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SAP Industries White Paper | Insurance


Creating contextual and personalized

experiences to meet the demands of
2025 and better serve customers today
SAP Industries White Paper | Insurance
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 2
Dear Customers, Insurers will use the explosion of data from
digital platforms to get closer to their customers.
Radical change in the once-staid insurance They will be able to reward positive customer
industry is occurring at a rapid pace. Disruption in behavior, predict where risk looms largest, and
technologies, in business models, in standards, increase customer engagement by providing
and in the makeup of insurance companies services such as loyalty programs that connect
“Insurers will use themselves demands constant adaptation. Driven customers to an array of related services.
the explosion of by competition from new insurance and insurtech
information to turn players, rising consumer expectations, and We have identified three strategic priorities critical
emerging technologies, insurers must respond to keeping insurance companies relevant:
data into insights to rapidly changing customer opinions and
and to get closer ▪ Digital engagement
perceptions while still complying with all
to their customers ▪ Protection services
standards and regulations.
▪ Data-driven insights
in the experience
economy. These It is no small task, one that requires a fundamental To achieve the 2025 vision, insurers must take
companies will reimagining of business models. Insurers must advantage of the ever-growing amount of data
meet the challenges from competitors by generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) to
reimagine their adopting digital technologies and an innovative accurately track customer behavior and
business models to approach that enables rapid solution engagement. They can use artificial intelligence (AI)
deliver new customer development and deployment based on and machine learning to enable more-secure
value across traditional measuring and understanding customer processes and transparency – supporting risk
industry lines.” sentiment. mitigation for their policyholders. Blockchain can
be used to help insurers automate the settlement
Toni Tomic The global business economy is moving from of claims by leveraging business rules that are
Global Head of industry-specific offerings to new digital network encoded into smart contracts. These actions will
economies – alliances with other companies, provide an opportunity to intelligently connect
Insurance Business information and quickly deliver innovative products
even competitors, to create complementary
Solutions and services to improve customer loyalty and
networks of offerings and services. The effect is
SAP SE a blurring of industry lines. This new network satisfaction.
economy will grow to US$60 trillion by 2025 and
coalesce around fewer ecosystems, according to Leading insurance companies are already partnering
estimates from McKinsey & Company.1 Insurance with tech-focused newcomers to leverage their
companies are uniquely positioned to participate technology and talent.
in many of these networks, as they touch life,
health, property and wealth, housing, travel, and This paper takes a deep dive into the trends shaping
public services, to name a few. our industry and the path to innovation.

By 2025, we expect that many insurers will As industry after industry undergoes its own digital
have transformed their businesses to engage transformation, a world of opportunities opens up
Watch the “Intelligent with cross-industry ecosystem providers. for insurance companies to become partners in their
Enterprise for the Instead of just managing risk, the industry will customers’ lives. Those that do will cement their
be focused on prediction and prevention. A few place for years to come with a new generation of
Insurance Industry”
leading insurers have already embarked on this consumers who live online.

Digitalization will ultimately be the foundation

on which insurers will build new experience
management strategies to connect directly
with customers and to increase market share.
The rise of smart digital platforms has Toni Tomic
transformed consumer expectations. These Global Head of Insurance Business Solutions
digital-first experiences point the way for SAP SE
insurance companies to retake their place in
their customers’ lives – and to remain relevant
and competitive.

SAP Industries White Paper | Insurance

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3
3 Welcome

5 Our Place in the New World

7 Paving the Way for Business Model


9 Three Priorities for Success

10 Digital Engagement

12 Protection Services

14 Data-Driven Insights

16 Key Technologies

18 Getting There: A Phased Approach

19 Early Digital Adopters Lead the Way

20 SAP’s Framework for the Intelligent Enterprise

22 RISE with SAP: Business Transformation

as a Service

23 Comprehensive SAP Ecosystem Orchestrating

the Partner Ecosystem to Deliver Value Faster

24 SAP Is Committed to Innovation

25 Resources

SAP Industries White Paper | Insurance

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 4
Global “megathemes” are affecting the insurance
industry and provide new opportunities for growth.

