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This research discuses about background of the research, statement of the

problem, objective of the reseacrh, scope of the research, significance of the


A. Background of the Research

In learning English the students must fulfill and meet four language skills.

They are speaking, writing, listening and reading. Speaking and writing are

productive skill, because speaking and writing can product. Reading and listening

skills include receptive skills. Reading is an important skill in foreign language

learning, students are expected to be competent and be able to develop reading

comprehension in both formal and informal situation.

By reading comprehension students will learn how to express utterances

meaningfully. It also leads them to make interaction in the society by using

language since reading is one of important skills that should be mastered by the

students in learning foreign language. The students are difficult to read, some of

them, even think that it is a difficult subject.

Reading is a process for reading understand an arcitile. Reading is a

process carried out at the same time used by the reader to get the message needed

by researchers through the media theough words or written language. (Solchan

T.W., 2016:30). Thus reading provides knowledge and students’ knowledge to

master reading strategy and capture the contents of the reading properly. With the

existence of some of these definitions can be concluded the pupose of reading is

as for someone to study the book and look for written information. (Apriani


In seating the phonomena that happened to the students in Morotai

especially while teaching, the role of the teachers is very important to develop

students reading comprehension, because students are very slow in understanding

it. of the lack of vacabulary from students, and the lack of confidence, so that

skimming and scanning staregies can improve students’ reading comprehention.

The strategy in reading lessons is to facilitate teachers in developing their

students’ ability to reading. Because nowadays, many teachning methods and are

offered to facilitate the teachers in developing the students ability in reading

comprehension. One of those strategy which are known to improve students

reading ability is collaborative strategy in reading through skimming and


Students who are passive in learning English, and students do not have

confidence in reading english, in this case skimming and scanning strategy are the

types of method that can help these problems. This can be a solution to tackle

these problems. Through the strategy of skimming and scanning are the effective

techniquees that improve the students’ understanding reading comprehension

ability. In addition, skkimming is a technique to graps the general information in

the paragraph or topic, while scanning is a reading technique that is used for catch

the particular information Quickly without reading a whole text. By implementing

those technique in teaching reading comprehension, it is regarded not only

develop the students’ reading comprehension but also ean enlarge the students’

English vocabulary as well as improving the students’ ability in writing.

Reading text needs some strategies to overcome the students difficulties.

Skimming is strategy in which the reader is looking for the text to get the idea of

text. While scanning is strategy for quickly finding spesific information in a text

without reading the entire articel.

B. Statmeent of the Problem

Based on the background of the research, the research formulates the

research question as followed.

1) “Do the skimming and scanning techniques give stronger effect than

conventional techniques on the reading comprehension?

C. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is,

1) ‘To identify the skimming and scanning technique give stronger effect

than conventional techniques on the reading comprehension.

D. Scope of the Research

Based on the backgraound explanation above, it can be seen the scope

of the research as follow “this research focuses on students’ reading

comprehension using skimming and scanning strategies to improve students’

reading comprehension using narative text.

E. Significances of the Research.

This was conducted to describe the use of skimming and scanning

teachniques in improve the students’ reading comprehension at SMP Unggulan 1.

It is expented that the findings.

Of this sereacrh would give benefits to some parties.

a. Researcher

To give an experience in doing research and to improve the students’

reading ability as will.

b. Teachers

To give them guidance in making students’ reading. So that students are

more enthusiastic in reading English text.

c. Students

To show a god way to improve their reading comprehension and to make

them understand will in how to reading narative text.



In this chapter, the research explain some previous research finding, reseach


A. Same provius Research finding

In this research, the research digs up informaton from previous studied as

a comparison material regarding the existhing weaknesses or strenghs. In addition

the reseacher also digs up information from stories book in order to obtain pre-

existing information about theories related to the litle.

The first relevant study by Prasetyo (2019) Improving Reading

Comprehension Ability by using guide Reading and Summarizing procedure

(GRASP) strategy among the eighth grades of SMPN 1 Bantara in the Academic

year 2019/ 2020. The purpose of this research is to improve the student reading

comprehension after using GRASP strategy at the eighth grade of SMPN 1

Batanghari. This research was classroom action research type, and it was

conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps that were planning,

acting, observing, and reflection. Regarding to the research result which was taken

from observation and test, it could be inferred that there was significant

improvement from cycle I to Cycle II. The average score of Post-test I was 64

with percentage of students’ successfulness 57%. Next to cycle II the average

score was 73 with percentage of students successful 75%. It indicated that

indicator of success has been achieved at least 70% students was completed the

Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) at least 70. It means that by using GRASP

Strategy could help improve students reading comprehension ability at the eighth

grade of SMPN 1 Batanghari.

