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15:05:25 info: log level changed to 0

15:05:30 info: tcpserver: is stop.

16:22:09 info: log level changed to 0
16:22:33 info: tcpserver: is stop.
16:22:33 info: tcpserver: Successfully initialized
16:22:33 info: tcpserver: is start.
16:22:33 info: tcpserver: WorkThread is start.
16:22:33 info: tcpserver: RecvThread is start.
16:22:33 info: tcpserver: WorkThread is start.
16:30:18 info: previous line repeats 3 times.
16:30:18 info: CFileScraper::ScraperMovie: scraper file[]
16:30:18 notice: CVideoScraperTmdb::ScraperMovie: scraper by file[]
16:30:18 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:18 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:18 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:18 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:18 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:18 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:19 notice: strHtml:{"page":1,"results":[],"total_pages":0,"total_results":0}
16:30:19 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:19 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:19 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:19 notice: strHtml:{"page":1,"results":[],"total_pages":0,"total_results":0}
16:30:19 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:19 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:19 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:19 notice: strHtml:{"page":1,"results":[],"total_pages":0,"total_results":0}
16:30:19 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:19 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:19 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:19 notice: strHtml:
16:30:19 warning: tmdbUtils::GetInfo:
strHtml is empty
16:30:19 warning: ScraperCredits: fail id[0]
16:30:19 warning: CVideoScraperTmdb::ProcessMovieInfo: failed to get movie info
16:30:19 notice: CVideoScraperTmdb::ScraperMovie: finsihed[failed],
16:30:19 notice: CFileScraper::ScraperMovieByTMDB: scraping by tmdb,
16:30:19 notice: vmdbScraper[]: scraper by file[]
16:30:19 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:19 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:19 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:19 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:19 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:19 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:20 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:20 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:20 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:20 debug: SECTION:LoadDLL()
16:30:20 warning: Win32DllLoader::Load: Failed to load with error 87:The parameter
is incorrect.
16:30:20 debug: Dll was not found in path
16:30:20 warning: vmdbScraper[]: failed to get movie info
16:30:20 notice: vmdbScraperMovie: finsihed[failed], duration[985ms]
16:30:20 notice: CFileScraper::ScrapingByVMDB: scraping by vmdb, result[failed]
16:30:20 info: fileScraper: scraper end, duration[1789ms]
16:30:46 notice: post failed, url
16:30:47 debug: tmdb result: {"page":1,"results":
16:31:34 info: tcpserver: is stop.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 0.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: ListenThread is end.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 1.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: RecvThread is end.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 2.
16:31:34 info: tcpserver: WorkThread is end.
16:31:34 info: previous line repeats 4 times.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 3.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 4.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 5.
16:31:34 error: tcpserver: Index: 6.
16:31:34 info: tcpserver: is stop.

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