▪ The need for trusted products requires insurers lifestyle engagement. Vitality rewards its
to develop relevant and personalized policy members for their healthy living choices with
offerings that relate to the specific needs of each incentives and a unique loyalty program. Other
customer. These must be delivered in a simple insurers are also using the Vitality wellness
offering, such as a “pay as you drive” model. concept in their markets.
Blockchain can provide the technology that can
help increase customer trust by enhancing ▪ The focus on integrated mobility requires
transparency within insurance processes. insurers to develop mobile solutions, apps, and
Insurance policies can be based on smart other innovative offerings to improve people’s
contracts that are secured with blockchain lives as well as organizational behavior by
processes, introducing a degree of automation that offering incentives for safer driving habits, for
is missing in the traditional insurance industry. example. Insurers are also exploring new business
These smart contracts provide predefined models within the evolving ecosystems. Examples
conflict-resolution strategies, which remove include telematics, connected-car offers, and
ambiguity and biased human interpretation. monthly car-sharing subscription services.
Insurance startups and the auto industry are
▪ The focus on health requires insurers to develop also driving new business models with insurance
solutions, mobile apps, and other innovative carriers in the area of the IoT. For instance, within
offerings that meet the needs of a growing and the European Union, car manufacturers are
aging population. For example, Discovery Ltd has teaming up to launch shared services that track
built the Vitality health program, which goes far in-car data with third parties.
beyond a traditional insurance program by
improving the customer experience through

Our Place in the New World

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5
The insurance industry is being reshaped
by three major trends.

▪ Insurers are managing risk better by shifting from financial loss Digital strategies are disruptive and
compensation to risk reduction activities. changing the rules of insurers.

▪ Digital is the new norm, with technologies such as the IoT, machine ERGO Group, a subsidiary of Munich RE,
learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and chose the SAP S/4HANA® Insurance
analytics impacting all end-to-end insurance processes, including solution to help create a new level of
collaboration with the automotive
underwriting, claims, pricing, and delivery.
industry and providers of new
transportation options, to meet emerging
▪ The playing field is changing, with insurtech disruptors coming in as new
customer needs. ERGO focused on
industry entrants, current customers, and partners.
developing innovative insurance and
customer service solutions within a
The ability to address the global megathemes and the industry trends will
mobility ecosystem that includes
determine who will be the winners in the next 10 years. In fact, research
automobile manufacturers, retailers, and
indicates the best-performing companies are pulling away from the rest,
end-user consumers. The solution offers
widening the performance gap. They are doing this by creating a landscape simplified core processes relevant to the
where they deliver great customer experiences and are the most profitable customer, ranging from insurance policy
because they successfully adopt new technologies and deliver processing to claims management, with
winning products and services more efficiently. smoothly interlocking steps along every
customer contact point.
McKinsey notes that adopting the cloud is a massive enabler of the necessary
standardization and automation. With the cloud, companies can reduce IT
overhead costs by 30 to 40%.2 Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty
quickly rolled out a globally consistent
program to collect experience data from
customers in 22 countries and 16
languages. The company now has a
wealth of insights. With the ability to
easily filter and prioritize those insights
by location and function, employees are
able to see exactly where to take action
next. In their words, they can “think
globally and act locally.”

Of insurers are using cloud in their
business today; it is already an integral
part of their technology environment and
business platform3

Paving the Way for Better Livability and Prosperity

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 6
In 2025, insurers will deliver personalized
solutions at scale and as a service to
their customers. Most of the insurance
companies’ revenue will come from
services that are delivered around and
based on highly customized, digitalized
products that support cross-industry
ecosystem requirements.

Paving the Way for Business Model Innovation

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7
These services will span from simple cross-sell and up-sell
services to complex underwriting risk models. Services will 9%
also include new business models based on the monetization Of companies have access to real-
of data assets. Increasingly, insurers will be able to more time data for financial analysis and
effectively use their data assets that are already generating planning4
revenue based on the business they conduct.

Satellite data will enable insurers to gain insights and predict

potential impacts from natural disaster data, helping them US$10.84
keep costs down for their clients and also make the world a
safer place.
Insurers will need to redefine their core competencies in light Is the estimated size of the car-
of new digital network economies and rebuild their business sharing market by 20255
strategies around them. For example, they will need to partner

with other industries and develop relevant products and
services, such as home insurance and security system
bundles. They will need to take advantage of digitalization to Of customers who plan to leave say it
integrate and optimize their products and services to improve was due to poor service6
the customer experience. For instance, they could deliver
point-of-purchase insurance coverage with a mobile app,
covering ski equipment and personal injury protection for
skiers at a resort.

