 11:02:18.911 17167 17240 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-05 11:02:18.930 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 11:02:18.930 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-05 11:02:18.932 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-05 11:02:18.932 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 11:02:18.932 17167 17246 I
04-05 11:02:18.937 17167 17259 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-05 11:02:18.960 17167 17246 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-05 11:02:18.960 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-05 11:02:18.961 17167 17246 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-05 11:02:18.966 17167 17246 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-05 11:02:18.968 17167 17246 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-05 11:02:18.969 17167 17246 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-05 11:02:18.976 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-05 11:02:18.977 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-05 11:02:18.977 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-05 11:02:18.977 17167 17263 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-05 11:02:18.977 17167 17264 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-05 11:02:18.978 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-05 11:02:18.983 17167 17246 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 146 ms
04-05 11:02:18.988 17167 17264 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-05 11:02:18.989 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-05 11:02:18.991 17167 17167 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-05 11:02:21.977 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-05 11:02:21.992 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586043141977
04-05 11:02:21.992 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-05 11:02:21.997 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-05 11:02:21.997 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-05 11:02:22.000 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-05 11:02:22.002 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586043142000
04-05 11:02:22.002 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-05 11:02:22.004 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-05 11:02:22.004 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-05 11:02:22.006 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-05 11:02:22.007 17167 17262 D
04-05 11:02:22.007 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-05 11:02:22.012 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-05 11:02:22.012 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-05 11:02:22.012 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-05 11:02:22.013 17167 17265 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-05 11:02:22.013 17167 17267 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-05 11:02:22.015 17167 17262 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-05 11:02:22.016 17167 17262 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-05 11:02:22.016 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-05 11:02:22.016 17167 17262 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-05 11:02:22.016 17167 17262 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 42462) after 10000ms
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
42462) after 10000ms
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-05 11:02:28.758 17167 17210 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-05 11:02:33.903 17167 17234 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-05 11:04:01.657 17167 18151 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-05 11:04:01.884 17167 18151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-05 11:04:01.890 17167 18151 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-05 11:04:01.890 17167 18151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.898 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:01.899 17167 18151 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-05 11:04:02.121 17167 18151 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception Network available:
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-05 11:04:02.155 17167 18151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-05 11:04:02.160 17167 18151 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-05 11:04:02.294 17167 18151 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception Network available:
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-05 11:04:02.295 17167 17232 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-05 11:04:06.529 17167 17236 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-05 11:04:06.536 17167 18159 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1585961565&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-05 11:04:36.559 17167 18159 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-05 11:04:36.567 17167 17222 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-05 11:20:00.236 17167 18151 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1586064876&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-05 11:20:05.108 17167 17222 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-05 11:20:30.272 17167 18151 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-05 11:20:30.275 17167 17232 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
--------- beginning of main
04-05 22:23:18.015 852 852 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-05 22:23:18.047 852 883 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 22:23:18.056 852 852 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 22:23:18.105 852 852 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-05 22:23:18.105 852 852 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-05 22:23:18.117 852 852 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-05 22:23:18.127 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-05 22:23:18.129 852 852 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-05 22:23:18.129 852 852 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-05 22:23:18.129 852 852 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-05 22:23:18.129 852 852 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-05 22:23:18.129 852 852 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-05 22:23:18.169 852 852 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-05 22:23:18.171 852 852 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-05 22:23:18.172 852 852 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-05 22:23:18.183 852 897 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-05 22:23:18.183 852 897 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-05 22:23:18.198 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-05 22:23:18.201 852 852 V Font : Change font:2
04-05 22:23:18.203 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-05 22:23:18.244 852 891 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-05 22:23:18.244 852 891 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-05 22:23:18.244 852 891 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-05 22:23:18.244 852 891 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-05 22:23:18.263 852 922 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-05 22:23:18.279 852 922 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-05 22:23:18.280 852 922 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-05 22:23:18.280 852 922 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-05 22:23:18.280 852 922 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-05 22:23:18.285 852 1057 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-05 22:23:18.293 852 922 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-05 22:23:18.294 852 922 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-05 22:23:18.432 852 852 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-05 22:23:18.433 852 852 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-05 22:23:18.443 852 852 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-05 22:23:18.443 852 852 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-05 22:23:18.449 852 852 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-05 22:23:18.450 852 852 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-05 22:23:18.450 852 852 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-05 22:23:18.458 852 1077 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-05 22:23:18.458 852 1077 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-05 22:23:18.460 852 1077 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-05 22:23:18.461 852 1077 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-05 22:23:18.461 852 1077 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-05 22:23:18.461 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1077 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 22:23:18.462 852 1110 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-05 22:23:18.464 852 901 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-05 22:23:18.466 852 1077 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-05 22:23:18.466 852 1110 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-05 22:23:18.466 852 1077 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-05 22:23:18.469 852 1077 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-05 22:23:18.475 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 22:23:18.475 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-05 22:23:18.475 852 901 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-05 22:23:18.475 852 901 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-05 22:23:18.495 852 1123 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-05 22:23:18.496 852 1123 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-05 22:23:18.498 852 1065 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-05 22:23:18.505 852 901 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 22:23:18.507 852 1116 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
04-05 22:23:18.507 852 1116 E b : Error: No value for data
04-05 22:23:18.507 852 1116 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-05 22:23:18.507 852 1116 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-05 22:23:18.509 852 901 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 22:23:18.515 852 901 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-05 22:23:18.522 852 921 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-05 22:23:18.524 852 921 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-05 22:23:18.551 852 1077 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-05 22:23:18.584 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 22:23:18.585 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-05 22:23:18.587 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-05 22:23:18.587 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-05 22:23:18.587 852 1110 I
04-05 22:23:18.590 852 1077 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-05 22:23:18.590 852 1077 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-05 22:23:18.594 852 1133 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-05 22:23:18.607 852 901 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-05 22:23:18.629 852 1110 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-05 22:23:18.629 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-05 22:23:18.631 852 1110 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-05 22:23:18.632 852 901 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-05 22:23:18.632 852 852 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-05 22:23:18.636 852 1110 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-05 22:23:18.639 852 1110 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-05 22:23:18.640 852 1110 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-05 22:23:18.647 852 1110 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-05 22:23:18.647 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-05 22:23:18.647 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-05 22:23:18.647 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 1136 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-05 22:23:18.648 852 1137 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-05 22:23:18.649 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-05 22:23:18.654 852 1110 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 192 ms
04-05 22:23:18.656 852 1137 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-05 22:23:18.657 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-05 22:23:18.659 852 852 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-05 22:23:22.517 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-05 22:23:22.528 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586084002518
04-05 22:23:22.529 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-05 22:23:22.534 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-05 22:23:22.534 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-05 22:23:22.537 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-05 22:23:22.539 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586084002537
04-05 22:23:22.539 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-05 22:23:22.542 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-05 22:23:22.542 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-05 22:23:22.543 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-05 22:23:22.545 852 1135 D
04-05 22:23:22.545 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-05 22:23:22.550 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-05 22:23:22.550 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-05 22:23:22.550 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-05 22:23:22.551 852 1157 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-05 22:23:22.551 852 1164 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-05 22:23:22.558 852 1135 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-05 22:23:22.558 852 1135 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-05 22:23:22.558 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-05 22:23:22.558 852 1135 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-05 22:23:22.558 852 1135 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-05 22:23:23.976 852 884 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 42148) after 10000ms
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
42148) after 10000ms
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-05 22:25:12.852 852 970 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-05 22:25:33.307 852 1067 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-06 02:26:09.711 16924 16924 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-06 02:26:09.745 16924 16936 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 02:26:09.759 16924 16924 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 02:26:09.815 16924 16924 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-06 02:26:09.815 16924 16924 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-06 02:26:09.832 16924 16924 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-06 02:26:09.844 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-06 02:26:09.846 16924 16924 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-06 02:26:09.846 16924 16924 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-06 02:26:09.846 16924 16924 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-06 02:26:09.846 16924 16924 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-06 02:26:09.846 16924 16924 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-06 02:26:09.899 16924 16924 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-06 02:26:09.902 16924 16924 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-06 02:26:09.902 16924 16924 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-06 02:26:09.928 16924 16947 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-06 02:26:09.929 16924 16947 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-06 02:26:09.931 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-06 02:26:09.931 16924 16924 V Font : Change font:2
