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Reflection before project execution

After completion of lectures by lecturers about the projects that need to be implemented, we

made a brief discussion of the projects we will create. Initially, when we received an

assignment to provide innovation projects, we were confused about the needs of project

implementers. We feel so worried and challenged to complete this task because our existing

knowledge of this innovation technology is very little. Nevertheless, these challenges and

obstacles do not break our spirits to try to produce the best work, starting with searching for

internet-related ideas. In this discussion we also assign tasks to each member of the group to

ensure that the cooperation obtained from each member of the group. As a result, the division

of tasks is also to make sure the program runs smoothly without any serious problems. Tasks

are also divided equally and equitably

Reflection during project implementation

Like people said we learn from zero to gain something, so it same to myself. From zero

knowledge about innovation, and now I have learned something about innovation especially in

education and how to apply when become an educator. I feel proud to be involved in this

program. Since the program was the first program, I joined in UUM, I took this opportunity to

get involved with projects to create a product that can help many teachers and students out

there. Our group has successfully 'created' an E-book and game-based innovation program

beyond our ability.

Reflection on project implementation
The most difficult to build this project is when our project is hanged and all of our plan to create

the E-book get delayed. We all have a little stress, but we can handle this, and I also can control

the problem by focusing more and think the positive things. We get some rest and think what

we must do and create another plan to proceed with our plan. We find some idea and advice

from our friend and our lecture. There is no problem that cannot be resolved if we are always

open-minded, accepting others to get new ideas and dare to try something we have never done.

My group and I have good chemistry together and we handle all the obstacle well and divide

the task so that we all can contribute well in this project. I would like to thank for my group

that has been given to launch this project. In addition, a very positive collaboration makes this

task unsuitable for conflict and misunderstanding throughout of completing this project. Lastly,

I would like to thank you to Dr. Farah for pure sincere help and guidance has been given in

helping me and my teammates to complete a given project in a timely manner. Through the

learning given, I have learned a lot of knowledge to ensure that my group project is successfully

implemented. In a nutshell, what I get and sure I can apply this for our future is as a teacher, it

should have innovative thinking skills to smooth the teaching and learning process. Innovative

teachers should have a high and efficient imagination to carry out the process of teaching and

learning well. The trend in teaching and learning today demonstrates learning based on

findings, inquiries and rises, projects and active learning. An innovative teacher needs to

emphasize finding, exploring, evaluating, and using information while teaching. Learning

tendencies have resulted in new thinking in teaching, such as collaborative teaching in a

diverse group that is comparable to the globalization era in the world. Through the latest

learning, innovative teachers can produce first-class minded students.

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