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Foreword This article describes the touchpoints of the customer journey from a product management

(PdM) perspective. An investment in a product / service has been approved and it is assumed that there

is a business obligation to bring it to market. This is not a complete list of all checklist items that PdM

has to consider, but an approach to support a successful customer-centric business.

Well-organized PdM has plans to coordinate with the entire organization when planning market

development strategies. They look at the big picture and ask difficult questions. Her communication,

negotiation and educational skills are often used to work with sister organizations to ensure that clients

have a stress-free, positive relationship with the company.

PdM decisions should always assess the risks and benefits of their customers. "If I don't, will the

customer leave us?" "If I make this choice, can I get more customers faster?" "If this is prioritized, the

risk Will decrease? ”PdM makes the decision to produce the best results. See

Customer Journey Touchpoints to plan in detail, develop new approaches, be creative and get support.

Ask the "how" question and look at an example of a customer journey touchpoint. Pull out and fix the

gap before escalating.

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