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Grand College MBA Program

Individual Assignment (One)

Discuss @ the following issues and their details by mentioning the appropriate references for
your works.

 Marketing Efficiency (Acharya`s approach of marketing efficiency)

 Marketable Surplus and Marketed Surplus
 Marketing Audit (Major elements and potential benefits, Why Marketing Audit, Place of
Marking Audit in overall Mgt., …)
 Marketing Intelligence (The objectives, Techniques of marketing intelligence…)
 Marketing Research
 Objectives of studying Marketing (As a Producer/farmer, As a Consumer, As a
Marketing Firm, As you (yourself)…)
 Dimensions of Markets (On the basis of location, coverage, time span, transactions,
nature of transaction, number of commodities, commodities, stage of marketing, degree
of competition, public intervention, purchasing & consumption, product & trade, Identity,
Role & Market order)
 Marketing Information System
 The order-to-payment cycle and sales reporting system
 Marketing intelligence system (Sources…)
 Relationship marketing (what is RM, Importance of RM….)
 Marketing System (System, Marketing System, Marketing sub-system…)
 Marketing System- Interface (Production-Marketing Interface, Purchasing – marketing
interface, Personnel – marketing interface, Accounting – marketing interface, …)
 Good Marketing System– Features
 Role of Marketing in the Economy

Advanced Marketing Management
Grand College MBA Program

Group Assignment (Term Paper on Buying Behavior)

Group labeled @odd# (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …)

1. Consumer buying behavior

1.1. What is Consumer buying behavior?
1.2. Consumers Buying Theories
1.3. Major factors influencing buying behavior
1.4. The buyer’s decision process
1.5. Consumer buying, role
1.6. Support your paper by your personal, company or work life experiences
1.7. What do you recommend to minimize the Impact of the factors on the consumers

Group labeled @even# (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …)

2. Organizational buying behavior

2.1 What is Organizational buying behavior
2.2 Characteristics of Business Market
2.3 Organizational Buying Theories
2.4 Buying situations in organizational buying
2.5 Decision making process in organizational buying
2.6 Influences on organizational buying decision
2.7 Support your paper by your personal, company or work life experiences
2.8 What do you recommend to minimize the Impact of the factors on the organizational

NOTE: the term paper must comprise not less than 10 pages (@ Times New Roman font
face, 12 Font Size, Justify aligns text and 1.15 Line and Paragraph Spacing) and mention
appropriate references for your work.

Advanced Marketing Management

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