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Bamboo – the eco-friendly material


Fourth Year , B.Arch
Smt. Kashibai Navale College Of Architecture

Bamboo is associate degree acceptable substitute for the gift

convention building materials such as steel and wood.
Bamboo may be a invasive grass and so created its mark as
eco-crop. The main characteristics of the bamboo that makes
it appropriate building material is its high tensile strength
that is similar to gentle steel and has terribly smart weight
strength magnitude relation.

Keywords: bamboo-eco-friendly material, construction,



There area unit over one thousand species of bamboo.

It grows from its roots, once it's cut it quickly grows
back. Most of the bamboo species reach its maturing in
3 to 5 years. Bamboo is sensible, extremely versatile
and helpful plant which will be regenerate into
completely different types of material. It produces
thirty fifth a lot of element that a similar stand of
trees. It sequesters greenhouse gas and is carbon
neutral. it's a superb eroding matter. The
noncombustible capability of bamboo is incredibly high
and it will stand up to temperature up to 4000-degree
c. this can be thanks to the presence of high price of
salt acid and water
Bamboo has higher strength than steel as a result
of its fibers run axially and it's virtually two times
compressive strength of concrete. this can be why
bamboo structures area unit resistance to wind and
earthquakes. Utilization of bamboo for construction
is achieved by a structural frame technique has
same approach as timber frame style and
construction. In bamboo construction floor, walls,
and roof area unit interconnected and infrequently
admit the opposite for overall stability. Bamboo
thanks to its lightweight weight area unit simple to
put in and construct. Bamboo poses no danger to
health in contrast to different construction
materials like cement etc.

Why bamboo as a building material?

By now, nearly everybody is aware of that natural

resources area unit depleting. To some extent, we've
got become enured to frightful reports. problems
like heating and deforestation either fatigue or
inspire America to create necessary changes in our
several developments have come back on for a
positive amendment one among such development is
that the emergence of latest uses for a species of
grass that has been around for extended time.
Architects, shopper and makers area unit taking a
recent inspect the superb plant ‘Bamboo’ that has
been used for everything from food to assembling

Renewable Resource:
Bamboo will be harvested in one to 5 years betting
on the species. Hardwood like oak/teak take a
minimum of forty years to mature before they will
be harvested. Bamboo`s skillfulness as a substitute

for hardwoods offers an opportunity to cut back the

consumption of it and shield the forests that area
unit left.
Superb growth rate:
Bamboo has quickest rate of growth than the other
plant. Some species of bamboo grow quite 3 feet
every day. Once it's harvested, it'll grow a
replacement shoot from its intensive system with
no want for extra planting or cultivation.
Absorbs greenhouse gases:
Bamboo absorbs greenhouse gas and releases thirty
fifth a lot of element into the atmosphere than a
similar stand of hardwood trees.
Bamboo has versatile uses; it will replace the
employment of wood for nearly each application.
Paper, flooring, furniture, charcoal, building
materials such things will be created victimization
Bamboo fibers area unit way stronger than wood
fibers and fewer littered with ever-changing region
Bamboo needs no agricultural chemical to thrive in
contrast to most money crops.
Soil protection:
When hardwood forests area unit clear-cut, erosion
inevitably happens because the surface soil and
nutrients area unit washed away by precipitation.
Bamboo roots stay in situ when harvest wherever
they stop erosion and facilitate retain nutrients for
ensuing crop.
When harvest, just about each a part of bamboo is
employed to create wide types of product.
Bamboo has higher strength than steel.
Columns are made of bamboo used as vertical
posts in combination of two, connected with
cross bracing inside and screw with nuts and
bolts. This combination makes the column most
stable and capable of taking more load.

Bambusa balcooa of small diameter is used for


Bamboo is a superb artifact that gives a variety of

building choices from terribly low to high finish and
so, will meet the necessities of wider economic

As so much the joinery is conson bamboo with cross

bracings is far stable. And bamboo shouldn't be
exposed to ground and will be treated before use for

Its high valued utilization not solely promotes the

economic development, however additionally saves
forest resources to shield our ecological setting as a
wood substitute.

There could be drawback regrading the life time of

bamboo structure, as expose to atmosphere will build
bamboo weak.

Figure 6: Roof frame

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