The second relevant study from Aritonang, Lasmana, Kurnia (2018) “The

Analysis of Skimming and Scanning Technique to Improve Students Teachning

Reading Comprehension”. This research explores the implementation of

Skimming and Scanning in reading comprehension and to find out the advantages

and disadvantages of skimming and scanning used in learning process. The

objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of skimming and

scanning strategy in improving students reading comprehension. Data collection

techniques focus on participant observation, interviews, and documentation.

Skimming and Scanning is the appropriate technique to find the main idea, key

word and content of the text without read the whole of the text.

Another relevant study from Galigging (2020) Improving Students Reading

Comprehension by Skimming Technique at Grade XI Masaharuddin Tapuli

Selatan. This research focused on the effect of using Skimming Technique on

Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability at Grade XI MAS Baharuddin. The

problems of this research students were lazy to read, students had lack motivation

in reading, also students got difficulties in reading even though have read in many

years. The research found in the first cycle students’ reading comprehension mean

score 55.33%. It was indicated students low in reading comprehension. The

second cycle students’ reading comprehension mean score 88.33%. It was

indicated the improvement of students’ reading comprehension. So, based on the

classroom action research, it was concluded the skimming technique improved

students‟ reading comprehension in MAS Baharuddin 33%. It based on the mean

score which students’ reading comprehension in cycle 1 55.33% and become

88.33% in cycle 2.

The four relevant study by Yusur and Nadya (2017:43) Skimming and

Scanning Techniques to Assist EFL Students in Understanding English Reading

Texts. This research aimed to find out whether the skimming and scanning

techniques (SST) can improve EFL students’ English reading comprehension in

recount texts, especially on identifying the main ideas and detail information, in a

senior high school in Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia. A number of 32 eleventh grade

students participated in this study, and the one group pre-test and post-test design

were used. Data collection was from a pre-test and a post-test. In analyzing the

data, statistics was used. The results showed that the mean score of the pre-test

was 45 and the post-test was 65, with 20 points of improvement. Furthermore, the

result of t-test was 4.7, while the critical value of 0.05 significant level was 2.4,

with the degree of freedom at 23. Since t-test t-score, thus SST improved the

students’ reading comprehension in this study. Nevertheless, the paper further

discusses some setbacks while implementing SST in the classroom. Afterwards,

calculating the mean scores from both tests were conducted to further know the

exact increase of scores between the pre-test and the post-test. The results show

that the mean score of the pre-test is 45, and the mean score of the post-test is 65.

Moreover, the calculation of the average value between pre-test and post-test is

20. From these results, the t-test is counted and the results is t 4.7. Furthermore,

the t-score is 4.47 and the critical value of t-score for 31 degree of freedom on the

level significant of 0.05 is 2.04. From these statistical analyses, the t-score value

of this study is higher than the critical value of t-table (t > tt ). It means that the

difference is significant; the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null

hypothesis (H0 ) is rejected (t = 4.7 > tt = 2.04).

The diffence between the first research and mine. The first relevant study by

Prasenyo by using guide reading and summarizing procedure (GRASP). Whereas

in research wants to improving reading comprehension using skimming and

scanning teachnique, this research uses quantitave research and focus on pre-

experimental method.

While the similarity is that the three researhers above used the same

technique that i used namely skimming and skking technique. It showed that all of

the students or (33) got deficient level. After the students were taught by using

conventional method, there was no improvement. The result of my research, it is

proved by the post-test results; 100 percents of students who attained very poor

and nobody got good and excellent. Before giving the treatment, pre-test result

showed that 100 percent students (33) scored 0-54. After skimming and scanning

techniques was applied the students’ score in reading comprehension were higher

than those who were taught without appplying those stratgey, this can be seen on

the figure above, from 100 percent of students (33) there were 64 percent

students who got poor level (0-54), 24 percent students got moderate level, while

in the range score from 70 to 84 there were 12 of student who got it, and nobody

got very good level.