Identifying the key drivers of customer behavior to help

improve policyholder acquisition and reduce churn will be
critical to success. Gathering feedback across broker and
customer journeys to better understand behavior and take
action will help insurers develop their road map for future

Embracing the opportunities from new technologies

successfully and, consequently, implementing the right
business initiatives will be the foundation of successful
digitalization transformation and staying ahead
of the innovation curve.

Paving the Way for Business Model Innovation

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8
We have identified three strategic priorities
necessary for insurance companies to
transform their business:




Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9

The creation of consistent, loyalty-building experiences in a

multichannel environment is essential to meeting the expectations
of customers in today’s digital world.
Insurers will analyze each customer’s behavior and point their customers’ lives. As an example, by accompanying
of view to succeed in the digital age. They will use all financial flows, the insurer will be able to provide a
connected people, devices, and external data sources to real-time view of personal finance, which helps
build an effective engagement model. They will drive customers better manage their finances and leads to
organizational alignment to create best-in-class improved customer satisfaction. (See Figure 1.)
experiences at every touch point including enrollment,
policy renewal, claims processing, and more. Real-time The Journey
simulation and analysis will be leveraged to evaluate the Insurers will start toward this goal by evolving the current
financial implications of strategic business choices. routes to the customer into a true omnichannel model.
They will extend the customer record to include a real-
The Vision time view of the policies in place, with an evaluation of
In 2025, insurers will be able to maintain customer- coverage suitability. Using Big Data combined with
for-life relationships with a shared risk and a focus on analytical capabilities, they will provide customers with
long-term value. This will be based on a 360-degree view real-time financial information and offer recommenda-
of their customers across industry ecosystems and on tions for improving their financial status. Lastly, they will
a detailed understanding of requirements and needs. collaborate with customers in a 360-degree manner,
Insurers will interact with their customers on a from sensing demand to delivering value through new
continuous basis through multiple channels, from products and services. The beneficial results will include
Web to direct sales, including IoT connectivity. With increases in customer loyalty, new customer acquisition,
the customer as the center point of focus, insurers and customer satisfaction.
will help improve

Figure 1: The Vision of Digital Engagement

Today Future

Transactional Holistic 360-degree view of the customer for life

63% of consumers are willing to pay up to 15% more for a better customer experience.
Source: Anonymous

AOK Systems is the leading systems and software company in the German healthcare market, in which statutory health insurance (SHI) covers the majority of the
population. The AOK Systems’ industry solution oscare allows more than 70,000 users to meet the needs of over 37 million SHI policyholders. The software gives
customers an extremely fast system that, among other things, enables ad hoc analysis and automates many routine tasks. In addition, the specialized software is
providing a strategic change by opening up the platform to the policyholders themselves. With apps, self-services, and a seamless user journey, AOK Systems is
quickly advancing into the digital future.

Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 10
Reimagine Digital Engagement
with New-Generation Claims
Insurers want to offer a seamless customer experience across all channels, including self-service portals. They will
communicate with people and devices and connect to external data sources to build more-efficient interaction
models. Digital engagement enables insurers to bring relevant products to market quickly, products that reflect both
actuary knowledge and real-world insights. Insurers will incorporate new insights into the management of policies,
commissions, claims, and reinsurance to run their operations more effectively. And they will use simulations and
analysis to evaluate the financial implications of their strategic business choices.

TRADITIONAL SCENARIO Update reserves manually.

Trigger initial
reserving process

Receive the Process the claim Initiate Source and negotiate Complete repair, Receive the client’s
accident and initiate follow- repairs. with repair shop invoice the confirmation of the
notice at the up processes. providers. appropriate party, repair or service
customer and issue payment to settlement.
service center. the service provider.

Update reserves automatically with the
Set initial reserve help of machine learning. Update reserves
automatically. based on payments.

Initiate the Share the claims status with the Match electronic Receive the client’s
Detect the first
repair with policyholder through a modern invoices and initiate confirmation of
anomaly or
Ariba® Network. user experience (UX) enabled by the payments. service settlement.
notice of loss
SAP Fiori® UX. Capture “in the moment” Analyze claims
through sensors.
customer feedback and manage any spend data with
issues on a real-time basis. SAP® Digital


Increased productivity Higher customer satisfaction Fewer processing errors

Companies that use analytics to implement targeted interventions for emotionally engaging customers can realize 50% higher
revenue, 34% higher profitability, and 55% higher share of wallet.7

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11

Customer expectations are moving in the direction that a potential loss

should be prevented before it occurs by means of a protection service.

