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Name: MyRTAZA NURvODIN ASHERALI . GRovE: IMBY2 ModE © METAL STRUCTURES COURSE PROTECT : ee 1) To determine type of rolled profile of beam wrth eoding condition acterding fo your vanant (variant 2) / Wy HHL A 6 where; = 1aOKNm a= ISm be Am Solution : 1) To fink the ‘reactions ak the Supports , for That ue howe ty draw 0 free bedy diagram of the beam. L= BoKN/m OO Toy a 5 Ras 453-754 Rez 206-25kN tm _, im Scanned with CamScanner > EM: 0 (Summaton of moments et Pome 6) [c 4] NB! Clockwise moments ae positive whoeas anticledurse moments OL negative . SL (Rax) = (20x 55x ) = 0 4Ra = (B15 3» Eis 0 (Summation of Pres in ‘y’ dvection) fata) | WR: Upward forces cue taken as positive and dounword forces ae taken as negative. Ra + Re - (iR0x5'5) = 0 Re = 660 - 453-45 4) To clouake shear forces ab ciffaent pomts on He beam: at pots; C= O CoA = 7 CiA0xXV5) = -1F0KN A = 1304 453-75 = &73- TORN. ReB= 23-75 - (iRox4) = -AOCASEN | B= 206-25 + 206-25 = 0 > At pont DP te shear force 5 ?ero- We hare to aalevtate He distant at which te shear fore 6 zero! A-D = ~(120K15) + 453-75 - (120K) = © AFB F5 = 120% Abe x = @abm. eae Scanned with CamScanner 3) To alevlate bending moments ak eath pont on the bean -' at pom: C= 0 A= -(B0K"SX #5) = -135KNm ~ (120K 4-78 x 838) + (053-95 x 228) = (FFAS B= 0 4) Shear fore, Bending moment chagrams of He beam .' 1 = (a0KNlm AULT je Scanned with CamScanner 5) >To choose a profile ue use the Condition fer nama shosses te Cre < CEI) . we axe given tte Following ’ Steel type - 9235 [e] = A35MPa [tl = 160 MPa- M whee; w+ Gress-secktonal moment of vesvtare = 4 oie 7 w Mog = max: bending moment. R ne < [6] wer Mme 2 HERB 2 754cm* “Tél” 235 Wy F5ucm?. 2 Aaording ® te table, ve choose profile 3, which has He fillo- wig porarnoters : | Wr= 743 cn? | Lx = 13380" \ S27 4a3.00" | d= T5ani he 360mm be 45mm t= &a3mm Scanned with CamScanner 9 we cece oft Conditans tor He prfile 36 ue chose ¢ > Smeg = Uns. (925 = = ABS 5 MPa. Ww 743 Sine 238-5Nfa 7 235MPy , ve check if 1k does not exceed BY! A385 - 235 2 SL, Hence ue Can vse ft. 235 | we 2% Trax = Qywox XS 293.95 x Y2sulO” © 115.4 Me Symon" RFR 78 X 23X10 & xXx TSKI0 x 13-385 07 Since 115-4 < 160(MP) , te Cndition 5 Sabisfied . oy for steel we use strength theory no-4 } é.:Véetrar < ile. pont A has both moment and high fore, ue seleck pomt A of the beam : a es mw OF] ys Bab = M283 = KF Pmm, . r > & 135 Xx cae = LAME 12-38X (07 Scanned with CamScanner . T= Qo X 5 r ds: Tz 2 SO = Aiea x distance to flange. = (bxt)x (B-£ He : Wn ad x ( - as) aR SM site lgnt T= RTE x 31K! By, 59MPa. TSK x 13:38K10° . Ofer < [6] = frgazta (3x 1459) 2231 92M Pa S RB5MPa. (Howe conten 4 als fre)) AU Phree Conditions ato Stusfied for our Prfite 36. Goncesicn - ee Profile 36 of beam with fle loading @nditions Hen ue Can use pouded on it, Scanned with CamScanner D) Ts, design bolt jot of two plates with coss-secton BxT mm (B 6 te heght & F-bean frei part Z * 840m)(Trs tckness of flage of heam from part T= 1a3mm) of steel ($235). Tension fore 15 applied to the joint. N= p-(atb) In [t,a,b according 40 port 1] + Joint *s designed sym- metncally, with two Smaller plates X Tam of. séeel 235» Co-efpiereit of relative is egal to %= bel, Bolts belong to class of awuracy 8 wh diameter of &* XOmm and class oF strength 5-6 . Diameler of holes of bolts i egual to 2mm. N= d(arb) = 120 (5+4) = 660 KN. Scanned with CamScanner Solvbon* 1) To check the strength of joints we hare to chock te followrng (onditons ¢ i) Checking for shoar of bolt ¢ yy Ns = ax tisx ks 2k OL FZ 16 ii) Checking