04-06 02:26:09.931 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-06 02:26:09.961 16924 16941 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-06 02:26:09.962 16924 16941 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-06 02:26:09.962 16924 16941 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-06 02:26:09.962 16924 16941 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-06 02:26:09.999 16924 16955 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-06 02:26:10.005 16924 16955 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-06 02:26:10.006 16924 16955 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-06 02:26:10.006 16924 16955 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-06 02:26:10.006 16924 16955 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-06 02:26:10.014 16924 16981 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-06 02:26:10.020 16924 16955 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-06 02:26:10.021 16924 16955 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-06 02:26:10.127 16924 16924 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-06 02:26:10.128 16924 16924 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-06 02:26:10.137 16924 16924 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-06 02:26:10.138 16924 16924 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-06 02:26:10.149 16924 16924 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-06 02:26:10.149 16924 16924 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-06 02:26:10.150 16924 16924 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-06 02:26:10.159 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-06 02:26:10.161 16924 16951 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-06 02:26:10.163 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-06 02:26:10.163 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-06 02:26:10.163 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-06 02:26:10.163 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-06 02:26:10.163 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 02:26:10.163 16924 17001 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-06 02:26:10.164 16924 16995 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-06 02:26:10.165 16924 16995 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-06 02:26:10.167 16924 16995 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-06 02:26:10.168 16924 16995 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-06 02:26:10.168 16924 16995 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-06 02:26:10.169 16924 16995 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-06 02:26:10.171 16924 16995 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-06 02:26:10.172 16924 16995 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-06 02:26:10.173 16924 16995 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-06 02:26:10.179 16924 16951 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-06 02:26:10.179 16924 16951 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-06 02:26:10.182 16924 17004 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-06 02:26:10.183 16924 17001 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-06 02:26:10.183 16924 17004 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-06 02:26:10.184 16924 16990 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-06 02:26:10.191 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 02:26:10.191 16924 16951 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 02:26:10.191 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-06 02:26:10.191 16924 16951 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 02:26:10.192 16924 16951 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 02:26:10.203 16924 17005 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-06 02:26:10.203 16924 17005 E b : Error: No value for data
04-06 02:26:10.212 16924 16951 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-06 02:26:10.213 16924 16995 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-06 02:26:10.219 16924 16995 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-06 02:26:10.225 16924 16951 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-06 02:26:10.226 16924 16924 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-06 02:26:10.251 16924 16995 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-06 02:26:10.265 16924 16961 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-06 02:26:10.269 16924 16961 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-06 02:26:10.271 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 02:26:10.271 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-06 02:26:10.273 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-06 02:26:10.274 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 02:26:10.274 16924 17001 I
04-06 02:26:10.279 16924 17014 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-06 02:26:10.305 16924 17001 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-06 02:26:10.305 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-06 02:26:10.306 16924 17001 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-06 02:26:10.311 16924 17001 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-06 02:26:10.314 16924 17001 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-06 02:26:10.315 16924 17001 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-06 02:26:10.322 16924 17001 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-06 02:26:10.322 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-06 02:26:10.322 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-06 02:26:10.322 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-06 02:26:10.323 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-06 02:26:10.323 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-06 02:26:10.323 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-06 02:26:10.324 16924 17018 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-06 02:26:10.324 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-06 02:26:10.324 16924 17017 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-06 02:26:10.331 16924 17001 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 171 ms
04-06 02:26:10.335 16924 17018 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-06 02:26:10.335 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-06 02:26:10.338 16924 16924 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-06 02:26:13.323 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-06 02:26:13.329 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586098573323
04-06 02:26:13.329 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-06 02:26:13.333 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-06 02:26:13.333 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-06 02:26:13.340 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-06 02:26:13.342 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586098573341
04-06 02:26:13.342 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-06 02:26:13.343 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-06 02:26:13.343 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-06 02:26:13.344 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-06 02:26:13.345 16924 17016 D
04-06 02:26:13.345 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-06 02:26:13.348 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-06 02:26:13.348 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-06 02:26:13.350 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-06 02:26:13.350 16924 17040 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-06 02:26:13.355 16924 17042 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-06 02:26:13.357 16924 17016 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-06 02:26:13.357 16924 17016 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-06 02:26:13.357 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-06 02:26:13.357 16924 17016 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-06 02:26:13.357 16924 17016 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 43514) after 10000ms
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
43514) after 10000ms
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-06 02:26:20.069 16924 16967 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-06 02:26:25.242 16924 16988 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-06 11:03:49.135 10513 10513 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-06 11:03:49.173 10513 10527 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 11:03:49.179 10513 10513 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 11:03:49.209 10513 10513 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-06 11:03:49.210 10513 10513 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-06 11:03:49.224 10513 10513 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-06 11:03:49.238 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-06 11:03:49.240 10513 10513 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-06 11:03:49.240 10513 10513 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-06 11:03:49.240 10513 10513 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-06 11:03:49.240 10513 10513 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-06 11:03:49.240 10513 10513 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-06 11:03:49.288 10513 10513 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-06 11:03:49.289 10513 10513 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-06 11:03:49.290 10513 10513 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-06 11:03:49.307 10513 10545 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-06 11:03:49.308 10513 10545 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-06 11:03:49.318 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-06 11:03:49.318 10513 10513 V Font : Change font:2
04-06 11:03:49.318 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-06 11:03:49.371 10513 10537 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-06 11:03:49.371 10513 10537 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-06 11:03:49.371 10513 10537 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-06 11:03:49.371 10513 10537 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-06 11:03:49.396 10513 10556 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-06 11:03:49.415 10513 10556 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-06 11:03:49.415 10513 10556 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-06 11:03:49.415 10513 10556 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-06 11:03:49.415 10513 10556 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-06 11:03:49.425 10513 10581 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-06 11:03:49.440 10513 10556 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-06 11:03:49.441 10513 10556 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-06 11:03:49.532 10513 10513 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-06 11:03:49.535 10513 10513 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-06 11:03:49.550 10513 10513 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-06 11:03:49.551 10513 10513 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-06 11:03:49.558 10513 10513 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-06 11:03:49.559 10513 10513 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-06 11:03:49.559 10513 10513 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-06 11:03:49.564 10513 10594 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-06 11:03:49.565 10513 10594 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-06 11:03:49.565 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-06 11:03:49.565 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-06 11:03:49.565 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-06 11:03:49.568 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-06 11:03:49.568 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-06 11:03:49.568 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 11:03:49.569 10513 10600 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-06 11:03:49.569 10513 10594 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-06 11:03:49.570 10513 10594 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-06 11:03:49.571 10513 10594 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-06 11:03:49.571 10513 10594 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-06 11:03:49.571 10513 10600 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-06 11:03:49.575 10513 10594 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-06 11:03:49.576 10513 10594 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-06 11:03:49.577 10513 10594 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-06 11:03:49.578 10513 10549 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-06 11:03:49.581 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 11:03:49.581 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-06 11:03:49.586 10513 10602 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-06 11:03:49.590 10513 10602 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-06 11:03:49.591 10513 10549 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-06 11:03:49.591 10513 10549 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-06 11:03:49.593 10513 10586 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-06 11:03:49.602 10513 10603 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-06 11:03:49.603 10513 10603 E b : Error: No value for data
04-06 11:03:49.603 10513 10603 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-06 11:03:49.603 10513 10603 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-06 11:03:49.610 10513 10549 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 11:03:49.619 10513 10549 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 11:03:49.635 10513 10594 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-06 11:03:49.636 10513 10549 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 11:03:49.636 10513 10594 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-06 11:03:49.637 10513 10594 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-06 11:03:49.673 10513 10555 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-06 11:03:49.678 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 11:03:49.678 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-06 11:03:49.679 10513 10555 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-06 11:03:49.681 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-06 11:03:49.682 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 11:03:49.682 10513 10600 I
04-06 11:03:49.701 10513 10619 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-06 11:03:49.744 10513 10549 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-06 11:03:49.752 10513 10600 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-06 11:03:49.752 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-06 11:03:49.757 10513 10600 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-06 11:03:49.763 10513 10600 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-06 11:03:49.765 10513 10600 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-06 11:03:49.767 10513 10600 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-06 11:03:49.776 10513 10600 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-06 11:03:49.777 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-06 11:03:49.777 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-06 11:03:49.777 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-06 11:03:49.777 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-06 11:03:49.777 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-06 11:03:49.777 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-06 11:03:49.778 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-06 11:03:49.778 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-06 11:03:49.779 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-06 11:03:49.780 10513 10630 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-06 11:03:49.780 10513 10629 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-06 11:03:49.783 10513 10549 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-06 11:03:49.783 10513 10513 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-06 11:03:49.785 10513 10600 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 220 ms
04-06 11:03:49.798 10513 10630 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-06 11:03:49.798 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-06 11:03:49.801 10513 10513 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-06 11:03:52.778 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-06 11:03:52.785 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586129632778
04-06 11:03:52.786 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-06 11:03:52.790 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-06 11:03:52.790 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-06 11:03:52.794 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-06 11:03:52.795 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586129632794
04-06 11:03:52.795 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-06 11:03:52.797 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-06 11:03:52.797 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-06 11:03:52.798 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-06 11:03:52.798 10513 10627 D
04-06 11:03:52.798 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-06 11:03:52.802 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-06 11:03:52.802 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-06 11:03:52.803 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-06 11:03:52.803 10513 10703 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-06 11:03:52.804 10513 10705 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-06 11:03:52.806 10513 10627 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-06 11:03:52.806 10513 10627 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-06 11:03:52.806 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-06 11:03:52.806 10513 10627 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-06 11:03:52.806 10513 10627 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-06 11:04:04.661 10513 10588 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 44812) after 10000ms
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
44812) after 10000ms
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-06 11:04:09.601 10513 10564 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-06 11:06:40.827 10513 11062 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-06 11:06:40.832 10513 10586 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
--------- beginning of main
04-06 22:24:38.509 29407 29407 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-06 22:24:38.546 29407 29419 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 22:24:38.557 29407 29407 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 22:24:38.614 29407 29407 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-06 22:24:38.614 29407 29407 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-06 22:24:38.633 29407 29407 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-06 22:24:38.649 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-06 22:24:38.651 29407 29407 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-06 22:24:38.651 29407 29407 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-06 22:24:38.651 29407 29407 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-06 22:24:38.651 29407 29407 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-06 22:24:38.651 29407 29407 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-06 22:24:38.741 29407 29407 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-06 22:24:38.744 29407 29407 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-06 22:24:38.745 29407 29407 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-06 22:24:38.769 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-06 22:24:38.775 29407 29407 V Font : Change font:2
