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wate 6722 Reeve ae ee site fara aH 25:00 Wet TT ate: 200 5 ser Rett arene er fh er ettar gfe oat arte (QO MTNA’ H+ SOoTT'B! 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LIFE SCIENCES , Time = 3:00 Hours TEST BOOKLET Maxim Marks: 200 INSTRU TON! “This Test Booklet conusine ome hundee and foriyfve (20 Pant“A" 30 Part $B” + 75 Past *C') Multiple Chuice Questions (MCQs), You ate required to answer a maximum of 13,35 and 25 questions from part "A*“B* and "C° respectively, Himore than required number of ‘Guestions are answered, only fest 15, 38 ad’ 25 questions iq Parte ‘A’ “BY and "( respectively. will be taken vp for evaluation. OMR cnswer sheet his been provided separtely. Before you stat filling. wp your partcalers, please ensute thatthe booklet contsins requisite numberof pages and that these peor torn on mutate. 1% lao, you my requast the Inviyitaar fo change the booklet of the same code. Likewise, check the OMI answer sheet also. Sheets for rough work Inve been appended tothe test booklet Write yout Roll No., Name ind Serial Namber of this Test Booklet on the OM answer ‘Thos In the space provided. Also put yoursignatures inthe space earmarked. ‘You must darken the appropriate cicsies with» black ball_pex related to Rall Niner, Subiect Code, Booklet Code and Centre Cave on the OMR answer sheet. ig the solo responsibility of the candidate io meticulously follow the instructions given the Answer Sheet falling ed ‘to-decipher the correct details which may ullimatsty result b nding rejection o answer shes. Each question jn Part “A? and! “BY carey 2 mith and Part ‘C* questions carry 4 marks each, respostvely, ‘There will be negative marking @ 050 mark for each wrong answer in Part A and °° arid @ | mak for Part °C ‘Below cach question in Part A’ Bad “C" four ateratives or responses are given. Only tone of these alternatives & the “correct” option to the question. You have to fied, For each {question the carest othe best answer. Ttndidates found copying or Fesorting to any unfhir means are ticble to be disawslified {rom this.and fulute examinations. Condidate should not write anything unyivhere except on answer sheet or sheets for rough work Use oF calculator is NOT permitted. ich the tot is over, at the perforation point OMB ansseor sheot:h ‘ginal OMR answer Tnvigllator aid reiain the carbooless co dates who sit for the entire duration of the exam iwillohily be permitted 10 carry their Test booklet. 20H S06 CRIEMO-38H. 1 ATTVPART- A A R12 8 Gare are, Ze, tat mer fst ea atta Sop rk Ft rer oe fro aii ue wrgitae 3 4 sar api, see re 9 va fear, at tet eo A on ora safest anit 11a 3, 136 Wiz 1135 1.12 balls, 3 each of the edloues red, wrecis bine and yellow are put in a box and mixed IF 3 balls are picked at ranclom, without replies. ‘ment, the probability that all 3 balls are oF the same colouris 18 2 3.156 4 2, seat fa ge Stat a an fates Fi ae Pas ai St Ah apt re qe eH te Se organ ea A, Prov ona Front ater mgt art {agi sq ater er gar qaie erg hier wean 4 Peet ratte era Art 2. ah ftaree wert af 3. BEA ay Soren eptiee Ararat 4. pie gh at rr mer mi et eter 7a Re ate item aes aie 2. Some slicns observe that roosiers call before suprise cvery day. Havit no Other ‘information about roosters and sunrises, Which of the following inferences would NOT be valid? 1. Rooster-call and sunrise may be independent cyclic events with the sane periodicity 2. Both may be triguered by a common cause 3. Rooster-call may be causing the sunrise 4. Suntise cannot be the case of rooster ‘ail as the rooster-call precedes sunrise 3. Fees, Ser 12 Rec zat arora are 61a et celta Pex oft 3 ar att Sater ft sae Rae Rpm Fes) are tt ho 8 gat ee staf tor ahr is a4 3.5 47 3H aR 4 “ ‘Twenty-one litres of water in a tank is 10 be divided into three equal parts using only 5. 