Insurers will align their internal and external workforce to The Journey
be able to provide products and services that go beyond Insurers will start toward this goal by engaging with
traditional insurance products. Proactive fraud prevention customers to design existing protection policy options
capabilities will be embedded into relevant processes to and variations using a simple configuration modeling tool.
mitigate risk exposure. They will then extend existing policy models by adding
customer requirements to clearly tie customer needs to
The Vision specific options and features. Finally, they will let
In 2025, most insurance companies will be able customers interact with these policy models through
to exchange beneficial information on services, behavior, multiple channels and define their own product on the fly
and risk. By so doing, they will be able to improve based on proven and underwriter-approved configuration
customer relationships and interactions. Insurers will options. Throughout this process, insurers will get real-
deliver hybrid products by bundling insurance coverages time insights on key experience drivers to fuel future
across lines of business with noninsurance products improvements by capturing and automatically analyzing
and services to offer protection services. For example, experience and operational data sets.
home security products will be included with the delivery
of a homeowner’s insurance policy. (See Figure 2.)

Figure 2: The Vision of Digital Engagement

Today Future

Segmentation Single customer

87% of consumers believe the claims experience impacts decision to stay with insurer.
Source: Anonymous

Munich Reinsurance Company has been using global and local expertise to find creative solutions to challenging risk scenarios for 140 years. To realize
its vision for a geospatial analysis tool for location risk intelligence, the company used SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP HANA® spatial
services. Munich Re leveraged this scalable platform to support its suite of risk solutions, which manages vast sets of geospatial data by unifying
business and geospatial data in a central hub, facilitating innovation potential and rapid growth.

Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 12
Reimagine Protection Services
with the Connected Home
Bundling insurance coverages across lines of business with noninsurance products and services will offer protection
services that are essential for an insurer’s success. Insurers can create new product offerings based on a customer’s
usage of IoT sensors and devices and offer telematics data to policyholders with recommendations for safer behavior.
By doing so, they will strengthen customer relationships by exchanging beneficial information on services, behavior,
and risk changes. They can initiate responsive reactions to events, such as emergency services for accidents and
police for home intrusion. Protection services will include the deployment of proactive fraud prevention capabilities
and the use of blockchain to enable more secure transactions and processes.


Paper-based homeowner When a loss event occurs, An adjuster is assigned The claims closure is delayed
(HO) insurance policy is such as a water leak, no early and will evaluate the due to inefficient process steps,
mailed to the new HO detection and remediation damages. The HO must resulting in a higher claims loss
without any interaction or options are available. The HO engage a service provider ratio. Customer satisfaction is
additional support options. must first file a claim over the directly to initiate impaired by the stressful claim
phone or online, which delays the repairs. process, and chum is likely.
the process.


With the purchase of a new HO receives an alert about a Insurer assigns emergency The up-sell Analytics data reveals a
home, insurer sends the water leak in the base-ment repair service from Ariba opportunity for the reduction in claim closure
homeowner a smartphone with the option to turn off Network; selects service insurer to offer a time, an improvement in loss
insurance package that the water supply. based on best performance premium assistance ratio reserve, and an increase
includes installation of a Smartphone app provides and contract price; and package enables the in customer satisfaction and
security system and the option to report a claim, measures the quality, HO to reduce retention. Insurers can now
sensors for smoke and with information automatically speed, and cost of repair deductibles moving capture “in the moment”
water leaks. stored (loss location, HO shops to provide continuous forward. customer feedback to better
policy, and so on.) assessment for updates to understand customer
the “Best Providers” list. emotions and sentiment.