04-06 22:24:38.775 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-06 22:24:38.779 29407 29432 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-06 22:24:38.780 29407 29432 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-06 22:24:38.794 29407 29426 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-06 22:24:38.794 29407 29426 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-06 22:24:38.794 29407 29426 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-06 22:24:38.794 29407 29426 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-06 22:24:38.836 29407 29439 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-06 22:24:38.848 29407 29439 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-06 22:24:38.850 29407 29439 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-06 22:24:38.850 29407 29439 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-06 22:24:38.850 29407 29439 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-06 22:24:38.859 29407 29468 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-06 22:24:38.865 29407 29439 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-06 22:24:38.865 29407 29439 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-06 22:24:38.974 29407 29407 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-06 22:24:38.975 29407 29407 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-06 22:24:38.993 29407 29407 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-06 22:24:38.994 29407 29407 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-06 22:24:39.002 29407 29407 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-06 22:24:39.004 29407 29407 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-06 22:24:39.004 29407 29407 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-06 22:24:39.011 29407 29480 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-06 22:24:39.013 29407 29480 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-06 22:24:39.013 29407 29480 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-06 22:24:39.014 29407 29480 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-06 22:24:39.014 29407 29480 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-06 22:24:39.014 29407 29480 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-06 22:24:39.016 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-06 22:24:39.016 29407 29480 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29486 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-06 22:24:39.017 29407 29480 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-06 22:24:39.019 29407 29480 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-06 22:24:39.023 29407 29434 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-06 22:24:39.031 29407 29486 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-06 22:24:39.035 29407 29488 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-06 22:24:39.037 29407 29488 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-06 22:24:39.038 29407 29472 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-06 22:24:39.047 29407 29489 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {}
04-06 22:24:39.047 29407 29489 E b : Error: No value for data
04-06 22:24:39.047 29407 29489 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-06 22:24:39.047 29407 29489 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-06 22:24:39.051 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 22:24:39.051 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-06 22:24:39.055 29407 29434 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-06 22:24:39.055 29407 29434 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-06 22:24:39.058 29407 29434 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 22:24:39.063 29407 29434 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 22:24:39.064 29407 29480 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-06 22:24:39.064 29407 29480 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-06 22:24:39.065 29407 29434 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-06 22:24:39.089 29407 29434 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-06 22:24:44.279 29407 29442 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-06 22:24:44.290 29407 29442 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-06 22:24:44.304 29407 29480 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-06 22:24:44.338 29407 29434 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-06 22:24:44.340 29407 29407 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-06 22:24:44.351 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 22:24:44.352 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-06 22:24:44.354 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-06 22:24:44.354 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-06 22:24:44.354 29407 29486 I
04-06 22:24:44.358 29407 29499 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-06 22:24:44.377 29407 29486 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-06 22:24:44.377 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-06 22:24:44.379 29407 29486 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-06 22:24:44.384 29407 29486 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-06 22:24:44.386 29407 29486 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-06 22:24:44.388 29407 29486 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-06 22:24:44.394 29407 29486 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{}]
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-06 22:24:44.395 29407 29502 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-06 22:24:44.396 29407 29503 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-06 22:24:44.396 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-06 22:24:44.400 29407 29486 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 5383 ms
04-06 22:24:44.406 29407 29503 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-06 22:24:44.407 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-06 22:24:44.409 29407 29407 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-06 22:25:05.688 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-06 22:25:05.696 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586170505688
04-06 22:25:05.697 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-06 22:25:05.701 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-06 22:25:05.701 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-06 22:25:05.703 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-06 22:25:05.704 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586170505703
04-06 22:25:05.704 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-06 22:25:05.706 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-06 22:25:05.706 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-06 22:25:05.707 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-06 22:25:05.707 29407 29501 D
04-06 22:25:05.707 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-06 22:25:05.711 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-06 22:25:05.711 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-06 22:25:05.713 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-06 22:25:05.713 29407 29504 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-06 22:25:05.713 29407 29506 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-06 22:25:05.717 29407 29501 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-06 22:25:05.717 29407 29501 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-06 22:25:05.717 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-06 22:25:05.717 29407 29501 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-06 22:25:05.717 29407 29501 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-06 22:25:15.121 29407 29422 I disha.quickrid: Waiting for a blocking GC
04-06 22:25:15.165 29407 29422 I disha.quickrid: WaitForGcToComplete blocked
ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 44.007ms
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 42054) after 10000ms
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
42054) after 10000ms
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-06 22:27:07.813 29407 29449 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-06 22:27:12.973 29407 29474 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-07 02:37:56.582 17733 17733 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-07 02:37:56.611 17733 17745 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 02:37:56.624 17733 17733 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 02:37:56.659 17733 17733 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-07 02:37:56.659 17733 17733 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-07 02:37:56.672 17733 17733 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-07 02:37:56.683 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-07 02:37:56.685 17733 17733 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-07 02:37:56.685 17733 17733 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-07 02:37:56.685 17733 17733 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-07 02:37:56.685 17733 17733 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-07 02:37:56.685 17733 17733 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-07 02:37:56.727 17733 17733 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-07 02:37:56.729 17733 17733 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-07 02:37:56.730 17733 17733 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-07 02:37:56.747 17733 17757 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-07 02:37:56.747 17733 17757 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-07 02:37:56.763 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-07 02:37:56.763 17733 17733 V Font : Change font:2
04-07 02:37:56.765 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-07 02:37:56.768 17733 17751 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-07 02:37:56.768 17733 17751 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-07 02:37:56.768 17733 17751 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-07 02:37:56.768 17733 17751 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-07 02:37:56.838 17733 17770 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-07 02:37:56.848 17733 17770 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-07 02:37:56.849 17733 17770 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-07 02:37:56.849 17733 17770 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-07 02:37:56.849 17733 17770 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-07 02:37:56.856 17733 17800 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-07 02:37:56.862 17733 17770 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-07 02:37:56.863 17733 17770 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-07 02:37:56.956 17733 17733 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-07 02:37:56.957 17733 17733 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-07 02:37:56.966 17733 17733 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-07 02:37:56.967 17733 17733 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-07 02:37:56.984 17733 17733 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-07 02:37:56.986 17733 17733 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-07 02:37:56.986 17733 17733 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-07 02:37:56.989 17733 17813 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-07 02:37:56.990 17733 17813 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-07 02:37:56.990 17733 17813 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-07 02:37:56.991 17733 17813 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-07 02:37:56.992 17733 17813 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-07 02:37:56.992 17733 17813 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-07 02:37:56.995 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-07 02:37:56.998 17733 17761 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-07 02:37:56.998 17733 17813 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-07 02:37:56.999 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-07 02:37:57.000 17733 17813 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-07 02:37:57.000 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-07 02:37:57.000 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-07 02:37:57.001 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-07 02:37:57.001 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 02:37:57.001 17733 17819 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-07 02:37:57.002 17733 17813 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-07 02:37:57.016 17733 17819 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-07 02:37:57.019 17733 17821 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-07 02:37:57.019 17733 17821 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-07 02:37:57.020 17733 17808 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 02:37:57.022 17733 17761 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-07 02:37:57.022 17733 17761 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-07 02:37:57.023 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 02:37:57.023 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-07 02:37:57.030 17733 17761 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 02:37:57.031 17733 17761 I chatty : uid=10162(com.disha.quickride) AsyncTask
#4 identical 1 line
04-07 02:37:57.032 17733 17761 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 02:37:57.035 17733 17823 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {wzrk_rnv=false, wzrk_push_amp=false, wzrk_pn=true}
04-07 02:37:57.035 17733 17823 E b : Error: No value for data
04-07 02:37:57.057 17733 17761 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-07 02:37:57.069 17733 17813 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-07 02:37:57.074 17733 17761 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-07 02:37:57.074 17733 17733 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-07 02:37:57.102 17733 17813 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-07 02:37:57.102 17733 17813 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-07 02:37:57.114 17733 17777 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-07 02:37:57.118 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 02:37:57.118 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-07 02:37:57.121 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-07 02:37:57.121 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 02:37:57.121 17733 17819 I
04-07 02:37:57.121 17733 17777 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-07 02:37:57.128 17733 17833 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-07 02:37:57.166 17733 17819 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-07 02:37:57.166 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-07 02:37:57.169 17733 17819 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-07 02:37:57.174 17733 17819 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-07 02:37:57.177 17733 17819 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-07 02:37:57.179 17733 17819 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-07 02:37:57.187 17733 17819 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-07 02:37:57.188 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-07 02:37:57.188 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-07 02:37:57.188 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-07 02:37:57.188 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-07 02:37:57.188 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-07 02:37:57.188 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-07 02:37:57.189 17733 17837 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-07 02:37:57.190 17733 17836 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-07 02:37:57.190 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-07 02:37:57.199 17733 17819 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 200 ms
04-07 02:37:57.200 17733 17837 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-07 02:37:57.201 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-07 02:37:57.204 17733 17733 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 02:38:00.188 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-07 02:38:00.195 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586185680188
04-07 02:38:00.196 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-07 02:38:00.203 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-07 02:38:00.203 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-07 02:38:00.206 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-07 02:38:00.208 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586185680206
04-07 02:38:00.208 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-07 02:38:00.210 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-07 02:38:00.210 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-07 02:38:00.211 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-07 02:38:00.212 17733 17835 D
04-07 02:38:00.212 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-07 02:38:00.217 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-07 02:38:00.217 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-07 02:38:00.217 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-07 02:38:00.220 17733 17835 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-07 02:38:00.220 17733 17835 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-07 02:38:00.220 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-07 02:38:00.220 17733 17835 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-07 02:38:00.220 17733 17835 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-07 02:38:00.220 17733 17841 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-07 02:38:00.221 17733 17839 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 46040) after 10000ms
