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IMI Kolkata

PGDM 1st Trimester 2021

Managerial Economics Projects

1. Each group will make one powerpoint file on the topic of the project given. Send only one ppt
collectively. Send the soft copy to: In subject line write Section
and Group No. (for example: A10 for Sec A, Group 10)
2. The powerpoint presentation has to be submitted on or before 11.59 pm, 6th October, 2021.
3. The request for extending the deadline will not be entertained.
4. The PPT will have a maximum of 10 slides (excluding title and thank you). Font should not
be smaller than Times New Roman 18.
5. In the charts/tables, source should be mentioned properly. All charts and tables should be
numbered and having titles.
6. Project outcomes specific and to the point, will get more credit.
7. After submission, one group viva on the project will be taken.
8. For all projects, consider Indian market for the industry analysis, unless specified
9. The submission file should be named as SectionGroup No._title, e.g. a project given to group
3 of section B on say biscuit industry should be sent as “B3_biscuit” etc.

10. The Project ppt should include the following:

 The players and the nature of the product

 Assessment of market power
 Demand drivers
 Components of cost – type of fixed and variable inputs and cost
 Pricing practices followed
 Any prominent strategies (say advertisements, entry deterrence/ restrictive etc.)
 Policies and Regulations, if any
 Comment on market structure

Here is the allocation of projects on industry analysis according to groups:

Sec A
Section A (Industry Analysis)
Group 1 Oil and gas
Group 2 Mutual Funds
Group 3 Mobile Telecom
Group 4 Confectionery
Group 5 Hotel
Group 6 Steel
Group 7 Packaged water
Group 8 Logistics
Group 9 Advertising
Group 10 Food Processing
Group 11 Gold Jewellery
Group 12 E-Commerce
Business Process
Group 13
Group 14 Power
Group 15 Media and Entertainment
Group 16 Kitchen Appliances

Sec B

Section B (Industry Analysis)

Group 1 Furniture
Group 2 Home Appliances
Group 3
Group 4 Textile
Group 5 Healthcare
Group 6 Insurance
Online Travel
Group 7
Group 8 Apparel
Group 9 Airlines
Group 10 Academic Publishing
Group 11 Packaged Food
Group 12 Banking
Group 13 Real Estate
Group 14 Leather
Group 15 Print Media

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