Higher customer satisfaction Lower customer service costs Opportunity to cross-sell and up-sell

Life insurers are using social network and geographical data to reduce fraud by up to 25%.8

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 13

Meeting customer-specific expectations requires a single, data-driven view

of customers, products, quotes, and policies that will provide a holistic
digital experience.
Insurers will anticipate customer behavior, such as policy The Journey
cancellations or renewals, with instant insight from Insurers will start toward this goal by designing product
transactional data and digital interaction points. A real- offerings based on the insights from the data of IoT
time finance and risk data platform will effectively applications and related insurance services. They will
manage risk, protect investments, and enable extend the use of sensors and telematics to develop
compliance with accounting regulations. holistic umbrella coverage for all aspects of insurance.
They will partner across various industries, such as
The Vision automotive, banking, public sector, and professional
In 2025, insurance companies will be able to services, to automatically integrate everything that
consistently analyze customer data about behavior and impacts the policyholder, such as warranties, wire
points of view so they can deliver innovative products transfers, government regulations, and service providers.
and services to market quickly while maintaining them
more efficiently. Insurers will use the key insights The constant and fluid analysis of experience and
provided by IoT applications and related insurance operational data will provide a holistic understanding of
services to drive what products are created and what human experiences. Insurers can more quickly, or even
services are offered, when and where. (See Figure 3.) preemptively, understand and adjust their strategies to
drive immediate top-line or bottom-line impact.

Figure 3: The Vision of Data-Driven Insights

Today Future

Individual data points Real-time, multisourced,

digital interaction data

Over the next five years, IoT car safety technology will save insurance companies US$45 billion in the United States

Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 14
Reimagine Data-Driven Insights
with Product Lifecycle and
Insurers will use machine learning data to evaluate all available unstructured, relevant sources of information about
policy applicants. Underwriters can use machine learning to manage complex risk assessments and product pricing,
and to determine the most efficient employee follow-up actions based on historical data processing. This will enable
them to suggest the best cross-industry products for the customer based on their profile and needs. Data-driven
analytics will be used to track the status of claims processing and overall claims management performance, while
predictive analytics will be used to determine the best claims reserve amounts.


Products are predefined It is difficult to automate It is difficult to tailor Any incoming customer
and standardized by customer interaction. marketing activities interaction cannot be
product management. to address specific transferred to other
customer needs. insurance lines of business.


Customer requests Insurer checks on already Insurer uses up-selling Triggered by the address Insurer achieves
address change existing products and opportunity of an electronic change, the homeowner higher customer
using chatbot, services and updates driving coach assistant to policy will be transferred satisfaction by
them automatically, encourage safer driving automatically to the new offering personalized
behavior based on the address. services and by
customer’s auto history. delivering products
quickly at an
acceptable price.


Faster time to market Lower R&D costs Higher revenue from new products

Companies are using data on insurance agents to predict how likely each one is to sell multiple products, leading
to a 20% to 25% increase in sales.10

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Four Priorities for Success

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15
The current pace of technological advancements has the most
profound impact on enabling how insurers transform themselves
to respond to their customers’ needs and to market trends.

Intelligent technologies promise to bring great The Internet of Things

benefits such as productivity and efficiency gains, Advances in ubiquitous connectivity and edge
enabling innovative new business models and computing are driving a step change in business
new revenue streams. The following intelligent productivity. This connectivity, coupled with
technologies are instrumental in helping insurance artificial intelligence and machine learning,
companies respond to market trends. can analyze petabytes of data and affect real
business outcomes. Although insurers have been
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using the IoT for some time, now the entire value
Machine learning enables algorithms to “learn” chain can be connected. Data-driven insights of
from existing data and achieve the best possible customer preferences can drive better products
outcomes without being explicitly programmed. and services that lower cost and reduce risk. For
Once the algorithm is trained, it can then predict instance, with a connected car, services might
future outcomes based on new data. Insurers can include parking or roadside assistance. For a
leverage these capabilities to eliminate repetitive connected home, the service could be real-time
manual tasks associated with simple claims responses to sensor-detected issues, such as
processing by automatically determining automatically dispatching a plumber to the house
classifications, routing, and responses, or by in the event of a water leak.
helping with complex solution configurations by
applying machine learning to historical data to
streamline the quotation process for configurable
policy management products.

Part of the Farmers Insurance Group of Companies, Foremost Insurance Group wanted to make its portal so simple that
independent agents would need no additional training to use it. With Experience Management solutions from SAP and
Qualtrics, Foremost now gathers quantitative feedback from 1,000 agents to guide the redesign of its Web site. What’s
more, the company’s executive team can now receive quantifiable reports in hours instead of days.