B. Research Theories

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

According to Zorrela (2017:12) reading comprehension means understanding

what has been read. It means, reading activity is used to understands, remember,

review the text to get the main idea after reading. Reading comprehension is “the

process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through

interaction and involvement with written language. It means, reading

comprehension is a simulation process and builds up a meaning to understand a


While Aritonang, Lasmani, Kurnia (2018:34) says reading is very important

to get information in the world. Reading can make people to know from nothing

to something. In English, reading is one of English skill besides listening,

speaking and writing. Reading holds the in our life to search information or

knowledge from textbooks, article or magazines written in English. Thus, the

students should have good reading skills to help them in academic studies and to

get information in the world. They also says the problem of the students in

reading skill is comprehension. They difficult to understand meaning of the text

and they cannot focus on what they read during the reading activity and still have

difficulty to get purpose of the text. The another problem is that not every detail of

information in the passage is needed to answer the reading questions but students

usually read the reading passage word by word. Reading is important for students

to study reading text in class in order to find out such things as the way use

language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many times they use

relative clauses. We must give the students a chance to respond to that message in

some way especially they should be allowed to show their feelings about the topic

and provoking personal engagement in language.

In line with Goertel (2018:27) reading is an important and inseparable

activity of the academisc. The reading provides benefist for academics such as a

clumn students can improve criterial thinking ways, it is due to the proces, reading

involves predidictivi skills, checking, deep analysis, idas development, and two-

waycommunication readers and reading. Reading is an extremely complex

process that no one can explain satisfactorily. Those are interested in reading have

their fundamental diverse views which result from two different schools of

psychology: behaviourism and cognitivism. In relation to these, for example,

percetular or congnitive, stages beginning or skilled reading, or modes oral or

silent reading. They do not attemp to account for all aspesct of the reading

process. There has been no single model that can be called the most acceptable

(Supeno,Wati and, Irsan 2017 ).

Reading strategies is a skill to look for information in terms of speaking

ability. Gottman ( 2017:32) suggested that reading is one of the basic skills of

language which has a complex activity included in it, such as thinking, filtering

information and interpriting the meaning. Reading comprehension is a skill

acquisition generalized knowledge, which allows people acquire and realize the

information obtained as a result of reading the written material. Reading is a

mental activity to understant what the other party told though the medium of

writing.reading is a lifelong skills to be used both at school and thoughout life.

Reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child’s success in school and,

indeed, thoughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal

fulfilment and job success inevitably will be lost despite its important reading is

one of the most challenging areas in the education system. The ever-increasing

demand for hihg levels of literacy in our tecnological society makes this problem

even more pressing Students’ attitudes regarding the purposes for reading also

influence their ability to. (Grifin, 2018:82).

In line with Nurainun (2017:45) reading comprehension is one of

important skills in mastering Englis. In national final exam, reading

comprehension is one of the skills tested. This indicated that reading

comprehension has to be taught well. In to be sucesful in teaching reading, the

teacher needs to consider some factor which are possible to affect reading learning

process. The factor are classified into internal and external factors. Second the

external factor is related to word recognizing and comprehension. Second, the

external factor is the related to some components that are crucial to suport the

reading learning process such as the motivation to learn, the facility to learn and

the class interaction. Basides, teacher shuold realize that “those who employ

reading strategy appropriately while reading would show higher suces in reading

comprehension an become good readers”.

Maulan (2017:59) says reading comprehension is the ability to get

information in a text and be able to interpret a appropriately. Reading

comprehension is combination information from a text and own background

knowlege to understanding the message conveyed by the author. However, not all

of the junior high scholl student learn reading comprehension easily which is

caused by the learning activity which is not realy interesting so that the studet get

bored. Blend of method and media which the writer trying to describe in this

paper, is expetend to improving student’s skills in reading comprehension.

Meanwhile according to Fitrawaty (2017:64) as one of the receptive, reading

comprehension is very important for student’s get much information from a text.

Therefor by using ability of rading comprehension someone will know better what

the text is about. Reading whitout andertansding the actual meaning of the text,

the reader just completes the recitation and no get any information from the text.

So reading comprehension helps the reader to find and to understand what is the

meaning or main poin of the text.

