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on List Memoir

In my list memoir, one thing that I liked that I wrote was in the Halloween paragraph when I said,

“Everything was spooky; the trees were spooky, the dark night sky was spooky, and everyone we saw

looked spooky.” I used sight sensory details to describe how huckleberry looked. Even though I only

used the word “spooky,” you can have a certain image in your mind, whether its rotting trees with no

leaves, a pitch black night with a bright moon, or people dressed in scary Halloween costumes. It’s easy

to imagine how it looked or at least have an idea of how it looked, so I liked how I did that.

One thing I don’t like that I wrote was in the Fourth of July paragraph when I said, “The loud ones shook

my whole body, and while I was startled, it made me feel alive. It was amazing to watch the beautiful

colors and shapes of the fireworks.” I feel like I could’ve changed the sentence structures and word

placements so it all flowed a bit better, and also change the wording in the last sentence and make it

more descriptive. The way I describe the fireworks and the loud fireworks weren’t said in the best way,

so I could’ve found a different way to describe it so it made more sense and sounded better. Also, I

could’ve used different sensory details as well as the ones I put to make the description more in depth

instead of only having it as a few lines.

Another couple things I liked was in the Christmas Eve paragraph when I wrote “Dinner is different every

year. Sometimes it’s squash, maybe it’s rice with unique vegetables. My grams always makes us

delicious vegetarian meals. No matter what it is, it always smells earthy and like it was made with

love…The taste is interesting— like stale paper.” I used sensory details like smell and taste and sight.

When I was talking about the dinners my Grams made, you can relatively imagine what they looked like.

You can also imagine what it smells like because earthy is a common smell that’s not really a smell but is

known. You can taste the oplatek even if you’ve never had it before, by just imagining how stale paper

would taste like, even though its not an actual taste.

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