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
46040) after 10000ms
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-07 02:38:06.902 17733 17789 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-07 02:38:12.062 17733 17806 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-07 10:35:26.754 24508 24508 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-07 10:35:26.775 24508 24520 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 10:35:26.788 24508 24508 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 10:35:26.823 24508 24508 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-07 10:35:26.823 24508 24508 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-07 10:35:26.832 24508 24508 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-07 10:35:26.839 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-07 10:35:26.840 24508 24508 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-07 10:35:26.840 24508 24508 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-07 10:35:26.840 24508 24508 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-07 10:35:26.840 24508 24508 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-07 10:35:26.840 24508 24508 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-07 10:35:26.894 24508 24508 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-07 10:35:26.896 24508 24508 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-07 10:35:26.897 24508 24508 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-07 10:35:26.928 24508 24534 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-07 10:35:26.930 24508 24534 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-07 10:35:26.951 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-07 10:35:26.952 24508 24508 V Font : Change font:2
04-07 10:35:26.952 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-07 10:35:26.956 24508 24528 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-07 10:35:26.956 24508 24528 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-07 10:35:26.956 24508 24528 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-07 10:35:26.956 24508 24528 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-07 10:35:27.044 24508 24546 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-07 10:35:27.055 24508 24546 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-07 10:35:27.058 24508 24546 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-07 10:35:27.058 24508 24546 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-07 10:35:27.058 24508 24546 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-07 10:35:27.069 24508 24571 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-07 10:35:27.076 24508 24546 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-07 10:35:27.077 24508 24546 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-07 10:35:27.147 24508 24508 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-07 10:35:27.148 24508 24508 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-07 10:35:27.158 24508 24508 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-07 10:35:27.159 24508 24508 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-07 10:35:27.170 24508 24508 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-07 10:35:27.170 24508 24508 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-07 10:35:27.171 24508 24508 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-07 10:35:27.173 24508 24582 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-07 10:35:27.174 24508 24582 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-07 10:35:27.174 24508 24582 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-07 10:35:27.175 24508 24582 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-07 10:35:27.175 24508 24582 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-07 10:35:27.176 24508 24582 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-07 10:35:27.177 24508 24582 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-07 10:35:27.177 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-07 10:35:27.178 24508 24582 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-07 10:35:27.179 24508 24582 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-07 10:35:27.180 24508 24538 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-07 10:35:27.181 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-07 10:35:27.181 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-07 10:35:27.181 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-07 10:35:27.182 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-07 10:35:27.182 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 10:35:27.182 24508 24589 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-07 10:35:27.184 24508 24589 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-07 10:35:27.188 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 10:35:27.188 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-07 10:35:27.204 24508 24538 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-07 10:35:27.204 24508 24538 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-07 10:35:27.209 24508 24592 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-07 10:35:27.210 24508 24592 W SlaveNetworkWorker: Network not available
04-07 10:35:27.211 24508 24575 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 10:35:27.215 24508 24582 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-07 10:35:27.233 24508 24538 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 10:35:27.243 24508 24582 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-07 10:35:27.247 24508 24582 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-07 10:35:27.248 24508 24538 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 10:35:27.249 24508 24538 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 10:35:27.251 24508 24593 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: New GCM
message received : {af-uinstall-tracking=true}
04-07 10:35:27.251 24508 24593 E b : Error: No value for data
04-07 10:35:27.251 24508 24593 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Not handled
by NetCore
04-07 10:35:27.251 24508 24593 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Session is
not yet initialized; will queue up the message and process after session is
04-07 10:35:27.267 24508 24538 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-07 10:35:27.276 24508 24538 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-07 10:35:27.276 24508 24508 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-07 10:35:27.288 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 10:35:27.288 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-07 10:35:27.293 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-07 10:35:27.293 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 10:35:27.293 24508 24589 I
04-07 10:35:27.296 24508 24601 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-07 10:35:27.302 24508 24544 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-07 10:35:27.304 24508 24544 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-07 10:35:27.332 24508 24589 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-07 10:35:27.332 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-07 10:35:27.333 24508 24589 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-07 10:35:27.339 24508 24589 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-07 10:35:27.342 24508 24589 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-07 10:35:27.343 24508 24589 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
all GCM messages arrived before session was initialized
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.QuickRideGCMIntentService: Processing
new GCM Message : Bundle[{af-uinstall-tracking=true}]
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-07 10:35:27.352 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Stopping
04-07 10:35:27.353 24508 24607 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-07 10:35:27.354 24508 24608 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-07 10:35:27.355 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Cancelling
alarm that was set to check watchdog service
04-07 10:35:27.361 24508 24589 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 180 ms
04-07 10:35:27.372 24508 24608 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Error
while updating FCM registration token to server; User may not get FCM notifications
04-07 10:35:27.373 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-07 10:35:27.374 24508 24508 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 10:35:30.353 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-07 10:35:30.361 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586214330353
04-07 10:35:30.361 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-07 10:35:30.366 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-07 10:35:30.367 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-07 10:35:30.371 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-07 10:35:30.373 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586214330371
04-07 10:35:30.373 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-07 10:35:30.375 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-07 10:35:30.375 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-07 10:35:30.378 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-07 10:35:30.378 24508 24606 D
04-07 10:35:30.378 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-07 10:35:30.381 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-07 10:35:30.381 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-07 10:35:30.383 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-07 10:35:30.383 24508 24621 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-07 10:35:30.383 24508 24619 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-07 10:35:30.386 24508 24606 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-07 10:35:30.386 24508 24606 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-07 10:35:30.386 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-07 10:35:30.386 24508 24606 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-07 10:35:30.386 24508 24606 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : Settings request failed.
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : fby$c: java.net.SocketTimeoutException:
failed to connect to settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from
/ (port 42220) after 10000ms
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1359)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:104)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fct.a(SourceFile:88)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:93)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fcr.a(SourceFile:70)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fcy.c(SourceFile:156)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at ezr.g(SourceFile:128)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at ezr.c(SourceFile:100)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at ezr.f(SourceFile:46)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at ezm.a(SourceFile:63)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fau$2.call(SourceFile:311)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : Caused by:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
settings.crashlytics.com/ (port 443) from / (port
42220) after 10000ms
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : at fby.b(SourceFile:1357)
04-07 10:35:37.101 24508 24551 E Fabric : ... 17 more
04-07 10:35:42.232 24508 24577 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
--------- beginning of main
04-07 18:52:04.205 30774 30774 E disha.quickrid: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-07 18:52:04.222 30774 30786 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 18:52:04.234 30774 30774 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 18:52:04.246 30774 30774 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-07 18:52:04.246 30774 30774 W disha.quickrid: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-07 18:52:04.252 30774 30774 I Perf : Connecting to perf service.
04-07 18:52:04.257 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is instantiated
04-07 18:52:04.257 30774 30774 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
04-07 18:52:04.257 30774 30774 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-07 18:52:04.257 30774 30774 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-07 18:52:04.257 30774 30774 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-07 18:52:04.257 30774 30774 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
04-07 18:52:04.270 30774 30774 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
04-07 18:52:04.271 30774 30774 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider
skipping initialization
04-07 18:52:04.271 30774 30774 E Apxor : App Id is empty or null, couldn't
initialize ApxorSDK
04-07 18:52:04.284 30774 30800 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
04-07 18:52:04.284 30774 30800 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-07 18:52:04.286 30774 30794 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version:
04-07 18:52:04.286 30774 30794 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-07 18:52:04.286 30774 30794 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
04-07 18:52:04.286 30774 30794 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app com.disha.quickride
04-07 18:52:04.291 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: QuickRideApplication
is created
04-07 18:52:04.291 30774 30774 V Font : Change font:2
04-07 18:52:04.292 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: enabled https
protocols null
04-07 18:52:04.332 30774 30811 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-07 18:52:04.341 30774 30811 W com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger:
activateApp events are being logged automatically. There's no need to call
activateApp explicitly, this is safe to remove.
04-07 18:52:04.344 30774 30811 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 12.4.51 is starting up.
To enable debug logging on a device run:
04-07 18:52:04.344 30774 30811 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
04-07 18:52:04.344 30774 30811 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4
04-07 18:52:04.349 30774 30835 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not
registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not
possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions.
04-07 18:52:04.354 30774 30811 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Initializing AppsFlyer SDK:
04-07 18:52:04.354 30774 30811 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Done loading properties: true
04-07 18:52:04.453 30774 30774 E a : Value of SMT_USE_AD_ID : null
04-07 18:52:04.453 30774 30774 D NetcoreSDK: readConfig: null
04-07 18:52:04.460 30774 30774 I CleverTap: Activity Lifecycle Callback
successfully registered
04-07 18:52:04.461 30774 30774 I CleverTap: Account Region not specified in the
AndroidManifest - using default region
04-07 18:52:04.466 30774 30774 I CleverTap: CleverTap SDK initialized with
accountId: 677-74Z-765Z accountToken: 14a-aa6 accountRegion: null
04-07 18:52:04.466 30774 30774 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-07 18:52:04.466 30774 30774 W Adjust : PRODUCTION: Adjust is running in
Production mode. Use this setting only for the build that you want to publish. Set
the environment to `sandbox` if you want to test your app!
04-07 18:52:04.468 30774 30846 I CleverTap: SDK Version Code is 30501
04-07 18:52:04.468 30774 30846 I CleverTap: CTPushNotificationReceiver is present
04-07 18:52:04.469 30774 30846 I CleverTap: InstallReferrerBroadcastReceiver is
04-07 18:52:04.469 30774 30846 I CleverTap: CTNotificationIntentService not present
04-07 18:52:04.470 30774 30846 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundJobService is present
04-07 18:52:04.470 30774 30846 I CleverTap: CTBackgroundIntentService is present
04-07 18:52:04.471 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication: Initializing Session
04-07 18:52:04.472 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Resuming
user session
04-07 18:52:04.472 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-07 18:52:04.474 30774 30846 I CleverTap: InAppNotificationActivity is present
04-07 18:52:04.474 30774 30801 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
providerinstaller not found.
04-07 18:52:04.475 30774 30846 I CleverTap: FcmMessageListenerService not present
04-07 18:52:04.475 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Found Persistent
session for user 80505603530934
04-07 18:52:04.475 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Entering
04-07 18:52:04.475 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 18:52:04.475 30774 30853 D
Manager: Resuming basic user session
04-07 18:52:04.477 30774 30801 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
providerinstaller:0 and remote module providerinstaller:0
04-07 18:52:04.477 30774 30801 W ProviderInstaller: Failed to load
providerinstaller module: No acceptable module found. Local version is 0 and remote
version is 0.
04-07 18:52:04.478 30774 30853 W Java7Support: Unable to load JDK7 types
(annotations, java.nio.file.Path): no Java7 support added
04-07 18:52:04.479 30774 30846 I CleverTap: FcmTokenListenerService not present
04-07 18:52:04.484 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: on create of splash
04-07 18:52:04.487 30774 30801 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 18:52:04.489 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is opened by the user
04-07 18:52:04.491 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 18:52:04.491 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Resume basic user
04-07 18:52:04.504 30774 30801 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 18:52:04.513 30774 30801 I disha.quickrid: The ClassLoaderContext is a
special shared library.
04-07 18:52:04.527 30774 30801 V NativeCrypto: Registering
com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 286 native methods...