Key Technologies
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 16
Advanced Analytics
The integration of advanced analytics capabilities, including situational
awareness, into applications enables business users to analyze customer
data on the fly and drives better decision-making. Empowered users can get
real-time visibility into their operations, customer feedback, and the changing trillion
environment. They can simulate the impact of business decisions, mitigate Is the estimated global worth of IoT
risk, and achieve better outcomes. technology by 202511

One of the most significant benefits of blockchain is its potential for helping
the insurance industry move transactions and contracts through multiple
>50 billion
parties in a way that is not only secure but also transparent and accountable Is the estimated number of connected
devices by 202512
to its users. Through its use as a public ledger, blockchain potentially can
eliminate suspicious and duplicate transactions, limiting fraudulent claims. As
higher levels of trust are established between insurers and the insured, claims
management can be handled more efficiently. Reinsurance contracts can US$6 trillion
become more transparent, and capital can be moved more efficiently. Even Is the economic impact of cybercrime
complex compliance issues within the industry can be addressed more by 2021*

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR), the use of digital technology to create immersive
Of consumers are willing to pay for a
simulations, was once the stuff of science fiction. So was augmented reality
better experience*
(AR), which lets users interact with digital content that’s overlaid on the real
world. Already in use to help workers with difficult or infrequent
administrative activities, this will become even more critical to attract and
retain millennials. 92%
Of U.S. adults said they would switch to
Conversational AI another company after three (or fewer)
Advances in machine learning are enabling algorithms to become highly negative customer service experiences*
accurate in natural-language understanding and in image and speech
recognition, especially useful in customer service call-center activities. Voice
*Source: Anonymous
interface will be the go-to technology for the next generation of applications,
allowing for greater simplicity, mobility, and efficiency while increasing worker
productivity and reducing the need for training. Smart chatbots will also help
insurers deliver up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. It is imperative to
continually measure customer feedback and sentiment to evaluate the
effectiveness of all automated voice interfaces, which will enable iterative
process improvements.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation streamlines repetitive, rule-based processes
and tasks in an enterprise and reduces cost through the use of software
robots by replicating specific tasks or keystrokes.

Key Technologies
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 17

Companies will become intelligent enterprises on three distinct tracks as they evolve
their strategic priorities to match their company’s vision. They will:

▪ Optimize what they already do by implementing a stable and scalable

digital core to make processes more transparent and integrated

▪ Extend their current processes by connecting them to the real world using
IoT technologies

▪ Transform their business using a constant stream of data, enabling

new service-driven business models (See Figure 4.)

Figure 4: Strategic Priorities Across Lines of Business

Customer Operational Total Spend Responsive

Finance and Risk
Centricity Excellence Management Workforce

Collaborative Policy Collaborative Customer account Customer

interactions configuration supplier network management interaction

Digital Today Future Today Future Today Future Today Future Today Future
Engagement Siloed Integrated Static rules Rules Siloed Integrated, Siloed risk Integrated Disparate Enabled
customer channel powered by supplier strategic, and and profit financial customer workforce
channel process with machine network agile global data model with information with real-
process customers learning supplier sources drill-down time data for
network capabilities policyholders

Behavior and
Insurance coverage Network security Financial models Insurance services
risk models

Protection Today Future Today Future Today Future Today Future Today Future
Services Delayed, Embedded Single Hybrid Multiple End-to-end Difficulty in Advanced Discon- Connected,
manual data IoT sensor policy products by security encryption forecasting simulations nected real-time
processes data product bundling solutions for secure and modeling that enable systems response
processes offerings coverages and procurement scenarios flexible what- that result capabilities
processes if scenarios in delayed using the
responses IoT and
to customer telematics

Regulations and
Customer loyalty Solution selling Claims management Employee decisions
Data- Today Future Today Future Today Future Today Future Today Future
Driven Focus on Focus on Sales of Sales of data Manual, Fully Manual Regulatory Multiple one- Use of
Insights product lifetime products and services discon- integrated financial and off decisions machine
customer only nected process using oversight compliance based learning to
value processes machine processes reporting on gut determine
learning and with feelings the most
analytics to real-time efficient
improve auditability customer
spend follow-up

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 18

How do you achieve these strategic priorities?

Start with reimagining your business together with your customers.

Then build a path for even more optimization and intelligent automation to simplify your
business and free up resources to invest in even more digital transformation programs
and find new business models and revenue streams.

According to research by the SAP Value Management program, innovative companies

focus on digital priorities to help them achieve digital transformation more than other
insurance companies. (See Figure 5.)

