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How many cylindrical silos should be included in the storage facility of

cement? Mass of the cement is m; height of silos is h; internal diameter of silos
is d; bulk cement density ρ and silo filling factor is k.

№ 1
m,tons 2400
h,m 10
d,m 6
ρ,kg/m3 1300
k 0.9

Step 1. Calculate volume of silo.

Step 2. Calculate volume of cement.

Step 3. Calculate approximately amount of silos.

Conclusion. Total amount of silos is equal 8 silos.

2. What is the minimum necessary amount of concrete should be used for the
construction of silo for storing m cement? Silo is constructed using reinforced
concrete circles with inner diameter d; its height h and a wall thickness t. Bulk
cement density is equal to ρ and silo filling factor is k. The average density of
concrete is ρc.

№ 1
m,tons 720
d,m 7
h,m 1,2
t,cm 13
ρ,kg/m3 1500
k 0,93
ρс,kg/m3 2500

1. We have to find volume of cement.

2. We have to find how much space (in volume) doo we need to store this

3. Volume of one circle

( )

4. Amount of circles.

5. We have to find total volume of silo (walls).

( )

( )

( )

6. Determining mass of concrete.

Conclusion. Amount of concrete needed to store cement is equal to 104,75 tonnes.

3. Determine the length of stockpile to store M tons of sand. Bulk density of the
sand ρb.s. Angle of slope of sand is α. Stacker maximum height is h.

№ 1
M, tonnes 15000
ρb.s, kg/m3 1500
α, degree 36
h, m 5



1. The radius of the cone will be:

2. Let’s find volume of the cone.

3. We can find volume of triangular prism using next formula

4. We have to find total volume of sand.

5. Next we can find volume of prism from next equation:

6. Now we can find length of prism.

7. Total length of stockpile.

Conclusion. Total length of stockpile is equal to 297,38 m.

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