From definition reading comprehension above, reading comprehension is

one of the important skills in mastering English. In international final exam,

reading comprehension is one of the skills be tested. This indicates that reading

comprehension has to be taught well, and can increase knowdlege again humans

can conduct the current information.

2. Types of Reading Comprehension Technique

In teaching reading in the classroom, the teacher needs to make the

enjoyable situation in order to make the teaching and learning process are success,

so that teacher needs some technique to make it happen.

There are four main types of reading techniques; Skimming, Scanning,

Intensive, and Extensive. They are explained below. Arianto (2017:14)

1) Skimming

Skimming refers to looking only for the general or main ideas

Skimming is used when a person is not interested so much in

total comprehension, but is instead trying to locate essential

points and major details.

2) Scanning

Scanning is quickly going through a text to find a oarticular

peice of information.

3) Intensive

Intensive is usually a class-room oriented activity in in which

students focus on and the purpose of the reader is to get the gist

of in the text.

4) Extensive

Extensive reading is carred out to achieve a general

understanding of a usually somewhat longger text (book, long,

article, or essay)

3. Types of Text in Reading

There are four types of text in reading;

a. Narative text

The narative types is tool to help human to organise their ideas and

explor new ideas and experiences. Rohma (2014:14) says that a

narative text is a text which relates a series of logically and

choronologically related events that are caused experienced by


b. Descriptive text

The descriptive types is tool help human. Wulandari (2014:6).

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or thing is like.

Its porpuse is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or


c. Recount text

Recount text is a text that telling the redear about one story, action

or activity. Usally, recount text tells an event or experience that

happened in the past, for example, like you met your idol artis.

Unlike the narative text, there is no complication or conflict in the

recount text. Sandi (2014: 4)

d. Procedure text

Procedure text is that explain how something works or how to use

instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the vidio, the

compure, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. Wulandari


4. Definition of Scanning and Skimming

Scanning and Skimming are part of reading skill, Harmer (2017: 100-101)

stated that:

a. Scanning

For Particular bits of information they are searching for (as, for example,

when we look a telephone number, what’s on television at a certain time or search

quickly through and article looking for a name or other detail). This skill means

that they do not have to read every word and line; on the contrary, such an

approach would stop them scanning successfully.

b. Skimming

Student’s we’re casting their eyes over its surface – to get a general idea of

what it is about (as, for example, when we run our eyes over a film review to see

what the film is about and what the reviewer thought about it, or when we look

quickly at a report to get a feel for the topic and what its conclusion are). This

skill means they will get bogged down and may not be able to identify the general

idea because they are concentrating too hard on specifics.

5. The Advantages of Skimming and Scanning

According to Galingin (2020:78), Skimming technique has many advantages

if students use it properly in their reading activity. First, as a college student who

has many assignments, they should manage their time than they apply skimming

technique in their reading; it will spend less time than normal time that they use to

read. Skimming technique has many advantages if students use it properly in their

reading activity. The second, skimming is a prediction strategy used to give a

reader sense the topic and the purpose of the text, the organization of the text, the

perspective or point of view the writer, it’s easy or difficulty, or its usefulness to

the reader. The third Skimming technique is very useful in predicting main what is

going on in the text or even get the main idea of the text then make students

answer the question quickly and exactly. So based on the statement above the

researcher conclude skimming is very useful to find out the important information

from the text

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of using skimming technique

in reading comprehension activity. There are two disadvantages according to

Santoso (2019:56), the first one is “skimming technique needs a high accuracy in

determining the precise time for reading activity, and the second is skimming

technique needs an extra time to solve students’ problem in reading activity”.

However, some students accuracy in reading is one of their problem that cause by

their less concentration of the text. In this problem skimming technique became a

disadvantages technique for them to be used.

However Santoso (2017: 17) says the first one is skimming technique

needs a high accuracy in determing the precise time for reading activity and the

second, skimming technique needs an extra time to solve students’ problem in

reading activity. Howover, for some students, accurarcy in reading is one of their

promblem that caused by their less concentration of the text. In this problem

skimming and technique became disadvantage technique for them to be used.

According to Yusur and Nadya (2017:53) The results of the tests have

shown that the SST succeeded in assisting the students to improve their reading

comprehension on English recount texts. Improvement was evidence after the

students were taught reading comprehension on srecount text by using the SST.