for empression (pressure) on bolt Nip = x Rip xdex dx (Exum & We Ti) Checking for tension ‘ y Ax Rie XI x An ® Ve Nua = where; Kis = Gacleviated resistance of bolt for shear, Rep = Calevlated resistance of bolt far presure > Rit = @levlated resistance of bolt for tension; a = amount of bolts; fs = amount of shear sorfaces ; Y= @-effiaent of slotive work of- bolt ennecticen ; Lz co-efficient of selative worl of struchual elomont / As = — Cross-S@ction aren of bolt , d= diameter of bolt,’ (Etdaun = Smatlest added thickness of plate that 1s compussel in one direction 7 Cross-sectron asea of bolt with Gonkaing of Screw - thread . Ain * Scanned with CamScanner — 2) We hare to find cilclated resistance of bolt fer shear Ros > or it ue hove to use ble R+ Becawse grade of ovr bolt 1s 56, then our Glolated resistance of bolt for shar Kos = /TOMR. 3) Wext we find tatevlased resistance of bolt for pressure Rip + for rt 02 have 40 “Se table3- To use fable 3, first we hewe. to find tenporary sesistance of Connected plates Kun» fir rt ue hae fo use table !, Because ovr steel is C235 and thickness of main plate | 15 12 3om whch 15 Less than 20mm teen Kun = 360 M2, Now from table 3 ue find calevloded resistance of bolt fer pressure Rep = 430MPa 7) Next we find ©-effaent of relative “otk of: bolt Gnnectson from table 4. Becavse: class of aauracy 1s 8 for ovr bolt than = 09 5) Next ue find amount of- shear Surfaces Ns = 2. G) Next 4e find G0s5-section area of bolt Au = at? = st(4)* 7) Oameter of bolt % eYal Eo d= 20mm. ¥) lo-efpiaent of relative work of structural elemont X= fe) 9) Next we find smallest added thicknoss of plate thab 1s Gmpe- $sed_ in one direction . From right to Left direction 15 epuel bo 13.2, and fom left to nght direction 3 &xF* Wom , mm min {235 5 = 13mm» So (EL\mg = IR: 3mm - Scanned with CamScanner 16) Next we find the maxinwm possible loading for Shear and Gmpession for 1 bolt* Nist = Asx Ris X Mx Ab = ax OX 09 x BI4XIO ST * 1102037 RW Nbpi = Rep X uxdx (Ex)win | = BOX 09 X ROKIO® x 1R3XIO™ |. gar ) Neck we determine Ho amount-of bolts fer ovr Cnnectin - - WV ne XX Nnin whore; Nan = min {Nini Noy f= nun 107.39) 15:2f = Waku. So, NF 660 = 63+ This means thet we need atleast WX TR F bolts te make ovr Connection work propelty » To make rt easter for further caletation ue he to use § bolts. 2 BB mm —+N et & ooo oH im Oooe Scanned with CamScanner 1a) Now we hore to check Hf our main plates ace still strong enough to vesist loading N ofter ve drill Poles in 1b N_ gky %An whee, N- applied loading %- G-eftiaent of wlatre work of structural elomort Ry - Glovlated vesetance of main etal under tension. An ~ New Cross-Section aa of man plate afler ue dill holes. we hae He next values N= 660KN jy = I) From teble | ve can And Ry Growing that ovr steel 1s C235 and thickness of main plate is la3mm which 1s less than 20° Ry = 230A, Next ue caletate An= t:(b- rds) = 193 (360 - (4x22) = BBWS -b mat N = 660 = 179-34UR. Yor An Ie] x 33456 2 PFW BUM AL & 230MR, @ndifion is ght So this bolt Gmnecton Gn be used» 13) Ue have to determine wt distances for ovr bolt Connection / minimal <& < maximal Scanned with CamScanner + IGA AS mingld of 85 30< & < 30 BBA SCs < min f Id l2e§ 50 < es < 147-6 Reet 3G = 360 So C2? 45mm, €3 * 1mm. Ad < Er < min Ydor B45 4o<€\< 80 ASA < Cy < min {lbd or 2UES 50 < Cy < 295-2 ALK RK min Td or B45 HO < %/a& ¥0 RE + Wey # C= L 50, €= 50mm ; y= 85mm) @5* S0KR= 100mm Lt 3F0mm. Ton 12.39 i 1 | i ——- + I 5 - A+ | 50, F5 101 2 0 % Nan 8 —»N eC ° > ° . y—— 272 |! Scanned with CamScanner

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