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Name: .................................

Basic English Grammar


Exercise 1: Multiple Choice:

1. I completely forget about this. Give me a moment, it now. (completely: hoàn toàn)
a. will b. am going c. is going to
2. Tonight, I......stay home. I've got a video here
a. am going to b. will c. a & b
3. I feel dreadful. I............sick (dreadful: rất khó chịu, mệt mỏi)
a. am going to be b. will be c. a & b

4. If you have any problem, don't worry. you

a. will b. am going to c. a & b
5. Where are you going?
a. I am going to see a friend b. I'll see a friend c. I went to a friend

6. That's the phone./ I....answer it

a. will b. am going to c. a & b
7. Look at those clouds. It....rain now
a. will b. is going to c. a & b

8. Tea or coffee
a. I am going to have tea, please b. I'll have tea, please c. I want to drink
9. Thanks for your offer. But I am OK. me
a. is going to b. will c. a & b
10. The weather forecast says it.......rain tomorrow (weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết)
a. is going to b. will c. a & b
Exercise 2: Complete the following Sentences:

1. A: “There's someone at the door.”

B: “I _________________________ (get) it.”

2. She is very tired, she _________________________ (take) a rest.

3. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.”
B: “I _________________________ (come) and help you.”

4. The meeting _________________________ (take) place at 4 p.m.

5. I _________________________ (be) there at four o'clock, I promise.

Prepared by Le Thu
Name: ................................. Basic English Grammar

Exercise 3: Put the verbs in brackets into future simple tense or the “ be going to” (use the
present continuous tense if necessary.)
1. - The fire has gone out!
- So it has. I (go) and get some sticks. ( củi)
2. - Did you remember to book the seats?
- Oh no, I forgot. I (telephone) for them now.
3. - Why are you peeling that bit of garlic? ( bóc vỏ; tỏi)
- I (put ) it in the stew. ( món hầm)
4. - My brother has just returned from America.
- Oh good, we (ask) him to our next party.
5. - You (open) the door for me, please?
- Yes, certainly.
6. - You (go) to the auction tomorrow? ( cuộc bán đấu giá)
- Yes, I (go) but I (not buy) anything.
7. Don’t make a sound or you (wake) the baby; and then he (not get) to sleep again.
8. - This letter is in French, and I don’t speak French. Can you help me?
- Yes, I (translate ) it for you.
9. - He has just been taken to hospital with a broken leg. I (go) to visit him this afternoon.
- I’m sorry to hear that. I (send) him some grapes.
10. - George and Lucy (get) married next week. You (go) to the wedding?
- No, I wasn’t invited. They (have) a big wedding? (mời)
11. - I (wait) for you?
- No, don’t bother. This (take) a long time. I’m sure, I don’t want you to
miss the train. ( bận tâm)
12. - Why are you getting out the jack? ( cái kích)
- We have a puncture and I (change) the wheel. ( thủng lốp; lốp xe)
- I (help) you.
Exercise 4: Make questions for the underlined words:
1. Peter is going to leave in half an hour.
2. I will wait for you at the front door.
3. Peter is going to Dublin by train because his car is broken.

Prepared by Le Thu

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