These techniques are expected to support students while facing their

examinations, especially, the National Examination at the end of the school year,

within a limited time that is given to them.

6. Procedure of Teaching Reading Comprehension by Using Skimming

and Scanning Techniques.

In this procedure of reading comprehension by using skimming and scanning

technique, the researcher used three phase techniques. According to Marlisari

(2017: 121) The three phase of teaching reading comprehension namely. (1) Pre-

reading activities, (2) whilst-activities (3) and, post-activities.

Pre-reading activities was conduced: greeting the student, checking the

attendance list, giving the motivation students, and asking the students make some

question related to the sub theme.

Whilst-activities was condected: presenting some unfamiliar words,

discributing the copy of the text to each students, asking the students to read

quickly each paragraph, asking the student to comprehend and to find the general

information the text. Such as read the title and the illustrations, asking the students

to find the spicific informatuon quickly without whole of the text. Such as read

setting, date, symbol and number, asking the student to find the key points in the

summaries, asking the students to get the social message from the author of the

text and asking the students to answer the questions from of the text.

Post-reading activities was conducted: summing up the lesson, evaluating

students by the asking question and giving them quiz to ases each student in

comprehension the reading text and closi



This chapter the research explains the method of the research. In

concluded some aspect research method with is design of the research population

and sample, instrument and technique of data collection and technique of data


A.Research Design

The research was held on SMP N Unggulan 1 Pulau Morotai to seventh

grade students on February to March 5 2021. This research uses quantitative

research, focus on pre expremental research because in it a pre-test, treatment and

thna post- test and focus on narative text. This research used skimming and

scanning technique to improve student’s reading comprehension, and used simple

random sampling to took the sample.

This research consist two variables:

1. Independent variable is the of use skimming and scanning strategy in

narrative text to improve student’s reading comprehension, because

skimming and scanning cannot improve student’sreading without reading


2. The dependent variable is reading comprehension which means being

understood, utilizing information, and obtained though interaction between

the reader and writer, while reading comprehension can improve how you

read without using skimming and scanning tehniques.


Variable x Variable y
Variable y
Fiture 1 relationship between variable


Variable X: independent variable is SS strategy

Variable Y: dependent variable reading comprehension

C. Population and sample

1. Population

After conducting a generalization area consisting of objects that have

certain qualities and characteristics set by researchers to be studied and then draw

conclusion. Populations to be determined in this study were 2 of SMP N

Unggulan 1 Pulau Morotai in the academic year 2020-2021 with a total of


2. Sample

The sample of this study is students of class VII totaling 66 students. But

researchers use a sample ramdom sampling technique which allows each

individual the opertunity to become a researchers, with a lottery.

Identification of the problem

Formulation of the problem

Choosing the sample and

population of the research

Collecting data

treatment Post test




Figure 2. Diagram of Research Design

This diagram of the research, it can be started from to determine the

problem and the formulation of the problem, the next step is choosing the sample Pos-test

and population of the research. After determining sample, the research does data

collecting. And then research provide test which consist of pre-test treatment and
post-test conducted on the eighth grade students of SMP N Unggulan 1 Pulau

Morotai. Then, the researcher sees result of treatment, and analysis the result that

have been obtained by students.

D. Instrument of the Research

In collecting the data, the researcher employs the instrument as follow. The

researcher conduct the reading test for the pretest, in the pretest the research will

give 40 multiplechoice question for students to find out how the students’ reading

ability. Before the researcher gives treatment, she explained skimming and

scaninng technique and the material also. The purpose of the test is to gain the


Table 1: indicators of Reading Comprehension

No Higher order thingking Reading Percetages

level questions

1 meaning word 10 25%

2 Sotry part 1-6 20 35%

3 Jumle test 10 40%

Jumla 40 100%

Table. 2 Rubric Score

Score maximal 60
SS x R
Student score= x 100
Maximal score

Note :
85 – 100 = Excellent
55 – 84 = good
55 – 69 = Moderate
0 – 54 = Poor

C. Procedures of Data Collection

Researchers must prepare steps or procedures in collecting data. The

research procedure as follows:

1. Pre-test

The researcher gives pre-test for the experimental class and control class.

In the pre-test research gave 40 multiple questions in 45 minutes.