04-07 18:52:04.530 30774 30774 V FlingOptimizerScroller: FlingOptimizerOverScroller
04-07 18:52:04.531 30774 30846 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
promopush has been created
04-07 18:52:04.543 30774 30846 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
offerspush has been created
04-07 18:52:04.545 30774 30846 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: Notification channel
notifypush has been created
04-07 18:52:04.545 30774 30774 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-07 18:52:04.547 30774 30801 I ProviderInstaller: Installed default security
provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
04-07 18:52:04.561 30774 30774 D
04-07 18:52:04.570 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is visible
04-07 18:52:04.573 30774 30794 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will
not be used
04-07 18:52:04.580 30774 30774 E SensorManager: registerListenerImpl
sensorName:lsm6dsm Accelerometer Non-wakeup,isWakeUpSensor:false,callingApp:
04-07 18:52:04.586 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameForeground
04-07 18:52:04.586 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Sending first launch for this
04-07 18:52:04.628 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 18:52:04.629 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-07 18:52:04.630 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.AwsIotEventServiceConnection: Creating
AwsIotEventServiceConnection to connect to a1xn41v6vdshwm-ats.iot.ap-south-
04-07 18:52:04.630 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Performing session
change operation on
04-07 18:52:04.630 30774 30853 I
04-07 18:52:04.662 30774 30846 I CleverTap:677-74Z-765Z: FCM token:
04-07 18:52:04.664 30774 30774 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:04.664 30774 30774 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:04.649 30774 30774 W disha.quickride: type=1400 audit(0.0:7205): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:04.665 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:04.649 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7207): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:04.667 30774 30774 V ViewRootImpl: The specified message queue
synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build :
3bc9a6f, I21de9e011e
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : Build Date :
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : Local Branch :
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : Remote Branch : NONE
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :
04-07 18:52:04.674 30774 30885 I Adreno : Build Config : S P
6.0.9 AArch64
04-07 18:52:04.675 30774 30789 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot
hasFocus: true, DecorView@934312[QRSplashActivity]
04-07 18:52:04.677 30774 30885 I Adreno : PFP: 0x016ee180, ME: 0x00000000
04-07 18:52:04.681 30774 30885 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
04-07 18:52:04.681 30774 30885 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2
04-07 18:52:04.702 30774 30885 D OpenGLRenderer: sc::check ver valid[0], cur[OpenGL
ES 3.2 V@365.0 (GIT@3bc9a6f, I21de9e011e) (Date:02/25/19)], comp[]
04-07 18:52:04.702 30774 30885 D OpenGLRenderer: sc::check:
04-07 18:52:04.723 30774 30885 D : Successfully load libgui-plugin.so,
04-07 18:52:04.726 30774 30853 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-07 18:52:04.726 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyClosedRidesCache: Loading closed
rides from local database
04-07 18:52:04.730 30774 30853 D
: getting all rider rides from databse
04-07 18:52:04.735 30774 30774 D
ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync onProviderInstalled
04-07 18:52:04.735 30774 30892 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-07 18:52:04.736 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:04.737 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:04.737 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: sendTrackingWithEvent from
activity: com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication
04-07 18:52:04.719 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7208): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:04.719 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7209): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:04.737 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Trying to fetch GAID..
04-07 18:52:04.747 30774 30893 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched:
04-07 18:52:04.750 30774 30898 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched: 1
04-07 18:52:04.752 30774 30853 D
: getting all passenger rides
04-07 18:52:04.756 30774 30853 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-07 18:52:04.764 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.location.GoogleApiClientProvider: onConnected
04-07 18:52:04.765 30774 30853 D
: getting all regular passenger rides
04-07 18:52:04.769 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: Last known location : null
04-07 18:52:04.770 30774 30809 W AnalyticsUserIDStore: initStore should have been
called before calling setUserID
04-07 18:52:04.770 30774 30809 W UserDataStore: initStore should have been called
before calling setUserID
04-07 18:52:04.771 30774 30908 D
NotificationUpdateWorker.doWork() started
04-07 18:52:04.785 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: ******* sendTrackingWithEvent:
04-07 18:52:04.804 30774 30853 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user name
04-07 18:52:04.806 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-07 18:52:04.806 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionResumeAsyncTask: Session
resume operation completed
04-07 18:52:04.806 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: Getting FCM
token to update to server for user : 80505603530934
04-07 18:52:04.806 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation completed successfully
04-07 18:52:04.806 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationHelper: FCM token
for userId : 80505603530934 is : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-07 18:52:04.807 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Starting
04-07 18:52:04.807 30774 30918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.FCMTokenRegistrationAsyncTask: Updating
client device id to server : cpTJEADrXPY:APA91bFpuQMs-
04-07 18:52:04.810 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManagerController: Setting
alarm to ensure watchdog service is started if Android does not restart
04-07 18:52:04.813 30774 30774 D
QuickRideWatchdogService.onCreate called
04-07 18:52:04.813 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.watchdog.QuickRideWatchdogService: Entering
04-07 18:52:04.813 30774 30917 D
: UserId set to Fabric
04-07 18:52:04.816 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: IMEI was not collected.
04-07 18:52:04.817 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionSetupAsyncTask: Session
change operation took 346 ms
04-07 18:52:04.817 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Android ID was not collected.
04-07 18:52:04.826 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: AppsFlyer: first launch date:
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Rejecting re-init on previously-
failed class java.lang.Class<com.appsflyer.GcmInstanceIdListener>:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"com.google.android.gms.iid.InstanceIDListenerService" on path: DexPathList[[zip
file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file
"/data/app/com.disha.quickride-obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/base.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64]]
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.827 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid:
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Rejecting re-init on previously-
failed class java.lang.Class<com.appsflyer.GcmInstanceIdListener>:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"com.google.android.gms.iid.InstanceIDListenerService" on path: DexPathList[[zip
file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file
"/data/app/com.disha.quickride-obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/base.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64]]
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid:
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Rejecting re-init on previously-
failed class java.lang.Class<com.appsflyer.FirebaseInstanceIdListener>:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdService" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
"/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file
"/data/app/com.disha.quickride-obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/base.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64]]
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid:
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Rejecting re-init on previously-
failed class java.lang.Class<com.appsflyer.FirebaseInstanceIdListener>:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of:
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdService" on path: DexPathList[[zip file
"/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file
"/data/app/com.disha.quickride-obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/base.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk", zip file
obz9gqkfu5qc4FoBFbeiCQ==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64]]
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Class
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at boolean
com.appsflyer.y.ˋ(android.content.Context) (SourceFile:25)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.util.Map
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ˎ(android.content.Context, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
android.content.SharedPreferences, boolean, android.content.Intent,
java.lang.String) (SourceFile:2049)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib.ॱ(com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib, android.content.Context,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean,
boolean, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (SourceFile:83)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerLib$a.run() (SourceFile:3154)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at java.lang.Object
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call() (Executors.java:458)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run() (FutureTask.java:266)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
ecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void
com.appsflyer.AFExecutor$3$5.run() (SourceFile:30)
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid: at void java.lang.Thread.run()
04-07 18:52:04.828 30774 30878 I disha.quickrid:
04-07 18:52:04.829 30774 30878 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:04.836 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:04.839 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: url:
04-07 18:52:04.839 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: data:
04-07 18:52:04.984 30774 30841 I ApxorSDK: ApxorSDK(v263) successfully initialized
for: d25af8de489a0ca420f9540aed14013a
04-07 18:52:05.071 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: Connection established 0
04-07 18:52:05.072 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: referrerDetails
04-07 18:52:05.073 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: referrerDetails
utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic 0 1585135755
04-07 18:52:05.078 30774 30987 I
04-07 18:52:05.161 30774 30774 E SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl callingApp:
04-07 18:52:05.186 30774 30898 D b : getData: response code:200
04-07 18:52:05.187 30774 30898 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/app_activity ->
null,"adid":"","sessionid":"1586265724441","tx":"1586265724610","eventid":"21"} ---
200 OK {"status" : "success"}
04-07 18:52:05.198 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:05.200 30774 30892 D b : getData: response code:200
04-07 18:52:05.200 30774 30892 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/pn_register ->
_d7MeMC_fa1ihKbrAYf7eyGOLpn8jTmYj2raNtvJe1Oj"} --- 200 OK
04-07 18:52:05.201 30774 30893 D b : getData: response code:200
04-07 18:52:05.201 30774 30893 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/app_activity ->
null,"adid":"","sessionid":"1586265724441","tx":"1586265724610","eventid":"26"} ---
200 OK {"status" : "success"}
04-07 18:52:05.207 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:05.211 30774 30892 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched: 1
04-07 18:52:05.213 30774 30848 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:05.237 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: sendTrackingWithEvent from
activity: com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication
04-07 18:52:05.237 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Trying to fetch GAID..
04-07 18:52:05.255 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: ******* sendTrackingWithEvent:
04-07 18:52:05.267 30774 30908 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
9994 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: ][userMsg: Client request error ]
[hintForCorrection: Please recheck the operation ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: Error in
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitClientInstance: at
04-07 18:52:05.268 30774 30908 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException OTHER ERROR100
java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-07 18:52:05.271 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: IMEI was not collected.
04-07 18:52:05.272 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Android ID was not collected.
04-07 18:52:05.276 30774 30918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp401
04-07 18:52:05.277 30774 30918 E
RestResponse.processResponseErrorToProperException Error obj there [errorCode:
11103 ][httpStatusCode: 401 ][developerMsg: Unauthorized access; Jwt token has
expired ][userMsg: Secure session has expired ][hintForCorrection: Re-login and
retry ][extraInfo: {} ]
04-07 18:52:05.277 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: AppsFlyer: first launch date:
04-07 18:52:05.278 30774 30923 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:05.279 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:05.280 30774 30803 E GraphResponse: {HttpStatus: 400, errorCode: 43003,
subErrorCode: -1, errorType: OAuthException, errorMessage: (#43003) App button auto
detection is disabled}
04-07 18:52:05.282 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: url:
04-07 18:52:05.282 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: data:
69933404\",\"prev_event_value\":\"{\\\"from\\\":\\\"Candor TechSpace, Noida-Greater
Noida Expressway, Sector 135, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India\\\",\\\"to\\\":\\\"Galaxy
North Avenue GC-3, Gaur City 1, Sector 4, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh,
04-07 18:52:05.321 30774 30892 D b : getData: response code:200
04-07 18:52:05.321 30774 30892 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/app_activity_ngn ->
}} --- 200 OK {"status" : "success"}
04-07 18:52:05.330 30774 30848 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:05.562 30774 30918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:05.562 30774 30918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:05.609 30774 30804 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: AppLinkData is null;
cannot fetch referer info
04-07 18:52:05.666 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: Checking session status
and transferring to next activity
04-07 18:52:05.666 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: Updating active session
details to server
04-07 18:52:05.667 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QRSplashActivity: navigating to existing
user starting screen
04-07 18:52:05.667 30774 31010 D
Validating and updating active user session details
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: Device Info :
Manufacturer[OnePlus], Brand[OnePlus], Product[OnePlus7], Model[GM1901]
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: Error while
checking if CyanogenMod is running :
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/version (Permission denied)
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.668 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.MobileEnvironmentVerifier: at
04-07 18:52:05.669 30774 31010 D com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.AppUtil:
networkOp = 40410, networkOpName = airtel
04-07 18:52:05.671 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides from cache
04-07 18:52:05.671 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides from cache
04-07 18:52:05.675 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.myrides.cache.MyActiveRidesCache: getting active
rides of user after the current time
04-07 18:52:05.678 30774 30918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:05.691 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is invisible
04-07 18:52:05.699 30774 31000 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameBackground
04-07 18:52:05.699 30774 31000 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: callStatsBackground background
04-07 18:52:05.699 30774 31000 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: app went to background
04-07 18:52:05.699 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is closed by the user
04-07 18:52:05.700 30774 31000 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Stats call is disabled,
ignore ...