8 and 12 litre capacity cans. The minimum, number of transfers necded to achieve this is fea 2.4 33 47 Se GME eer, ter, aTaT ere Seer H a eT aera ee aR Te Sarr sre Bi APE eR ae Star ara a Rh ar eet a, Her et wT as a S81 ar et et ote ment ter ape a AS at ee Si, ce Pe a aT (v8 ao stra ke ft art & 2. weer, Seer 3 ane fet, mm tae oe am ae 3. fer wer & are went ae Ser te Sif ee dor ar arrat & 4. 4a fen ring? OF four agents Alpha, Bota, Gamma and Delta, three have to be sent together on a mission. tf Alpha and Beta cannot go together, Beta and Gamime cannot go together and Gamma and Delta cannot go (ogether, then which of the following holes’? I Ang theee agents can be sent. 2. Alpha, Delta and any one out of Feta ‘and Gamma can be sent. 3. Beta, Gamma and any one out of Atphs aand Delta can be sent, ‘4 The mission is impossible. ap tte Pre Hotsheet fret UN igRag art tah rahe fe: 2 fireside ah Ren & cee oe ae gay 4, Forte area & ata artic 2 {na bacterial cell, a protein is synthesized at fandom location in the eytoplasm. ‘The protein has trench one pole of the cell for its Appropriate function. The protein reaches the pole by 1. chemical attraction 2. random movement 3. enzymatic action 4 atimetion between opposite charges 6 Ur ap ete 1234 Fe sonst rat goat & Zz aA 8 UH TAT sar gee agh are vt F argerst aa A Zen rea og at fat aera wt Te? 1.0 2,30 3.710 49 3. A precious, stone breaks into four pieces having weights in the proportion 1:2:3:4, The value of such # stone is proportional fo the square of its weight. What is the percent loss in the value incurred due to bresking? 10 2.30 3.70 4.90 7. Te ape ares wee Th eT eT: 6 TITS fire tra aw ger wee Bi oR 8S eae dhe we at at 8 fea firae are vert are Pe Aarte tar ge FR 8 2:24 3.32 4, 60 7, ‘Two. nunncrs’ sterling together run on -a civoular path) taking 6 and & minutes, respectively. 10 complete ‘one round. How ‘many mintites later do they meet again for the first time on the start line, assuming constant 224 4. 60 8. Perf ater nar A ater APPeat or Rereor Pret area are Wt | Meares aa a or B 64 € @3 D 02 sean 3 Ranfit ft aren ta deer ar a 12 24 3.8 410 8. ‘The distribution of grades secured by students {in aclass is given in the table below. 20H (Grade | Fraction of the population A Ot B oa c Os D 02 What is the least possible population of the class? 12 24 308 4.10 9. at set xxx to STE HA 8 arvana met wet srs aa a: cafire fh fies 8 Stare a? Te Average (2 +%9:m0) > m AAT Average (X2.%5)4-%_)> mM 2, Average (y.¥2 -%9,™) ™ 4. Average (4, 2 tg, m) mand Average eg R3y Xo) > 2. Average (ty, %2 (ep. %q.0.35) <™ 3. Average (x2 qm) =m and Average (5)%9,.0%6) > m 4, Average (xy. 2 «x6, 7m) Nat dat nde eo |. Which one is the correct sequence of events that takes place during. phototransduction ‘when light falls onto the retina? 1. Closure of Na’ channels-vactivation of transducin—-decreased release of glutamate—+ decrease in intracellular eGMP-structural changes in rhodopsin 2. Decreased release of glutamate—sstruciural changes in rhodopsin—activation of Iransducin—+ decrease in intracellular GMP-sclosure of Na’ channels 3, Structural changes in rhodopsin—» activation of transducin—decrease in intracetlular CMP—closure of Na'channels—sdecreased release of ‘glutamate 4. Decrease in intracellular eGMP—sacti ‘ation of transducin—sdecreased release of ‘glutamate—sstnuctural changes in thodopsin—rclosure of Na’ channels ate piri 3 grits soap (ores) or aia erat &, a 1. sabia steers er 3 ET 2, ainteroer shmerrr wr 30 spr 3. sacar aorta 100 aT 4. arabia ameter wT 1000 qT ‘A Lod score of 3 represents a Recombination Frequency (RF) that is 1. 3 times as likely asthe hypothesis of no linkage. 2, 30 times as likely as the hypothesis of no linkage.

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