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Listen to the recording about the types of software and complete each gap with NO MORE


Computer software is a set of instruction that guides the computer hardware and tell the
hardware what to do when to do and how to do a task. Software gives life to the computer.
Without software the computer is a dead machine.
Computer software is divided into application software and system software.
1. Application software are programs that help the user ______________________________.
Word processing software like MS Word, WordPad and Notepad are used to create
documents such as letters, reports, etc.
2. Database software like Oracle, MS Access ______________________________ data and
perform some operations on the data
3. Spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel are used to organize data in
______________________________ perform calculations and present data in
4. Presentation software like Microsoft Powerpoint is used to display information in the
5. Internet Browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari are used to
6. System software is a set of program that ______________________________ the computer
hardware. The system software is the ______________________________ the application
software. System software are operating system and ______________________________.
7. Operating system is a software ______________________________ an interface between
the user and the computer system.
8. Operating systems for desktop and ______________________________ are Microsoft
Windows, Linux, macOS.
9. Microsoft Windows is a very popular operating system created by Microsoft.
______________________________ of Microsoft is Bill Gates. There are different versions
of Microsoft Windows.
10. macOS is an operating system created by Apple. The founder of Apple is Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak. macOS can run on all ______________________________ computers.
11. Linux is a free operating system that can be downloaded from the Internet. It was
______________________________ Linus Torvalds.
12. Operating systems for ______________________________ are Android and Apple iOS.
Android is the most common mobile operating system used for mobile
______________________________. iOS is used on iPhone and iPad.
13. Utility software is a software used to analyze, ______________________________ and
maintain the computer.
14. Examples of utility software are anti-virus software, backup software,
______________________________, file manager.
15. Now let's see the summary of what we have learnt. Computer software is a set of instruction
that guides the computer hardware. Computer software is divided into application software
and system software. Application software are programs that help the user perform specific
tasks. System software is a set of program that controls the computer hardware. System
software provides the ______________________________ the application software. System
software are divided into operating system software and utility software.

Task for Nov 10, 2021 lesson on Application Software

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