04-07 18:52:05.700 30774 31000 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: RD status is OFF
04-07 18:52:05.709 30774 30774 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no
activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@2ea7efe
04-07 18:52:05.715 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is opened by the user
04-07 18:52:05.716 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: Session resumed
04-07 18:52:05.717 30774 30774 I dhd : Making Creator dynamically
04-07 18:52:05.719 30774 30774 W disha.quickrid: Unsupported class loader
04-07 18:52:05.721 30774 30774 W disha.quickrid: Skipping duplicate class check due
to unsupported classloader
04-07 18:52:05.723 30774 30774 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
com.google.android.gms.maps_dynamite:0 and remote module
04-07 18:52:05.723 30774 30774 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of
com.google.android.gms.maps_dynamite, version >= 222
04-07 18:52:05.723 30774 30774 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
04-07 18:52:05.731 30774 30774 I DynamiteLoaderV2: [71] Mapsdynamite
04-07 18:52:05.732 30774 30774 W disha.quickrid: Unsupported class loader
04-07 18:52:05.736 30774 30774 W disha.quickrid: Skipping duplicate class check due
to unsupported classloader
04-07 18:52:05.761 30774 30774 I Google Maps Android API: Google Play services
client version: 12451000
04-07 18:52:05.771 30774 30774 I Google Maps Android API: Google Play services
package version: 200914028
04-07 18:52:05.784 30774 30908 E
URLConnection.checkInternetAndDecideexception Network available:
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; java.io.IOException: stream closed
04-07 18:52:05.834 30774 30782 W System : A resource failed to call end.
04-07 18:52:05.872 30774 30908 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:05.873 30774 30908 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:05.873 30774 30878 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: response code: 200
04-07 18:52:05.873 30774 30878 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Uninstall Token exists:
04-07 18:52:05.873 30774 30878 D
onInstallConversionDataLoaded() {install_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467,
cost_cents_USD=0, media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true, click_time=2019-10-14
16:51:25.467, orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos, af_siteid=indusos,
af_status=Non-organic, is_first_launch=false}
04-07 18:52:05.877 30774 30794 W FA : Value is too long; discarded. Value
kind, name, value length: param, userReferrerInfo, 236
04-07 18:52:05.891 30774 30774 I TextToSpeech: Sucessfully bound to
04-07 18:52:05.891 30774 30774 W TextToSpeech: setLanguage failed: not bound to TTS
04-07 18:52:05.893 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is visible
04-07 18:52:05.895 30774 30774 E SensorManager: registerListenerImpl
sensorName:lsm6dsm Accelerometer Non-wakeup,isWakeUpSensor:false,callingApp:
04-07 18:52:05.896 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationUpdateWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:05.902 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameForeground
04-07 18:52:05.903 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Last Launch attempt: 2020/04/07
13:22:04.586 +0000;
04-07 18:52:05.903 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Last successful Launch event:
2020/04/07 13:22:05.873 +0000;
04-07 18:52:05.903 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: This launch is blocked: 1317 ms <
5000 ms
04-07 18:52:05.906 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:05.889 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7211): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:05.907 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:05.907 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:05.889 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7212): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:05.922 30774 30774 I TextToSpeech: Connected to
04-07 18:52:05.909 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7214): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:05.925 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:05.927 30774 30892 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched: 1
04-07 18:52:05.930 30774 30911 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot
hasFocus: true, DecorView@fc534f4[CommonMapActivity]
04-07 18:52:05.933 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.BaseQuickRideMenuFragment: Creating view after
session is initialized
04-07 18:52:05.934 30774 30800 I TextToSpeech: Set up connection to
04-07 18:52:05.965 30774 30774 D
RideCreationFirstStep is instantiated in FindRideAndOfferRideFragment{1b84f3e
(9a4e5441-118a-4a6a-a713-a6058771cf49)}[startAddress = null, startLatitude = 0.0,
startLongitude = 0.0, endAddress = null, endLatitude = 0.0, endLongitude = 0.0,
startTime = null, rideType = null, userVehicle = null, selectedSeats = 1,
appliedPromoCode = null, reuseExistingData = false]
04-07 18:52:05.969 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: On
create called for ride creation first step null
04-07 18:52:05.969 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-07 18:52:06.007 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.007 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.009 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user recent
ride type
04-07 18:52:06.016 30774 30774 D
onActivityCreated with null
04-07 18:52:06.016 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: Ride
creation fragment is started
04-07 18:52:06.020 30774 31010 D
User session is valid
04-07 18:52:06.021 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.session.SessionManager: Refreshing data on
app reopen
04-07 18:52:06.021 30774 31010 D
Manager: Refreshing data on app reopen
04-07 18:52:06.025 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: sendTrackingWithEvent from
activity: com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication
04-07 18:52:06.025 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateListenerRegistry : registerListener
04-07 18:52:06.026 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Trying to fetch GAID..
04-07 18:52:06.026 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : requestUpdateInfo(com.disha.quickride)
04-07 18:52:06.028 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : Initiate binding to the service.
04-07 18:52:06.071 30774 31069 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.071 30774 31069 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.135 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 18:52:06.153 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.153 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.167 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService :
04-07 18:52:06.170 30774 30774 D OnePlusJankManager: Chor uploadMDM JANK_TYPE_ONCE
mViewTitle =
com.disha.quickride/com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.CommonMapActivity--- jank
level = 1
04-07 18:52:06.171 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : linkToDeath
04-07 18:52:06.187 30774 30774 E SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl callingApp:
04-07 18:52:06.189 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: ******* sendTrackingWithEvent:
04-07 18:52:06.191 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Stop listening to network
state changes
04-07 18:52:06.226 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: IMEI was not collected.
04-07 18:52:06.229 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Android ID was not collected.
04-07 18:52:06.234 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: AppsFlyer: first launch date:
04-07 18:52:06.235 30774 31046 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:06.236 30774 31046 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:06.237 30774 31045 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: url:
04-07 18:52:06.237 30774 31045 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: data:
16:51:25.467, cost_cents_USD=0, media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true,
click_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467, orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos,
af_siteid=indusos, af_status=Non-organic,
:\\\"{install_time=1585135755, referrer=utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic,
04-07 18:52:06.266 30774 30923 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: response code: 200
04-07 18:52:06.266 30774 30923 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Uninstall Token exists:
04-07 18:52:06.269 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.269 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
--------- beginning of system
04-07 18:52:06.299 30774 30774 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
04-07 18:52:06.314 30774 30892 D b : getData: response code:200
04-07 18:52:06.315 30774 30892 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/app_activity_ngn ->
ferrerinfo","payload":{"userReferrerInfo":"{install_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467,
cost_cents_USD=0, media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true, click_time=2019-10-14
16:51:25.467, orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos, af_siteid=indusos,
er"}} --- 200 OK {"status" : "success"}
04-07 18:52:06.323 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:06.352 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.352 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.425 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.426 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.449 30774 30911 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
OnRequestInstallCallback : onRequestInfo
04-07 18:52:06.450 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : Unbind from service.
04-07 18:52:06.450 30774 31010 W Glide : Load failed for null with size [0x0]
04-07 18:52:06.450 30774 31010 W Glide : class ake: Received null model
04-07 18:52:06.450 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.UserModuleSessionManager: Refreshing data
on app reopen
04-07 18:52:06.458 30774 30774 W Glide : Load failed for null with size [0x0]
04-07 18:52:06.458 30774 30774 W Glide : class ake: Received null model
04-07 18:52:06.464 30774 31010 W disha.quickrid: Opening an oat file without a
class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
04-07 18:52:06.467 30774 31010 E disha.quickrid: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /data/user/0/com.disha.quickride/cache/.    .Expected: 3202296488, actual:
04-07 18:52:06.576 31118 31118 I dex2oat : The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
04-07 18:52:06.576 31118 31118 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --dex-
file=/data/user/0/com.disha.quickride/cache/.     --output-vdex-fd=123 --oat-fd=142
--oat-location=/data/user/0/com.disha.quickride/cache/oat/arm64/.odex --compiler-
filter=quicken --class-loader-context=&
04-07 18:52:06.688 31118 31118 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 112.981ms (37.297ms cpu)
(threads: 8) arena alloc=7KB (7480B) java alloc=16KB (17120B) native alloc=1090KB
(1117104B) free=1469KB (1504336B)
04-07 18:52:06.738 30774 31081 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameBackground
04-07 18:52:06.740 30774 31081 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: callStatsBackground background
04-07 18:52:06.740 30774 31081 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: app went to background
04-07 18:52:06.741 30774 31081 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Stats call is disabled,
ignore ...
04-07 18:52:06.742 30774 31081 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: RD status is OFF
04-07 18:52:06.762 30774 31010 W disha.quickrid: Opening an oat file without a
class loader. Are you using the deprecated DexFile APIs?
04-07 18:52:06.765 30774 31010 E disha.quickrid: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /data/user/0/com.disha.quickride/cache/.    .Expected: 844996410, actual:
04-07 18:52:06.809 30774 30781 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the
application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients
beforehand. Releasing leaked death recipient: ece
04-07 18:52:06.810 31139 31139 I dex2oat : The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
04-07 18:52:06.810 31139 31139 I dex2oat : /system/bin/dex2oat --dex-
file=/data/user/0/com.disha.quickride/cache/.     --output-vdex-fd=81 --oat-fd=122
--oat-location=/data/user/0/com.disha.quickride/cache/oat/arm64/.odex --compiler-
filter=quicken --class-loader-context=&
04-07 18:52:06.813 30774 30782 W System : A resource failed to call end.