2. Treatment

After giving pre-test the researchers gave the treatment for the student’s in

meeting. The procedures of the doing treatment. The first meeting by title

Kebo Iwo, the second meeting by title Muose Deer and Mr. Crocodile, the

third meeting Show White, the fourth meeting Aji Saka, the fifth meeting

Malin Kundang, and the sixth meeting the toroice and the hare.

a) The research explain to the student’s what the should do in class.

b) After that the researchers explain how to read and comprehend

narrative text

c) Then research share a copy that contains material about narrative text.

d) In the end of the class, the researchers will discuss about material to


3. Post-test

After giving treatment, the researcher giving to the post -test , research give

40 question in multiple choice to eight grade of SMP N Unggulan 1 Pulau

Morotai it aims at find out the result of treatment.

4. Control class

For the control class the research only use or provide learning that is used

by tearchers in school and the control class only focuses on class one as a

control class. And the control class, the research also provide pre-test and

pots-test so that researchers can find out the increase in rsesearch two

class, both the control class the experimental class.

D. Technique of Analyzing Data

Analysis data is used to find out the result of thr research. Data analysis

can be done with using SPSS for windows 22. SPSS is computer software

whose fuctions to calvulate sattistical data. The data analysis using Non-

Parametric test with Mann Whitney.



This chapter discuses the research finding and discussion which refer to

implementation of skimming and scanning technique in reading comprehension.

A. Research Finding

1. The Effect of Skimming and Scanning Technique toward the Students

Achievement in Reading Comprehension




6000% PreTest


0-54 55-69 70-84 85-100

Figure 1. The Percentage of Students’ Score Control Class

Figure 1 illustrate that the percentage of pre-test and post-test of control

class. It showed that all of the students or (33) got deficient level. After the

students were taught by using conventional method, there was no improvement. It

is proved by the post-test results; 100 percents of students who attained very poor

and nobody got good and excellent.

However, to determine the experimental class result in pre-test and post-

test, it can be displayed below;




6000% PreTest


0-54 55-69 70-84 85-100

Figure 2. The Percentage of Students’ Score in Experimental Class

Before giving the treatment, pre-test result showed that 100 percent

students (33) scored 0-54. After skimming and scanning techniques was applied

the students’ score in reading comprehension were higher than those who were

taught without appplying those stratgey, this can be seen on the figure above,

from 100 percent of students (33) there were 64 percent students who got poor

level (0-54), 24 percent students got moderate level, while in the range score

from 70 to 84 there were 12 of student who got it, and nobody got very good


2. The Result of Normality Test

Table 1.Tests of Normality

Class Kolmogorov- Shapiro-Wilk
Statis df Sig. Statis Df Sig.
tic tic
Student's PreTest .165 33 .022 .931 33 .037
Result Experimental
PostTest .160 33 .032 .901 33 .006
PreTest .267 33 .000 .873 33 .001
PostTest .141 33 .096 .920 33 .019
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Every data must be tested for normality. From the normality test table

above, it turns out that the significance result is not normal, it can be seen from

Control and Experimental class significance . The data can be said to be normal if

the value is bigger than 0,05.

3.The Result of Non Parametric Test

Table 2. Ranks
Class N Mean Sum of

Rank Ranks
Students' Learning PostTest 33 48.98 1616.50

Result Experimental
PostTest Control 33 18.02 594.50
Total 66

Because the data were not normally distributed, have to do a non-

prametric test to test the data that seen from post-test experimental and post-test

control prove there is a significance. That the mean rank post-test experimental

higher than post-test control means that, in fact there is an improvment after using

skimming and scanning technique compared to classes that do not use skimming

and scanning techniques. Judging from the explain above, the value from post-test

experimental 48.98,the value post-test control 18.02 . 33 students from

experimental class and 33 for the control class, it means that there is an


Table 3. Test Statisticsa



Mann-Whitney U 33.500
Wilcoxon W 594.500
Z -6.569
Asymp. Sig. (2- .000

a. Grouping Variable: Class

Because the reseacher uses pre-experimental research, it must be tested by

non-prametric tests using the Mann-Whitney.

