Extra Activities T6A Recesso

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Lesson 121

1. Complete the dialogues with the expressions from the box.

hurry props great job to text take/time just so hang on

help yourself sounds great goodness hungry going on

gotta go catch a movie worried get started

a. a minute. It’s late and I’m really  . Can we grab

a bite to eat?

b. Here you go. Fries, hamburger, and a large pizza. Please,  !

Thank we are having something to eat. I was starving.

c. Why are you in a  ? What’s  ?

I’m a little about my grades. I to school now. Bye!

d. Hey, Jane. you know, class started a few minutes ago.

I can’t believe it! What was the activity I missed?

e. Okay, let’s  . Here is the exercise you need to do,

your  .

That’s all for today, guys. I have to give you  . You did a

f. What are you doing later? Do you want to with us?

Good idea! I just need my mom to let her know.

2. Link the sentences.

a. You moved to that village last year,

is she?
b. They miss talking to their grandma,
didn’t they?
c. They grew up in the suburbs,
didn’t you?
d. He didn’t move away,
isn’t it?
e. She isn’t feeling a little homesick,
did he?
f. This is an isolated community,
don’t they?

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3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

infrastructure Irish hometown to move in grow

everything go back to moving out suburbs

a. Why is she to an isolated community?

b. Nowadays, isn’t the only problem in the  .

c. Those kinds of flowers don’t in this region, do they?

d. You shouldn’t miss this opportunity to your  .

e. She decided with her friend to save money.

f. I’m learning about it.

4. Complete the sentences according to the model.

He came back to Brazil last week, didn’t he?

You aren’t homesick, are you?

a. They didn’t grow up in that small village,  ?

b. You were traveling in Europe last month,  ?

c. The infrastructure in the suburbs used to be worse,  ?

d. She doesn’t know everything about that subject,  ?

e. He is far away from his hometown,  ?

f. You know how to get to that village,  ?

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Lesson 123

1. Write questions for the answers.

Didn’t you accept the job?

No, I didn’t accept the job.

a.  ?
Yes, she reminds me of her great-grandmother.

b.  ?
No, they didn’t accept my advice again.

c.  ?
No, I don’t want to follow in his footsteps because he is very conservative.

d.  ?
No, my mother didn’t let me go to the party.

e.  ?
Yes, this city is growing faster than I thought.

f.  ?
Yes, he has a lot of respect for his parents.

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

let following in accept In short reminds me of back then

a. Why don’t they your beliefs?

b. Your grandmother your great-grandmother.

c. Are you your family’s footsteps to become a doctor?

d. Our grandparents don’t us go out without giving us an advice.

e. , there is a huge contrast between these two generations.

f. It was part of their tradition .


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3. Figure it out.

a. The father of your grandfather.                                 

b. If you are not conservative, you are               .

c. Kids, teenagers, adults and               .

d. Opposite of nobody.                 

e. Your great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents are from different                 


f. When you look like someone you usually have the same             .

4. Put the dialogue in order.

I think I should respect their opinion. Have fun at the party, Julie.

Hey, Julie. I wanted to, but my parents won’t let me go because I am only sixteen years old.

They remind me of my grandfather.

Thanks, Anne. I’m sorry you’re not coming.

Why not? Aren’t they liberal?

Hi, Anne. Are you coming to the Janet’s party tonight?

Not really. They are very conservative. They say I can’t go out alone before I turn eighteen.

5. Answer the questions.

a. Why doesn’t you father let you play video games after midnight?

b. Isn’t there any gap between your grandparents’ and your parent’s generation?

c. Aren’t they talking about cultures, traditions, and beliefs?

d. How do you think we could help the elderly people?

e. Why didn’t you accept her invitation?

f. Aren’t you following in your father’s footsteps?

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Lesson 125

1. Change the sentences according to the model.

I think you must follow the rules.

You must follow the rules, mustn’t you?

a. I believe she can’t sleep alone.

b. We think he could look for it again.

c. They believe they must help her.

d. I believe she is so tired that she will sleep like a log tonight.

e. I don’t think he would become a singer.

f. f. I think you should have more ambitions.

2. Match the questions to the answers.

a. They must arrive ten minutes before the test starts, mustn’t they?
Yes, she could.
b. I shouldn’t read creepy stories at night, should I?
Yes, they must.
c. They will realize that is unreal, won’t they?
No, she can’t.
d. She could still be awake, couldn’t she?
Yes, they will.
e. He would search for that piece of land on the map, wouldn’t he?
No, you shouldn’t.
f. She can’t hear your whispering, can she?
Yes, he would.

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3. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

realized mysterious sleepwalker sleeping like a log

goose bumps search terrified had a hunch

land unbelievable creepy whisper

A: I heard your brother told you some tales last night.

B: That’s true. And in the middle of the night, I heard a from outside just like in

the story.

A: Why didn’t you wake your sister up immediately?

B: I tried, but she was  .

A: And what happened?

B: I went to my brother’s room to wake him up, but he wasn’t in bed. I was !

But actually, I about the noise. So, I

decided to for my brother outside the house.

A: Didn’t it give you ?

B: Yes, it did! I found my brother. He was walking outside.Then, I he was a

! He was dreaming he was in an imaginary .

A: Wow! !

4. Circle the correct words.

a. I want / wish I could become a famous actor.

b. You could / couldn’t tell them some mysterious tales, couldn’t you?

c. You had / didn’t have a hunch it would happen, didn’t you?

d. She are / is sleeping like a log right now, isn’t she?

e. Let’s talk about stories that give you goose bumps, shall / did we?

f. We should / shouldn’t wake him up, should we? He’s a sleepwalker.

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Lesson 127

1. Unscramble the sentences.

promising a have won’t career he ?


to achieve you goals wouldn’t your work hard ?


what do him to keep on encouraging must we ?


vacation your shouldn’t plan first you ?


make why decision you this shouldn’t ?


help the why they competition can’t also to plan ?


2. Write questions for the answers.

- Mustn’t you set the goals before you start the project?
- Yes, I must.

He must arrive home before 10:00 P.M.

I couldn’t accept his decision because he never makes any effort.

No, he can’t handle criticism very well.

No, it should be familiar to my mom.

No, I won’t start planning our trip alone.

She can’t set goals because she doesn’t have focus.

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3. Match the words to the meanings.

a. failure not familiar, not known

b. self-esteem something you hope to achieve in the future
c. criticism confidence in yourself
d. promising not to succeed on something
e. unfamiliar an expression of disapproval
f. goal sign of future success

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

handles effort also encouragement set goals keep on

a. Won’t they searching for it?

b. It takes a lot of to become a teacher.

c. Shouldn’t we before we start?

d. Wouldn’t you need more from your parents?

e. She failure very well.

f. Planning helps to achieve goals.

5. Answer the questions using short answers.

a. Mustn’t she do her homework now?

b. Won’t they achieve their goals?

c. Can’t you also help me to plan the tournament?

d. Mustn’t all of them take the test?

e. Couldn’t you handle it by yourself?

f. Shouldn’t he think about his future?


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