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IKEJA ELECTRIC PLC APPLICATION NO... IKEJA ELECTRIC Eiachce nen 1.1. APPLICANT’ SURNAME: cmR/Mas/miss) Photograph of 1.2. ADDRESS AT WHICH SUPPLY/METER IS REQUIRED: the Applicant 1.5 TYPE OF PREMISES [E]osoroomrtar — [] renemenrnouse — []saortar — [_] ovptex. [Elsinete room [Co sworypovs ares. [] atock oF rats OTHERS @PLEASE SPECIFY 1.4 USE OF THE PREMISES [CJresoenniat [7 Jeommenciat © []socia. [J] mousrmiat []sewoot [] mosave [lowwren [7] ruunestarion [TJorsice [] wore, omens etease specie Previous (customer ADoREss. (®) ACCOUNT NUMBER, METER NUMBER, 1.5 NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER / BUSINESS EMAIL ADDRESS APPLICANT'S DATE OF BIRTH VALID MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION: INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT: DRIVER'S LICENSE: pve: PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT, DRIVER'S LICENSE, PVC): BYN No: Ptr cots aeocul Eto rica Reena 24 LOAD REQUIREMENT FOR THE PREMISES Pecan cen No. rae No Total HP ‘A__Light Point Ceiling Fan ©. Socket Outiets- Amps ISAmps D._ Cooker E._Water Heater F._Alr Condition G._ Others Total Installed Load. watts "Details of Additional Equipment can be attached separately le/es/oas 2.2 NATURE OF PROPERTY new: oR ot: 2.3 TYPE OF PROPERTY: [_]smtewouse [7] ararrwenr [1] rennace [pune House 2 DOES THE PROPERTY HAVE AMeTER: ves:[—] on no:[_] 2.51 IF PROPERTY HAS A METER 2.8.2 METER NUMBER 2.8.5 CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER. 2.5.4 METER TYPE AT PROPERTY: _PRE-PAYMENT METER Post Palo METER, MAXIMUM DEMAND: 2.6 ESTIMATED MAXIMUM LOAD FOR AMPERES PER PHASE 2.7 REQUESTED VOLTAGE / TYPE OF SUPPLY 2.8. DETAILS OF THE REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEER/ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR NAME LICENSE No. catecory SIGNATURE; ____________ pares. 2.9 TO BE COMPLETED BY ONLY THOSE REQUESTING FOR CHANGE OF CUSTOMER CLASS NUMBER NuMBER 230 \/WE HEREBY REQUEST IKEJA ELECTRIC PLC TO SUPPLY US WITH ELECTRICITY AT THE ADDRESS STATED IN 12 ABOVE FOR THE PURPOSE STATED IN 1.4 ABOVE AND AGREE TO PAY ALL CHARGES MADE BY IKEJA ELECTRIC PLC IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PREVAILING IKEJA ELECTRIC PLC TARIFF OF SUPPLY AS APPROVED BY NIGERIA ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (NERC), 2.1 WE CONFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN PART 1 ABOVE IS TRUE IN ITS ENTIRETY AND AGREE THAT IF ANY PART OF IT IS FOUND TO BE UNTRUE THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY MAY BE DISCONTINUED 2.2 PREFERRED METHOD OF RECEIVING BILLS. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: —__ pare: Pd eke uncut eon 3. sunName: curvmes/missy 3.2. OTHER NAMES IN FULL 3.3. DATE OF siRTH 3A CONTACT TEL. NO. 3.5. EMAIL ADDRESS 3.6 NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER OR BUSINESS. 7 NerER AccouNr no| 37 Nowe onemtmss3 [3.8 PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT, DRIVER'S LICENSE, PVC): BYN No: 3.9. | CONFIRM THAT THE APPLICANT IS MY TENANT AND CERTIFY HIS/HER REQUEST FOR ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AND ALSO ACCEPT TO NOTIFY IKEJA ELECTRIC PLE IN WRITING WHEN HE/SHE GIVES NOTICE (IN WRITING OR OTHERWISE) OF TERMINATION OF HiS/MER TENANCY AGREEMENT, FAILING WHEN ANY OUTSTANDING DEBT OR DUES ON HIS/HER ACCOUNT MAY BE DEBITED TO MY OWN. 1e/es/o23 (Er a eee New Service ‘Additional load / Reproduction ‘Change of Customer ‘Additional Meter Change of Tariff Conversion from Single Phase to Three Phase or MD Meter Ts Property Earthed? Planning Permission (New Property) 4.1 CUSTOMERS PREFERENCE / PREFERRED METHOD OF PAYMENT cHeave aM pos ONLINE: ‘CASH DEPOSIT 4.2. CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (CIN) 4.3. GPS COORDINATE GPS LONGITUDE ps LATITUDE 4.4. REMARK/RECOMMENDATION 4.5. ORIGINAL COPY OF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY ME NAME DESIGNATION SIGNATURE pate PEC non NumBen| NUMBER METER READING ON THE LAST BILL FINAL METER READING ON (OATE)| 's NAME DESIGNATION Err eee THE LATEST BILL ON THE ACCOUNT IS: (AMOUNT)/MONTH OUTSTANDING Bal FINAL BILL AS PER PART 8 ABOV: TOTAL DUE FINAL VIDE IE MACHINE RECEIPT NO ( SETTLED ON (oATE) FINAL VIDE IE MACHINE RECEIPT NO wt HAS NOT BEEN SETTLED BUT TRANSFERRED TO ACCOUNT OF ACCOUNT NAME appress| THE APPLICATION IS HEREBY CLEARED FOR FURTHER PROCESSING. NAME DESIGNATION SIGNATURE pate. EEG CHECKED BY NAME DESIGNATION oare| APPROVED BY NAME DESIGNATION oare| le/es/o2s Err eee aun 10 " @ B 4 we hereby request that Electricity wll be supplied in accordance with the Electricity Power Sector ‘Commission (NERC) IKEJA ELECTRIC PLC Cherenater called “The Operator wil supply Electily Sublette the following terms and coneltons ‘Wiringinstalationshallbe executed othe satisfaction ofthe Operator which wilingpect and/or testinstallaton, ‘The nature and locaton of service lines and other supply facies shal be determined by the Operator. The Operator shal beat bert a any tine to ‘customer shal tain al facies required by the Operator for the instalation athe service ineinciuding thenecesrary right of Way over his wn and/or ‘dincent property when the Operator may require, Any frvie line or other facliie provided by or anated by a contumer shal be eatedin ine with theinvestmentin Networks Regulation by the Commision inspecting, texting, skering, replacing, maintaining or removing any ferviee line, meter andr other appartur or any par thereto ana for reading the meter The Operators offic wl produce the Operator's Identity care, upon demand. The Customers shall payee foreach speciameter reading made ‘connected to his inealtion without submiting an application form IKEJA ELECTRIC PLC 74 to the Operator giving a leas seven days notice ot ht ‘TESTING AND ACCURACY OF METERS ‘Should the customer ar the Operator give notice disputing the accuracy of meter, such meter halle tested bythe Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency (NEMSA) Ifthe Curtmer considers Ne mater naccuate hi notice to that eect shal ‘withthe provisions ot NERC's Regulation on Meter Reading Billing, arh Collection nd Creat Management. ‘the supply tothe same inctalation from another Customer The Operator recerves the ight a iecontnue supply af lactic for purpares of

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