B. Discussion

Based on the explain above the researcher concluded that skimming and

scanning strategy had a positive impact on student’s reading comprehension. It

also supported by previous research finding by Galigging (2020) which also

revealed that the students who were taught by skimming and scanning technique

showed some improvement in their reading comprehension test score. After the

treatment was given, on the mean score which students’ reading comprehension in

cycle 1 55.33% and become 88.33% in cycle 2. Anoother research by Yusur and

Nadya (2017:43) The results showed that the mean score of the pre-test was 45

and the post-test was 65, with 20 points of improvement. Furthermore, the result

of t-test was 4.7, while the critical value of 0.05 significant levels was 2.4, with

the degree of freedom at 23. Since t-test t-score, thus SST improved the students’

reading comprehension in this study. The results of the tests have shown that the

SST succeeded in assisting the students to improve their reading comprehension

on English recount texts. Improvement was evidence after the students were

taught reading comprehension on srecount text by using the SST. These

techniques are expected to support students while facing their examinations,

especially, the National Examination at the end of the school year, within a

limited time that is given to them.

Marliasari (2017: 121) on her research, the result of the students score in

the experimental and the control group (value of t-obtained)using independent test

was 3.955was higher than the critical volue 2.00, at the significant level p<0,05

for two tailed test and degree of freendom was 58 as displayed in the table. So the

null hypotesis (Ho) was receted and altenative hypotesis (Ha) was acepted. It

could be concluded that is was efective to teach reading comprehension by using

skimming and scanning to the tehth grade students of SMAN 1 Gelumbang in

Academik Year.

The improvement of students’ reading comperehension by using this

strategy was supported by Intan (2018), skimming and scanning are alternative

ways to teaching reading comprehension, the students like skimming and

scanning technique in the teaching reading comprehension because it shall help

they to easily in the answer the test with used multiple choice form, they will

answer the question quickly. Sandi (2018), also says skimming and scanning

technique are one of the best teaching technique in reading comprehension

teaching, and it can be used to the students in answering nation exam in reading in

reading part.

In line with Aritonang, Lasmana & Kurnia (2018:101) Skimming and

Scanning is the appropriate technique to find the main idea, key word and content

of the text without read the whole of the text. They also says skimming and

scanning technique are one of the best teaching technique in reading

comprehension teaching, and it can be used to the students in answering nation

exam in reading in reading part. Galingin (2020:11) also adds skimming technique

has many advantages if students use it properly in their reading activity. First, as a

college student who has many assignments, they should manage their time than

they apply skimming technique in their reading; it will spend less time than

normal time that they use to read. Skimming technique has many advantages if

students use it properly in their reading activity. The second, skimming is a

prediction strategy used to give a reader sense the topic and the purpose of the

text, the organization of the text, the perspective or point of view the writer, it’s

easy or difficulty, or its usefulness to the reader. The third Skimming technique is

very useful in predicting main what is going on in the text or even get the main

idea of the text then make students answer the question quickly and exactly. So

based on the statement above the researcher concludes skimming is very useful to

find out the important information from the text.


Considering the results of the research, it is suggested that English teacher

also uses skimming and scanning techniques as an alternative teaching in reading

comprehension due to the students’ score increased significantly after the

implementation of skimming and scanning techniques. Hence, it can be used to

improve students’ reading comprehension for text narative.



This chapter deals with the conclusion and suggestion based on the

findings and discussions in previous chapter.

A. Conlusion

Based on the result of the test with the sevent grade of SMP Negeri

Unggulan, skimming and scanning technique was carried to improve the students’

reading comprehension. The results showed that the use of those technique in

teaching reading especially narrative text can improve their reading

comprehension. It is proved by the score of experimental class was higher than

control class. The mean score of experimental class was 48,98 while the control

class was 18,02. This technique can help the students to comprehend general

information quickly and help them to comprehend specific information.

B. Suggestion

1. For English teacher

The researcher hopes that the English teachers especially in Junior High

School should create an enjoyable situation in teaching learning process so that

the students can involve actively in the class. Skimming and scanning technique

can be a good choice as a strategy which can be implemented in the reading class.

2. For the Students

The researcher suggests the students should learn more in order to increase

their reading comprehension. They should use skimming and scanning

technique to make their comprehend the general and specific information

in a reading text.

3. For the Other Researcher

It is expected for the other researcher that the result of this research can be

used as an additional reference for the further research conducted in the

future in order to create better teaching learning process.


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