Figure 5: Interest in Adopting Intelligent Technologies to Help Innovative Insurers and Other
Financial Services Firms Achieve Their Digital Transformation Goals

Big Data and

Interested 95%
analytics Very Interested 78%

Internet of Interested 88%

Things Very Interested 56%

Interested 89%
Very Interested 59%

Machine Interested 93%

learning Very Interested 55%

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 19
All businesses have the same goal: they want to run at their best. They want to offer the best employee
experience and the best products and services, and deliver the best customer experience. They want
to manage spend, run efficiently, make confident decisions, and innovate. They want to break down
departmental silos and integrate their processes so that everything runs seamlessly. SAP’s solutions
for intelligent enterprises can help you to achieve these outcomes.

Intelligent enterprises run agile, integrated business processes and use advanced technologies such
as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things. They apply leading-edge industry
best practices and work together to build flexible value chains. They evaluate and act on customer,
partner, and employee sentiment, and they understand and manage their environmental impact
(see Figure 6).

As a result, they can keep their workforce engaged and increase organizational agility. They can deliver
the products and services customers need. They can deliver engaging, trusted, and connected
customer experiences. They can control every source and category of spend. They can increase
efficiency and gain insight to guide their business. And they can make confident decisions and drive
continuous innovation.

Becoming an intelligent enterprise helps your business become more resilient – able to adapt,
innovate, and overcome challenges. It helps you become more successful – able to run efficiently and
drive long-term growth. It helps you become more sustainable – able to reduce waste and emissions,
and make responsible choices.

Only SAP has the solutions, services, and ecosystem to deliver this vision and help your business run
at its best.

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 20









Figure 6: SAP Intelligent Enterprise Framework

Business network – SAP Business Network Industry cloud – With SAP’s industry cloud, you
unifies points of interaction and integration across can discover and deploy vertical solutions from
your trading partners to help business move faster SAP and partners. The solutions help you apply
than it ever has before. industry best practices and extend your current
business processes.
Business process intelligence – Implement fast,
agile, streamlined process optimization based on Sustainability management – Being “best-run”
real-time insights with recommendations for means running sustainably. SAP solutions for
improvements and automation. sustainability will help customers understand
and manage their impact on people and the
Experience management – Experience environment.
management solutions give insight into the
sentiments and feelings of customers, employees, Business technology platform – One holistic
and other business stakeholders. platform for the Intelligent Enterprise supports
you in achieving your goals with the freedom and
Intelligent suite – SAP offers an integrated suite flexibility to build, manage, and deploy your
of applications that support your end-to-end applications anywhere.
business processes, helping you manage every
part of your organization – employees, customers, Cloud infrastructure – Cloud infrastructure lets
products, spend, finance, and IT. you simplify and scale your systems landscape
while helping ensure security and performance.
SAP solutions supporting the Intelligent Enterprise
can be deployed to your infrastructure of choice.

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 21
RISE with SAP: Business
Transformation as a Service
The COVID-19 pandemic started a period of unprecedented change. This accelerated change will
continue into the postpandemic era.

Digital transformation is critical to the survival of every business. But to thrive, businesses also
need to adjust – because industries have been and will continue to be redefined. They need to run
differentiated and innovative business processes.

The RISE with SAP offering includes the following elements.


Business foundation LINES OF

Technical migration BUSINESS*
Business process redesign SERVICES



complex PLATFORM


Business process Tools and services from • SAP S/4HANA Cloud • A leading cloud infrastructure providing a native
intelligence to analyze SAP to support your suite for agility and cloud landscape run by SAP and our hyperscaler
how your processes journey, augmented by responsiveness – not partners
perform, get tailored SAP’s strong ecosystem only at the edges but
recommendations, and as necessary also at the core • SAP Business Technology Platform to complement,
benchmark against extend, and integrate with other SAP, partner, and
industry standards • Unified access to third-party solutions, using the same data model and
the world’s largest business services as SAP applications
business network –
including SAP’s • A solid foundation supporting ongoing digital
supplier, logistics, transformation for your people
and asset intelligence
networks – to foster • Expansion of your ERP footprint with your choice of
cross-company additional functions for modular cloud ERP and next-
connectivity and generation industry practices

*Customers can choose from among five industries (automotive, retail, utilities, consumer products, and industrial machinery and components) and two lines of business (human experience management
and modular cloud ERP) as RISE with SAP transformation packages.

