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Alga & Metabolisme Alga

Eko Agus Suyono

Lab. Bioteknologi
Fakultas Biologi, UGM
• Photosynthetic, nonvascular plants that
contain chlorophyll a and have simple
reproductive structure
• However,….
• Does not reflect the fact….
• Remarkable diversity: form, size, exist nearly
every environment
Amphora sp Nitzschia sp

Coscinodiscus sp Navicula sp
Other microalgae……
• Sel hidup yang muncul di
bumi saat bumi
diciptakanà cyanobacteria
• Pertama-tama:
heterotroph: materi
organik dari sekitar lautan
à autotroph: materi
• Cyanobacteria: fotosintesis
à 2 fotosistem à oksigen
à bumi à atmosfer àlap
• Mikroalga merupakan
produsen oksigen dan
material organik penting
bagi lingkungan lautan dan
freshwater à beberapa
hidup di atas tanah atau
bersimbiosis dengan
organisme lain.
• Selama evolusi alga
menjadi organisme
fotosintetik yang beragam
ukuran, struktur, pigmen
• Less than one millimeter in size
• Most important primary producers
• Wide spread area
• Include members of any algal class,
but red algae are rarely found
Attach to other algae, vascular plants,
animals, rocks, sand and sediments
Epiphyte : other plants
Epipelic : sediments
Episammic : sand
Epilithic : rocks
• Animals
Zooxanthellae: marine water
Zoochlorellae: fresh water
Blue green algae: marine & fresh
Zooxnathellae & Zoochlorellae
à protozoa, sponges, flatworms,
coelenterates, mollusc,
echinoderms, ascidians, annelids,
Mostly in tropical marine
• Plants
Association with: other algae,
fungi, some live worts, ferns,
Some parasitic forms: leaves of
vascular plants
Some blue green live within
Rhizosolenia and cell covering
of dinoflagellates.
• Lichens
at least 30 genera of BG algae
In variety of habitats
Can be separated individually,
even grow slowly (algae &
However, combining both
organisms ànot really
• Many algae are auxotrophs for vitamin B1, B7, B 12
• In the laboratory, a direct interaction between algae and
heterotrophic bacteria à bacteria supplying cobalamin
in exchange for fixed carbon
Sumber karbon

Mikroalga Bakteri
50 % auxotroph mensintesis cobalamin
terhadap cobalamin, 30 dan thiamin (Warren et
Nitrogen, fosfor, fitohormon, al., 2002)
% auxotroph terhadap
vitamin B (cobalamin, thiamin,
(Croft, et al, 2006) biotin)
Habitat mikroalga
Algae in hot springs
Thermophiles à above 35°C, for blue green algae
above 50°C, max: 75°C. For eukaryotic, max 55°C
Those regarding to mechanisms for making
protein are more resistant.
Snow Algae
• Can grow at around 0°C à in & on ice,
snow, water near the temperature
• True snow algae: optimum at 10°C
• Found in Artic and Alpine regions.
Soil Algae
• Living in and on soil itself
• Mostly resist of desiccation
• Lab à are not killed when heated to over
Water Algae (Phytoplankton)
• Members: free-floating in the
water without associated with
any substrates
• Suspended in the water
• Carried passively with the flow
of the water
• Some have flagella à move
shortly àdo not have
sufficient power to swim
against flow of water
• Mempunyai klorofil a sebagai pigmen fotosintetik
• Sebagai produsen primer.
Bentuk umum algal nutrition
• Autotrophy à organisme yang mendapatkan
semua elemen yang dibutuhkan untuk
pertumbuhan hanya dari senyawa anorganik
• Heterotrophy à organisme yang
membutuhkan substrat organik yang disintesa
oleh organisme lain.
• Amphitrophy / Mixotrophyà organisme yang
bisa autotrophy atau heterotrophy
Terima kasih

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