04-07 18:52:06.871 31139 31139 I dex2oat : dex2oat took 62.418ms (28.226ms cpu)
(threads: 8) arena alloc=3KB (4024B) java alloc=32KB (32784B) native alloc=1085KB
(1111216B) free=1474KB (1510224B)
04-07 18:52:06.882 30774 31010 I GooglePayInApp: Google Pay package version: 484693
[minimum: 109625]
04-07 18:52:06.882 30774 31010 I GooglePayInApp: Google Pay signature:
wXuOPkJ7/Nmcxl7CT/U66RdCQpLXI2FbdGNkaOMiPAs= [expected:
04-07 18:52:06.886 30774 31010 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of referral
04-07 18:52:06.890 30774 31010 D
04-07 18:52:06.891 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Refreshing data on
app reopen
04-07 18:52:06.891 30774 31010 D
: Getting pending notifications from server
04-07 18:52:06.893 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: Adding
[com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationStore@b55e70e] for key :
04-07 18:52:06.893 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationStore: Creating periodic
work request to refresh notifications regularly
04-07 18:52:06.898 30774 30774 I
fit: Getting Contacts From Phone
04-07 18:52:06.909 30774 30789 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot
hasFocus: true, DecorView@fc534f4[CommonMapActivity]
04-07 18:52:06.911 30774 30774 E SensorManager: registerListenerImpl
sensorName:lsm6dsm Accelerometer Non-wakeup,isWakeUpSensor:false,callingApp:
04-07 18:52:06.916 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameForeground
04-07 18:52:06.917 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Last Launch attempt: 2020/04/07
13:22:04.586 +0000;
04-07 18:52:06.917 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Last successful Launch event:
2020/04/07 13:22:05.873 +0000;
04-07 18:52:06.917 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: This launch is blocked: 2330 ms <
5000 ms
04-07 18:52:06.925 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateListenerRegistry : registerListener
04-07 18:52:06.926 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : requestUpdateInfo(com.disha.quickride)
04-07 18:52:06.926 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : Initiate binding to the service.
04-07 18:52:06.936 30774 30774 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
04-07 18:52:06.940 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: Last
location from FusedLocationProviderClient [null] is not reasonable to consider
04-07 18:52:06.941 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: Zooming
to India level 0.0, 0.0
04-07 18:52:06.953 30774 31069 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200 QRAccount?
--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system
04-07 18:52:06.953 30774 31069 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200 QRAccount?
04-07 18:52:06.960 30774 30774 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Unknown component:
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at com.razorpay.BaseRazorpay.a_$P$
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at com.razorpay.BaseRazorpay.R$
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at dvd.run(Unknown Source:4)
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException:
Remote stack trace:
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.961 30774 30774 W System.err: at
04-07 18:52:06.965 30774 30774 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with
message 'unimplemented'
04-07 18:52:06.971 30774 31152 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.971 30774 31152 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:06.992 30774 30774 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with
message 'unimplemented'
04-07 18:52:07.041 30774 31150 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.041 30774 31150 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.042 30774 31149 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.042 30774 31149 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.042 30774 31151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200 QRBlockUser?
04-07 18:52:07.042 30774 31151 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200 QRBlockUser?
04-07 18:52:07.066 30774 31153 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.066 30774 31153 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.089 30774 31045 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: response code: 200
04-07 18:52:07.089 30774 31045 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Uninstall Token exists:
04-07 18:52:07.096 30774 30774 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with
message 'unimplemented'
04-07 18:52:07.106 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService :
04-07 18:52:07.106 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : linkToDeath
04-07 18:52:07.111 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.099 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7224): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:07.111 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.099 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7225): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:07.111 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.099 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7226): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:07.112 30774 30789 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
OnRequestInstallCallback : onRequestInfo
04-07 18:52:07.112 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : Unbind from service.
04-07 18:52:07.120 30774 31148 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.120 30774 31148 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:07.128 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.109 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7227): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:07.128 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.109 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7228): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:07.164 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.164 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.164 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.167 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.167 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:07.394 30774 30774 E SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl callingApp:
04-07 18:52:07.421 30774 30774 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
04-07 18:52:07.805 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Resuming complete
user session
04-07 18:52:07.816 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586244127805
04-07 18:52:07.817 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-07 18:52:07.823 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-07 18:52:07.823 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-07 18:52:07.825 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-07 18:52:07.826 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: Purging old
messages with condition : time <= 1586244127825
04-07 18:52:07.826 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: No of old
messages purged : 0
04-07 18:52:07.827 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 messages read
from persistence
04-07 18:52:07.827 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Initializing
unprocessed messages from persistence
04-07 18:52:07.828 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventServicePersistenceHelper: 0 unprocessed
messages read from persistence
04-07 18:52:07.829 30774 30916 D
04-07 18:52:07.829 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Adding topic name
to subscriptions queue :userMsg/80505603530934
04-07 18:52:07.833 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.EventModuleSessionManager: Establishing event
service connection
04-07 18:52:07.833 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.RideMgmtEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-07 18:52:07.833 30774 30811 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-07 18:52:07.833 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.LocationUpdateEventServiceProxy: Entering
04-07 18:52:07.833 30774 30882 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.event.InitialMessagesDispatchTask: Dispatching
initial messages
04-07 18:52:07.841 30774 30916 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rides
04-07 18:52:07.841 30774 30916 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing rider rides
04-07 18:52:07.841 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-07 18:52:07.841 30774 30916 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideManagementMqttProxy: subscribing to
topic of existing passenger rides
04-07 18:52:07.841 30774 30916 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.groupchat.RideGroupChatMqttListener: Subscribing to
collection of rides
04-07 18:52:07.887 30774 31047 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for
com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates not found.
04-07 18:52:07.906 30774 31047 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates:0 and remote module
04-07 18:52:07.906 30774 31047 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of
com.google.android.gms.googlecertificates, version >= 4
04-07 18:52:07.909 30774 31047 I DynamiteLoaderV2: [71] Googlecertificates
04-07 18:52:07.920 30774 31047 W disha.quickrid: Unsupported class loader
04-07 18:52:07.926 30774 31047 W disha.quickrid: Skipping duplicate class check due
to unsupported classloader
04-07 18:52:07.929 30774 31175 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameBackground
04-07 18:52:07.929 30774 31175 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: callStatsBackground background
04-07 18:52:07.929 30774 31175 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: app went to background
04-07 18:52:07.931 30774 31175 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Stats call is disabled,
ignore ...
04-07 18:52:07.931 30774 31175 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: RD status is OFF
04-07 18:52:07.949 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is invisible
04-07 18:52:07.950 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateListenerRegistry : unregisterListener
04-07 18:52:07.965 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is closed by the user
04-07 18:52:07.965 30774 30774 D
RideCreationFirstStep's view is destroyed
04-07 18:52:07.966 30774 30774 D LocationManager: removeUpdates
listener=FindRideAndOfferRideFragment{1b84f3e (9a4e5441-118a-4a6a-a713-
a6058771cf49) id=0x7f0a0310} packageName= com.disha.quickride
04-07 18:52:07.966 30774 30774 D LocationManager: removeUpdates transport is null,
packageName= com.disha.quickride
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: onDestroy failed
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean lb.i()'
on a null object reference
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:07.967 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:10.202 30774 30848 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:13.106 30774 30781 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the
application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients
beforehand. Releasing leaked death recipient: ece
04-07 18:52:15.829 30774 30774 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no
activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@d0c4977
04-07 18:52:15.845 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is opened by the user
04-07 18:52:15.846 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: Session resumed
04-07 18:52:15.851 30774 30774 I Google Maps Android API: Google Play services
package version: 200914028
04-07 18:52:15.893 30774 30774 I TextToSpeech: Sucessfully bound to
04-07 18:52:15.893 30774 30774 W TextToSpeech: setLanguage failed: not bound to TTS
04-07 18:52:15.894 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is visible
04-07 18:52:15.894 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.notification.NotificationStore: Refreshing
notifications when app became visible
04-07 18:52:15.894 30774 30774 D
: Getting pending notifications from server
04-07 18:52:15.896 30774 30774 E SensorManager: registerListenerImpl
sensorName:lsm6dsm Accelerometer Non-wakeup,isWakeUpSensor:false,callingApp:
04-07 18:52:15.902 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameForeground
04-07 18:52:15.903 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Last Launch attempt: 2020/04/07
13:22:04.586 +0000;
04-07 18:52:15.903 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Last successful Launch event:
2020/04/07 13:22:05.873 +0000;
04-07 18:52:15.903 30774 30774 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Sending launch (+11316 ms)
04-07 18:52:15.908 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:15.908 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:15.889 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7239): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:15.908 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:15.889 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7240): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:15.913 30774 30774 I TextToSpeech: Connected to
04-07 18:52:15.914 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:15.914 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:15.899 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7242): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:15.916 30774 30803 I TextToSpeech: Set up connection to
04-07 18:52:15.924 30774 30789 D DecorView: onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot
hasFocus: true, DecorView@3dfbc2[CommonMapActivity]
04-07 18:52:15.926 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.BaseQuickRideMenuFragment: Creating view after
session is initialized
04-07 18:52:15.941 30774 30774 D
RideCreationFirstStep is instantiated in FindRideAndOfferRideFragment{a7a82b1
(1ada7543-92e7-4199-bf61-017dabb17bf3)}[startAddress = null, startLatitude = 0.0,
startLongitude = 0.0, endAddress = null, endLatitude = 0.0, endLongitude = 0.0,
startTime = null, rideType = null, userVehicle = null, selectedSeats = 1,
appliedPromoCode = null, reuseExistingData = false]
04-07 18:52:15.942 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: On
create called for ride creation first step null
04-07 18:52:15.942 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Start listening to
network state changes
04-07 18:52:15.955 30774 30774 D
onMapReady in FindRideAndOfferRideFragment{a7a82b1 (1ada7543-92e7-4199-bf61-
017dabb17bf3) id=0x7f0a0310}[startAddress = null, startLatitude = 0.0,
startLongitude = 0.0, endAddress = null, endLatitude = 0.0, endLongitude = 0.0,
startTime = null, rideType = null, userVehicle = null, selectedSeats = 1,
appliedPromoCode = null, reuseExistingData = false]
04-07 18:52:15.957 30774 30774 D
startLocationUpdatesIfRequired true in FindRideAndOfferRideFragment{a7a82b1
(1ada7543-92e7-4199-bf61-017dabb17bf3) id=0x7f0a0310}[startAddress = null,
startLatitude = 0.0, startLongitude = 0.0, endAddress = null, endLatitude = 0.0,
endLongitude = 0.0, startTime = null, rideType = null, userVehicle = null,
selectedSeats = 1, appliedPromoCode = null, reuseExistingData = false]
04-07 18:52:15.959 30774 30774 I
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.usermgmt.cache.UserDataCache: getting of user recent
ride type
04-07 18:52:15.961 30774 30774 D
onActivityCreated with null
04-07 18:52:15.961 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: Ride
creation fragment is started
04-07 18:52:15.964 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateListenerRegistry : registerListener
04-07 18:52:15.964 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : requestUpdateInfo(com.disha.quickride)
04-07 18:52:15.965 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : Initiate binding to the service.