RISE with SAP helps accelerate digital transformation. RISE with SAP transformation packages also help ensure that
businesses have access to industry-specific processes, expertise, best practices, and next-practice solutions from
SAP and our partners.
We look forward to joining our customers on their transformation journey into the future. Find out more about
RISE with SAP.

RISE with SAP allows customers to realize the value of their investment sooner, with up to a 20% reduction in total cost of ownership (TCO) over five years for SAP S/4HANA
Cloud, private edition as compared to a traditional ERP deployment.
Source: TCO reductions and timelines are modeled estimates from interviewed company data taken from the following IDC studies: “SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA TCO Study”
(November 2020) and “IDC SAP S/4HANA Business Value Study” (March 2020). Timelines and estimates are intended for illustrative purposes only, and SAP makes no
guarantees as to actual results.

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 22

Our comprehensive ecosystem for insurance companies offers:

▪ The Intelligent Enterprise as the overarching ▪ Integration into a wide range of business
strategy to meet future requirements, services (OEMs, suppliers, key vendors,
providing: and more)
– SAP S/4HANA co-development ▪ Open architecture, with a choice of hardware
programs for customers and partners and software specifically designed to meet
– Industry co-innovation programs for
industry-specific use cases ▪ Complementary and innovative third-party
solutions to provide leading-edge technology
– Delivery of enterprise-to-enterprise
industry clouds
– Thought leadership, evangelism, and
enablement by industry through events,
councils, and regular customer exchange

Our partner ecosystem includes, among others:

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23

10-Year Innovation Vision Comprehensive Industry Proven Services Offering

SAP delivers intelligent business Coverage By bringing together
solutions and networks SAP enables comprehensive innovators, industry, and
that span company boundaries coverage of the complete emerging technology
and promote purpose-driven insurance value chain across the expertise, proven use cases,
businesses. These solutions will enterprise. With its clear industry and design thinking
be the most empathic symbiosis road map, SAP is the partner of methods, we help insurers
between machine intelligence choice for the insurance industry. develop innovations that
and human ingenuity. deliver impact at scale.

▪ More than 5,600 insurance

▪ Self-running enterprise companies in 107 countries ▪ Proven methodologies
systems innovating with SAP solutions to drive innovation,
▪ Self-organizing business ▪ All of the 25 top global insurers in
from reimagining
ecosystems the world running SAP solutions customer experiences
▪ New markets and to enhancing operations
▪ All of the 15 most-admired
business models property and casualty insurance ▪ Innovation that is fueled
companies in the world running through a managed
SAP solutions innovation ecosystem
from SAP
▪ Ability to build your own
innovation capability and

SAP supports insurance companies in becoming intelligent enterprises –

providing integrated business applications that use intelligent technologies
and can be extended on SAP Business Technology Platform to deliver
breakthrough business value.

Learn more

• SAP for Insurance solutions

• SAP Services and Support

Getting There
© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 24

Outlined below is external research that was used as supporting material for this paper.

1. “McKinsey's Global Banking Annual Review,” 9. “99 Facts on the Future of Business in the
McKinsey & Company, Dec. 9, 2020. Digital Economy,” Fast Facts, SAP, 2017.
2. “Reaching the Next Normal of Insurance Core 10. “Digital Disruption in Insurance: Cutting
Technology,” McKinsey & Company, July 2, 2020. Through the Noise,” McKinsey & Company,
March 2017.
3. “2019 Insurance Outlook,” Deloitte, 2018.
Source cited in Deloitte paper: “Cloud Adoption 11. “A Guide to the Internet of Things,” Intel
in Insurance: Trends and Issues,” Novarica, Business, April 3, 2016.
March 2018.
12. “Digital Ecosystems for Insurers: Opportunities
4. “99 Facts on the Future of Business in the Through the Internet of Things,” McKinsey &
Digital Economy,” Fast Facts, SAP, 2017. Company, Feb. 4, 2019.
5. “Carsharing Market,” P&S Intelligence Web site.
Note: All sources cited as “SAP” or “SAP
6. “7 Dynamic Ways to Improve Customer
Performance Benchmarking” are based on
Experience in Banking,” Qualtrics blog, Sept. 4,
our research with customers through our
benchmarking program and other direct
7. “AI Is Threatening Customer Experiences. Are interactions with customers.
You Ready?,” Gallup Workplace, January 7, 2019.
8. “Digital Disruption in Insurance: Cutting
Through the Noise,” McKinsey & Company, March

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 25
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