04-07 18:52:15.977 30774 31152 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:15.977 30774 31152 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:15.992 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 18:52:15.993 30774 30774 W
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: Last
location from FusedLocationProviderClient [null] is not reasonable to consider
04-07 18:52:15.993 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.RideCreationFirstStepBaseFragment: Zooming
to India level 0.0, 0.0
04-07 18:52:16.004 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService :
04-07 18:52:16.005 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : linkToDeath
04-07 18:52:16.009 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:16.010 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:16.010 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:16.012 30774 30789 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
OnRequestInstallCallback : onRequestInfo
04-07 18:52:16.012 30774 31070 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateService : Unbind from service.
04-07 18:52:16.023 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:16.023 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:16.045 30774 31069 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:16.045 30774 31069 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.retrofitSetup.RetrofitUtils: OkHttp200
04-07 18:52:16.054 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: sendTrackingWithEvent from
activity: com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication
04-07 18:52:16.054 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Trying to fetch GAID..
04-07 18:52:16.081 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: ******* sendTrackingWithEvent:
04-07 18:52:16.100 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: IMEI was not collected.
04-07 18:52:16.100 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Android ID was not collected.
04-07 18:52:16.105 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: AppsFlyer: first launch date:
04-07 18:52:16.105 30774 31261 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:16.109 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:16.111 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: url:
04-07 18:52:16.111 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: data:
04-07 18:52:16.135 30774 30781 W JavaBinder: BinderProxy is being destroyed but the
application did not call unlinkToDeath to unlink all of its death recipients
beforehand. Releasing leaked death recipient: ece
04-07 18:52:16.294 30774 30883 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is
04-07 18:52:17.032 30774 31261 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: response code: 200
04-07 18:52:17.032 30774 31261 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Uninstall Token exists:
04-07 18:52:17.033 30774 31261 D
onInstallConversionDataLoaded() {install_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467,
cost_cents_USD=0, media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true, click_time=2019-10-14
16:51:25.467, orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos, af_siteid=indusos,
af_status=Non-organic, is_first_launch=false}
04-07 18:52:17.044 30774 30794 W FA : Value is too long; discarded. Value
kind, name, value length: param, userReferrerInfo, 236
04-07 18:52:17.095 30774 30908 D SlaveNetworkWorker: not matched: 1
04-07 18:52:17.135 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.119 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7249): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:17.137 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.119 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7251): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:17.137 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.139 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7252): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:17.150 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.150 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.139 30774 30774 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:7253): avc:
denied { map } for path="/dev/__properties__/u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=16364 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c162,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-07 18:52:17.190 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: sendTrackingWithEvent from
activity: com.disha.quickride.androidapp.startup.QuickRideApplication
04-07 18:52:17.190 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Trying to fetch GAID..
04-07 18:52:17.224 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: ******* sendTrackingWithEvent:
04-07 18:52:17.242 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: IMEI was not collected.
04-07 18:52:17.243 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Android ID was not collected.
04-07 18:52:17.248 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: AppsFlyer: first launch date:
04-07 18:52:17.248 30774 31267 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:17.250 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0:
04-07 18:52:17.251 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: url:
04-07 18:52:17.251 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: data:
16:51:25.467, cost_cents_USD=0, media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true,
click_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467, orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos,
af_siteid=indusos, af_status=Non-organic,
:\\\"{install_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467, cost_cents_USD=0,
media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true, click_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467,
orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos, af_siteid=indusos, af_status=Non-organic,
04-07 18:52:17.401 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.401 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.401 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.408 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.408 30774 30885 E libc : Access denied finding property
04-07 18:52:17.496 30774 30908 D b : getData: response code:200
04-07 18:52:17.497 30774 30908 D b : POST:
https://pn.netcoresmartech.com/app_activity_ngn ->
ferrerinfo","payload":{"userReferrerInfo":"{install_time=2019-10-14 16:51:25.467,
cost_cents_USD=0, media_source=indusos_int, iscache=true, click_time=2019-10-14
16:51:25.467, orig_cost=0.0, campaign=quick_indusos, af_siteid=indusos,
er"}} --- 200 OK {"status" : "success"}
04-07 18:52:17.509 30774 30848 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveNetworkWorker } ]
04-07 18:52:17.611 30774 30774 E SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl callingApp:
04-07 18:52:17.664 30774 30774 E SchedPolicy: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
04-07 18:52:17.853 30774 30774 D OnePlusJankManager: Chor uploadMDM
com.disha.quickride/com.disha.quickride.androidapp.common.CommonMapActivity--- jank
level = 1
04-07 18:52:18.149 30774 31276 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: onBecameBackground
04-07 18:52:18.149 30774 31276 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: callStatsBackground background
04-07 18:52:18.149 30774 31276 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: app went to background
04-07 18:52:18.152 30774 31276 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Stats call is disabled,
ignore ...
04-07 18:52:18.152 30774 31276 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: RD status is OFF
04-07 18:52:18.180 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is invisible
04-07 18:52:18.181 30774 30774 I PlayCore: UID: [10162] PID: [30774]
AppUpdateListenerRegistry : unregisterListener
04-07 18:52:18.190 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideLifecycleHandler: App is closed by the user
04-07 18:52:18.191 30774 30774 D
RideCreationFirstStep's view is destroyed
04-07 18:52:18.191 30774 30774 D LocationManager: removeUpdates
listener=FindRideAndOfferRideFragment{a7a82b1 (1ada7543-92e7-4199-bf61-
017dabb17bf3) id=0x7f0a0310} packageName= com.disha.quickride
04-07 18:52:18.191 30774 30774 D LocationManager: removeUpdates transport is null,
packageName= com.disha.quickride
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: onDestroy failed
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean lb.i()'
on a null object reference
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.196 30774 30774 E
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.QuickRideBaseFragmentActivity: at
04-07 18:52:18.336 30774 31267 I AppsFlyer_4.9.0: response code: 200
04-07 18:52:18.337 30774 31267 D AppsFlyer_4.9.0: Uninstall Token exists:
04-07 18:52:23.306 30774 30782 W System : A resource failed to call end.
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=c9e9f897-8ee6-4eb3-
a83e-9c554416be35, tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ] was
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper:
java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled.
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.a(SourceFile:1184)
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.c(SourceFile:514)
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vj.get(SourceFile:475)
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at sw$2.run(SourceFile:298)
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at vc$a.run(SourceFile:91)
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
04-07 18:52:42.958 30774 30815 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at
04-07 18:52:43.039 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 18:52:43.043 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 18:52:43.043 30774 30917 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-07 18:52:43.273 30774 30853 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is
04-07 18:52:43.276 30774 30917 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is
04-07 18:52:47.940 30774 30989 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7913373f08: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:52:47.940 30774 30989 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7913373f08: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-07 18:52:47.940 30774 30989 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7913373f08: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-07 18:52:47.940 30774 30989 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7913373f08: I/O error during system call, Success
04-07 18:52:47.942 30774 30893 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7913375dc8: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:52:47.946 30774 30994 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x791419b048: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:52:47.946 30774 30994 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x791419b048: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-07 18:52:47.946 30774 30994 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x791419b048: I/O
error during system call, Broken pipe
04-07 18:52:47.947 30774 30994 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x791419b048: I/O error during system call, Success
04-07 18:52:47.956 30774 30893 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7913375dc8: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
04-07 18:52:47.956 30774 30893 E b : Error: Read error: ssl=0x7913375dc8: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:52:48.963 30774 30808 W DpmTcmClient: read failed bytes countRead: -1
04-07 18:53:16.730 30774 30892 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1586065830&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-07 18:53:17.994 30774 30893 E b : Error: End of input at character 0 of
04-07 18:53:18.156 30774 30774 I
QuickRideWatchdogService.onDestroy called
04-07 18:53:46.744 30774 30892 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-07 18:53:46.753 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-07 18:58:11.906 30774 30837 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7909fc10c8: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:58:11.907 30774 30837 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7912e312c8: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:58:11.907 30774 30837 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x790ddb2708: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:58:11.908 30774 30837 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7913374f88: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 18:58:11.908 30774 30837 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x79343a8808: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 19:12:15.284 30774 30908 D b : Get:
b680-34090cbf6f47&lts=1586265826&type=android -> --- 200 OK
04-07 19:12:19.895 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-07 19:12:45.315 30774 30908 I b : pushAmpDataParser: Listener status:
04-07 19:12:45.324 30774 30839 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-07 19:48:10.136 30774 30893 V NativeCrypto: Write error: ssl=0x7913373b48: I/O
error during system call, Software caused connection abort
04-07 19:48:10.137 30774 30893 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed:
ssl=0x7913373b48: I/O error during system call, Success
04-07 19:48:15.182 30774 30807 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.workmanager.SlaveDBSyncWorker } ]
04-07 19:49:40.343 30774 30893 E b : Error: End of input at character 0 of
04-07 19:49:40.357 30774 30848 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ in.netcore.smartechfcm.worker.SlavePushAmpWorker } ]
04-07 19:55:43.025 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 19:55:45.622 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 19:55:45.629 30774 30986 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
04-07 19:55:45.631 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 19:55:45.662 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 19:55:45.665 30774 30774 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.util.NetworkStateReceiver: Received connection
status changed intent Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
flg=0x4200010 (has extras) }
04-07 19:55:46.312 30774 30986 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is
04-07 19:55:46.319 30774 31079 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is
04-07 19:55:46.326 30774 31010 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is
04-07 19:55:46.408 30774 30918 D
com.disha.quickride.androidapp.ridemgmt.FindRideAndOfferRideFragment: Network is

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